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Abdel Aal,G.Z., Atekwana,E.A, Rossbach S., and Werkema,D.D., "Sensitivity of geoelectrical measurements to the presence of bacteria in porous media", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 115, 2010.
Keywords: geoelectrical, geoelectrical measurements, porous media, porous-media, MEDIA

Abdel Aal,Gamal Z., Werkema,Jr.,D.Dale, Sauck,William A., and Atekwana,Estella A., "Geophysical Investigation of Vadoze Zone Conductivity Anomalies at a Former Refinery Site, Kalamazoo, MI.", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 2001.
Keywords: clay, conductivity, contamination, electromagnetic, GPR, ground penetrating radar, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbons, LNAPL, magnetic, monitoring, permeability, phase, resistivity, resolution, sand, vadose zone

Abdel Aal,Gamal Z., Atekwana,E.A., Slater,Lee D., and Ulrich,C., "Induced polarization (IP) measurements of soils from an aged hydrocarbon contaminated site", pp. 190-202, 2003.
Keywords: environmental, geophysics, hydrocarbon, induced polarization, IP, polarization, soil

Abdel Aal,Gamal Z., Slater,Lee D., and Atekwana,Estella A., "Induced-polarization measurements on unconsolidated sediments from a site of active hydrocarbon biodegradation", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. H13-H24, 2006/3.
Keywords: conductivity, contamination, experiments, field, geochemistry, hydrocarbons, induced polarization, IP, microorganisms, organic compounds, phase, scanning electron microscopy, soil pollution, water content

Abdelrahman,E.M., Essa,K.S., bo-Ezz,E.R., and Soliman,K.S., "Self-potential data interpretation using standard deviations of depths computed from moving-average residual anomalies", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 409-423, 2006.
Keywords: self potential

Abdu,H., Robinson,D.A., Seyfried,M., and Jones,S.B., "Geophysical imaging of watershed subsurface patterns and prediction of soil texture and water holding capacity", Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, pp. W00D18, 2008.
Keywords: clay, electromagnetic, electromagnetic induction, mapping, moisture, soil moisture, storage

Abraitis,P.K., Pattrick,R.A.D., and Vaughan,D.J., "Variations in the compositional, textural and electrical properties of natural pyrite: a review", International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 74, No. 1-4, pp. 41-59, 2004.
Keywords: chemical composition, electrical, electrical properties, pyrite, review

Acworth,R.I., "Physical and chemical properties of a DNAPL contaminated zone in a sand aquifer", Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Vol. 34, pp. 85-98, 2001.
Keywords: chemical analysis, chlorinated hydrocarbons, complex resistivity, conductivity, CPT, DNAPL, electrical conductivity, geophysics, grain size, hydrochemistry, resistivity, sand, soil

Acworth,R.I., and Dasey,G.R., "Mapping of the hyporheic zone around a tidal creek using a combination of borehole logging, borehole electrical tomography and cross-creek electrical imaging, New South Wales, Australia", Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 368-377, 2003.
Keywords: coastal aquifers, conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, electrodes, geophysical methods, groundwater, imaging, inversion, mapping, recharge, resistivity, salt-water/fresh-water relations, sand, seepage, tomography

Acworth,R.I., and Jorstad,L.B., "Integration of multi-channel piezometry and electrical tomography to better define chemical heterogeneity in a landfill leachate plume within a sand aquifer", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 83, No. 3-4, pp. 200-220, 2006/2/10.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical conductivity, field, landfill, leachate plume, porosity, sand, tomography

Adriansyah,A., and McMechan,G.A., "Analysis and interpretation of seismic data from thin reservoirs: Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia", Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 14-26, 2002.
Keywords: acoustic, attribute analysis, avo, contamination, faults, field, geophysics, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbons, inversion, modeling, seismic

Ahmed,Shakeel, de Marsily,Ghislain, and Talbot,Alain, "Combined Use of Hydraulic and Electrical Properties of an Aquifer in a Geostatistical Estimation of Transmissivity", Ground Water, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 78-86, 1988/1.
Keywords: hydraulic properties, permeability, resistivity, transmissivity

Ajo-Franklin,Jonathan B., Geller,Jil T., and Harris,Jerry M., "A survey of the geophysical properties of chlorinated DNAPLs", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 177-189, 2006/7.
Keywords: contaminant, dielectric, DNAPL, GPR, hydrology, laboratory, PCE, seismic, tetrachloroethylene

Ajo-Franklin,Jonathan B., Minsley,Burke J., and Daley,Thomas M., "Applying compactness constraints to differential traveltime tomography", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. R67-R75, 2007.
Keywords: imaging, inversion, tomography, multiphase flow, contaminant, seismic

Allen,Jonathan P., Atekwana,Estella A., Atekwana,Eliot A., Duris,Joseph W., Werkema,D.Dale, and Rossbach,Silvia, "The Microbial Community Structure in Petroleum-Contaminated Sediments Corresponds to Geophysical Signatures", Applied Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 73, No. 9, pp. 2860-2870, 2007/5.
Keywords: biodegredation monitoring, biogeophysics, conductivity, field, LNAPL, microorganisms, monitoring

Alumbaugh,D., Chang,P.Y., Paprocki,L., Brainard,J.R., Glass,R.J., and Rautman,C.A., "Estimating moisture contents in the vadose zone using cross-borehole ground penetrating radar: A study of accuracy and repeatability", Water Resources Research, Vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 45-1-45-12, 2002.
Keywords: cross-hole methods, electromagnetic, GPR, ground penetrating radar, moisture content, tomography, vadose zone

Angoran,Yed, and Madden,Theodore R., "Induced Polarization: A Preliminary Study Of Its Chemical Basis", Geophysics, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 788-803, 1977.
Keywords: induced polarization, laboratory, minerals, polarization, sulfide

Anthony,L.E., "Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of an Aquifer During a Pumping Test", Ground Water, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 566-576, 2000.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, imaging

Apostolopoulos,G., "Combined Schlumberger and dipole-dipole array for hydrogeologic applications", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 5, pp. F189-F195, 2008.
Keywords: electrical resistivity, geophysical equipment, geophysical techniques, groundwater, inverse problems, rocks, tomography

Archie,G.E., "The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristiscs", Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Vol. 146, pp. 54-62, 1942.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, resistivity

Arcone,Steven, Grant,Steven, Boitnott,Ginger, and Bostick,Benjamin, "Complex permittivity and clay mineralogy of grain-size fractions in a wet silt soil", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. J1-J13, 2008.
Keywords: clay, grain size, minerals, soil, spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction

Arora,T., Linde,N., Revil,A., and Castermant,J., "Non-intrusive characterization of the redox potential of landfill leachate plumes from self-potential data", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, No. 92, pp. 274-292, 2007.
Keywords: characterization, landfill, leachate plume, self potential

Atekwana,E., Atekwana,E.A., Rossbach,S., Werkema,D., Duris,j.W., Smart,L, Alen,J., Cassidy,D.P., and Sauck,W., "Evidence for Microbial Enhanced Electrical Conductivity in Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sediments", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31, pp. 1-4, 2004.
Keywords: biogeophysics, conductivity, electrical conductivity, groundwater, hydrocarbon, sediments, microorganisms

Atekwana,E., and Slater,L., "Biogeophysics: A New Frontier in Earth Science Research", Rev.Geophys., Vol. 47, No. RG4004, 2009.
Keywords: biogeophysics

Atekwana,E.A, Sauck,W.A., Abdel Aal,G.Z., and Werkema Jr.,D.D., "Geophysical investigation of vadose zone conductivity anomalies at a hydrocarbon contaminated site: Implications for the assessment of intrinsic bioremediation", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 102-110, 2002.
Keywords: biodegredation monitoring, clay, conductivity, electromagnetic, GPR, ground penetrating radar, hydrocarbon, permeability, resistivity, vadose zone

Atekwana,E.A, Werkema Jr.,D.D., Duris J.D., Rossbach S., Atekwana,E.A, Sauck,W.A., Cassidy,D.P., Means,J., and Legall,F.D., "In-situ apparent conductivity measurements and microbial population distribution at a hydrocarbon-contaminated site", Geophysics, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 56-63, 2004/1.
Keywords: biodegredation, biogeophysics, conductivity, contaminant, electrical conductivity, LNAPL, resistivity

Atekwana,E.A., and Krishnamurthy,R.V., "Seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic carbon and delta C-13 of surface waters: application of a modified gas evolution technique", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 205, No. 3-4, pp. 265-278, 1998.
Keywords: carbon cycling, carbon isotopes, dissolved inorganic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon extraction, field, groundwater, lakes, magnetic, recharge, rhine, storage, streams and tributaries

Atekwana,E.A., Atekwana,E., Legall,F.D., and Krishnamurthy,R.V., "Field evidence for geophysical detection of subsurface zones of enhanced microbial activity", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31, No. 23, 2004.
Keywords: bulk conductivity, conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, field, geophysics, hydrocarbon, iron, resistivity

Atekwana,E.A., Atekwana,E.A., Rowe,R.S., Werkema,D.D., and Legall,F.D., "The relationship of total dissolved solids measurements to bulk electrical conductivity in an aquifer contaminated with hydrocarbon", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 281-294, 2004.
Keywords: biodegradation, bulk conductivity, conduction, conductivity, contaminated sediment, contamination, electrical, electrical conductivity, geochemical evolution, groundwater, hydrocarbon, organic-acids, sediments, site, surface conduction, total dissolved solids

Atekwana,E.A., and Krishnamurthy,R.V., "Investigating landfill-impacted groundwater seepage into headwater streams using stable carbon isotopes", Hydrological Processes, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 1915-1926, 2004.
Keywords: carbon isotopes, contaminated groundwater, dissolved inorganic carbon, ecology, exchange, flow, groundwater, landfill, plain, sediments, seepage, shallow, streams, surface-water, tracers

Atekwana,E.A., and Richardson,D.S., "Geochemical and isotopic evidence of a groundwater source in the Corral Canyon meadow complex, central Nevada, USA", Hydrological Processes, Vol. 18, No. 15, pp. 2801-2815, 2004.
Keywords: basin, discharge, dissolved inorganic carbon, great basin, groundwater, hydrology, major ion chemistry, meadow complexes, restoration, riparian meadows, shallow, site, southern nevada, stable isotope, stream, surface-water, tracers, watershed, western united-states

Atekwana,E.A., Sauck,W.A., and Werkema Jr.,D.D., "Characterization of a Complex Refinery Groundwater Contaminant Plume using Multiple Geoelectric Methods", Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP '98), pp. 427-436, 1998.
Keywords: characterization, contaminant, groundwater, hydrocarbon, ground penetrating radar, GPR, electrical resistivity, resistivity

Atekwana,Eliot A., Atekwana,Estella A., Rowe,Rebecca S., Werkema,Jr.,D.Dale, and Legall,Franklin D., "The relationship of total dissolved solids measurements to bulk electrical conductivity in an aquifer contaminated with hydrocarbon", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 56, pp. 281-294, 2004.
Keywords: electrical conductivity, conductivity, groundwater, sediments, conduction

Atekwana,Estella A., Sauck,William A., and Douglas,D.W., "Investigations of geoelectrical signatures at a hydrocarbon contaminated site", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 44, pp. 167-180, 2000.
Keywords: geoelectrical, hydrocarbon, site

Atekwana,Estella A., Cassidy,Daniel P., Magnuson,Charlie, Endres,Anthony L., Werkema,Jr.,D.Dale, and Sauck,William A., "Changes in Geoelectrical Properties Accompanying Microbial Degradation of LNAPL", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 2001.
Keywords: conductivity, contamination, laboratory, LNAPL, modeling

Athanasiou,E.N., Tsourlos,P.I., Papazachos,C.B., and Tsokas,G.N., "Combined weighted inversion of electrical resistivity data arising from different array types", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 124-140, 2007.
Keywords: combined -- joint weighted resistivity inversion, electrical, electrical resistivity, ERT, field, geoelectrical, inversion, resistivity, resistivity arrays

Auken,E., Pellerin,L., Christensen,N.B., and Sorensen,K., "A survey of current trends in near-surface electrical and electromagnetic methods", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. G249-G260, 2006.
Keywords: 2D INVERSION, 3-D INVERSION, APPLICATIONS, characterization, DC RESISTIVITY, electrical, electromagnetic, environmental, geophysics, geotechnical, groundwater, INDUCED POLARIZATION DATA, inversion, MAGNETOTELLURIC DATA, mapping, near surface, RAPID, RESISTIVITY DATA, resolution, shallow, SIMULTANEOUS INVERSION, TRANSIENT

Auken,Esben, Christiansen,Anders V., Jacobsen,Bo H., Foged,Nikolaj, oslash, and rensen,Kurt I., "Piecewise 1D laterally constrained inversion of resistivity data", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 53, pp. 497-506, 2005.
Keywords: inversion, resistivity

Auken,Esben, Pellerin,Louise, christensen,niels B, and Sorensen,Kurt, "A survey of current trends in near-surface electrical and electromagnetic methods", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. G249-G260, 2006.
Keywords: near surface, electromagnetic, groundwater, mapping, characterization, resolution, inversion

Auken,Esben, Christiansen,Anders V., Jacobsen,Lars H., and Sorensen,Kurt I., "A resolution study of buried valleys using laterally constrained inversion of TEM data", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 65, pp. 10-20, 2008.
Keywords: groundwater, inversion, near surface, resistivity, resolution, TEM
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Bailey,Justin M., Groncki,Jeffrey M., Atekwana,Estella A., Sauck,William A., and Werkema,Douglas D., "Geophysical Imaging of a Former Landfill and its Associated Leachate Plume", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, pp. 487-496, 1999.
Keywords: conductivity, contaminant, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, frequency domain, GPR, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, landfill, leachate plume, magnetic, PCE, resistivity, self potential, SP, TCE

Baker,G.S., and Jol,H.M., "Stratigraphic analysis using GPR", Special Paper 432, Geologic Society of America, pp. 183, 2010.
Keywords: GPR

Baldyga,Christopher A., and Fink,James B., "RPM --- Residual Potential Mapping; A New Approach to Mise-a-la-masse", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 851-855, 2004/1/1.
Keywords: mapping, fracture, mise-a-la-masse, field, physical properties, electrodes, monitoring

Becht,Andreas, Burger,Claudius, Kostic,Boris, Appel,Erwin, and Dietrich,Peter, "High-resolution aquifer characterization using seismic cross-hole tomography: An evaluation experiment in a gravel delta", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 336, No. 1-2, pp. 171-185, 2007/3/30.
Keywords: characterization, conductivity, contaminant, cross-hole methods, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic properties, inversion, modelling, parameter estimation, seismic, seismic methods, tomography

Benson,A.K., Payne,K.L., and Stubben,M.A., "Mapping Groundwater Contamination using DC Resistivity and VLF Geophysical Methods - A Case Study", Geophysics, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 80-86, 1997.
Keywords: contamination, groundwater, resistivity, VLF, mapping, soil, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, electromagnetic induction, hydrocarbon, monitoring, contaminant

