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Turf Algae

Turf Algae

Turf algae is a type of low growing algae in reefs.


Algae are aquatic, photosynthetic plant-like organisms and include calcareous macroalgae, fleshy macroalgae, turf algae, and crustose coralline algae. Anemones & zooanthids are cnidarians very similar to coral, but are not characteristic reef builders. Biological Harvest is the collection of living things from the ecosystem for recreation, consumption, or sale of marine products. Calcareous macroalgae are large algae which deposit calcium carbonate to form skeletons. Carbon storage and cycling is the ability of an ecosystem to utilize, process, and store carbon. Contact Uses, such as biological additions, physical damage, and biological harvesting, are activities in which humans create pressures through direct contact with the ecosystem. Coral is a colonial marine animal consisting of polyps. Coralline algae is a low-growing type of algae on reefs that has calcareous deposits. Cultural services are the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, recreational opportunities, aesthetic experiences, sense of place, and educational and research opportunities. Discharge limitations are responses to regulate and control the discharge of pollutants and the use of chemicals. Discharges are the intentional or unintentional distribution of chemicals, debris, or other pollution, into the environment as a consequence of human activities. Ecosystem monitoring and restoration refers to responses to directly alter the condition of the reef ecosystem through restoration or remediation activities, setting  limits on degradation through biological criteria or water quality criteria, or improving  knowledge through monitoring, mapping, and scientific research. Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems . Fleshy macroalgae is any large algae which does not deposit calcium carbonate in it's tissues. An Invertebrate is any animal that lacks a backbone. Large herbivorous fish are any large bodied fish that primarily feed on algae, such as parrotfish and chubs. Nutrients are essential elements needed by plants and animals for growth and primarily include nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, as well as minor nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, or zinc. The Reef Ecosystem includes a suite of abiotic variables that form the physical and chemical environment. Physical Damage to reef habitat and wetlands can occur from vessel groundings, dredging, trampling, boat movement, anchor drops, trawling, and fishing gear. Pressures are human activities that create stress on the environment. Provisioning services are the products or ecosystem goods obtained from ecosystems, including seafood, genetic and biochemical resources, pharmaceuticals, ornamental resources, and water resources. The state of the Reef Ecosystem is the condition, in terms of quantity and quality, of the abiotic and biotic components including physical, chemical, and biological variables. Reef Habitat is the abundance, distribution, and condition of the benthic components of the reef ecosystem. Reef Inhabitants are all of the motile components of the reef ecosystem, including fish, invertebrates, marine reptiles and mammals, and are quantified by their  abundance, distribution, and condition. Reef Life is the abundance, distribution, and condition of the biological components of the coral reef ecosystem. Regulating Services are benefits obtained from ecosystem processes that regulate the environment, including erosion regulation, natural hazard regulation, and climate regulation. Resource use management pertains to responses to regulate or limit contact activities that may directly impact coastal species through harvesting or physical damage. Responses are actions taken by groups or individuals in society and government to prevent, compensate, ameliorate or adapt to changes in Ecosystem Services or their perceived value. Sea Urchins are small, spiny echinoderms that can be found in coral reef ecosystems. Small herbivorous fish are small bodied fish species, such as damselfish, tangs, and surgeonfish that primarily feed on algae. Socio-Economic Drivers include the sectors that fulfill human needs for Food & Raw Materials, Water, Shelter, Health, Culture, and Security, and the Infrastructure that supports the sectors. Sponges are sessile colonial animals with soft porous bodies supported by a fibrous skeletal framework. Supporting services are ecological processes that indirectly benefit humans by maintaining a functional ecosystem for the production of other ecosystem goods and services. Turf algae is a type of low growing algae in reefs. Zooxanthellae are flagellate protozoa that are golden-brown intracellular endosymbionts of various marine animals and protozoa, especially anthozoans such as the scleractinian corals

CMap Description

Macroalgae and turf algae compete for space with coral, sponges, and other species. Excess nutrients may alter competitive interactions among algae and coral. Many fishes and invertebrates are key grazers, helping to maintain algae and prevent it from overgrowing coral. A number of algal species, including calcareous macroalgae and crustose coralline algae, deposit calcium carbonate during growth, and may contribute to reef structural strength. Crustose coralline algae may help facilitate recruitment of stony coral. Algae are primary producers, and provide some habitat and resources for marine fish and invertebrates, however often not to the same degree as coral reef habitat. As a result, overgrowth of coral reefs by algae will likely result in a loss of ecosystem goods and services. Many of the sectors which benefit from reef ecosystem services also contribute to algal overgrowth through pollution and overfishing. Monitoring, mapping, and scientific research can be used to track the distribution and abundance of algae, and to understand competitive interactions between coral, algae, and other species.


