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Biopesticides New Active Ingredient Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2007

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This plan is current as of November 15, 2006. Because due dates change, actions are completed, and other actions are withdrawn, this listing will be updated at least once each quarter.




Chemical Pesticide Type Uses
PRIA Due Date
OPP Expected Completion Registrant
Mir Cry 3A PIP Insecticide Corn Root Worm 10/03/06
1st Quarter Syngenta
bassiana H123
Insecticide Chicken manure 12/27/06
1st Quarter JABB of the Carolinas
Z-9-Tetradecen-1-yl Acetate Insecticide (pheromone) Codling moth and leaf roller moths on orchard crops 1/25/07
2nd Quarter Pacific Biocontrol Corporation
Z-11-Tetradecen-1-ol Insecticide (pheromone) Codling moth and leaf roller moths on orchard crops 1/25/07
2nd Quarter Pacific Biocontrol Corporation
Z-11-Tetradecenal Insecticide (pheromone) Codling moth and leaf roller moths on orchard crops 1/25/07
2nd Quarter Pacific Biocontrol Corporation
Fir Needle Oil Repellent Rodents 5/07/07 3rd Quarter Earth-Kind
Fungicide Food crops & ornamentals 5/12/07 3rd Quarter Biopreparatory Co. Ltd.
Calcium lactate Attractant Mosquitoes 5/17/07 3rd Quarter Ticks or Mosquitoes
Activated sewage sludge Repellent Deer; around gardens 5/21/07 3rd Quarter Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District
Insecticide Ornamental Greenhouse Turf 6/01/07 3rd Quarter Codena, Inc.
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Fungicide Apples, grapes, cucumbers, melons, summer & winter squash, watermelons, mangoes, peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, peppers, tomatoes, roses 6/13/07
3rd Quarter Cal Agri
R-1-Octen-3-ol Attractant Mosquitoes 7/5/07 4th Quarter Bedoukian
Quillaja extract Nematicide/ Fungicide Grapes, citrus, pome fruits, stone fruits, nut crops, avocados, vegetable crops, and ornamentals 7/14/07 4th Quarter Desert King
Chitosan hydrolysate Bactericide/ Fungicide Food crops, ornamentals, turf 8/5/07 4th Quarter Morse Enterprises
Chitosan hydrolysa Bactericide/ Fungicide Food crops, ornamentals, turf 8/5/07 4th Quarter Morse Enterprises
Salicylic Acid Bactericide/ Fungicide Food crops, ornamentals, turf 8/05/07 4th Quarter Morse Enterprises
Indole 3 Acetic Acid Plant regulator Food crops and ornamentals 8/06/07 4th Quarter Stoller Enterprises
Avirulent zucchini yellow mosaic virus Fungicide Cucurbits 8/11/07 4th Quarter Bio-Oz Biotechnologies Ltd

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