Benson,A.K., and Mustoe,N.B., "Integration of Electrical Resistivity, Ground-Penetrating Radar, and Very Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Induction Surveys to Help Map Groundwater Contamination Produced by Hydrocarbons Leaking from Underground Storage Tanks", Environmental Geosciences, Vol. 5, pp. 61-67, 1998.
Keywords: contamination, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, electromagnetic induction, GPR, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbons, resistivity, soil, VLF

Benson,R.C., "Geophyscial Techniques for Sensing Buried Wastes and Waste Migration", Vol. EPA 600/7-84-064, pp. 1-236, 1983.
Keywords: conductivity, contaminant, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, groundwater contamination, magnetometers, monitoring, resistivity, seismic

Beresnev,I.A., Hruby,C.E., and Davis,C.A., "The use of multi-electrode resistivity imaging in gravel prospecting", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 245-254, 2002.
Keywords: gravel, imaging, multi-electrode, multi-electrode system, RAPID, resistivity, resistivity imaging, sand, site, two-dimensional model

Berg,Robert R., "Method for Determining Permeability feom Reservoir Rock Properties", GCAGS Transactions, Vol. 20, 1970.
Keywords: berg model, estimating properties, grain size, modeling, permeability, porosity, sand

Bermejo,J.L, Sauck,W.A., and Atekwana,E.A., "Geophysical Discovery of a New LNAPL Plume at the Former Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda, Michigan", Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation, Vol. XVII, No. 4, pp. 131-137, 1997.
Keywords: attenuation, conductivity, contaminant, electromagnetic, electromagnetic induction, field, GPR, ground penetrating radar, LNAPL, phase, soil, storage

Berner,Robert A., "Electrode studies of hydrogen sulfide in marine sediments", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 563-575, 1963.
Keywords: electrodes, experiments, laboratory, sediments, sulfide

Bernstone,C., Dahlin,T., Ohlsson,T., and Hogland,H., "DC-resistivity mapping of internal landfill structures: two pre-excavation surveys", Environmental Geology, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 360-371, 2000.
Keywords: DC RESISTIVITY, inversion, landfill, mapping, moisture, moisture content, resistivity, soil

Bertin,J., Loeb,J., and Borntraeger,Gebruder, "Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Induced Polarization", 1976.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization

Bevan,Michael J., Endres,Anthony L., Rudolph,David L., and Parkin,Gary, "The non-invasive characterization of pumping-induced dewatering using ground penetrating radar", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 281, No. 1-2, pp. 55-69, 2003/9/25.
Keywords: characterization, GPR, ground penetrating radar, moisture, moisture content, soil, soil moisture

Bigalke,Jurgen, and Grabner,Erich W., "The Geobattery model: a contribution to large scale electrochemistry", Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 42, No. 23-24, pp. 3443-3452, 1997.
Keywords: drilling hole measurements, electrochemical processes in the earth's crust, geobattery, self-potential anomaly

Bing,Zhou, and Greenhalgh,S.A., "Cross-hole resistivity tomography using different electrode configurations", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 887-912, 2000.
Keywords: cross hole, data acquisition, EARTH resistance, electrodes, GEOMETRIC tomography, resistivity, tomography

Binley,A., Cassiani,G., Middleton,R., and Winship,P., "Vadose zone flow model parameterisation using cross-borehole radar and resistivity imaging", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 267, No. 3-4, pp. 147-159, 2002.
Keywords: cross borehole, flow, imaging, resistivity, resistivity imaging, vadose zone

Binley,A., Slater,L., Fukes,M., and Cassiani,G., "Relationship between spectral induced polarization and hydraulic properties of saturated and unsaturated sandstone", Water Resources Research, Vol. 41, No. doi:10.1029/2005/WR004202, pp. W12419, 2005.
Keywords: hydraulic properties, induced polarization, polarization, SIP, spectral induced polarization, conductivity, sediments, IP, spectral ip, relaxation, experiments, vadose zone, groundwater

Binley,Andrew, Winship,Peter, Middleton,Roy, Pokar,Magdeline, and West,Jared, "High-resolution characterization of vadose zone dynamics using cross-borehole radar", Water Resources Research, Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 2639-2652, 2001.
Keywords: characterization, cross borehole, vadose zone

Binley,Andrew, Winship,Peter, West,L.Jared, Pokar,Magdeline, and Middleton,Roy, "Seasonal variation of moisture content in unsaturated sandstone inferred from borehole radar and resistivity profiles", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 267, No. 3-4, pp. 160-172, 2002.
Keywords: AQUIFER, borehole radar, contaminant, dielectric, field, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, hydrology, modelling, moisture, moisture content, monitoring, near surface, porous media, recharge, resistivity, sediments, site, temporal, transport, unsaturated flow, vadose zone

Boadu,Fred K., and Seabrook,Brian C., "Effects of Clay Content and Salinity on the Spectral Electrical Response of Soils", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 161-170, 2006/9.
Keywords: clay, earth structure, electric properties, geophysical techniques, sand, laboratory, phase, soil, polarization

Boadu,Fred Kofi, and Seabrook,Brian, "Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity and Porosity of Soils from Spectral Electrical Response Measurements", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1-9, 2000.
Keywords: conductivity, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic properties, inversion, laboratory, permeability, phase, porosity, resistivity, soil

Boleve,A., Crespy,A., Revil,A., Janod,F., and Mattiuzzo,J.L., "Streaming potentials of granular media: Influence of the Dukhin and Reynolds numbers", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, No. B08204, 2007.
Keywords: n/a

Boleve,A., Revil,A., Janod,F., Mattiuzzo,J.L., and Fry,J.J, "Preferential fluid flow pathways in embankment dams imaged by self-potential tomography", Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 7, pp. 447-462, 2009.
Keywords: earthen dam, geotechnical, inversion, levee, modelling, resistivity, self potential, tomography

Bond,Daniel R., Holmes,Dawn E., Tender,Leonard M., and Lovley,Derek R., "Electrode-Reducing Microorganisms That Harvest Energy from Marine Sediments", Science Magazine, Vol. 295, pp. 483-485, 2002.
Keywords: microorganisms, sediments

Bond,P.L., Druschel,G.K., and Banfield,J.F., "Comparison of acid mine drainage microbial communities in physically and geochemically distinct ecosystems", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 66, No. 11, pp. 4962-+, 2000.
Keywords: acid mine drainage, environment, ferric iron, gen-nov, geomicrobiology, iron, iron-oxidizing bacteria, leptospirillum-ferrooxidans, microorganisms, populations, pyrite, pyrite oxidation, site, SP, sulfide, thiobacillus-ferrooxidans

Bond,P.L., Smriga,S.P., and Banfield,J.F., "Phylogeny of microorganisms populating a thick, subaerial, predominantly lithotrophic biofilm at an extreme acid mine drainage site", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 66, No. 9, pp. 3842-3849, 2000.
Keywords: 16s, acid mine drainage, archaeal diversity, ecology, environment, environmental, gen-nov, iron, iron-oxidizing bacteria, leptospirillum-ferrooxidans, microbial-populations, microorganisms, oxidation, pyrite, reduction, ribosomal-rna sequences, site, thiobacillus-ferrooxidans

Bordi,F., Cametti,C., and Gili,T., "Reduction of the contribution of electrode polarization effects in the radiowave dielectric measurements of highly conductive biological cell suspensions", Bioelectrochemistry, Vol. 54, 2001.
Keywords: dielectric, polarization, reduction, suspension

Borner,F., and Schon,J., "A Relation between the Quadrature Component of Electrical Conductivity and the Specific Surface Area of Sedimentary Rocks", The Log Analyst, pp. 612-613, 1991.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, rocks

Borner,F., Gruhne,M., and Schon,J., "Contamination indications derived from electrical properties in the low frequency reange", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 41, pp. 83-98, 1993.
Keywords: contamination, electrical, electrical properties

Borner,F.D., and Schon,J.H., "Low frequency complex conductivity measurements of microcrack properties", Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 121-135, 1995/1.
Keywords: complex conductivity, conductivity

Borner,F.D., Schopper,J.R., and Weller,A., "Evaluation of transport and storage properties in the soil and groundwater zone from induced polarization measurements", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 44, pp. 583-601, 1996.
Keywords: spectral induced polarization, induced polarization, polarization, permeability, laboratory, sand, clay, conductivity, phase, electrical conductivity, transport, soil, groundwater

Bowens,Amanda, "Geophysical and Remote-Sensing Surveys", Vol. 2nd, No. 13, pp. 103-113, 2009.
Keywords: archaeology, bathymetry, magnetics, marine geophysics, marine magnetics, sidescan sonar, underwater archaeology

Boyce,Joe I., Pozza,Matthew R., Morris,William A., Eyles,Nicholas, and Doughty,Mike, "High-Resolution Magnetic and Seismic Imaging of Basement Faults in Western Lake Ontario", 2002 Conference Proceedings, 2002.
Keywords: bathymetry, faults, imaging, magnetic, marine geophysics, marine magnetics, seismic, sidescan sonar, geophysics, environmental, seismic hazards, mapping, sediments

Boyce,Joseph I., Reinhardt,Eduard G., Raban,Avner, and Pozza,Matthew R., "Marine Magnetic Survey of a Submerged Roman Harbour, Caesarea Maritima, Israel", The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 122-136, 2004.
Keywords: archaeology, magnetic, marine geophysics, marine magnetics, sand

Bradford,John H., Clement,William P., and Barrash,Warren, "Estimating porosity with ground-penetrating radar reflection tomography: A controlled 3-D experiment at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, pp. W00D26, 2009.
Keywords: porosity, ground penetrating radar, tomography, field, inversion

Brewster,M.L., and Annan,A.P., "Ground-Penetrating Radar Monitoring of a Controlled Dnapl Release - 200 Mhz Radar", Geophysics, Vol. 59, No. 8, pp. 1211-1221, 1994.
Keywords: DNAPL, ground penetrating radar, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, monitoring

Brewster,M.L., Annan,A.P., Greenhouse,J.P., Kueper,B.H., Olhoeft,G.R., Redman,J.D., and Sander,K.A., "Observed Migration of a Controlled Dnapl Release by Geophysical Methods", Ground Water, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 977-987, 1995.
Keywords: DNAPL, geophysical methods

Briggs,Victoria, Sogade,John A., Minsley,Burke J., Lambert,Michael, Reppert,Phil, Coles,Darrell A., Rossabi,Joseph, Shi,Weiqun, and Morgan,Frank Dale, "Mapping of TCE and PCE Contaminant Plumes Using a 3-D Induced Polarization Borehole Data", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, pp. 472-483, 2004.
Keywords: complex resistivity, contaminant, DNAPL, electrodes, induced polarization, inversion, IP, PCE, phase, polarization, resistivity, TCE, tetrachloroethylene

Brown,D., and Slater,L.D., "Focused packer testing using geophysical tomography and CCTV in a fissured aquifer", Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Vol. 32, pp. 173-183, 1999.
Keywords: AQUIFER, cross borehole, electrical, electrical resistivity, ERT, flow, fracture, fractures, geophysical techniques, geophysics, groundwater, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic properties, hydrogeology, imaging, investigation, permeability, pump tests, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, site, solute transport, tomography, transmissivity, transport

Brown,Stephen R., Sorenson,Jason R., and Brown,Thackery I., "A Laboratory Study Of The Complex Electrical Resistivity Response Of Soils", 2004.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, laboratory, resistivity, soil

Bruggeman,D.A.G., "Berechnung verschiedener physikalischer Konstanten von heterogenen Substanzen. I. Dielektrizitätskonstanten und Leitfähigkeiten der Mischkörper aus isotropen Substanzen", Annalen der Physik, Vol. 416, No. 7, pp. 636-664, 1935.
Keywords: n/a

Bryar,T.R., and Knight,R.J., "NMR relaxation measurements to quantify immiscible organic contaminants in sediments", Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, No. W02401, doi:10.1029/2006WR005635, 2008.
Keywords: clay, contaminant, NMR, relaxation, sand, sediments, toluene

Buchanan,J.Triantafilis, "Mapping Water Table Depth Using Geophysical and Environmental Variables", Ground Water, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 80-96, 2009.
Keywords: electromagnetic, environmental, investigation, limitations, mapping, PREDICTION, WATER, water table, water-table

Butler,D.K., and Butler,D.K., "Near-Surface Geophysics", 2005.
Keywords: geophysics, near surface, geotechnical, environmental, magnetic, seismology, physical properties
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Calderon-Macias,Carlos, and Luke,Barbara, "Improved parameterization to invert Rayleigh-wave data for shallow profiles containing stiff inclusions", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. U1-U10, 2007.
Keywords: inversion, rayleigh-wave, seismic, shallow, soil

Canan,Birsen, Olhoeft,Gary R., and Smith,William A., "Experimental Monitoring of Cr(VI) Bio-Reduction Using Electrochemical Geophysics", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 255-266, 2007/9.
Keywords: chemical analysis, complex resistivity, contaminated site remediation, polarization, pollution, relaxation

Carcione,Jose M., Seriani,Geza, and Gei,Davide, "Acoustic and electromagnetic properties of soils saturated with salt water and NAPL", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 177-191, 2003/3.
Keywords: acoustic, attenuation, clay, conductivity, contaminant, dielectric, DNAPL, electromagnetic, GPR, LNAPL, modeling, permeability, sand, seismic, soil

Carlson,N., "IP effect associated with buried waste", 2008.
Keywords: IP

Cassiani,Giorgio, and Medina,Jr.,Miguel,A., "Incorporating Auxiliary Geophysical Data into Ground-Water Flow Parameter Estimation", Ground Water, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 79-91, 1997/1.
Keywords: characterization, clay, contamination, field, groundwater, landfill, parameter estimation, resistivity

Cassiani,Giorgio, and Binley,Andrew, "Modeling unsaturated flow in a layered formation under quasi-steady state conditions using geophysical data constraints", Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 467-477, 2005/5.
Keywords: groundwater, modeling, moisture, moisture content, monitoring, vadose zone

Cassiani,Giorgio, Bruno,Vittorio, Villa,Alberto, Fusi,Nicoletta, and Binley,Andrew M., "A saline trace test monitored via time-lapse surface electrical resistivity tomography", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 244-259, 2006.
Keywords: AQUIFER, clay, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, ERT, groundwater, hydrogeology, inversion, monitoring, plume, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, saline tracer, shallow, site, tomography, tracer test

Cassiani,Giorgio, Kemna,Andreas, Villa,Alberto, and Zimmerman,Egon, "Spectral induced polarization for the characterization of free-phase hydrocarbon contamination of sediments with low clay content", Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 7, pp. 547-562, 2009.
Keywords: characterization, clay, contamination, hydrocarbon, induced polarization, polarization, sediments, spectral induced polarization, soil, porous media, hydrocarbons, experiments, sand, phase, electrical conductivity, conductivity, resistivity