Citation Year Study Location Study Type Database Topics
Barott, KL; Rodriguez-Brito, B; Janouskovec, J; Marhaver, KL; Smith, JE; Keeling, P; Rohwer, FL. 2011. Microbial diversity associated with four functional groups of benthic reef algae and the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis. Environmental Microbiology 13:1192-1204. 2011 Algae; Climate; Cyanobacteria; Fleshy Macroalgae; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Burt, J; Bartholomew, A; Sale, PF. 2011. Benthic development on large-scale engineered reefs: A comparison of communities among breakwaters of different age and natural reefs. Ecological Engineering 37:191-198. 2011 Algae; Artificial Habitat; Bivalves; Coastal Defense; Coastal Development; Shoreline Protection; Sponges; Turf Algae
Claisse, JT; Clark, TB; Schumacher, BD; McTee, SA; Bushnell, ME; Callan, CK; Laidley, CW; Parrish, JD. 2011. Conventional tagging and acoustic telemetry of a small surgeonfish, Zebrasoma flavescens, in a structurally complex coral reef environment. Environmental Biology of Fishes 91:185-201. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii Algae; Aquarium & Pet Trade; Aquarium Stock; Fish; Fishing Sector; Marine Protected Areas; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Fricke, A; Teichberg, M; Beilfuss, S; Bischof, K. 2011. Succession patterns in algal turf vegetation on a Caribbean coral reef. Botanica Marina 54:111-126. 2011 South & Central America; Antilles; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Sea Urchins; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae; Water Depth & Sea Level
Fricke, A; Titlyanova, TV; Nugues, MM; Bischof, K. 2011. Depth-related variation in epiphytic communities growing on the brown alga Lobophora variegata in a Caribbean coral reef. Coral Reefs 30:967-973. 2011 South & Central America; Australia; Caribbean Algae; Calcareous Macroalgae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Turf Algae
Haas, AF; Nelson, CE; Kelly, LW; Carlson, CA; Rohwer, F; Leichter, JJ; Wyatt, A; Smith, JE. 2011. Effects of Coral Reef Benthic Primary Producers on Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Activity. PLoS One 6. 2011 Australia; Cuba Algae; Calcareous Macroalgae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Coralline Algae; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Pathogens; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Korzen, L., A. Israel, and A. Abelson. 2011. Grazing Effects of Fish versus Sea Urchins on Turf Algae and Coral Recruits: Possible Implications for Coral Reef Resilience and Restoration. Journal of Marine Biology 1-8. 2011 Algae; Fish; Sea Urchins; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Penin, L; Michonneau, F; Carroll, A; Adjeroud, M. 2011. Effects of predators and grazers exclusion on early post-settlement coral mortality. Hydrobiologia 663:259-264. 2011 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Sediment; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Schopmeyer, SA; Vroom, PS; Kenyon, JC. 2011. Spatial and Temporal Comparisons of Benthic Composition at Necker Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science 65:405-417. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Stony Coral; Substrate; Turf Algae
Sommer, B; Harrison, PL; Brooks, L; Scheffers, SR. 2011. Coral Community Decline At Bonaire, Southern Caribbean. Bulletin of Marine Science 87:541-565. 2011 South & Central America; Antilles; Caribbean Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Nutrients; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Turf Algae
Zuidema, C; Plate, R; Dikou, A. 2011. To preserve or to develop? East Bay dredging project, South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. Journal of Coastal Conservation 15:555-563. 2011 Turks and Caicos Algae; Beaches & Nature Parks; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Monetary Valuation; Seagrasses; Skeletal Coral; Tourism & Recreation; Turf Algae; Valuation
Adjeroud, M., J. M. Fernandez, A. G. Carroll, P. L. Harrison, and L. Penin. 2010. Spatial patterns and recruitment processes of coral assemblages among contrasting environmental conditions in the southwestern lagoon of New Caledonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61:375-386. 2010 New Caledonia Algae; Coralline Algae; Sediment; Stony Coral; Substrate; Turf Algae
Arnold, S. N., R. S. Steneck, and P. J. Mumby. 2010. Running the gauntlet: inhibitory effects of algal turfs on the processes of coral recruitment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414:91-105. 2010 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Coralline Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Marine Worms; Pathogens; Plankton; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Bahartan, K., M. Zibdah, Y. Ahmed, A. Israel, I. Brickner, and A. Abelson. 2010. Macroalgae in the coral reefs of Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea) as a possible indicator of reef degradation. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:759-764. 2010 Index or Indicator Algae; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Brokovich, E., I. Ayalon, S. Einbinder, N. Segev, Y. Shaked, A. Genin, S. Kark, and M. Kiflawi. 2010. Grazing pressure on coral reefs decreases across a wide depth gradient in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 399:69-80. 2010 Algae; Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Substrate; Turf Algae
