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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Dimethenamid (Pc Code 129051)

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Undated. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
TEST GUIDELINE 72-4 (B). A Flow-through Life-Cycle Toxicity Test With the
Cladoceran (Daphnia magna). MRID No.: 43914301. DP Barcode: D223359.
Document (PDF) (71 KB PDF).

Undated. Review. 11 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reanalysis of soil samples. Terrestrial field dissipation.
Pages 4-11 removed, registration data. MRID 442662-04.
Document (PDF) (239 KB PDF).

Undated. Review. 12 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Soybeans terrestrial dissipation / field conditions.
Pages 5-12 removed, registration data. MRID 422662-02.
Document (PDF) (295 KB PDF).

Undated. Review. 14 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Corn terrestrial field dissipation / field conditions.
Pages 4-14 removed, registration data. MRID 422662-03.
Document (PDF) (237 KB PDF).

Undated. Study. 24 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Review Section I, EFGWB, EFED.
Dissipation and Mobility of SAN-582 H in Soil... Terrestrial Field Dissipation.
Pages 4-24 removed, registrant data. MRID 422662-05.
Document (PDF) (227 KB PDF).

May 29, 1990. Memorandum. 14 Page(s).
Esther Rinde. Health Effects Division.
Peer Review of Acetamide.
Document (PDF) (669 KB PDF).

January 18, 1991. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN 582H: Product Chemistry Data Submitted in Support of Registration
(MRID Nos. 415965-01 through 415965-18, DEB No. 7060).
Quality control procedure information on page 8 not included.
Document (PDF) (1135 KB PDF).

January 24, 1991. Memorandum. 27 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0G3892. SAN-582H Herbicide in/on Field Corn. MRID #'s 415965-54 through -57
(this petition), 416624-20, -21 (PP#0F3918). DEB # 7183. New Chemical Review.
Evaluation of Analytical Methods and Residue Data.
Document (PDF) (1742 KB PDF).

January 30, 1991. DER. 61 Page(s).
Alberto Protzel. Toxicology Branch.
Metabolism in Rats. MRID 41596545. Tox review 008285.
Document (PDF) (1555 KB PDF).

March 04, 1991. Memorandum. 298 Page(s).
Deborah McCall. Toxicology Branch.
Evaluation of 21 studies submitted by Sandoz for an experimental use permit. Pp. 1, 4
deleted as marked-pending reg. info. Pp. 31-36,43-49,59-66,72-78,85-92,187-194,210-
218,230-237,249-258,263-267,272-279,281-298 deleted-registrant data.
Tox review 008285.
Document (PDF) (9659 KB PDF).

March 08, 1991. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN-582H Herbicide in/on Soybeans. Metabolism Study. DEB # 7657.
Document (PDF) (157 KB PDF).

April 01, 1991. Memorandum. 56 Page(s).
Deborah McCall. HED/ Toxicology Branch II.
Issue of potential carcincogenicty of SAN-582H Page 1 contains deleted material -
Pending registration information. Pages 53-56 are deleted-registrant data.
Tox review 008315.
Document (PDF) (2988 KB PDF).

June 11, 1991. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0G3892. SAN-582H Hebicide in/on Field Corn. Revised Analytical Method.
Sandoz Crop Protection Submission Dated 3/22/91. MRID # 418239-02. DEB # 7824.
Document (PDF) (226 KB PDF).

July 19, 1991. Memorandum. 24 Page(s).
John Abbotts. Chemistry Branch II.
PP 1G3980. SAN-582H Herbicide in or on Soybeans.
MRID Nos. 418438-01 through -04. DEB No. 8000. DP Barcode No. D164289.
Document (PDF) (1771 KB PDF).

January 07, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Deborah McCall. HED/ Toxicology Branch II.
Data study which shows limited evidence of carncinogenicity for SAN-582H.
MRID No. 417068-08 & 420301-02. Tox Review No. 008975.
Document (PDF) (141 KB PDF).

February 13, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0G3892 -- SAN-582H Herbicide. Requirements for Temporary Tolerance.
Document (PDF) (57 KB PDF).

February 13, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0G3892. -- SAN-582H Herbicide. Verification of Tolerance Levels
Used in Risk Assessment.
Document (PDF) (63 KB PDF).