Cassidy,Daniel P., Werkema,Jr.,D.Dale, Sauck,William, Atekwana,Estella, Rossbach,Silvia, and Duris,Joe, "The Effects of LNAPL Biodegradation Products on Electrical Conductivity Measurements", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 47-52, 2001/4.
Keywords: biodegredation, conductivity, contamination, electrical conductivity, experiments, field, laboratory, LNAPL, phase, soil

Cassidy,Nigel J., "Evaluating LNAPL contamination using GPR signal attenuation analysis and dielectric property measurements: Practical implications for hydrological studies", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 94, No. 1-2, pp. 49-75, 2007/10/30.
Keywords: attenuation, attribute analysis, conductivity, contaminant, contamination, dielectric, dielectric properties, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, environmental, geophysical techniques, GPR, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, LNAPL, resistivity

Castermant,J., Mendonca,C.A., Revil,A., Trolard,F., Bourrie,G., and Linde,N., "Redox potential distribution inferred from self-potential measurements associated with the corrosion of a burden metallic body", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 269-282, 2008.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrodes, geobattery, GROUND-WATER, inversion, iron, organic compounds, resistivity, sand, self potential, self-potential anomaly

Casto,Daniel W., Luke,Barbara, Calderon-Macias,Carlos, and Kaufman,Ronald, "Interpreting Surface-wave Data for a Site with Shallow Bedrock", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 14, pp. 115-127, 2009.
Keywords: inversion, unconsolidated, near surface, clay, forward modeling, modeling, geology

Chambers,J., Ogilvy,R., Kuras,O., Cripps,J., and Meldrum,P., "3D electrical imaging of known targets at a controlled environmental test site", Environmental Geology, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 690-704, 2002.
Keywords: electrical, environmental, imaging, site

Chambers,J.E., Loke,M.H., Ogilvy,R.D., and Meldrum,P.I., "Noninvasive monitoring of DNAPL migration through a saturated porous medium using electrical impedance tomography", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 68, No. 1-2, pp. 1-22, 2004/1.
Keywords: clay, contamination, DNAPL, electrodes, inversion, iron, laboratory, modeling, monitoring, polarizability, porous media, resistivity, tomography

Chambers,J.E., Kuras,Oliver, Meldrum,Philip I., Ogilvy,Richard D., and Hollands,Jonathan, "Electrical resistivity tomography applied to geologic, hydrogeologic, and engineering investigations at a former waste-disposal site", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 6, pp. B231-B239, 2006.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, investigation, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, site, tomography

Chan,Christina Y., Buettner,H.Michael, Newmark,Robin, and Mavko,Gary, "Conductivity Measurements of Sand-Clay Mixtures: A Modified Experimental Method", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 15-26, 2000/9.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical conductivity, electrical conductivity measurement, sand, TCE, experiments, groundwater, contaminant, unconsolidated, sediments, seismic, seismic measurements, clay, field

Che-Alota,Vukenkeng, Atekwana,Estella, Atekwana,Eliot, Sauck,William A., Rossbach,Silvia, Davis,Caroline, Nolan,Jay, Slater,Lee, and Werkema,Dale, "Geophysical and geochemical attenuated signatures associated with hydrocarbon contaminated site undergoing bioremediation", SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 2719-2723, 2008/1.
Keywords: attenuation, electrical resistivity, environmental, groundwater, near surface

Chelidze,T.L., and Gueguen,Y., "Electrical spectroscopy of porous rocks: a review - I. Theoretical models", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 137, No. 1, pp. 1-15, 1999.
Keywords: behavior, conductivity, CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, CONSTANT, dielectric, dielectric permittivity, DIELECTRIC-PROPERTIES, double layer, electrical, electrical conductivity, electromagnetism, exchange, field, FRACTAL NATURE, fractals, frequency, frequency domain, inhomogeneous media, MEDIA, polarization, porosity, relaxation, RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, review, rocks, SANDSTONES, SATURATED ROCKS, spectroscopy, TRANSIENT, water content, WATER-CONTENT

Chen,Jinsong, Kemna,Andreas, and Hubbard,Susan S., "A comparison between Gauss-Newton and Markov-chain Monte Carlo-based methods for inverting spectral induced-polarization data for Cole-Cole parameters", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 6, pp. F247-F259, 2008.
Keywords: gauss-newton, induced polarization, inversion, laboratory, markov-chain, modeling, monte carlo, parameter estimation, polarization, SIP, spectral induced polarization

Chew,W.C., and Sen,P.N., "Dielectric enhancement due to electrochemcial double layers: thin double layer approximation", Jounral of Chemical Physics, Vol. 77, pp. 4683-4693, 1982.
Keywords: dielectric, double layer

Cho,In Ky, and Yeom,Ji Yeon, "Crossline resistivity tomography for the delineation of anomalous seepage pathways in an embankment dam", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. G31-G38, 2007.
Keywords: dam, dams, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, seepage, terrestrial electricity, tomography

Cho,J.S., "Air Sparging Experiments on a Two Dimensional Sand Box with DNAPLs: Multiphase Investigation with Electrical Impedence Tomography", In ASCI National Convention, Washington D.C.(reddi, L.N., Ed.), Nov.12-14, 1996, pp. 369-380, 1996.
Keywords: conductivity, DNAPL, electrical conductivity, electrodes, experiments, laboratory, modeling, monitoring, multiphase flow, PCE, resistivity, sand, soil, tetrachloroethylene, tomography, transport

Choi,J.Y., Wu,Y.X., and Slater,L., "Effects of precipitation on the low-frequency electrical properties of zero valent iron: Implications for monitoring PRBS", Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 227, pp. U1048-U1048, 2004.
Keywords: electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, iron, low frequency electrical, monitoring, PRB, zero valent iron

Christiansen,Anders V., Auken,Esben, Foged,Nikolai, and Sorensen,Kurt I., "Mutually and laterally constrained inversion of CVES and TEM data: a case study", Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 5, pp. 115-123, 2007.
Keywords: inversion, electromagnetic, resistivity, electrical resistivity, conductivity, field, resolution

Coffin,Richard, Pohlman,John, Gardner,Joan, Downer,Ross, Wood,Warren, Hamdan,Leila, Walker,Shelby, Plummer,Rebecca, Gettrust,Joseph, and Diaz,Juan, "Methane hydrate exploration on the mid Chilean coast: A geochemical and geophysical survey", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 56, No. 1-3, pp. 32-41, 2007.
Keywords: acoustic, geophysics, methane, methane hydrates, seismic, seismic profiles, shallow, shallow piston porewater, site, sulfate

Cole,Kenneth S., and Cole,Robert H., "Dispersion and Absorption in Dielectrics I. Alternating Current Characteristics", The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 341-351, 1941.
Keywords: dielectric

Collett,L.S., and Fink,James B., "History of the Induced-Polarization Method", 1990.
Keywords: complex resistivity, electrodes, electromagnetic, field, groundwater, induced polarization, IP, laboratory, magnetic, phase, polarization, resistivity, rocks, soil

Comas,X., Slater,L., and Reeve,A., "Geophysical evidence for peat basin morphology and stratigraphic controls on vegetation observed in a Northern Peatland", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 295, No. 1-4, pp. 173-184, 2004.
Keywords: basin, bog, clay, electrical, electrical imaging, electrical resistivity, geophysics, ground penetrating radar, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, groundwater, imaging, landforms, lost river peatland, maine, minnesota, mire, peat, peatlands, pool formation, resistivity, resistivity imaging, vegetation patterns, water chemistry

Comas,X., Slater,L., and Reeve,A., "Spatial variability in biogenic gas accumulations in peat soils is revealed by ground penetrating radar (GPR)", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2005.
Keywords: ebullition, flow, flux, GPR, ground penetrating radar, moisture, movement, northern peatlands, peat, peatlands, soil, VELOCITIES, water content, WATER-CONTENT

Comas,X., Slater,L., and Reeve,A., "Geophysical and hydrological evaluation of two bog complexes in a northern peatland: Implications for the distribution of biogenic gases at the basin scale", Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2005.
Keywords: basin, bog

Comas,X., Slater,L., and Reeve,A., "Stratigraphic controls on pool formation in a domed bog inferred from ground penetrating radar (GPR)", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 315, No. 1-4, pp. 40-51, 2005.
Keywords: bog, GPR, ground penetrating radar, pool formation

Comas,X., and Slater,L., "Evolution of biogenic gases in peat blocks inferred from noninvasive dielectric permittivity measurements", Water Resources Research, Vol. 43, No. W05424, 2007.
Keywords: dielectric, dielectric permittivity, peat

Comas,X., Slater,L., and Reeve,A., "In situ monitoring of free-phase gas accumulation and release in peatlands using ground penetrating radar (GPR)", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, No. 6, 2007.
Keywords: GPR, ground penetrating radar, monitoring, peatlands

Comas,X., Slater,L., and Reeve,A., "Seasonal geophysical monitoring of biogenic gases in a northern peatland: Implications for temporal and spatial variability in free phase gas production rates", Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, Vol. 113, No. G01012, 2008.
Keywords: monitoring, phase, temporal

Comas,Xavier, and Slater,Lee, "Low-frequency electrical properties of peat", Water Resources Research, Vol. 40, pp. W12414, 2004.
Keywords: conduction, double layer, hydraulic conductivity, induced polarization, peat, polarization, sediments

Corry,Charles E., "Spontaneous polarization associated with porphyry sulfide mineralization", Geophysics, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 1020-1034, 1985.
Keywords: polarization, sulfide

Corry,Charles E., "Reply by the author to G. W. Leney", Geophysics, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 1154-1155, 1986.
Keywords: n/a

Cosenza,P., Ghorbani,A., Revil,A., Zamora,M., Schmutz,M., Jougnot,D., and Florsch,N., "A physical model of the low-frequency electrical polarization of clay rocks", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, 2008.
Keywords: clay, electrical, low frequency electrical, polarization, rocks

Crespy,A., Revil,A., Linde,N., Byrdina,S., Jardani,A., Bolève,A., and Henry,P., "Detection and localization of hydromechanical disturbances in a sandbox using the self-potential method", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, No. B01205, 2008.
Keywords: self potential

Crook,N., Binley,A., Knight,R., Robinson,D.A., Zarnetske,J., and Haggerty,R., "Electrical resistivity imaging of the architecture of substream sediments", Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, pp. W00D13, 2008.
Keywords: characterization, electrical resistivity, electrodes, imaging, modeling, resistivity, sediments
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Dahlin,T., Bernstone,C., and Loke,M.H., "A 3-D resistivity investigation of a contaminated site at Lernacken, Sweden", Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 1692-1700, 2002.
Keywords: 3-D INVERSION, APPLICATIONS, data acquisition, electrodes, environmental, geophysics, imaging, inversion, investigation, resistivity, RESISTIVITY DATA, resistivity imaging, site

Dahlin,T., and Zhou,B., "A numerical comparison of 2D resistivity imaging with 10 electrode arrays", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 379-398, 2004.
Keywords: contamination, DC RESISTIVITY, geology, imaging, inversion, multi-electrode, NEWTON, PSEUDOSECTIONS, reduction, resistivity, resistivity imaging, resolution, tomography

Dahlin,Torleif, Leroux,Virginie, and Nissen,Johan, "Measuring techniques in induced polarisation imaging", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 279-298, 2002/6.
Keywords: clay, electrodes, induced polarisation, IP, landfill, multi-electrode, polarisation, sand, stainless steel electrodes

Daily,W., and Ramirez,A., "Electrical resistance tomography during in-situ trichloroethylene remediation at the Savannah River Site", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 239-249, 1995/4.
Keywords: organic compounds, permeability, resistivity, soil, tomography, vadose zone

Daily,W., and Ramirez,A., "Environmental Process Tomography in the United-States", Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 159-165, 1995.
Keywords: electromagnetic, environmental, groundwater, hydrocarbon, imaging, remediation, seismic, site, soil, storage, stream, tomography

Daily,W., Ramirez,A., Labrecque,D., and Barber,W., "Electrical-Resistance Tomography Experiments at the Oregon-Graduate-Institute", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 227-237, 1995.
Keywords: computed-tomography, contaminant, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, experiments, hydrocarbon, imaging, impedance tomography, inversion, remediation, resistance tomography, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, sediments, site, soil, spill, storage, tomography, vadose zone

Daily,W., Ramirez,A., and Binley,A., "Remote monitoring of leaks in storage tanks using electrical resistance tomography: Application at the Hanford site", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 11-24, 2004.
Keywords: electrical, electrodes, environmental, environmental engineering, ERT, field, hanford, monitoring, remediation, resistance tomography, site, storage, tomography

Daily,W.D., Ramirez,A.L., Binley,A.M., and LaBrecque,D.J., "Electrical resistance tomography", The Leading Edge, pp. 438-442, 2004.
Keywords: electrical, resistance tomography, tomography

Daily,William, and Ramirez,Abelardo L., "Electrical imaging of engineered hydraulic barriers", Geophysics, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 83-94, 2000/1.
Keywords: electrical resistivity, hydraulic barriers, imaging, permeable reactive barriers, PRB, soil

Daily,William, and Ramirez,Abelardo, "Electrical Impedance Tomography for Detection of DNAPL Contamination", 2004.
Keywords: contamination, DNAPL, electrical, tomography

Daley,T.M., Majer,E.L., and Peterson,J.E., "Crosswell seismic imaging in a contaminated basalt aquifer", Geophysics, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 16-24, 2004.
Keywords: algebraic reconstruction, amplitudes, anisotropy, AQUIFER, attenuation, characterization, contaminant, contaminated groundwater, environmental, flow, fracture, frequency, geophysics, groundwater, imaging, laboratory, p-wave, permeability, resolution, rock, seismic, site, texas carbonate reservoir, tomography, transport, VELOCITIES

Daniels,J.J., Roberts,D., and Vendl,M., "Ground Penetrating Radar for the Detection of Liquid Contaminants", Journal of Applied Geophysics, pp. 195-207, 1995.
Keywords: contaminant, field, ground penetrating radar, LNAPL, vapor phase

Darnet,Mathieu, Marquis,Guy, and Sailhac,Pascal, "Hydraulic stimulation of geothermal reservoirs: fluid flow, electric potential and microseismicity relationships", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 166, No. 1, pp. 438-444, 2006.
Keywords: electric potential, flow, fluid flow, geophysics, GEOTHERMAL power plants, geothermics, HYDRAULICS, microseismicity, MICROSEISMS, reservoir, rock, seismology, site, SP, stimulation, temporal

David,Pardo, Carlos,Torres Verdin, and Zhiyi,Zhang, "Sensitivity study of borehole-to-surface and crosswell electromagnetic measurements acquired with energized steel casing to water displacement in hydrocarbon-bearing layers", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 6, pp. F261-F268, 2008.
Keywords: electromagnetic, finite element analysis, hydrocarbon reservoirs, terrestrial electricity, well logging