Francini, R. B., C. M. Ferreira, E. O. Coni, R. L. De Moura, and L. Kaufman. 2010. Foraging activity of roving herbivorous reef fish (Acanthuridae and Scaridae) in eastern Brazil: influence of resource availability and interference competition. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90:481-492. 2010 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Algae; Coralline Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Fleshy Macroalgae; Large Herbivorous Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Haas, A. F., M. S. Naumann, U. Struck, C. Mayr, M. el-Zibdah, and C. Wild. 2010. Organic matter release by coral reef associated benthic algae in the Northern Red Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 389:53-60. 2010 Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Light; Nutrients; Turf Algae; Water Depth & Sea Level
Haas, A., M. el-Zibdah, and C. Wild. 2010. Seasonal monitoring of coral-algae interactions in fringing reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea. Coral Reefs 29:93-103. 2010 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Fleshy Macroalgae; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Turf Algae; Water Depth & Sea Level
Medeiros, P. R., A. T. Souza, and M. I. Ilarri. 2010. Habitat use and behavioural ecology of the juveniles of two sympatric damselfishes (Actinopterygii: Pomacentridae) in the south-western Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology 77:1599-1615. 2010 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Atlantic Ocean Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Rodriguez-Martinez, R. E., F. Ruiz-Renteria, B. van Tussenbroek, G. Barba-Santos, E. Escalante-Mancera, G. Jordan-Garza, and E. Jordan-Dahlgren. 2010. Environmental state and tendencies of the Puerto Morelos CARICOMP site, Mexico. Revista de Biologia Tropical 58:23-43. 2010 South & Central America; Oman; Mexico Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Fleshy Macroalgae; Sea Urchins; Seagrasses; Sponges; Storms & Hurricanes; Tourism & Recreation; Turf Algae
Tribollet, A. D., T. Schils, and P. S. Vroom. 2010. Spatio-temporal variability in macroalgal assemblages of American Samoa. Phycologia 49:574-591. 2010 Samoa; American Samoa Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Calcareous Macroalgae; Coralline Algae; Turf Algae
Vermeij, M. J. A., M. L. Dailer, S. M. Walsh, M. K. Donovan, and C. M. Smith. 2010. The effects of trophic interactions and spatial competition on algal community composition on Hawaiian coral reefs. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 31:291-299. 2010 US Pacific & Hawaii; Kenya Index or Indicator Algae; Coralline Algae; Finfish Harvest; Sea Urchins; Turf Algae
Vroom, P. S., C. A. Musburger, S. W. Cooper, J. E. Maragos, K. N. Page-Albins, and M. A. V. Timmers. 2010. Marine biological community baselines in unimpacted tropical ecosystems: spatial and temporal analysis of reefs at Howland and Baker Islands. Biodiversity and Conservation 19:797-812. 2010 US Pacific & Hawaii; Pacific Ocean; Baker Island; Howland Island Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Fish; Turf Algae
Adjeroud, M., F. Michonneau, P. J. Edmunds, Y. Chancerelle, T. L. de Loma, L. Penin, L. Thibaut, J. Vidal-Dupiol, B. Salvat, and R. Galzin. 2009. Recurrent disturbances, recovery trajectories, and resilience of coral assemblages on a South Central Pacific reef. Coral Reefs 6-Jan. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii Algae; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Copertino, M. S., A. Cheshire, and T. Kildea. 2009. Photophysiology of a turf algal community: Integrated responses to ambient light and standing biomass. Journal of Phycology 45:324-336. 2009 Australia Primary Production; Substrate; Turf Algae
Dikou, A., C. Ackerman, C. Banks, A. Dempsey, M. Fox, M. Gins, P. Hester, A. Parnes, S. Roach, J. Rohde, C. Spital, M. Tapleshay, and L. Thomas. 2009. Ecological assessment to detect imminent change in coral reefs of Admiral Cockburn Land and Sea National Park, Turks and Caicos Islands. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 30:425-436. 2009 South & Central America; Turks and Caicos; Caribbean Index or Indicator Algae; Calcareous Macroalgae; Coralline Algae; Finfish Harvest; Fish; Fishing Sector; Nutrients; Sediment; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Substrate; Tourism & Recreation; Turf Algae
Fox, R. J., T. L. Sunderland, A. S. Hoey, and D. R. Bellwood. 2009. Estimating ecosystem function: contrasting roles of closely related herbivorous rabbitfishes (Siganidae) on coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 385:261-269. 2009 Australia Algae; Turf Algae
Haas, A., M. Al-Zibdah, and C. Wild. 2009. Effect of inorganic and organic nutrient addition on coral-algae assemblages from the Northern Red Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 380:99-105. 2009 Algae; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Levenbach, S. 2009. Grazing intensity influences the strength of an associational refuge on temperate reefs. Oecologia 159:181-190. 2009 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Sea Urchins; Turf Algae