March 16, 1992. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Deborah McCall. Toxicology Branch II.
Additional Issues Requested by the Peer Review Committee in Connection
with the Carcingenicity Classification of SAN 582H.
Document (PDF) (673 KB PDF).

March 30, 1992. Review. 9 Page(s).
Paul J. Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review applications for revised EUP, 055947-EUP-011, continuation for use on field
corn and soybeans which include addition of aerial application.
Document (PDF) (527 KB PDF).

April 02, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0G3892 -- SAN-582H Herbicide for Use in/on Corn; PP#1G3980 -- SAN 582H
Herbicide for Use in/on Soybeans. Proposed Label Changes for EUP's.
Document (PDF) (121 KB PDF).

April 29, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0F3918. SAN-582H Herbicide in/on Field Corn Additional Metabolism Data,
Crop Residue Data, Processing Study MRID #'s 416624-19, 417068-11, 417068-12.
Document (PDF) (291 KB PDF).

May 19, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Chemistry Branch I.
Memorandum of Conference SAN-582H -- Metabolism in Corn. PP#0F3918.
DP Barcode D176597. CB # 9669.
Document (PDF) (114 KB PDF).

June 16, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0F3918. SAN-582H in/on Field Corn. Petition Method Validation Request.
Document (PDF) (141 KB PDF).

July 15, 1992. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Deborah McCall. Toxicology Branch II.
Carcinogenicity Peer Review of SAN 582H.
Document (PDF) (669 KB PDF).

July 28, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I/HED.
Attempts to develop a "common moiety" analytical method Page 1 deleted as marked -
Pending registration data information. Page 5 deleted - Registration data.
Document (PDF) (302 KB PDF).

July 29, 1992. Memorandum. 34 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I/HED.
PP#0F3918. SAN-582H (Frontier/Dimethenamid) in/on Field Corn. Evaluation of
Analytical Methods and Residue Data. New Chemical Review.
MRID #s 423103-01, 422895-02 through 422895-08.
Document (PDF) (2062 KB PDF).

July 29, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN 582H: Supplemental Product Chemistry Data. MRID #'s 422388-01, -02, -04
Pages 4-5 removed-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (171 KB PDF).

September 23, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Chemistry Branch I.
Memorandum of Conference PP#0F3918 -- SAN-582H in/on Corn.
Document (PDF) (80 KB PDF).

September 24, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0F3918. SAN-582H in/on Field Corn. Petition Method Validation Request.
Document (PDF) (121 KB PDF).

October 22, 1992. DER. 28 Pages.
Brian Montague. Ecological Effects Branch.
Early Life Stage Toxicity Test - 90 day Exposure with rainbow trout,
Onchorhynchus mykiss. MRID No. 423366-05.
Document (PDF) (1728 KB PDF).

October 22, 1992. DER. 5 Pages.
Brian Montague. Ecological Effects Branch.
96 hour study examining acute toxicity to shell growth of Crassostrea
virginjica under flow through conditions. MRID No. 423366-02.
Document (PDF) (454 KB PDF).

October 22, 1992. DER. 5 Pages.
Brian Montague. Ecological Effects Branch.
96 hour static Acute Toxicity Test using Cyprinodon variegatus.
MRID No. 423366-03.
Document (PDF) (431 KB PDF).

October 22, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Brian Montague. Ecological Effects Branch.
Mysid Shrimp 96 hour Acute Toxicity Test under static test conditions.
MRID No. 423366-04.
Document (PDF) (479 KB PDF).

October 27, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN-582H. Method Validation.
Document (PDF) (58 KB PDF).

October 30, 1992. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN-582H Herbicide (Dimethenamid). Metabolism in Corn. Issues to
be Presented to the HED Metabolism Committee on 11/3/92.
Document (PDF) (454 KB PDF).

November 05, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
Audit Request for New Chemical, SAN-582H MRID No. 423368.
Document (PDF) (122 KB PDF).

November 10, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
The Metabolism Committee Meeting Held on November 3, 1992: Plant and
Animal Metabolism of SAN-582H.
Document (PDF) (134 KB PDF).

November 24, 1992. Review. 10 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Photolysis on Soil (161-3). Pages 5-10 removed, registrant data.
MRID 422662-08.
Document (PDF) (292 KB PDF).