David,Price, Andrew,Curtis, and Rachel,Wood, "Statistical correlation between geophysical logs and extracted core", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. E97-E106, 2008.
Keywords: computerised tomography, geophysical prospecting, hydrocarbon reservoirs, well logging

Davis,C.A., Atekwana,E., Atekwana,E., Slater,L.D., Rossbach,S., and Mormile,M.R., "Microbial growth and biofilm formation in geologic media is detected with complex conductivity measurements", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, No. 18, 2006.
Keywords: complex conductivity, conductivity, CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, electrical, electrical properties, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, electrical-properties, environmental, imaging, MEDIA, NANOWIRES, polarization, porous media, sand

Davis,Caroline A., Pyrak-Nolte,Laura J., Atekwana,Estella A., Werkema,D.Dale, and Haugen,Marisa E., "Microbial-induced heterogeneity in the acoustic properties of porous media", Geophys.Res.Lett., Vol. 36, 2009.
Keywords: 0416 Biogeosciences: Biogeophysics, 0463 Biogeosciences: Microbe/mineral interactions, 5102 Physical Properties of Rocks: Acoustic properties, acoustic, attenuation, biogeophysics, environmental, field, imaging, MEDIA, porous media, sand, scanning electron microscopy, seismic

Davis,J.L., and Annan,A.P., "Ground-penetrating radar for high-resolution mapping of soil and rock stratigraphy", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 531-551, 1989.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, mapping, rock, soil

Day-Lewis,F.D., White,E.A., Johnson,C.D., Lane,Jr, and Belaval,M., "Continuous resistivity profiling to delineate submarine groundwater discharge---examples and limitations", The Leading Edge, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 724-728, 2006.
Keywords: data acquisition, groundwater, limitations, oceanography, resistivity, water resources

Day-Lewis,Frederick D., Singha,Kamini, and Binley,Andrew M., "Applying petrophysical models to radar travel time and electrical resistivity tomograms: Resolution-dependent limitations", J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 110, 2005.
Keywords: 0520 Computational Geophysics: Data analysis: algorithms and implementation, 0910 Exploration Geophysics: Data processing, 0915 Exploration Geophysics: Downhole methods, 1835 Hydrology: Hydrogeophysics, 3260 Mathematical Geophysics: Inverse theory, APPLICATIONS, conduction, correlation loss, electrical, electrical conduction, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, electromagnetic, ERT, field, imaging, inversion, limitations, near surface, parameter estimation, permeability, porosity, resistivity, resolution, tomography, water content, WATER-CONTENT

de la Vega,Matias, Osella,Ana, and Lascano,Eugenia, "Joint inversion of Wenner and dipole-dipole data to study a gasoline-contaminated soil", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 54, No. 1-2, pp. 97-109, 2003/11.
Keywords: clay, contaminant, contamination, inversion, monitoring, resistivity, resolution, soil, tomography

de Lima,O.A.L., and Niwas,Sri, "Estimation of hydraulic parameters of shaly sandstone aquifers from geoelectrical measurements", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 235, No. 1-2, pp. 12-26, 2000/8/22.
Keywords: clay, conductivity, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, hydraulic conductivity, induced polarization, laboratory, polarization, porosity, resistivity, rocks, sand

de Lima,Olivar, and Sharma,Mukul, "A generalized Maxwell-Wagner theory for membrane polarization in shaly sands", Geophysics, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 431-440, 1992.
Keywords: polarization, sand

De Pascale,G.P., Pollard,W.H., and Williams,K.K., "Geophysical mapping of ground ice using a combination of capacitive coupled resistivity and ground-penetrating radar, Northwest Territories, Canada", Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, Vol. 113, No. F2, 2008.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, mapping, resistivity

Dickin,F., and Wang,M., "Electrical resistance tomography for process applications", Measurement Science & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 247-260, 1996.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, electrodes, geophysical prospecting, impedance tomography, laboratory, resistance tomography, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography

Dieter,K., Paterson,N.R., and Grant,F.S., "IP and resistivity type curves for three-dimensional bodies", Geophysics, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 615-632, 1969.
Keywords: IP, resistivity

Dittrich,M., and Luttge,A., "Microorganisms, mineral surfaces, and aquatic environments: Learning from the past for future progress", Geobiology, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 201-213, 2008.
Keywords: environment, microorganisms

Doussan,Claude, and Ruy,Stephane, "Prediction of unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity with electrical conductivity", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, pp. W10408, 2010/10/7.
Keywords: soil, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity, field, electrical conductivity, laboratory, clay, monitoring, electrical resistivity, resistivity, tomography

Duckworth,Kenneth, and Calvert,H.Thomas, "An examination of the relationship between time-domain integral chargeability and the Cole-Cole impedance model", Geophysics, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 1249-1252, 1995.
Keywords: impedance, time domain

Dudas,J., Niesner,E., and Vero,L., "Resistivity and IP parameters used for hydrogeologic purposes and differentiation between nonmetallic minerals", Geophysical Transactions, Vol. 36, pp. 81-92, 1991.
Keywords: IP, minerals, resistivity

Dupuis,J.Christian, Butler,Karl E., and Kepic,Anton W., "Seismoelectric imaging of the vadose zone of a sand aquifer", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 6, pp. A81-A85, 2007.
Keywords: AQUIFER, groundwater, hydrological techniques, imaging, sand, sediments, seismology, vadose zone
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Ellefsen,K.J., "Cross-well radar in layered sediments", Vol. Open File Report 96-510, pp. 1-24, 1996.
Keywords: borehole radar, clay, dielectric, DNAPL, experiments, field, monitoring, sand, sediments

Endres,A.L., and Knight,R.J., "A Model for Incorporating Surface Phenomena into the Dielectric Response of a Heterogeneous Medium", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 157, No. 2, pp. 418-425, 1993.
Keywords: dielectric, MEDIA

Endres,A.L., and Greenhouse,J.P., "Detection and monitoring of chlorinated solvent contamination by thermal neutron logging", Ground Water, Vol. 34, pp. 283-292, 1996.
Keywords: contamination, field, laboratory, moisture, monitoring, neutron logging, PCE, rocks, soil, thermal neutron logging, water content

Endres,Anthony L., and Knight,Rosemary, "The effects of pore-scale fluid distribution on the physical properties of partially saturated tight sandstones", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 1091-1098, 1991.
Keywords: dielectric properties, ELASTIC WAVES, MATHEMATICAL MODELS, physical properties, POROUS MATERIALS, SANDSTONES, saturation, SIMULATION

Erdogan,Erhan, Demirci,Ismail, and Candansayar,Mehmet Emin, "Incorporating topography into 2D resistivity modeling using finite-element and finite-difference approaches", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. F135-F142, 2008.
Keywords: finite difference methods, finite element analysis, geophysics computing, modeling, poisson equation, resistivity, topography (earth)
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Fagerlund,Fritjof, and Heinson,Graham, "Detecting subsurface groundwater flow in fractured rock using self-potential (SP) methods", Environmental Geology, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 782-794, 2003.
Keywords: flow, groundwater, groundwater-flow, rock, self potential, SP

Farhadian,M., Vachelard,C., Duchez,D., and Larroche,C., "In situ bioremediation of monoaromatic pollutants in groundwater: A review", Bioresource Technology, Vol. 99, No. 13, pp. 5296-5308, 2008.
Keywords: groundwater, review

Faybishenko,Boris, Hazen,Terry C., Long,Philip E., Brodie,Eoin L., Conrad,Mark E., Hubbard,Susan S., Christensen,John N., Joyner,Dominique, Borglin,Sharon E., Chakraborty,Romy, Williams,Kenneth H., Peterson,John E., Chen,Jinsong, Brown,Shaun T., Tokunaga,Tetsu K., Wan,Jiamin, Firestone,Mary, Newcomer,Darrell R., Resch,Charles T., Cantrell,Kirk J., Willett,Anna, and Koenigsberg,Stephen, "In Situ Long-Term Reductive Bioimmobilization of Cr(VI) in Groundwater Using Hydrogen Release Compound", Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 42, No. 22, pp. 8478-8485, 2008.
Keywords: groundwater

Ferre,T.P.A., Hinnell,A.C., and Blainey,J.B., "Inferring hydraulic properties using surface-based electrical resistivity during infiltration", The Leading Edge, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 720-723, 2006.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, hydraulic properties, hydrology, resistivity, rivers, rocks

Ferre,T.P.A., Binley,A.M., Blasch,K.W., Callacary,J.B., Crawford,S.M., Fink,J.B., Flint,A.L, Flint,L.E., Hoffman,J.P., Izbicki,J.A., Levitt,M.T., Pool,D.R., Scanlon,B.R., Stonestrom,D.A., Constantz,J., Ferre,T.P.A., and Leake,S.A., "Geophysical methods for investigating ground-water recharge", Vol. 1703, pp. 373-410, 2007.
Keywords: characterization, groundwater, modeling, monitoring, physical properties, recharge, resolution, temporal

Fink,James B., "On K-factors and gamma log calculations", Geophysics, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 1546-1550, 1978/12.
Keywords: gamma logging

Fink,James B., and Pelton,William H., "Dipole-dipole frequency-domain EM sounding", SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 119-121, 1984/1.
Keywords: EM, frequency domain em

Fink,James B., Levitt,Marc T., and McGill,Robert L., "Vadose Zone Transport Field Study: 3D Casing Tomography and High Resolution Resistivity", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. GW4-GW4, 2002/1/1.
Keywords: fluid flow, hanford, leak detection, monitoring, resistivity

French,Helen K., Hardbattle,Carol, Binley,Andrew, Winship,Peter, and Jakobsen,Leif, "Monitoring snowmelt induced unsaturated flow and transport using electrical resistivity tomography", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 267, No. 3-4, pp. 273-284, 2002.
Keywords: eelectrical resistivity tomography, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, flow, lysimeter, monitoring, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, snowmelt, tomography, tracers, transport, unsaturated flow

Friedman,Shmulik P., "Soil properties influencing apparent electrical conductivity: a review", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 46, No. 1-3, pp. 45-70, 2005.
Keywords: apparent (effective) electrical conductivity, conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, environmental, limitations, MEDIA, particle size distribution, review, soil, soil salinity, water content, WATER-CONTENT

Frohlich,R.K., Barosh,P.J., and Boving,T., "Investigating changes of electrical characteristics of the saturated zone affected by hazardous orgainc waste", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 64, pp. 25-36, 2008.
Keywords: apparent formation factor, conductivity, contaminant, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, fracture, groundwater, groundwater contamination, hazardous organic compounds, hydraulic conductivity, iron, lakes, monitoring, near surface, resistivity

Fukue,M., Inoue,T., Fujimori,Y., Tanabe,K., Kita,K., Chida,T., and Nishihara,A., "Resistivity change during transport of heavy metal in sand", Engineering Geology, Vol. 85, No. 1-2, pp. 46-52, 2006.
Keywords: heavy metals, infiltration, monitoring, resistivity, resistivity cone, sand, sorption, transport

Furman,Alex, Ferre,Ty P.A., and Warrick,Art W., "Optimization of ERT Surveys for Monitoring Transient Hydrological Events Using Perturbation Sensitivity and Genetic Algorithms", Vadose Zone J, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1230-1239, 2004.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, electrodes, ERT, monitoring, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography, TRANSIENT, vadose zone

Furman,Alex, Ferre,Ty P.A., and Heath,Gail L., "Spatial focusing of electrical resistivity surveys considering geologic and hydrologic layering", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. F65-F73, 2007.
Keywords: electrical, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, hydrology, resistivity, terrestrial electricity
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Galagedara,L.W., Parkin,G.W., Redman,J.D., von Bertoldi,P., and Endres,A.L., "Field studies of the GPR ground wave method for estimating soil water content during irrigation and drainage", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 301, No. 1-4, pp. 182-197, 2005/1/20.
Keywords: field, GPR, ground penetrating radar, sand, soil, TDR, time domain reflectometry, water content

Gasperikova,Erika, Smith,J.Torquil, Morrison,H.Frank, Becker,Alex, and Kappler,Karl, "UXO detection and identification based on intrinsic target polarizabilities --- A case history", Geophysics, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. B1-B8, 2009.
Keywords: electromagnetic induction, geophysical techniques, landmine detection, mortar, polarizability, scrap metal

Gehman,Carter L., Harry,Dennis L., Sanford,William E., Stednick,John D., and Beckman,Nathaniel A., "Estimating specific yield and storage change in an unconfined aquifer using temporal gravity surveys", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, pp. W00D21, 2009.
Keywords: temporal, gravity, groundwater, modeling, physical properties

Geller,Jil T., and Myer,Larry R., "Ultrasonic imaging of organic liquid contaminants in unconsolidated porous media", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 85-104, 1995/8.
Keywords: attenuation, contaminant, contamination, experiments, groundwater, imaging, laboratory, porous media, sand, seismic, seismic measurements, seismic methods, unconsolidated

Gerovska,Daniela, and Arauzo-Bravo,Marcos J., "Automatic interpretation of magnetic data based on Euler deconvolution with unprescribed structural index", Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 949-960, 2003/10.
Keywords: euler deconvolution, field, magnetic

Ghorbani,A., Camerlynck,C., Florsch,N., Cosenza,P., and Revil,A., "Bayesian inference of the Cole-Cole parameters from time- and frequency-domain induced polarization", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 589-605, 2007.
Keywords: frequency domain, induced polarization, polarization

Gibert,D., and Sailhac,P., "Comment on self-potential signals associated with preferential groundwater flow pathways in sinkholesâ by A. Jardani, J. P. Dupont, and A. Revil", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, No. B03210, 2008.
Keywords: flow, groundwater, groundwater-flow, groundwater flow, self-potential

Girard,J.F., Boucher,M., Legchenko,A., and Baltassat,J.M., "2D magnetic resonance tomography applied to karstic conduit imaging", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 63, No. 3-4, pp. 103-116, 2007/12/5.
Keywords: groundwater, imaging, inversion, karstic conduit, magnetic, magnetic resonance sounding, magnetic resonance tomography, modelling, MRS, MRT, PMR, proton magnetic resonance, resolution, SNMR, surface nuclear magnetic resonance, tomography, water content

Glaser II,Danney R., Rucker,Dale F., Fink,James B., Levitt,Mark T., and Baldyga,Christopher A., "A Comprehensive Geophysical Case Study at a Former Radioactive Waste Disposal Site in the Columbia River Valley, Southeastern Washington", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 821-830, 2005/1/1.
Keywords: imaging, clay, hanford, magnetics, magnetic, electromagnetic, EM, resistivity, contaminant, transport, resolution, electrical resistivity

Glaser II,Danney R., Fink,James B., St.Louis,Robert M., and Bell,Ronald S., "High Resolution Resistivity Mapping of Subsurface Controls on Acid Rock Drainage at an Active Mine Site", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 988-997, 2009/3/29.
Keywords: acid rock drainage, clay, imaging, mapping, resistivity, resolution