Miller, R. J., D. C. Reed, and M. A. Brzezinski. 2009. Community structure and productivity of subtidal turf and foliose algal assemblages. Marine Ecology Progress Series 388:1-11. 2009 Algae; Invertebrates; Primary Production; Turf Algae
Roeroe, K. A., M. Yap, and M. Okamoto. 2009. Development of a coastal environment assessment system using coral recruitment. Fisheries Science 75:215-224. 2009 Algae; Non-point Source Runoff; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Turf Algae
Vroom, P. S. and M. A. V. Timmers. 2009. Spatial And Temporal Comparison Of Algal Biodiversity And Benthic Cover At Gardner Pinnacles, Northwestern Hawai'Ian Islands. Journal of Phycology 45:337-347. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii Algae; Fish; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Marine Protected Areas; Substrate; Turf Algae
Vroom, P. S. and M. A. V. Timmers. 2009. Spatial and temporal comparison of algal biodiversity and benthic cover at gardner pinnacles, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Journal of Phycology 45:337-347. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii Algae; Fish; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Marine Protected Areas; Substrate; Turf Algae
Logan, D., K. A. Townsend, K. Townsend, and I. R. Tibbetts. 2008. Meiofauna sediment relations in leeward slope turf algae of Heron Island reef. Hydrobiologia 610:269-276. 2008 Australia Model Algae; Marine Worms; Sediment; Substrate; Turf Algae
Roeroe, K. A., M. Yap, and M. Okamoto. 2008. Development of a coastal environment assessment system using coral recruitment. Fisheries Science 10-Jan. 2008 Japan Algae; Non-point Source Runoff; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Turf Algae
Sandin, S. A., E. M. Sampayo, and M. J. A. Vermeij. 2008. Coral reef fish and benthic community structure of bonaire and Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 44:137-144. 2008 Global; South & Central America; Antilles; Caribbean Algae; Apex Fish Predators; Climate; Finfish Harvest; Fish; Fleshy Macroalgae; Nutrients; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Vermeij, M. J. A. and S. A. Sandin. 2008. Density-dependent settlement and mortality structure the earliest life phases of a coral population. Ecology 89:1994-2004. 2008 Global; South & Central America; Florida; Caribbean Algae; Coralline Algae; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Campbell, S. J., M. S. Pratchett, A. W. Anggoro, R. L. Ardiwijaya, N. Fadli, Y. Herdiana, T. Kartawijaya, D. Mahyiddin, A. Mukminin, S. T. Pardede, E. Rudi, A. M. Siregar, and A. H. Baird. 2007. Disturbance to coral reefs in Aceh, Northern Sumatra: Impacts of the Sumatra-Andaman tsunami and pre-tsunami degradation. Atoll Research Bulletin 55-78. 2007 Indonesia Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Finfish Harvest; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Marine Protected Areas; Resource Use Management; Skeletal Coral; Small Herbivorous Fish; Special Use Permitting; Turf Algae
Floeter, S. R., W. Krohling, J. L. Gasparini, C. E. L. Ferreira, and I. R. Zalmon. 2007. Reef fish community structure on coastal islands of the southeastern Brazil: The influence of exposure and benthic cover. Environmental Biology of Fishes 78:147-160. 2007 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Hiratsuka, Y. and T. Uehara. 2007. Feeding rates and absorption efficiencies of four species of sea urchins (genus Echinometra) fed a prepared diet. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 148:223-229. 2007 Lab Study Algae; Nutrients; Sea Urchins; Turf Algae
Littler, M. M. and D. S. Littler. 2007. Assessment of coral reefs using herbivory/nutrient assays and indicator groups of benthic primary producers: A critical synthesis, proposed protocols, and critique of management strategies. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 17:195-215. 2007 Review; Field Study & Monitoring; Model; Index or Indicator Algae; Coralline Algae; Finfish Harvest; Fleshy Macroalgae; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
McClanahan, T. R., M. Carreiro-Silva, and M. DiLorenzo. 2007. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorous, and their interaction on coral reef algal succession in Glover's Reef, Belize. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:1947-1957. 2007 South & Central America; Belize; Caribbean Algae; Coralline Algae; Cyanobacteria; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Fleshy Macroalgae; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Turf Algae
Schmidt, J. A., S. W. Ellsworth, R. A. Brooks, D. F. Bishop, M. C. Aubele, and H. E. Watkins. 2007. Environmental mitigation - 3: Limestone boulders, artificial reef modules provide seafloor mitigation. Oil and Gas Journal 105:60-64. 2007 South & Central America; Mexico Algae; Artificial Habitat; Coralline Algae; Mitigation; Natural Gas & Electric Power; Octocoral; Pipelines; Substrate; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Turf Algae
