Press Releases
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Below are EPA Press Releases related to MTBE. If you are interested in all EPA Press Releases, please visit the EPA home page.
- June 12, 2001: Press Release: EPA Issues Decision on California Waiver Request
- September 7, 2000: Press Release - Statement by EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner on Senate Environment & Public Works Committee to Markup MTBE Legislation
- March 20, 2000: Press Release - EPA Administrator Browner & Agriculture Secretary Glickman to Announce Steps to Eliminate MTBE and to increase use of Renewable Additives
- March 20, 2000: Press Release: - Clinton-Gore Administration Acts to Eliminate MTBE, Boost Ethanol
- July 27, 1999 Press Release - Statement by Carol M. Browner U.S. EPA Administrator on Findings by EPA's Blue Ribbon MTBE Panel