Glaser,D., Rucker,D., McGill,R., Fink,J., Baldyga,C., Hansen,J., and Magliocchino,A., "Residual Potential Mapping of Contaminant Transport Pathways in Karst Formations of Southern Texas", Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, Proceedings of Tenth Multidisciplinary Conference, 2005/9.
Keywords: contaminant, electrical resistivity, environmental, field, mise-a-la-masse, resistivity, resolution, TCE, transport

Glaser,Danney R., "Estimation of Alluvium Properties from Spectral Induced Polarization Measurements", 2009.
Keywords: spectral induced polarization, induced polarization, polarization, soil, sediments, grain size, unconsolidated, clay, laboratory, conductivity, IP

Glover,P.W.J., and Walker,E., "Grain-size to effective pore-size transformation derived from electrokinetic theory", Geophysics, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. E17-E29, 2009.
Keywords: electrokinetic effects, grain size, permeability, porosity, rocks

Goes,B.J.M., and Meekes,J.A.C., "An effective electrode configuration for the detection of DNAPLs with electrical resistivity tomography", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 127-141, 2004.
Keywords: DNAPL, electrical resistivity, ERT, resistivity, tomography

Greaves,R.J., Lesmes,D.P., Lee,J.M., and Toksoz,M.M, "Velocity variations and water content estimated from multi-offset, ground-penetrating radar", Geophysics, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 683-695, 1996.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, VELOCITY, water content

Greenhouse,John, Brewster,Michael, Schneider,George, Redman,David, Annan,Peter, Olhoeft,Gary, Lucius,Jeff, Sander,Kathy, and Mazzella,Aldo, "Geophysics and solvents: The Borden experiment", The Leading Edge, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 261-267, 1993/4.
Keywords: borden, geophysics, solvents

Grimm,R.E., Olhoeft,G.R., McKinley,K., Rossabi,J., and Riha,B., "Nonlinear complex-resistivity survey for DNAPL at the Savannah River site A-014 outfall", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 351-364, 2005.
Keywords: complex resistivity, DNAPL, site

Grimm,Robert E., and Olhoeft,Gary R., "Cross-Hole Complex Resistivity Survey For Pce At The Srs A-014 Outfall", 2004.
Keywords: complex resistivity, cross hole, PCE, resistivity

Grimm,Robert E., Olhoeft,Gary R., McKinley,Kate, Rossabi,Joseph, and Riha,Brian, "Nonlinear Complex-Resistivity Survey for DNAPL at the Savannah River Site A-014 Outfall", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 351-364, 2005/12.
Keywords: complex resistivity, contamination, electrical resistivity, geophysical techniques, imaging, near surface, seismology, soil

Grote,K., and Hubbard,S., "Field-scale estimation of volumetric water content using ground penetrating radar ground wave techniques", Water Resources Research, Vol. 39, No. 11, pp. SBH 5-1-SBH 5-12, 2003.
Keywords: GPR, ground penetrating radar, soil, time domain reflectometry, water content

Guessan,A.Lucie, Vrionis,Helen A., Resch,Charles T., Long,Philip E., and Lovley,Derek R., "Sustained Removal of Uranium From Contaminated Groundwater Following Stimulation of Dissimilatory Metal Reduction", Environ.Sci.Technol., 2008.
Keywords: contaminated groundwater, groundwater, reduction, stimulation

Guichet,X., Jouniaux,L., and Pozzi,J.P., "Streaming potential of a sand column in partial saturation conditions", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 108, No. B3, 2003.
Keywords: sand, saturation

Guichet,Xavier, Jouniaux,Laurence, and Catel,Nicole, "Modification of streaming potential by precipitation of calcite in a sand-water system: laboratory measurements in the pH range from 4 to 12", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 166, No. 1, pp. 445-460, 2006.
Keywords: calcite, laboratory
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Haas,A., and Revil,A., "Electrical burst signature of pore-scale displacements", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, pp. W10202, 2009/9/16.
Keywords: acoustic, electrical, electrical measurements, electrodes, experiments, field

Haggerty,Roy, Argerich,Alba, and Marti,Eugenia, "Development of a ''smart'' tracer for the assessment of microbiological activity and sediment-water interaction in natural waters: The resazurin-resorufin system", Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, pp. W00D01, 2008.
Keywords: solute transport, transport, microorganisms, sediments, laboratory, experiments

HAGREY,A.A.L., MEISSNER,R., WERBAN,U., RABBEL,W., and ISMAEIL,A., "Hydro, bio-geophysics", The Leading Edge, 2004.
Keywords: biogeophysics

Hayley,K., Bentley,L.R., Gharibi,M., and Nightingale,M., "Low temperature dependence of electrical resistivity: Implications for near surface geophysical monitoring", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, No. L18402, 2007.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, monitoring, near surface, resistivity

Heathman,Gary C., Starks,Patrick J., Ahuja,Lajpat R., and Jackson,Thomas J., "Assimilation of surface soil moisture to estimate profile soil water content", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 279, No. 1-4, pp. 1-17, 2003/8/25.
Keywords: field, hydraulic properties, hydrology, laboratory, modeling, moisture, soil, soil moisture, TDR, time domain reflectometry, water content

Hilbich,C., Hauck,C., Hoelzle,M., Scherler,M., Schudel,L., Völksch,I., Mühll,D.Vonder, and Mäusbacher,R., "Monitoring mountain permafrost evolution using electrical resistivity tomography: A 7-year study of seasonal, annual, and long-term variations at Schilthorn, Swiss Alps", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, No. F01S90, 2008.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, monitoring, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography

Hill,Reghan J., Saville,D.A., and Russel,W.B., "Polarizability and complex conductivity of dilute suspensions of spherical colloidal particles with uncharged (neutral) polymer coatings", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 268, No. 1, pp. 230-245, 2003/12/1.
Keywords: added counterions, complex conductivity, conductivity increment, dielectric constant increment, dielectric spectroscopy, double layer, electrokinetics, maxwell-wagner relaxation, non-specific adsorption, polarizability, polarization, polymer-coated particles, relaxation

Hinnell,A.C., Ferre,T.P.A., Vrugt,J.A., Huisman,J.A., Moysey,S., Rings,J., and Kowalsky,M.B., "Improved extraction of hydrologic information from geophysical data through coupled hydrogeophysical inversion", Water Resources Research, Vol. 46, pp. W00D40, 2010.
Keywords: hydrology, inversion, temporal, electrical conductivity, conductivity, water content, structural

Hordt,Andreas, Hanstein,Tilman, Honig,Mark, and Neubauer,Fritz Manfred, "Efficient spectral IP-modelling in the time domain", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 152-161, 2006.
Keywords: cole-cole, induced polarisation, modelling, SIP, spectral, time domain

Hordt,Andreas, Blaschek,Roland, Kemna,Andreas, and Zisser,Norbert, "Hydraulic conductivity estimation from induced polarisation data at the field scale -- the Krauthausen case history", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 33-46, 2007/5/14.
Keywords: complex conductivity, groundwater, hydraulic conductivity, induced polarisation, inversion, spectral ip, unconsolidated

Hrapovic,L., Sleep,B.E., Major,D.J., and Hood,E.D., "Laboratory study of treatment of trichloroethene by chemical oxidation followed by bioremediation", Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 2888-2897, 2005.

Hubbard,B., Binley,A., Slater,L., Middleton,R., and Kulessa,B., "Inter-borehole electrical resistivity imaging of englacial drainage", Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 44, No. 147, pp. 429-434, 1998.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, ERT, field, fracture, geometry, haut glacier darolla, ice permeability, imaging, investigation, models, pressure, resistivity, resistivity imaging, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, storglaciaren, sweden, switzerland, tomography, water veins

Hubbard,Susan S., and Rubin,Yoram, "Hydrogeological parameter estimation using geophysical data: a review of selected techniques", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 45, pp. 3-34, 2000.
Keywords: characterization, environmental, groundwater, hydraulic properties, modeling, parameter estimation, resolution, review

Hubbard,Susan S., Williams,Ken, Conrad,Mark E., Faybishenko,Boris, Peterson,John, Chen,Jinsong, Long,Phil, and Hazen,Terry, "Geophysical Monitoring of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Transformations Associated with Cr(VI) Bioremediation", Environ.Sci.Technol., 2008.
Keywords: monitoring

Huisman,J.A., Sperl,C., Bouten,W., and Verstraten,J.M., "Soil water content measurements at different scales: accuracy of time domain reflectometry and ground penetrating radar", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 245, pp. 45-58, 2001.
Keywords: soil, WATER, water content, WATER-CONTENT, TIME, time domain, time domain reflectometry, DOMAIN, REFLECTOMETRY, ground penetrating radar

Huisman,J.A., Weerts,A.H., Heimovaara,T.J., and Boutne,W., "Comparison of travel time analysis and inverse modeling for soil water content determination with time domain reflectometry", Water Resources Research, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 13-1-13-8, 2002.
Keywords: dielectric, modeling, soil, TDR, time domain reflectometry, water content

Huntley,David, "Relations Between Permeability and Electrical Resistivity in Granular Aquifers", Ground Water, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 466-474, 1986/7.
Keywords: apparent formation factor, conduction, conductivity, electrical resistivity, experiments, groundwater, laboratory, permeability, porosity, resistivity, surface conduction

Hurtado Cardador,Manuel, Cuevas,Antonio L., Watanabe,Hidehiko, Saito,Akira, Wada,Kazushige, Ishikawa,Hidehiro, and Okuzumi,Koichi, "Experimental evaluation of hydrocarbon detection with the Long-Offset Time-Domain Electromagnetic Method in the Cretaceous carbonates of the Tampico-Misantla basin, Mexico", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 52, No. 2-3, pp. 103-122, 2003/2.
Keywords: clay, electromagnetic, experiments, field, fracture, porosity, resistivity, resolution, rocks, seismic
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Iliceto,V., Santarato,G., and Veronese,S., "An approach to the identification of fine sediments by induced polarization laboratory measurements", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 30, pp. 331-347, 1982.
Keywords: induced polarization, laboratory, polarization, sediments

Ingeman-Nielsen,T., and Baumgartner,Francois, "Numerical modelling of complex resistivity effects on a homogenous half-space at low frequencies", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 261-271, 2006.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, complex resistivity, electromagnetic, EM, environmental, field, frequency, modelling, models, resistivity, review, spectral

Inman,Daniel J., Freeland,Robert S., Ammons,John T., and Yoder,Ronald E., "Soil Investigations using Electromagnetic Induction and Ground-Penetrating Radar in Southwest Tennessee", Soil Sci Soc Am J, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 206-211, 2002.
Keywords: characterization, electromagnetic, electromagnetic induction, GPR, ground penetrating radar, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, investigation, physical properties, sand, site, soil

Irving,James, Knight,Rosemary, and Holliger,Klaus, "Estimation of the lateral correlation structure of subsurface water content from surface-based ground-penetrating radar reflection images.", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, No. 12, 2009/12.
Keywords: GPR, ground penetrating radar, inversion, structural geology, water content

Irving,James D., knoll,Michael D., and Knight,Rosemary J., "Improving crosshole radar velocity tomograms: A new approach to incorporating high-angle traveltime data", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. J31-J41, 2007/7.
Keywords: borehole radar, cross borehole, cross hole, GPR, ground penetrating radar, inversion
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Jacob,R.W., and Hermance,J.F., "Assessing the precision of GPR velocity and vertical two-way travel time estimates", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 143-153, 2004.

Jardani,A., Dupont,J.P., and Revil,A., "Self-potential signals associated with preferential groundwater flow pathways in sinkholes", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 111, No. B9, 2006.
Keywords: flow, groundwater, groundwater-flow, self potential

Jardani,A., Revil,A., Akoa,F., Schmutz,M., Florsch,N., and Dupont,J.P., "Least squares inversion of self-potential (SP) data and application to the shallow flow of ground water in sinkholes", Geophysical Research Letters, 2006.
Keywords: flow, GROUND-WATER, inversion, self potential, shallow, SP

Jardani,A., Revil,A., Santos,F., Fauchard,C., and J.P.,Dupont, "Detection of preferential infiltration pathways in sinkholes using joint inversion of self-potential and EM-34 conductivity data", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 55, pp. 1-11, 2007.
Keywords: conductivity, infiltration, inversion, joint inversion, self potential

Jin,Xiaohui, Luke,Barbara, and Calderon-Macias,Carlos, "Role of Forward Model in Surface-Wave Studies to Delineate a Buried High-Velocity Layer", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 14, pp. 1-14, 2009.
Keywords: field, rayleigh-wave, seismic

Jinsong,Chen, Andreas,Kemna, and Susan,S.Hubbard, "A comparison between Gauss-Newton and Markov-chain Monte Carlo--based methods for inverting spectral induced-polarization data for Cole-Cole parameters", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 6, pp. F247-F259, 2008.
Keywords: cole-cole, gauss-newton, induced polarization, INDUCED POLARIZATION DATA, markov processes, markov-chain, minerals, monte carlo methods, polarisation, probability, rocks, soil, spectral, spectral induced polarization

jo-Franklin,J.B., Geller,J.T., and Harris,J.M., "The dielectric properties of granular media saturated with DNAPL/water mixtures", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31, No. 17, 2004.
Keywords: contaminant, dielectric, dielectric properties, experiments, field, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, REFRACTIVE-INDEXES, soil, solvents, TCE, TDR, time domain, time domain reflectometry, TIME-DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY, ULTRASONIC, VELOCITIES, WATER-CONTENT

jo-Franklin,J.B., Geller,J.T., and Harris,J.M., "Ultrasonic properties of granular media saturated with DNAPL/water mixtures", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, No. L07404, 2007.

jo-Franklin,Jonathan B., Geller,Jil T., and Harris,Jerry M., "A survey of the geophysical properties of chlorinated DNAPLs", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 177-260, 2006.
Keywords: acoustic, contaminant, dielectric, dielectric properties, DNAPL, experiments, geophysical techniques, GPR, hydrology, laboratory, PCE, phase, seismic measurements, soil, solvents, TCE, tetrachloroethylene, VELOCITIES

Johnson,Carole D., Geological,Survey, and University of,Connecticut, "Borehole-geophysical investigation of the University of Connecticut landfill, Storrs, Connecticut", 2002.
Keywords: landfill

Johnson,I.M., "Spectral induced polarization parameters as determined through time-domain measurements", Geophysics, Vol. 49, No. 11, pp. 1993-2003, 1984.
Keywords: field, induced polarization, IP, polarization, spectral induced polarization

Johnson,R.H., "Characterization of subsurface DNAPL movement with ground penetrating radar and inverse multiphase flow simulations", Colorado School of Mines, 2003.
Keywords: characterization, DNAPL, GPR, ground penetrating radar, multiphase flow