Tribollet, A. D. and P. S. Vroom. 2007. Temporal and spatial comparison of the relative abundance of macroalgae across the Mariana Archipelago between 2003 and 2005. Phycologia 46:187-197. 2007 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Algae; Calcareous Macroalgae; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Finfish Harvest; Nutrients; Storms & Hurricanes; Turf Algae
Ateweberhan, M., J. H. Bruggemann, and A. M. Breeman. 2006. Effects of extreme seasonality on community structure and functional group dynamics of coral reef algae in the southern Red Sea (Eritrea). Coral Reefs 25:391-406. 2006 Algae; Turf Algae
Copertino, M. S., A. Cheshire, and J. Watling. 2006. Photoinhibition and photoacclimation of turf algal communities on a temperate reef, after in situ transplantation experiments. Journal of Phycology 42:580-592. 2006 Australia Algae; Light; Primary Production; Substrate; Turf Algae
Ferreira, C. E. L. and J. E. A. Goncalves. 2006. Community structure and diet of roving herbivorous reef fishes in the Abrolhos Archipelago, south-western Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology 69:1533-1551. 2006 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Gobler, C. J., D. B. Thibault, T. W. Davis, P. B. Curran, B. J. Peterson, and L. B. Liddle. 2006. Algal assemblages associated with Stegastes sp. territories on Indo-Pacific coral reefs: Characterization of diversity and controls on growth. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 336:135-145. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii; Solomon Islands; Fiji; Tonga Algae; Fish; Nutrients; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Ikeda, E., Y. Iryu, K. Sugihara, H. Ohba, and T. Yamada. 2006. Bathymetry, biota and sediments on the Hirota Reef, Tane-ga-shima - The northernmost coral reef in the Ryukyu Islands. Island Arc 15:407-419. 2006 Algae; Coralline Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Sediment; Substrate; Turf Algae
Jones, G. P., L. Santana, L. J. McCook, and M. I. McCormick. 2006. Resource use and impact of three herbivorous damselfishes on coral reef communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 328:215-224. 2006 Papua New Guinea Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Coralline Algae; Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Loh, T.-L., J. T. I. Tanzil, and L. M. Chou. 2006. Preliminary study of community development and scleractinian recruitment on fibreglass artificial reef units in the sedimented waters of Singapore. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16:61-76. 2006 Cuba Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Artificial Habitat; Coralline Algae; Sediment; Skeletal Coral; Small Boats; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Lopez-Victoria, M., S. Zea, and E. Weil. 2006. Competition for space between encrusting excavating Caribbean sponges and other coral reef organisms. Marine Ecology Progress Series 312:113-121. 2006 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Boring Sponges; Sediment; Sponges; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Quan-Young, L. I. and J. Espinoza-Avalos. 2006. Reduction of zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll a concentration, and tissue thickness of the coral Montastraea faveolata (Scleractinia) when competing with mixed turf algae. Limnology and Oceanography 51:1159-1166. 2006 South & Central America; Caribbean Index or Indicator Algae; Microorganisms; Sediment; Stony Coral; Turf Algae; Zooxanthellae
Toller, W. 2006. An investigation of anchor damage to the Frederiksted Reef System: Impacts to substrate, benthic communities, and reef fish assemblages. Disivision of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Planning and Natural Resources, Frederiksted, USVI. 2006 US Virgin Islands Index or Indicator; GIS & Maps Algae; Anchoring & Vessel Grounding; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Calcareous Macroalgae; Commercial Fishing Boats; Complex Habitat & Resources; Fish; Fleshy Macroalgae; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Substrate; Turf Algae
Tribollet, A., C. Langdon, S. Golubic, and M. Atkinson. 2006. Endolithic microflora are major primary producers in dead carbonate substrates of Hawaiian coral reefs. Journal of Phycology 42:292-303. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii Algae; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Primary Production; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Substrate; Turf Algae
Vroom, P. S., K. N. Page, J. C. Kenyon, and R. E. Brainard. 2006. Algae-dominated reefs. American Scientist 94:430-437. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii; Samoa; American Samoa; Northern Mariana Islands Algae; Turf Algae
Anderson, R. J., C. McKune, J. J. Bolton, O. DeClerck, and E. Tronchin. 2005. Patterns in subtidal seaweed communities on coral-dominated reefs at Sodwana Bay on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science 27:529-537. 2005 Cuba; South Africa Algae; Turf Algae
Borger, J. L. 2005. Scleractinian coral diseases in south Florida: Incidence, species susceptibility, and mortality. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67:249-258. 2005 Florida Algae; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Copertino, M., S. D. Connell, and A. Cheshire. 2005. The prevalence and production of turf-forming algae on a temperate subtidal coast. Phycologia 44:241-248. 2005 Australia Algae; Turf Algae
