DOD: Naval Station Mayport
Project XL/ENVVEST Stakeholder Meeting
Atlantic Beach City Hall
Council Chambers
November 18, 1999
Meeting Participants
Name |
Organization NS Mayport NS Mayport EPA Headquarters EPA Region 4 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 4 City of Jacksonville Jacksonville Port Authority Florida DEP NE District National Park Service (NPS) NOAA/AOMC Resident/former RAB Member Resident /former RAB Member/Employee Resident /Employee Resident St John's R.C. Church |
Meeting Minutes CDR Fred Berley - Welcome and opening remarks
Cheryl Mitchell - Welcome and introduction of XL/ENVVEST participants/stakeholders and guests.
Lisa Reiter explained the purpose and process of EPA's Project XL and ENVVEST, the equivalent Department of Defense (DOD) program. (Copy of overheads enclosed)
Cheryl Mitchell described Mayport's XL/ENVVEST Project to develop a process to recycle dredge spoil material, approximately 20-25 million cubic yards, from two existing spoil disposal sites. We plan to manufacture on-site building blocks or other items incorporating the dredge material. The benefits include:
- Ocean disposal eliminated (protect marine environment)
- Permit process and requirements refined (reduce costs for all agencies; NS Mayport, EPA, U.S. Corps of Engineers (COE) and Florida DEP)
- Dredge spoil disposal sites remain in continuous use for the next 40-50 years (protect marine environment, reduce costs for NS Mayport)
- Manufacture building materials using spoil material (provide training, employment and work experience opportunities for the community)
- Provide free building materials (community projects such as Habitat for Humanity, Zoological Garden, off-shore ocean reefs)
- Export project results nation-wide (dredging is a national issue)
(Copy of overheads enclosed)
A group discussion ensued regarding what factors are included in savings, what are anticipated costs for project vice anticipated savings, and who reaps these benefits.
- Patricia Lauderdale inquired about the estimated cost savings.
- Cheryl Mitchell estimated savings at $1.5 million. Michelle Glenn said reducing the permit process frequency would produce savings for all EPA/COE/Florida DEP/NS Mayport agencies.
A group discussion centered around testing issues.
- NPS Richard Bryant inquired about heavy metals, leaching and fly ash.
- Cheryl Mitchell, Michelle Glenn and Lisa Reiter acknowledged and discussed the fly ash issue.
- NPS Richard Bryant asked what other materials are in the block. He also asked about the fly ash content and stated that it would change with the fuel used by the power facility.
- Cheryl Mitchell stated the block contains clay, sand and Portland cement.
- Michelle Glenn discussed fly ash issues and stated that no blocks containing fly ash would be used to build ocean reefs.
- Florida DEP NE Jeremy Tyler stated there have been many other studies on dredge spoil material. What are the results of those studies?
- NPS Richard Byrant asked how is building a bio-reef with these blocks different from ocean dumping dredge material? It seems that the public gets to 'feel good' when there is publicity about man-made fishing reefs. What is the scientific opinion on this issue?
- Michelle Glenn responded that they are looking at and taking other studies and carrying them forward.
- Patricia Lauderdale suggested contacting the Marine Science Center and the Florida Offshore Fishing Club divers for additional information.
A discussion focused on innovative uses of the dredged material
- Could the manufactured material be used to produce pylons for Jacksonville Beach pier and other municipal-owned boardwalks and piers?
- Could the dredged material be donated to the Zoo; the Zoo would mix it with manure and then sell the resulting organic soil enrichment material?
- Ken Lockwood inquired about using the dredge material to re-nourish local beaches.
- Cheryl Mitchell and Michelle Glenn explained that dredging material from the basin is silt sediment and therefore not suitable for beach re-nourishment.
A general group discussion included the following comments.
- St John's RC Church Brian O'Malley asked what his Church's participation could be.
- Cheryl Mitchell explained that our main concern is community acceptance of this ENVVEST project and that participation in the process is welcome. She said parish members may be able to provide advice and expertise in needed areas.
- Michelle Glenn stated that not only acceptance but community support is very much needed and sought for every XL project.
- What is the impact on manufacturers of bricks and concrete block? Could the dredge material be used in these commercial products? Could it be offered free to those manufacturers willing to remove it at not cost to the government from the spoil site?
- What is impact of shipping to bring materials to spoil site? What is the cost?
Cheryl Mitchell advised that this presentation may be presented to the City of Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board in December 1999 at City Hall.
Project XL Presentation (PDF 11 pages; 335K)
Naval Station Mayport Presentation (PDF 8 pages; 721K)