Johnson,T.C., Routh,P.S., Clemo,T., Barrash,W., and Clement,W.P., "Incorporating geostatistical constraints in nonlinear inversion problems", Water Resources Research, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. W10422, 2007.
Keywords: 1835 Hydrology: Hydrogeophysics, 1846 Hydrology: Model calibration, 1847 Hydrology: Modeling, 1869 Hydrology: Stochastic hydrology, field, geostatistics, inversion, models, porosity, resolution, SIMULATION, tomography, VELOCITIES

Jordan,Thomas E., Baker,Gregory S., Henn,Keith, and Messier,Jean Pierre, "Using amplitude variation with offset and normalized residual polarization analysis of ground penetrating radar data to differentiate an NAPL release from stratigraphic changes", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 41-58, 2004/5.
Keywords: clay, experiments, field, GPR, ground penetrating radar, polarization, resistivity, soil

Jougnot,D., Ghorbani,A., Revil,A., Leroy,P., and Cosenza,P., "Spectral induced polarization of partially saturated clay-rocks: a mechanistic approach", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 180, No. 1, pp. 210-224, 2010.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization, spectral, spectral induced polarization
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Kayan,A., Tarcan,E., Kadiroglu,U., and Esmer,K., "Electrical and dielectrical properties of the MnO2 doped with As2O3 and SnO", Materials Letters, Vol. 58, No. 16, pp. 2170-2174, 2004.
Keywords: arsenic (iii) oxide, electrical, electrical and dielectric properties, manganese (iv) oxide

Kearey,Philip, Brooks,Michael, and Hill,Ian, "An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration", Vol. Third Edition, pp. ix-262, 2002.
Keywords: geophysics, field, data acquisition, groundwater, environmental

Keating,Kristina, and Rosemary,Knight, "A laboratory study to determine the effect of iron oxides on proton NMR measurements", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. E27-E32, 2007.
Keywords: iron, iron compounds, iron oxides, laboratory, magnetic relaxation, minerals, NMR, proton magnetic resonance, sand

Keating,Kristina, and Knight,Rosemary, "A laboratory study of the effect of Fe(II)-bearing minerals on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation measurements", Geophysics, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. F71-F82, 2010.
Keywords: iron, laboratory, magnetic, minerals, NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance, quartz, relaxation, sand

Keese,C.R., Wegener,J., Walker,S.R., and Giaever,L., "Electrical wound-healing assay for cells in vitro", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 101, No. 6, pp. 1554-1559, 2004.
Keywords: behavior, electrical, electrodes, ENDOTHELIAL-CELLS, impedance, MAMMALIAN-CELLS, MONITOR, REAL-TIME

Kelly,W.E., and Reiter,P.F., "Influence of Anisotropy on Relations Between Electrical and Hydraulic Properties of Aquifers", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 74, No. 3/4, pp. 311-321, 1984/11.
Keywords: anisotropy, hydraulic properties, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity, porosity, field, resistivity

Kelly,William E., "Geoelectric Sounding for Estimating Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity", Ground Water, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 420-425, 1977/11.
Keywords: electrical resistivity, resistivity, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity

Kelly,William E., and Frohlich,Reinhard,K., "Relations Between Aquifer Electrical and Hydraulic Properties", Ground Water, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 182-189, 1985/4.
Keywords: clay, conductivity, grain size, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic properties, laboratory, porosity, resistivity

Kemna,A., Binley,A., Ramirez,A., and Daily,W., "Complex resistivity tomography for environmental applications", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1-2, pp. 11-18, 2000.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, cole-cole, complex resistivity, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, electrical-properties, environmental, frequency, imaging, inversion, laboratory, MEDIA, phase, polarization, porous media, relaxation, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, spectral, structural, tomography

Kemna,A., Binley,A., and Slater,L., "Cross-borehole IP imaging for engineering and environmental applications", Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 97-107, 2004.
Keywords: environmental, imaging, inversion, IP, occam

Kemna,Andreas, Binley,Andrew, Ramirez,Abelardo, and Daily,William, "Complex resistivity tomography for environmental applications", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1-2, pp. 11-18, 2000/4/15.
Keywords: complex resistivity, inversion, relaxation

Kemna,Andreas, Kulessa,Bernd, and Vereecken,Harry, "Imaging and characterisation of subsurface solute transport using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and equivalent transport models", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 267, No. 3-4, pp. 125-146, 2002.
Keywords: AQUIFER, aquifers, conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, electrical methods, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, ERT, field, flow, imaging, MEDIA, models, plume, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, resolution, site, solute transport, temporal, tomography, transport, VELOCITIES

Kilner,Matthew, West,L.Jared, and Murray,Tavi, "Characterisation of glacial sediments using geophysical methods for groundwater source protection", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 293-305, 2005.
Keywords: clay, electrical, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, electromagnetics, EM, field, geophysical methods, geophysical techniques, glacial till, gravel, groundwater, groundwater vulnerability, imaging, investigation, limitations, modelling, permeability, quaternary sediments, resistivity, resistivity imaging, sand, sediments

Klein,James D., and Sill,William R., "Electrical properties of artificial clay-bearing sandstone", Geophysics, Vol. 47, No. 11, pp. 1593-1605, 1982.
Keywords: electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties

Klein,James D., Biegler,Tom, and Hornet,M.D., "Mineral interfacial processes in the method of induced polarization", Geophysics, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 1105-1114, 1984.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization

Klein,K.A., and Santmarina,J.C., "Electrical Conductivity in Soils: Underlying Phenomena", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 263-273, 2003.
Keywords: conduction, conductivity, electrical conductivity, field, laboratory, porosity, soil

Knight,R.J., Endres,A.L., and Butler,D.K., "An introduction to rock physics principles for near-surface geophysics", No. 3, pp. 31-70, 2005.
Keywords: geophysics, near surface, rock physics

Knight,Rosemary, and Endres,Anthony, "A new concept in modeling the dielectric response of sandstones: Defining a wetted rock and bulk water system", Geophysics, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 586-594, 1990.
Keywords: dielectric, modeling, rock, SANDSTONES

Koestel,Johannes, Kemna,Andreas, Javaux,Mathieu, Binley,Andrew, and Vereecken,Harry, "Quantitative imaging of solute transport in an unsaturated and undisturbed soil monolith with 3-D ERT and TDR", Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, No. 12, pp. W12411, 2008.
Keywords: 1835 Hydrology: Hydrogeophysics, 1875 Hydrology: Vadose zone, 1895 Hydrology: Instruments and techniques: monitoring, conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, ERT, imaging, inversion, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, soil, solute transport, TDR, time domain, time domain reflectometry, tomography, transport, undisturbed soil, unsaturated zone, vadose zone, VELOCITIES, water content, WATER-CONTENT

Kowalsky,Michael, Chen,Jinsong, and Hubbard,Susan, "Joint inversion of geophysical and hydrological data for improved subsurface characterization", The Leading Edge, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 730-734, 2006.
Keywords: characterization, data acquisition, groundwater, hydrological techniques, inverse problems, inversion, joint inversion

Kozhevnikov,N.O., and Antonov,E.Yu., "Joint inversion of IP-affected TEM data", Russian Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 136-142, 2009/2.
Keywords: complex conductivity, frozen ground, induced polarization, inversion, polarization, single and joint inversion, TEM method
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LaBrecque,D.J., Ramirez,A.L., Daily,W.D., Binley,A.M., and Schima,S.A., "ERT monitoring on environmental remediation processes", Measurement Science & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 375-383, 1996.
Keywords: air, AQUIFER, clay, conductivity, electrical, electrodes, environmental, ERT, experiments, flow, inversion, laboratory, MONITOR, monitoring, movement, remediation, resistance tomography, resistivity, sand, saturation, site, tomography

LaBrecque,Douglas, and Daily,William, "Assessment of measurement errors for galvanic-resistivity electrodes of different composition", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. F55-F64, 2008.
Keywords: aluminium, brass, carbon, copper, electrical conductivity measurement, electrical resistivity, electrodes, galvanomagnetic effects, magnesium, measurement errors, stainless steel, tin, titanium, zinc

LaBrecque,Douglas J., Miletto,Michela, Daily,William, Ramirez,Aberlardo, and Owen,Earle, "The effects of noise on Occam's inversion of resistivity tomography data", Geophysics, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 538-548, 1996/3.
Keywords: ERT, inversion, resistivity

Legchenko,A., Baltassat,J., Bobachev,A., Martin,C., Robain,H., and Vouillamoz,J., "Magnetic resonance sounding applied to aquifer characterization", Ground Water, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 363-373, 2004.
Keywords: characterization, conductivity, hydraulic conductivity, imaging, magnetic, magnetic resonance sounding, modeling, MRS

Leroux,Virginie, and Dahlin,Torleif, "Time-lapse resistivity investigations for imaging saltwater transport in glaciofluvial deposits", Environmental Geology, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 347-358, 2006.
Keywords: imaging, investigation, resistivity, transport

Leroy,P., Revil,A., Kemna,A., Cosenza,P., and Ghorbani,A., "Complex conductivity of water-saturated packs of glass beads", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 321, No. 1, pp. 103-117, 2008/5/1.
Keywords: complex conductivity, double layer, induced polarization, particle size distribution, polarization, porous media, spectral impedance, spectral induced polarization

Leroy,P., and Revil,A., "A mechanistic model for the spectral induced polarization of clay materials", J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 114, No. B10, pp. B10202, 2009.
Keywords: 1835 Hydrology: Hydrogeophysics, 1859 Hydrology: Rocks: physical properties, 5109 Physical Properties of Rocks: Magnetic and electrical properties, 5112 Physical Properties of Rocks: Microstructure, 5139 Physical Properties of Rocks: Transport properties, clay, complex conductivity, conductivity, double layer, electrical, frequency, grain size, induced polarization, MEDIA, minerals, particle size distribution, polarization, porous media, rock, rocks, spectral, spectral impedance, spectral induced polarization

Lesmes,D.P., and Frye,K.M., "Influence of pore fluid chemistry on the complex conductivity and induced polarization responses of Berea sandstone", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 106, No. B3, pp. 4079-4090, 2001.
Keywords: complex conductivity, conductivity, dielectric-constant, electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, environment, environmental, field, frequency, induced polarization, investigation, IP, ip measurements, model, phase, polarization, porous-media, resistivity, rock, rocks, sedimentary-rocks, shaly sands, soil, spectral, spectral induced polarization, surface electrical-conductivity, time domain, transport

Lesmes,D.P., and Morgan,F.D., "Dielectric spectroscopy of sedimentary rocks", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 106, No. B7, pp. 13329-13346, 2001.
Keywords: clay, cole-cole, colloidal particles, dielectric, dielectric spectroscopy, dispersion, double layer, double-layer, electrical, electrical-properties, electrolyte-solutions, field, frequency, frequency-range, grain size, ground penetrating radar, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, induced polarization, MEDIA, model, phase, polarization, porous-media, quartz, relaxation, relaxation spectra, rock, rocks, SATURATED ROCKS, sedimentary-rocks, spectroscopy, time domain

Lesmes,David P., and Frye,Kevin M., "Influence of pore fluid chemistry on the complex conductivity and induced polarization responses of Berea sandstone", J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 106, No. B3, pp. 4079-4090, 2001.
Keywords: complex conductivity, induced polarization, polarization, spectral induced polarization, rocks, soil, environmental

Li,Yaoguo, and Oldenburg,Douglas W., "3-D inversion of induced polarization data", Geophysics, Vol. 65, No. 6, pp. 1931-1945, 2000.
Keywords: 3-D INVERSION, induced polarization, INDUCED POLARIZATION DATA, inversion, polarization

Lien,B.K., and Enfield,C.G., "Delineation of subsurface hydrocarbon contaminated distribution using a direct push resistivity method", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 2-3, pp. 173-179, 1998.
Keywords: direct push, LNAPL, resistivity

Linde,N., Binley,A., Tryggvason,A., Pedersen,L.B., and Revil,A., "Improved hydrogeophysical characterization using joint inversion of cross-hole electrical resistance and ground-penetrating radar traveltime data", Water Resources Research, Vol. 42, No. 12, 2006.
Keywords: AQUIFER, borehole radar, characterization, conductivity, cross hole, DOMAIN, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, GEOPHYSICAL-DATA, ground penetrating radar, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, inverse problems, inversion, joint inversion, model, models, OCCAMS INVERSION, REFLECTOMETRY, resistivity, sediments, shaly sands, STEADY-STATE, structural, tomography, UNSATURATED SANDSTONE, vadose zone, VELOCITY, water content, WATER-CONTENT

Linde,N., Finsterle,S., and Hubbard,S., "Inversion of tracer test data using tomographic constraints", Water Resources Research, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2006.
Keywords: AQUIFER PARAMETERS, characterization, conductivity, data acquisition, field, GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, hydraulic conductivity, inversion, investigation, site, solute transport, STEADY-STATE CONDITIONS, tomography, tracer test, TRANSIENT, TRAVEL-TIME, vadose zone, VELOCITIES, VELOCITY

Linde,N., Jougnot,D., Revil,A., Matthäi,S.K., Arora,T., Renard,D., and Doussan34,C., "Streaming current generation in two-phase flow conditions", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, No. L03306, 2007.
Keywords: flow

Linde,N., and Revil,A., "Inverting self-potential data for redox potentials of contaminant plumes", Geophys.Res.Lett., Vol. 34, No. L14302, 2007.
Keywords: contaminant, plume, PLUMES, self potential

Linde,N., Revil,A., Boleve,A., Dages,C., Castermant,J., Suski,B., and Voltz,M., "Estimation of the water table throughout a catchment using self-potential and piezometric data in a Bayesian framework", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 334, No. 1-2, pp. 88-98, 2007.
Keywords: AQUIFER, aquifers, basin, bayesian methods, catchment characterization, data fusion, electrical, field, flow, groundwater, groundwater-flow, infiltration, mapping, model, models, self potential, self-potential, SP, vadose zone, water table

Linde,Niklas, Tryggvason,Ari, Peterson,John E., and Hubbard,Susan S., "Joint Inversion of crosshole radar and seismic traveltimes acquired at the South Oyster Bacterial Transport Site", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. G29-G37, 2008.
Keywords: inversion, joint inversion, seismic, transport, structural, physical properties, tomography, GPR, resolution

Loheide,Steven P., and Gorelick,Steven M., "Quantifying Stream and Aquifer Interactions through the Analysis of Remotely Sensed Thermographic Profiles and In Situ Temperature Histories", Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 40, No. 10, pp. 3336-3341, 2006.
Keywords: stream, AQUIFER, PROFILES

Loke,M.H., and Barker,R.D., "Practical techniques for 3D resistivity surveys and data inversion", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 499-523, 1996.
Keywords: inversion, resistivity

Loke,M.H., and Barker,R.D., "Rapid least-squares inversion of apparent resistivity pseudosections by a quasi-Newton method", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 131-152, 1996.
Keywords: inversion, PSEUDOSECTIONS, RAPID, resistivity

Loke,M.H., Chambers,J.E., and Ogilvy,R.D., "Inversion of 2D spectral induced polarization imaging data", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 287-301, 2006.
Keywords: cole-cole, CONSTANT, DC RESISTIVITY, electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, frequency, imaging, induced polarization, inversion, IP, laboratory, model, polarization, relaxation, resistivity, SIP, spectral, spectral induced polarization, spectral ip

Lopes de Castro,David, and Branco,Raimundo Mariano Gomes Castelo, "4-D ground penetrating radar monitoring of a hydrocarbon leakage site in Fortaleza (Brazil) during its remediation process: a case history", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 54, No. 1-2, pp. 127-144, 2003/11.
Keywords: 4-D survey, contamination, forward modeling, GPR, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, hydrocarbon leakage, LNAPL, modeling, monitoring, vadose zone, vapor phase

Lorne,B., Perrier,F., and Avouac,J.P., "Streaming potential measurements 1. Properties of the electrical double layer from crushed rock samples", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 104, No. B8, pp. 17857-17877, 1999.
Keywords: ANOMALIES, chemical composition, clay, double layer, double-layer, EARTHQUAKES, electrical, ELECTROKINETIC PHENOMENA, ELECTROTELLURIC PRECURSORS, flow, groundwater, LA-FOURNAISE VOLCANO, minerals, model, porous-media, resistivity, REUNION-ISLAND, rock, rocks, SANDSTONES, THEORETICAL BASIS, WATER

Lorne,B., Perrier,F., and Avouac,J.P., "Streaming potential measurements 2. Relationship between electrical and hydraulic flow patterns from rock samples during deformation", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 104, No. B8, pp. 17879-17896, 1999.