McClanahan, T. R., J. Maina, C. J. Starger, P. Herron-Perez, and E. Dusek. 2005. Detriments to post-bleaching recovery of corals. Coral Reefs 24:230-246. 2005 Global Algae; Climate; Coralline Algae; Fish; Marine Protected Areas; Stony Coral; Tourism & Recreation; Turf Algae
McClanahan, T. R., R. S. Steneck, D. Pietri, B. Cokos, and S. Jones. 2005. Interaction between inorganic nutrients and organic matter in controlling coral reef communities in Glovers Reef Belize. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50:566-575. 2005 South & Central America; Belize Algae; Coralline Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Fish; Fleshy Macroalgae; Large Herbivorous Fish; Nutrients; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Petersen, D., M. Laterveer, and H. Schuhmacher. 2005. Spatial and temporal variation in larval settlement of reefbuilding corals in mariculture. Aquaculture 249:317-327. 2005 Cuba Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Aquaculture; Coralline Algae; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Stony Coral; Substrate; Turf Algae
Santavy, D. L., J. K. Summers, V. D. Engle, and L. C. Harwell. 2005. The condition of coral reefs in South Florida (2000) using coral disease and bleaching as indicators. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 100:129-152. 2005 South & Central America; Florida; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Pathogens; Turf Algae
Sheppard, C. and D. Obura. 2005. Corals and reefs of Cosmoledo and Aldabra atolls: Extent of damage, assemblage shifts and recovery following the severe mortality of 1998. Journal of Natural History 39:103-121. 2005 Indian Ocean; India Algae; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Tuya, F., R. J. Haroun, A. Boyra, and P. Sanchez-Jerez. 2005. Sea urchin Diadema antillarum: Different functions in the structure and dynamics of reefs on both sides of the Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 302:307-310. 2005 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Atlantic Ocean Algae; Fish; Pathogens; Sea Urchins; Turf Algae
Diaz-Pulido, G. and L. J. McCook. 2004. Effects of live coral, epilithic algal communities and substrate type on algal recruitment. Coral Reefs 23:225-233. 2004 Algae; Coralline Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Plankton; Substrate; Turf Algae
Hardman, E. R., M. S. Meunier, J. R. Turner, T. L. Lynch, M. Taylor, and R. Klaus. 2004. The extent of coral bleaching in Rodrigues, 2002. Journal of Natural History 38:3077-3089. 2004 Indian Ocean; India Algae; Finfish Harvest; Sediment; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Pereira, M. A. M. and P. M. B. Goncalves. 2004. Effects of the 2000 southern Mozambique floods on a marginal coral community: The case at Xai-Xai. African Journal of Aquatic Science 29:113-116. 2004 Mozambique Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Coralline Algae; Discharges; Fleshy Macroalgae; Invertebrates; Octocoral; Salinity; Sea Urchins; Sediment; Skeletal Coral; Sponges; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Turf Algae
Roy, R. E. 2004. Akumal's reefs: Stony coral communities along the developing Mexican Caribbean coastline. Revista de Biologia Tropical 52:869-881. 2004 South & Central America; Caribbean Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Pathogens; Sediment; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Tourism & Recreation; Turf Algae
Stuercke, B. and K. J. Mcdermid. 2004. Variation in algal turf species composition and abundance on two Hawaiian shallow subtidal reefs. Cryptogamie, Algologie 25:353-365. 2004 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Turf Algae
Feingold, J. S., S. L. Thornton, K. W. Banks, N. J. Gasman, D. Gilliam, P. Fletcher, and C. Avila. 2003. A rapid assessment of coral reefs near Hopetown, Abaco Islands, Bahamas (stony corals and algae). Atoll Research Bulletin 58-75. 2003 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Bahamas Index or Indicator Algae; Hydrocoral; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Hochberg, E. J., M. J. Atkinson, and S. Andrefouet. 2003. Spectral reflectance of coral reef bottom-types worldwide and implications for coral reef remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 85:159-173. 2003 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii; Indian Ocean; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); India Model; GIS & Maps; Remote Sensing Algae; Octocoral; Seagrasses; Substrate; Turf Algae
Jompa, J. and L. J. McCook. 2003. Contrasting effects of turf algae on corals: Massive Porites spp. are unaffected by mixed-species turfs, but killed by the red alga Anotrichium tenue. Marine Ecology Progress Series 258:79-86. 2003 Australia Algae; Non-point Source Runoff; Sediment; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
