Underground Storage Tanks
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Note: Some terms in this document link to other EPA and non-EPA Web sites or documents on that topic. Links going
to non-EPA sites are identified with an symbol.
Preventing MTBE Leaks
What is being done to prevent leaks from underground storage tanks (UST)?
The EPA believes that it is unacceptable to have any fuel component reach water sources. EPA's federal UST regulations are helping prevent contamination of water supplies from UST releases. However, no set of regulations can prevent all releases. Even with the most ideal regulations, there will continue to be some equipment failures and installation mistakes that result in releases. Nonetheless, EPA is working with states to improve the compliance rate with the leak detection requirements and the regulations that require all substandard UST's be upgraded (with spill, overfill, and corrosion protection), replaced, or properly closed. EPA is also undertaking a major multi-year effort with states to increase UST owners and operators compliance rates through technical assistance, inspections, and enforcement.
What is being done to prevent leaks from pipelines?
Regulation of gasoline pipelines, another potential source of leaks, is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). DOT oversees an extensive pipeline safety program to minimize releases from pipelines.
Additional Information
You can access additional documents on MTBE in gasoline that is stored in underground storage tanks from the Office of Underground Storage Tanks Web site.