Lubczynski,M., and Roy,J., "Hydrogeological interpretation and potential of the new magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) method", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 283, No. 1-4, pp. 19-40, 2003/12/10.
Keywords: conductivity, field, groundwater, hydraulic conductivity, magnetic, magnetic resonance sounding, modelling, monitoring, MRS, porosity, resolution, water content

Lugg,R., and A.A.Fitch, "Marine Seismic Sources", No. 5, pp. 143-203, 1983.
Keywords: gravity, magnetic, marine gravity, marine magnetics, seismic

Luke,Barbara, and Calderon-Macias,Carlos, "Detecting Anomalous Inclusions in Soil Profiles: Encouraging the Use of Geophysics to Solve Engineering Problems Editorial", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 10, pp. 82-84, 2005.
Keywords: geophysics, geotechnical, seismic, soil
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M.H.Waxman, and L.J.M.Smits, "Electrical Conductivities in Oil-Bearing Shaly Sands", SPE Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 107-122, 1968/6.
Keywords: electrical conductivity, conductivity, sand, resistivity

Maineult,A., Bernabe,Y., and Ackerer,P., "Electrical Response of Flow, Diffusion, and Advection in a Laboratory Sand Box", Vadose Zone J, Vol. 3, pp. 1180-1192, 2004.
Keywords: electrical, flow, laboratory, sand

Maineult,A., Bernabe,Y., and Ackerer,P., "Detection of advected concentration and pH fronts from self-potential measurements", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 110, No. B11, 2005.
Keywords: AQUIFER, conductivity, electrical, ELECTRICAL DOUBLE-LAYER, electrodes, experiments, flow, GEOPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, GEOTHERMAL-EXPLORATION, monitoring, MOUNT PELEE, porous-media, ROCK SAMPLES, sand, self potential, self-potential, STEADY-STATE, UNIFIED MODEL, WATER

Maineult,A., Strobach,E., and Renner,J., "Self potential signals induced by periodic pumping tests", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, No. B01203, 2008.
Keywords: self potential, self-potential

Maineult,Alexis, Bernabe,Yves, and Ackerer,Philippe, "Detection of advected, reacting redox fronts from self-potential measurements", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 86, No. 1-2, pp. 32-52, 2006.
Keywords: amplitudes, AQUIFER, electric potential, electrical, electrodes, flow, junction potential, MONITOR, porous media, redox reaction, reservoir, sand, self potential, self-potential, solute transport, STEADY-STATE, WATER

Maineult,Alexis, Jouniaux,L., and Bernabé,Y., "Influence of the mineralogical composition on the self-potential response to advection of KCl concentration fronts through sand", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, L24311, 2006.
Keywords: sand, self potential, self-potential

Mansoor,Nasser, Slater,Lee, Artigas,Francisco, and Auken,Esben, "High-resolution geophysical characterization of shallow-water wetlands", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. B101-B109, 2006.
Keywords: characterization, data acquisition, geochemistry, geomagnetism, magnetometers, sediments, shallow water, soil pollution, terrestrial electricity, water pollution

Mansoor,Nasser, and Slater,Lee, "Aquatic electrical resistivity imaging of shallow-water wetlands", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. F211-F221, 2007/9.
Keywords: electrical resistivity, erosion, groundwater, hydrological techniques, imaging, moisture, rain, sediments, soil, water pollution

Mansoor,Nasser, and Slater,Lee, "On the relationship between iron concentration and induced polarization in marsh soils", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. A1-A5, 2007.
Keywords: clay, electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic wave polarisation, geochemistry, induced polarization, iron, polarization, sediments, soil

Mansoor,Nasser, and Slater,Lee, "Aquatic electrical resistivity imaging of shallow-water wetlands", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. F211-F221, 2007.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, erosion, groundwater, hydrological techniques, imaging, moisture, rain, resistivity, resistivity imaging, sediments, shallow water, soil, water pollution

Maosong,Tong, Li,Li, Weinan,Wang, and Yizhong,Jiang, "A time-domain induced-polarization method for estimating permeability in a shaly sand reservoir", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 623-631, 2006.
Keywords: CONSTANT, geophysical prospecting, geophysics, induced polarization, investigation, model, models, NMR, permeability, PETROLEUM industry & trade, polarization, porosity, relaxation, reservoir, RESERVOIRS, resistivity, sand, site, time domain, TIME-domain analysis

Marescot,Laurent, Lopes,Sergio Palma, Rigobert,Stephane, and Green,Alan G., "Nonlinear inversion of geoelectric data acquired across 3D objects using a finite-element approach", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. F121-F133, 2008.
Keywords: data acquisition, finite element analysis, geophysical techniques, inversion, terrestrial electricity

Marshall,Donald J., and Madden,Theodore R., "Induced Polarization, A Study Of Its Causes", Geophysics, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, pp. 790-816, 1959.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization

Martinho,E., Almeida,F., and Senos Matias,M.J., "An experimental study of organic pollutant effects on time domain induced polarization measurements", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 27-40, 2006/9.
Keywords: clay, contamination, hydrocarbons, induced polarization, IP, laboratory, minerals, polarization, resistivity, soil, toluene

Mathias,S.A., Butler,A.P., Peach,D.W., and Williams,A.T., "Recovering tracer test input functions from fluid electrical conductivity logging in fractured porous rocks", Water Resources Research, Vol. 43, No. W07443, 2007.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, rock, rocks, tracer test

Mavropoulou,K., "Application of Modern Geophysical Techniques in Landfills", Vol. Master, pp. 144, 2005.
Keywords: geophysical techniques, landfill

Maxwell,James, "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 1", 1954.
Keywords: field, hs

Mazác,O., "Determination of the extent of oil contamination in groundwater by geoelectrical methods", Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics, vol II, S.H.Ward editor, pp. 107-112, 1990.
Keywords: contamination, groundwater

McAdams,E.T., and Jossinet,J., "Physical interpretation of Schwan's limit voltage of linearity", Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Vol. 32, 1994.
Keywords: n/a

McAlister,E.O., and Fink,J.B., "Introduction", SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 515-516, 1982/1.
Keywords: n/a

McGill,Robert, Sowell,Preston, and Fink,James B., "Hydrogeologic & Environmental Site Characterization of Shallow Bedrock at the Poudre River Site Assessment --- FT. Collins, CO", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 1552-1562, 2006/1/1.
Keywords: clay, coal tar, environmental, near surface, poudre river, soil

McMahon,P.B., and Chapelle,F.H., "Redox Processes and Water Quality of Selected Principal Aquifer Systems", Ground Water, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 259-271, 2008.

Meju,Maxwell A., "Geoelectromagnetic Exploration For Natural Resources: Models, Case Studies And Challenges", Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 133-206, 2002.
Keywords: ANOMALIES, clay, clays, copper, data acquisition, electrical, electromagnetic, groundwater, hydrocarbon, model, models, physical properties, resistivity, review, software

Merriam,J.B., "Induced polarization and surface electrochemistry", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. F157-F166, 2007.
Keywords: capacitance, electrochemistry, induced polarization, minerals, polarisation, polarization, terrestrial electricity

Michael,Zhdanov, "Generalized effective-medium theory of induced polarization", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 5, pp. F197-F211, 2008.
Keywords: electromagnetic wave polarisation, geophysical techniques, inclusions, induced polarization, polarization, porosity, relaxation, rocks, terrestrial electricity

Miller,Carlyle R., Routh,Partha S., Brosten,Troy R., and McNamara,James P., "Application of time-lapse ERT imaging to watershed characterization", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. G7-G17, 2008.
Keywords: characterization, ERT, hydrology, imaging, moisture, soil, terrestrial electricity, watershed

Miller,Rick, "Introduction to this special section: Hydrogeophysics", The Leading Edge, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 713, 2006.
Keywords: hydrogeophysics

Minsley,B.J., Sogade,J., and Morgan,F.D., "Three-dimensional source inversion of self-potential data", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 112, No. B2, 2007.
Keywords: 3-D INVERSION, APPLICATIONS, CONJUGATE GRADIENTS, EEG, field, GEOPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, GRAVITY INVERSION, inversion, model, PROFILES, resistivity, RESISTIVITY DATA, resolution, self potential, self-potential, SP, SP ANOMALIES, tomography

Minsley,Burke, "Modeling and Inversion of Self-Potential Data", Vol. Doctor of Philosophy, 2007.
Keywords: inversion, modeling, modeling and inversion, self potential, self-potential

Minsley,Burke J., Sogade,John, and Morgan,F.Dale, "Three-dimensional self-potential inversion for subsurface DNAPL contaminant detection at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina", Water Resources Research, Vol. 43, No. W04429, 2007.
Keywords: contaminant, DNAPL, inversion, self potential, self-potential, site

Minsley,Burke J., Coles,Darrell A., Vichabian,Yervant, and Morgan,Frank Dale, "Minimization of self-potential survey mis-ties acquired with multiple reference locations", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. F71-F81, 2008.
Keywords: self potential, field

Moffett,Kevan B., Tyler,Scott W., Torgersen,Thomas, Menon,Manoj, Selker,John S., and Gorelick,Steven M., "Processes Controlling the Thermal Regime of Saltmarsh Channel Beds", Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 671-676, 2008.
Keywords: n/a

Mota,R., and Santos,F.Monteiro dos, "2D sections of porosity and water saturation percent from combined resistivity and seismic surveys for hydrogeologic studies", The Leading Edge, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 735-737, 2006.
Keywords: clay, electrical resistivity, hydrological techniques, hydrology, inverse problems, porosity, resistivity, saturation, seismic, seismology, soil, WATER
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Nabighian,Misac N., and Elliot,Charles L., "Negative induced-polarization effects from layered media", Geophysics, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 1236-1255, 1976/12.
Keywords: induced polarization

Nabighian,Misac N., and Elliot,Charles L., "Negative induced polarization effects from layered media", Geophysics, Vol. 41, pp. 1236-1255, 1976.
Keywords: induced polarization, MEDIA, polarization

Nassir,S.S.A., Loke,M.H., Lee,C.Y., and Nawawi,M.N.M., "Salt-water intrusion mapping by geoelectrical imaging surveys", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 647-661, 2000.
Keywords: geoelectrical, imaging, mapping

NationalResearchCouncil,NRC, and Press,National Academy, "Research Needs in Subsurface Science", 2000.
Keywords: n/a

Naudet,J., Lefeber,D., Daerden,F., and Terze,Z., "Forward dynamics of open-loop multibody mechanisms using an efficient recursive algorithm based on canonical momenta", Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 45-59, 2003.
Keywords: canonical momenta, formulation, forward dynamics, hamiltonian equations, MECHANISMS, NEWTON, recursive algorithm, systems

Naudet,V., Revil,A., Bottero,J.Y., and Begassat,P., "Relationship between self-potential (SP) signals and redox conditions in contaminated groundwater", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, No. 21, pp. 2091, 2003.
Keywords: contaminant, contaminated groundwater, flow, groundwater, groundwater-flow, landfill, landfill leachate plumes, plume, PLUMES, self potential, self-potential, SP, SP ANOMALIES

Naudet,V., Revil,A., Rizzo,E., Bottero,J.Y., and Begassat,P., "Groundwater redox conditions and conductivity in a contaminant plume from geoelectrical investigations", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 8-22, 2004.
Keywords: AQUIFER, biodegradation, conductivity, contaminant, contaminant plume, electrical, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, ERT, flow, fluid conductivity, geoelectrical, GEOPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, groundwater, groundwater-flow, investigation, landfill, landfill leachate plumes, mapping, monitoring, plume, porous-media, redox potential, remediation, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, rock, self potential, self-potential, shallow, site, SP, spontaneous polarization, tomography, WATER

Naudet,V., and Revil,A., "A sandbox experiment to investigate bacteria-mediated redox processes on self-potential signals", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. L11405, 2005.
Keywords: self potential, self-potential

Neal,A., "Ground-penetrating radar and its use in sedimentology: principles, problems and progress", Earth Science Reviews, Vol. 66, No. 3-4, pp. 261-330, 2004.
Keywords: GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR, ground penetrating radar

Negri,S., Leucci,G., and Mazzone,F., "High resolution 3D ERT to help GPR data interpretation for researching archaeological items in a geologically complex subsurface", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 65, No. 3-4, pp. 111-120, 2008.
Keywords: 3D ERT, ERT, ERT grid orientation effect, GPR, messapian archaeological site, resolution

Nettleton,L.L., and A.A.Fitch, "Gravity and Magnetic Surveys at Sea", No. 6, pp. 205-237, 1983.
Keywords: gravity, magnetic, marine gravity, marine magnetics

Neuman,S.P., "Trends, prospects and challenges in quantifying flow and transport through fractured rocks", Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 124-147, 2005.
Keywords: AQUIFER, aquifers, behavior, characterization, crystalline rocks, flow, fracture, fractures, hydrogeology, hydrology, model, models, pressure, rock, rocks, SANDSTONES, sedimentary-rocks, tracer test, transport

Nimmer,Robin E., Osiensky,James L., Binley,Andrew M., and Williams,Barbara C., "Three-dimensional effects causing artifacts in two-dimensional, cross-borehole, electrical imaging", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 359, No. 1-2, pp. 59-70, 2008.
Keywords: borehole inversion effects, cross borehole, electrical, electrical imaging, electrical resistance tomography, imaging, numerical modeling, shadow effects

Nobes,D.C., "Troubled waters: Environmental applications of electrical and electromagnetic methods", Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 393-454, 1996.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, electrical, electromagnetic, environmental, WATER

Nobes,D.C., Armstrong,M.J., and Close,M.E., "Delineation of a landfill leachate plume and flow channels in coastal sands near Christchurch, New Zealand, using a shallow electromagnetic survey method", Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 328-336, 2000.
Keywords: electromagnetic, flow, landfill, leachate plume, plume, sand, shallow

Ntarlagiannis,D., Williams,K.H., Slater,L.D., and Hubbard,S.S., "Low frequency electrical response to microbial induced sulfide precipitation", Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, pp. G02009, 2005.
Keywords: electrical, frequency, low frequency electrical, sulfide

Ntarlagiannis,D., Yee,N., and Slater,L., "On the low-frequency electrical polarization of bacterial cells in sands", Geophys.Res.Lett., Vol. 32, No. doi:10.1029/2005GL024751, pp. L24402, 2005.
Keywords: electrical, low frequency electrical, polarization, sand

Ntarlagiannis,D., "Investigating Geophysical Signatures of Microbial Cells, Processes, and Degradation: Implications for the Geophysical Monitoring of Microbial Activity and Degradation in the Subsurface", Vol. Doctor of Philoshophy, pp. 138, 2006.
Keywords: monitoring

Ntarlagiannis,D., Atekwana,E.A., Hill,E.A., and Gorby,Y., "Microbial Nanowires - Is the Subsurface Hardwired?", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, pp. L17305, 2007.