McClanahan, T. R., E. Sala, P. A. Stickels, B. A. Cokos, A. C. Baker, C. J. Starger, and S. H. Jones IV. 2003. Interaction between nutrients and herbivory in controlling algal communities and coral condition on Glover's Reef, Belize. Marine Ecology Progress Series 261:135-147. 2003 South & Central America; Belize Model Algae; Coralline Algae; Nutrients; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Miller, J., C. Rogers, and R. Waara. 2003. Monitoring the coral disease, plague type II, on coral reefs in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Revista de Biologia Tropical 51:47-55. 2003 US Virgin Islands Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Pathogens; Sponges; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Peckol, P. M., H. A. Curran, E. Y. Floyd, M. L. Robbart, B. J. Greenstein, and K. L. Buckman. 2003. Assessment of selected reef sites in northern and southern central Belize, including recovery from bleaching and hurricane disturbances (stony corals, algae and fish). Atoll Research Bulletin 146-171. 2003 South & Central America; Belize Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Turf Algae
Vargas-Angel, B. 2003. Coral community structure off the Pacific coast of Colombia: Onshore vs offshore coral reefs. Atoll Research Bulletin 21-Jan. 2003 US Pacific & Hawaii Complex Habitat & Resources; Discharges; Fish; Invertivorous Fish; Non-point Source Runoff; Sea Urchins; Sediment; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Turf Algae
Adjeroud, M., D. Augustin, R. Galzin, and B. Salvat. 2002. Natural disturbances and interannual variability of coral reef communities on the outer slope of Tiahura (Moorea, French Polynesia): 1991 to 1997. Marine Ecology Progress Series 237:121-131. 2002 Algae; Fish; Stony Coral; Substrate; Turf Algae
Costa Jr., O. S., M. J. Attrill, A. G. Pedrini, and J. C. De-Paula. 2002. Spatial and seasonal distribution of seaweeds on coral reefs from southern Bahia, Brazil. Botanica Marina 45:346-355. 2002 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Calcareous Macroalgae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Turf Algae
Diaz-Pulido, G. and J. Garzon-Ferreira. 2002. Seasonality in algal assemblages on upwelling-influenced coral reefs in the Colombian Caribbean. Botanica Marina 45:284-292. 2002 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Nutrients; Turf Algae
Irving, A. D. and S. D. Connell. 2002. Interactive effects of sedimentation and microtopography on the abundance of subtidal turf-forming algae. Phycologia 41:517-522. 2002 Australia Field Study & Monitoring; Model Algae; Sediment; Turf Algae
Ferreira, C. E. L., J. E. A. Gonccalves, and R. Coutinho. 2001. Community structure of fishes and habitat complexity on a tropical rocky shore. Environmental Biology of Fishes 61:353-369. 2001 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Complex Habitat & Resources; Fish; Fleshy Macroalgae; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Fabricius, K. E. and M. Dommisse. 2000. Depletion of suspended particulate matter over coastal reef communities dominated by zooxanthellate soft corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 196:157-167. 2000 Algae; Bivalves; Nutrients; Octocoral; Sponges; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Tunicates; Turf Algae
McClanahan, T. R. 2000. Bleaching damage and recovery potential of Maldivian coral reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:587-597. 2000 Maldives Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Sponges; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
McClanahan, T. R., K. Bergman, M. Huitric, M. McField, T. Elfwing, M. Nystrom, and I. Nordemar. 2000. Response of fishes to algae reduction on glovers reef, Belize. Marine Ecology Progress Series 206:273-282. 2000 South & Central America; Belize; Caribbean Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Finfish Harvest; Fish; Fleshy Macroalgae; Large Herbivorous Fish; Planktivorous Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Millar, A. J. K., O. De Clerck, E. Coppejans, and L. M. Liao. 1999. Annotated and illustrated survey of the marine macroalgae from Motupore Island and vicinity (Port Moresby area, Papua New Guinea). III. Rhodophyta. Australian Systematic Botany 12:549-591. 1999 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Papua New Guinea; Caribbean Algae; Coralline Algae; Turf Algae
Navas, G. R., S. K. Moreno-Forero, O. D. Solano, and G. Diaz-Pulido. 1998. Ensamblajes arrecifales epiliticos del coral Acropora palmata muerto, isla grande, islas del rosario, caribe Colombiano. Caribbean Journal of Science 34:58-66. 1998 Puerto Rico Algae; Sediment; Sponges; Stony Coral; Turf Algae
Steneck, R. S., T. E. Miller, R. P. Reid, and I. G. Macintyre. 1998. Ecological controls on stromatolite development in a modern reef environment: a test of the ecological refuge paradigm. Carbonates and Evaporites 13:48-65. 1998 Bahamas Algae; Coralline Algae; Planktivorous Fish; Sediment; Substrate; Turf Algae
Low, J. K. Y., C. B. Leng, and L. M. Chou. 1997. Pomacentrid population dynamics on Singapore coral reefs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 44:53-66. 1997 Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Sediment; Small Herbivorous Fish; Substrate; Turf Algae