November 24, 1992. Review. 14 Page(s).
Paul J. Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./File 055947-RUN; Frontier Herbicide (SAN 582H) Review environmental fate
studies in support of registration 422662-02 thru 08, 417068-01, 423672-01,
420348-06, 07, 423805-01.
Document (PDF) (1190 KB PDF).

November 24, 1992. Review. 15 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Anaerobic soil metabolism (162-2). Pages 5-15 removed, registration data.
MRID 417068-01.
Document (PDF) (278 KB PDF).

November 24, 1992. Review. 15 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Leaching and Adsorption/Desorption (163-1, unaged portion).
Pages 5-15 removed, registration data. MRID 420348-06.
Document (PDF) (299 KB PDF).

November 24, 1992. Review. 32 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Confined Accumulation in Rotational Crops. Pages 7-32 removed, registration data.
MRID 423805-01.
Document (PDF) (449 KB PDF).

November 24, 1992. Review. 37 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Anaerobic Aquatic Metabolism (162-3). Pages 6-37 removed, registration data.
MRID 423672-01.
Document (PDF) (401 KB PDF).

November 24, 1992. Review. 54 Page(s).
George Tompkins. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Soil Storage Stability. Pages 4-54 removed, registrant data MRID 422662-06.
Document (PDF) (243 KB PDF).

December 16, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN-582H (Dimethenamid/Frotier). Determination of the Sulfonate Metabolite of Goat
Excreta. MRID # 424395-02.
Document (PDF) (251 KB PDF).

December 16, 1992. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN-582H/Dimethenamid. Responses to CBTS Review of 7/29/92
MRID # 425436-01.
Document (PDF) (506 KB PDF).

December 21, 1992. Memorandum. 28 Page(s).
Douglas Swineford. Analytical Chemistry Branch.
Method validation for the analysis of SAN-582H.
Document (PDF) (2086 KB PDF).

January 04, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN-582H. Request for Animal Feeding Study Waiver. Sandoz Request for EPA
Method Validation. Submission Dated 5/20/92.
Document (PDF) (99 KB PDF).

January 04, 1993. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I/HED.
Metabolism questions and analyses of corn samples for residues of the sulfonate
metabolite of SAN-582H. Page 8 is deleted - registration data.
Document (PDF) (479 KB PDF).

January 15, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Alberto Protzel. Toxicology Branch.
Acute oral toxicity in rats. MRID 42516006. DP Barcode No. D185350.
ID No. 0F03918. SAN 582H Sulfonate metabolite.
Document (PDF) (68 KB PDF).

January 22, 1993. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
SAN582H: Product Chemistry Data Submitted to Support Registration
MRID #'s 425129-00 through 425129-12 Manufacturing process information on page 4
not included. Pages 10-13 removed-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (547 KB PDF).

February 03, 1993. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Michael T. Flood. HED/Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0F3918 -- SAN-582H (Dimethanamid). Analyses for Sulfonate Metabolite.
Revised Analytical Method. Amendment Dated 1/13/93.
Document (PDF) (226 KB PDF).

February 09, 1993. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
Laboratory Data Audit of Sandoz Agro, Inc. San-582H (Dimethenamid). Development
of Common Moiety Analytical Method. MRID # 423368-01.
Document (PDF) (256 KB PDF).

February 11, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0F3918 -- SAN 582H (Dimethenamid). Product Chemistry Requirements.
Amendments dated 2/28/93, 2/29/93.
Document (PDF) (105 KB PDF).

February 11, 1993. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Alberto Protzel. Toxicology Branch.
SAN 582H (Dimethenamid/Frontier). Toxicology data. MRID Nos. 42516004,
42516005, 42516006, 41662414. Barcode Nos. D181808, D185350, D185488.
ID Nos. 0F03918, 055947-RUR. Tox review 010011. R035346 pages 1-5 of 26.
Document (PDF) (224 KB PDF).

March 05, 1993. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Lawrence Culleen. Registration Division.
Registration of SAN 582H / Frontier Herbicide.
Document (PDF) (352 KB PDF).

April 07, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Michael Flood. Chemistry Branch I.
Revised Labels for SAN-582H. Submission Dated 11/24/92.
Document (PDF) (109 KB PDF).

