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If You Are a Business "Going Green"

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There are many direct benefits for businesses that embrace social and environmental responsibility. There are tangibles and financials that come from efficiency and cost savings:

In addition, today much of the value of a company lies below the waterline in intangibles, nonfinancials and brand reputation. Mainstream investors are demanding thoughtful corporate social responsibility structures. Leading research in the field of "Extra-Financial" valuation shows that environmental, social and governance issues are material to long term results -- so must be factored into investment decisions. A sustainability focus for a business can add extra-financial value through:

Where is your business on the sustainability journey? Just as with any change process, people are along a continuum from early adopters to skeptics. The stages of the sustainability journey defined by the Canadian Business Council for Sustainability Exit EPA Disclaimer are pretty good:

  1. Pre-Compliance
  2. Compliance (regulatory enforcement)
  3. Beyond Compliance (eco-efficiencies/public relations crisis/regulatory threat)
  4. Integrated Strategy (enhanced business value)
  5. Purpose/Passion (values-driven founder or CEO)

EPA has many tools to help. Plus, we have award programs. And, we can put you in touch with others who might be able to help you.

The links below include both mid-Atlantic and Agency-wide resources.

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