Craig, P. 1996. Intertidal territoriality and time-budget of the surgeonfish, Acanthurus lineatus, in American Samoa. Environmental Biology of Fishes 46:27-36. 1996 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Indian Ocean; India; Samoa; American Samoa Algae; Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Storms & Hurricanes; Turf Algae
Hart, A. M. and D. W. Klumpp. 1996. Response of herbivorous fishes to crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci outbreaks. I. Substratum analysis and feeding ecology of Acanthurus nigrofuscus and Scarus frenatus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 132:19-Nov. 1996 Australia Algae; Seastars; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Hart, A. M., D. W. Klumpp, and G. R. Russ. 1996. Response of herbivorous fishes to crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci outbreaks. II. Density and biomass of selected species of herbivorous fish and fish-habitat correlations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 132:21-30. 1996 Australia Algae; Seastars; Shoreline Protection; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Macintyre, I. G., R. P. Reid, and R. S. Steneck. 1996. Growth history of stromatolites in a Holocene fringing reef, Stocking Island, Bahamas. Journal of Sedimentary Research 66:231-242. 1996 Bahamas Algae; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Sediment; Shoreline Protection; Turf Algae
Hatcher, B. G. and L. B. Collins. 1994. The Houtman Abrolhos reefs of Western Australia: environmental and anthropogenic change in the structure and function of reef communities at high latitude. Pages 378-384 in Proceedings of the colloquium on global aspects of coral reefs, Miami, 1993. 1994 Global; Australia Algae; Seagrasses; Turf Algae
Harmelin-Vivien, M. L., M. Peyrot-Clausade, and J.-C. Romano. 1992. Transformation of algal turf by echinoids and scarid fishes on French Polynesian coral reefs. Coral Reefs 11:45-50. 1992 Algae; Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Sea Urchins; Turf Algae
Klumpp, D. W. and A. D. McKinnon. 1992. Commmunity structure, biomass and productivity of epilithic algal communities on the Great Barrier Reef; dynamics at different spatial scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 86:77-89. 1992 Australia Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Coralline Algae; Turf Algae
Klumpp, D. W. and A. D. McKinnon. 1989. Temporal and spatial patterns in primary production of a coral-reef epilithic algal community. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 131:22-Jan. 1989 Australia Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Coralline Algae; Light; Primary Production; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Polunin, N. V. C. and D. W. Klumpp. 1989. Ecological correlates of foraging periodicity in herbivorous reef fishes of the Coral Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 126:20-Jan. 1989 Algae; Fish; Primary Production; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Koop, K. and A. W. D. Larkum. 1987. Deposition of organic material in a coral reef lagoon, One Tree Island, Great Barrier Reef. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 25:9-Jan. 1987 Australia Algae; Nutrients; Primary Production; Sediment; Turf Algae
Roberts, C. M. 1987. Experimental analysis of resource sharing between herbivorous damselfish and blennies on the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 111:61-75. 1987 Australia Algae; Fish; Plankton; Skeletal Coral; Small Herbivorous Fish; Turf Algae
Adey, W. H. and R. S. Steneck. 1985. Highly productive eastern caribbean reefs: synergistic effects of biological, chemical, physical, and geological factors. Pages 163-187 1985 South & Central America; US Virgin Islands; Caribbean Algae; Nutrients; Primary Production; Seawater Flow; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Turf Algae; Water Depth & Sea Level

Management Options

Management Option Description Sources Database Topics
Restoration: Removal of Invasive Algae Benthic organisms on reefs maintain a delicate balance competing for space. In many areas, the competition between coral and algae has fallen out of balance due to confounding factors. Factors such as decreased herbivorous fish and invertebrates, and invasive algae species have allowed faster growing algae to take over many reefs, often growing into smothering mats that cover and kill coral. In Hawaii, there has been some success physically removing invasive algae such as Kappaphycus using underwater vacuums extended down from barges or volunteer events in shallower areas. The Nature Conservancy. 2010.Two Million Pounds of Invasive Algae Removed From Maunalua Bay.

(not cited)

Algae; Aquaculture; Biological Addition; Biological Harvest; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Calcareous Macroalgae; Collaboration & Partnering; Coral; Coralline Algae; Decision Support; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Escape & Release of Non-natives; Fishing & Harvesting Management; Fishing Sector; Fleshy Macroalgae; Hydrocoral; Invasive Species; Large Herbivorous Fish; Octocoral; Reef Habitat; Skeletal Coral; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Turf Algae; Wetland & Reef Restoration; Zooxanthellae


Legal Citation Purpose of Law Management Organization Database Topics

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