September 29, 1993. Memorandum. 28 Page(s).
Martha Bradley. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#3F04177. Dimethenamid (129051 SAN 582H) in Soybeans. Evaluation of
Analytical Methods and Residue Data. MRID 425716-01, -02, -03,
426065-01, 426328-01, 428425-01.
Document (PDF) (1827 KB PDF).

November 22, 1993. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Martha Bradley. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#F04177. Dimethenamid (129051 SAN 582H) Metabolism in Soybeans. Issues to
be Presented to the HED Metabolism Committee on 12/1/93.
Document (PDF) (504 KB PDF).

December 13, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Martha Bradley. Chemistry Branch I.
The Metabolism Committee Meeting Held on December 1, 1993: Dimethenamid Plant
Metabolism and DRES Analysis.
Document (PDF) (86 KB PDF).

February 18, 1994. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Martha Bradley. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#3f04177. Dimethenamid (129051 SAN 582H) in Soybeans. Amendment of
October 27, 1993. MRID 429904-01. -02.
Document (PDF) (221 KB PDF).

March 09, 1994. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Stephen Schaible. Science Analysis Branch.
Dietary Exposure Analysis for the Proposed Use of Dimethenamid (SAN 582H) on
Soybeans (PP#3F04177).
Document (PDF) (304 KB PDF).

December 12, 1996. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Wallace Powell. Registration Support Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 55947-150 DP Barcode: D229670 acute toxicity data; revised
product formulation. MRIDs 44093804 through -07.
Document (PDF) (429 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 13 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
123-2 (TIER II). SAN 1289H Technical - Toxicity to
Duckweed, Lemna gibba. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356. MRID No.: 443322-57.
Document (PDF) (1038 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
WARMWATER FISH. SAN 1289H Technical: A 96-Hour Flow-Through Acute
Toxicity Test With the Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). MRID No.: 443322-28.
DP Barcode: D238350, D238356.
Document (PDF) (780 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
FRESHWATER INVERTEBRATE. SAN 1289H Technical: A 48-Hour Flow-
Through Acute Toxicity Test with the Cladoceran (Daphnia magna).
MRID No.: 443322-29. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356.
Document (PDF) (921 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
COLDWATER FISH. SAN 1289H Technical: A 96-hour Flow-Through Acute
Toxicity Test with the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). MRID No.: 443322-27.
DP Barcode: D238350, D238356.
Document (PDF) (784 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
ESTUARINE/MARINE FISH. SAN 1289H Technical: A 96-Hour Flow-Through
Acute Toxicity Test with the Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus).
MRID No.: 443322-30. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356.
Document (PDF) (790 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
ESTUARINE/MARINE SHRIMP § 72-3©. SAN 1289H Technical: A 96-Hour Flow-
Through Acute Toxicity Test with the Saltwater Mysid (Mysidopsis bahia).
MRID No.: 443322-31. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356.
Document (PDF) (839 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
123-2 (TIER II). SAN 1289H Technical - Toxicity to the Freshwater Diatom, Navicula
pelliculosa. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356. MRID No.: 443322-54.
Document (PDF) (764 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 8 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
123-2 (TIER II). SAN 1289H Technical - Toxicity to the Freshwater Green Alga,
Selenastrum capricornutum. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356. MRID No.: 443322-53.
Document (PDF) (789 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 9 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
123-2 (TIER II). SAN 1289H Technicai - Toxicity to the Freshwater Blue-green Alga,
Anabaena - flos-aquae. MRID No. 443322-55. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356.
Document (PDF) (819 KB PDF).

November 04, 1998. DER. 9 Pages.
Joanne Edwards. Ecological Effects Branch.
123-2 (TIER II). SAN 1289H Technical - Toxicity to the Marine Diatom, Skeletonema
costatum. DP Barcode: D238350, D238356. MRID No.: 443322-56.
Document (PDF) (820 KB PDF).

December 06, 2006. Review. 81 Pages.
Keara Moore and Stephen Carey. ERB III.
Ecological Risk Assessment Section 3 (New Uses on Grasses Grown for Seed,
Green Onions and Ornamentals). MRID Nos. 443322-14, 415965-11, 443322-15,
415965-10, 443322-58, 443322-59, 443322-60, 443322-61, 417068-01, 423672-10,
Document (PDF) (712 KB PDF).

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