ReefLink Database
Physical & Chemical Environment
The Reef Ecosystem includes a suite of abiotic variables that form the physical and chemical environment. Chemical variables include nutrients, toxic chemicals, and changes in ocean acidity. Physical variables include both freshwater and seawater flow, sediment, light, and benthic substrate, as well as a number of variables related to climate, including sea surface temperature and tropical storms.
CMap Description
Coral reefs occur in seas with very specific environmental and climatic conditions. Changes in the frequency, concentration, and distribution of physical and chemical environmental variables can affect the survival, growth, and reproduction of reef life, impacting the welfare of humans through the provision of ecosystem services. Often the socio-economic drivers that benefit from the ecosystem are the same drivers that exert pressures on the ecosystem through their activities, including physical damage or discharge of chemical and physical pollutants. Responses may seek to better understand or improve the physical & chemical environment through monitoring or remediation activities.Citations
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Management Options
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Management Option | Description | Sources | Database Topics |
More than 50 laws. Click here to load.
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