Ntarlagiannis,D., Doherty,R., and Williams,K., "Spectral Induced Polarization signatures of abiotic FeS Precipitation", Geophysics, No. In Press, 2010.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization, spectral, spectral induced polarization

Ntarlagiannis,Dimitrios, and Ferguson,Andrew, "SIP response of artificial biofilms", Geophysics, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. A1-A5, 2009.
Keywords: gels, geophysical techniques, microorganisms, minerals, POROUS MATERIALS, rocks, SIP, thin films

Nyquist,J.E., and Corry,C.E., "Self-potential: The ugly duckling of environmental geophysics", The Leading Edge, 2002.
Keywords: environmental, geophysics, self potential, self-potential
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Ogilvy,R.D., Meldrum,P.I., Kuras,O., Wilkinson,P.B., Chambers,J.E., Sen,M., Pulido-Bosch,A., Gisbert,J., Jorreto,S., Frances,I., and Tsourlos,P., "Automated monitoring of coastal aquifers with electrical resistivity tomography", Near Surface Geophyiscs, Vol. 7, No. 5-6, 2009.
Keywords: AQUIFER, aquifers, coastal aquifers, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, monitoring, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography

Olayinka,A.I., and Yaramanci,U., "Assessment of the reliability of 2D inversion of apparent resistivity data", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 293-316, 2000.
Keywords: 2-DIMENSIONAL RESISTIVITY, 2D INVERSION, 3-D RESISTIVITY, ALPHA-CENTERS, geometry, inversion, model, models, reduction, resistivity, RESISTIVITY DATA, resolution

Oldenburg,D.W., and Yaoguo,Li, "Estimating depth of investigation in dc resistivity and IP surveys", Geophysics, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 403-416, 1999.
Keywords: DC RESISTIVITY, investigation, IP, resistivity

Oldenburg,Douglas W., and Li,Yaoguo, "Inversion of induced polarization data", Geophysics, Vol. 59, No. 9, pp. 1327-1341, 1994.
Keywords: induced polarization, INDUCED POLARIZATION DATA, inversion, polarization

Olhoeft,G.R., "Low-frequency electrical properties", Geophysics, Vol. 50, No. 12, pp. 2492-2502, 1985.
Keywords: clay, complex resistivity, induced polarization, IP, low frequency electrical, minerals, polarization, resistivity

Olhoeft,Gary R., "Warburg impedances at single water-mineral interfaces", SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 516-518, 1982/1.
Keywords: interface phenomena, spectral impedance, warburg impedance

Olhoeft,Gary R., "Clay-organic reactions measured with complex resistivity", SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 356-358, 1984/1.
Keywords: clay-organic, complex resistivity

Olhoeft,Gary R., "Applications and limitations of ground penetrating radar", SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 147-148, 1984/1.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, limitations

Olson,K.R., and Lang,J.M, "Assessment of soil disturbance using magnetic susceptibility and fly ash contents on a Mississippian mound in Illinois", Soil Science, Vol. 169, No. 10, pp. 737-744, 2005.
Keywords: fly ash, magnetic, soil

Olsson,O., Falk,L., Forslund,O., Lundmark,L., and Sandberg,E., "Borehole radar applied to the characterization of hydraulically conductive fracture-zones in crystalline rock", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 109-142, 1992.
Keywords: attenuation, borehole radar, characterization, cross hole, electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, fracture, frequency, frequency-range, imaging, inversion, investigation, resolution, rock, seismic, site, tomography, VELOCITIES, VELOCITY

Onaral,B., and Schwan,H.P., "Linear and non-linear properties of platinum-electrode polarization. 1. frequency-dependence at very low frequencies", Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 299-306, 1982.
Keywords: polarization

Osiensky,James L., Nimmer,Robin, and Binley,Andrew M., "Borehole cylindrical noise during hole-"surface and hole-hole resistivity measurements", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 289, No. 1-4, 2003.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical, electrodes, experiments, field, flow, geometry, model, resistivity, RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, rock, sediments
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Papadopoulos,N., Sarris,A., Yi,M., and Kim,J., "Urban archaeological investigations using surface 3D Ground Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Tomography methods", Exploration Geophysics, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 56-68, 2009.
Keywords: ANOMALIES, archaeological investigation,ground penetrating radar,3d resistivity tomography,urban areas., electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, ERT, field, GPR, ground penetrating radar, inversion, investigation, physical properties, PROFILES, resistivity, RESISTIVITY DATA, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, site, tomography

Papadopoulos,Nikos G., Yi,Myeong Jong, Kim,Jung Ho, Tsourlos,Panagiotis, and Tsokas,Gregory N., "Geophysical investigation of tumuli by means of surface 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 192-205, 2010.
Keywords: 3D ERT, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, investigation, modeling and inversion, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography, tumulus, vergina archaeological site

Parasnis,D.S., "Principles of Applied Geophysics", 1962.
Keywords: geophysics, text book

Pellerin,Louise, and Hohmann,Gerald W., "Transient electromagnetic inversion: A remedy for magnetotelluric static shifts", Geophysics, Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 1242-1250, 1990/9.
Keywords: electromagnetic, inversion, resistivity, field, phase, modeling

Pellerin,Louise, "Applications Of Electrical And Electromagnetic Methods For Environmental And Geotechnical Investigations", Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 101-132, 2002.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, archaeology, characterization, clay, contaminant, electrical, electromagnetic, environmental, geotechnical, ground penetrating radar, infiltration, inversion, investigation, IP, mapping, monitoring, polarization, RAPID, resistivity, shallow, systems, vadose zone

Pelton,W.H., Ward,S.H., Hallof,P.G., Sill,W.R., and Nelson,P.H., "Mineral discrimination and removal of inductive coupling with multifrequency IP", Geophysics, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 588-609, 1978/4.
Keywords: complex resistivity, relaxation

Pelton,W.H., Rijoz,L., and Jr.,C.M.Swift., "Inversion of Two - Dimensional Resistivity and Induced Polarization Data", Geophysics, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 788-803, 1978.
Keywords: induced polarization, INDUCED POLARIZATION DATA, inversion, polarization, resistivity

Perrier,F., Trique,M., Lorne,B., Avouac,J.P., Hautot,S., and Tarits,P., "Electric potential variations associated with yearly lake level variations", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 1955-1958, 1998.

Perrier,F.E., Petiau,G., Clerc,G., Bogorodsky,V., Erkul,E., Jouniaux,L., Lesmes,D., Macnae,J., Meunier,J.M., Morgan,D., Nascimento,D., Oettinger,G., Schwarz,G., Toh,H., Valiant,M.J., Vozoff,K., and Yazici-Cakin,O., "A one-year systematic study of electrodes for long period measurements of the electric field in geophysical environments", Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 49, No. 11-12, pp. 1677-1696, 1997.
Keywords: electrical, electrodes, environment, field, ISLAND, laboratory, saturation, soil, TIME, VOLCANO, WATER

Perrier,F.E., and Pant,Surendra Raj, "Noise Reduction in Long-term Self-potential Monitoring with Travelling Electrode Referencing", Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 162, No. 1, pp. 165-179, 2005.
Keywords: electrical, electrodes, monitoring, reduction, self potential, self-potential, SP, systems

Personna,Yves Robert, Ntarlagiannis,Dimitrios, Slater,Lee, Yee,Nathan, OâBrien,Michael, and Hubbard,Susan, "Spectral Induced Polarization and Electrodic Potential Monitoring of Microbially - Mediated Iron Sulfide Transformations", Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, Vol. 113, pp. G02020, 2008.
Keywords: induced polarization, iron, monitoring, polarization, spectral, spectral induced polarization, sulfide

Petiau,G., and Dupis,A., "Noise, Temperature-Coefficient, and Long-Time Stability of Electrodes for Telluric Observations", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 792-804, 1980.
Keywords: electrodes

Petiau,Gilbert, "Second Generation of Lead-lead Chloride Electrodes for Geophysical Applications", Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 157, pp. 357-382, 2000.

Pettinelli,Elena, Vannaroni,Giuliano, Pasquo,Barbara Di, Mattei,Elisabetta, Matteo,Andrea Di, Santis,Alberto De, and Annan,Peter A., "Correlation between near-surface electromagnetic soil parameters and early-time GPR signals: An experimental study", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. A25-A28, 2007.
Keywords: electromagnetic, geophysical techniques, GPR, ground penetrating radar, near surface, SIGNALS, soil, terrestrial electricity, TIME-DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY

Ponzini,Giansilvio, Ostroman,Aracdio, and Molinari,Mauro, "Empirical Relation Between Electrical Transverse Resistance and Hydraulic Transmissivity", Geoexploration, Vol. 22, pp. 1-15, 1984.
Keywords: transmissivity, transverse resistance, field, resistivity, rocks

Pozza,M.R., Boyce,J.I., and Morris,W.A., "Lake-based magnetic mapping of contaminated sediment distribution, Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 23-41, 2004/12.
Keywords: contaminated sediment, environmental magnetism, field, magnetic, magnetic susceptibility, mapping, modelling, sediments

Pride,S., "Governing Equations for the Coupled Electromagnetics and Acoustics of Porous-Media", Physical Review B, Vol. 50, No. 21, pp. 15678-15696, 1994.
Keywords: acoustic, electromagnetic, electromagnetics, porous media, porous-media

Prodan,C., and Prodan,E., "The dielectric behaviour of living cell suspensions", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 335-343, 1999.
Keywords: biological cells, dielectric, dielectric permittivity, dielectric properties, DIELECTRIC-PROPERTIES, dispersion, electrical, field, frequency, investigation, particles, spectroscopy, suspension

Prodan,C., Mayo,F., Claycomb,J.R., Miller,J.H., and Benedik,M.J., "Low-frequency, low-field dielectric spectroscopy of living cell suspensions", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 95, No. 7, pp. 3754-3756, 2004.
Keywords: amplitudes, CONSTANT, dielectric, dielectric spectroscopy, dielectric-constant, field, impedance spectroscopy, PREDICTION, spectroscopy, suspension

Prodan,E., Prodan,C., and Miller,J.H., "The Dielectric Response of Spherical Live Cells in Suspension: An Analytic Solution", Biophysical Journal, Vol. 95, No. 9, pp. 4174-4182, 2008.
Keywords: APICAL MEMBRANE, biological cells, colloidal, dielectric, ELECTRIC-FIELD, ELECTROPHORETIC MOBILITY, field, impedance spectroscopy, LOW-FREQUENCY, MEMBRANE CL-CHANNELS, movement, particles, polarization, STERN-LAYER, suspension

Purvance,David T., and Andricevic,Roko, "Geoelectric Characterization of the Hydraulic Conductivity Field and its Spatial Structure at Variable Scales", Water Resources Research, Vol. 36, pp. 2915-2924, 2000.
Keywords: characterization, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity, field, electrical conductivity, resistivity, resolution
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Ramalho,E., Carvalho,J., Barbosa,S., and Monteiro Santos,F.A., "Using geophysical methods to characterize an abandoned uranium mining site, Portugal", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 14-33, 2009.
Keywords: electrical methods, electromagnetic methods, environment, geophysical methods, groundwater circulation, seismic methods, site, waste disposal site

Ravindra,N.M., Prodan,C., Fnu,S., Padronl,I., and Sikha,S.K., "Advances in the manufacturing, types, and applications of biosensors", Jom, Vol. 59, No. 12, pp. 37-43, 2007.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, characterization, dielectric, dielectric spectroscopy, environment, EPR, INHIBITION, LITHIUM PHTHALOCYANINE, MEMBRANE, spectroscopy

Rein,Arno, Hoffmann,Ruth, and Dietrich,Peter, "Influence of natural time-dependent variations of electrical conductivity on DC resistivity measurements", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 285, pp. 215-232, 2004.
Keywords: conductivity, DC RESISTIVITY, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, resistivity, RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS

Reitz,J., and Milford,F.Christy, "Foundation of Electromagnetic theory", 1980.
Keywords: electromagnetic

Reppert,Philip M., and Morgan,F.Dale, "Streaming Potential Collection and Data Processing Techniques", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 233, No. 2, pp. 348-355, 2001.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, frequency, pressure, spectral, TRANSIENT

Reppert,Philip M., Morgan,Frank Dale, Lesmes,David P., and Jouniaux,Laurence, "Frequency-Dependent Streaming Potentials", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 234, No. 1, pp. 194-203, 2001.
Keywords: capacitance, data acquisition, experiments, frequency, frequency-range, MEDIA, model, models, permeability, porous media, porous-media, TIME

Revil,A., and Glover,P.W.J., "Theory of ionic-surface electrical conduction in porous media", Physical Review, Vol. B 55, pp. 1757-1773, 1997.
Keywords: electrical conduction, porous media, conduction, electrical conductivity, conductivity

Revil,A., and Glover,P.W.J., "Nature of surface electrical conductivity in natural sands, sandstones, and clays", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 691-694, 1998.
Keywords: clay, conduction, conductivity, electrical conductivity, rocks, sand, surface conduction

Revil,A., Pezard,P.A., and Glover,P.W.J., "Streaming potential in porous media 1. Theory of the zeta potential", Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, Vol. 104, No. B9, pp. 20021-20031, 1999.
Keywords: (HYDR)OXIDES, ADSORPTION, APPLICATIONS, AQUEOUS-SOLUTION, CONSTANT, EARTHQUAKES, electric potential, electrical, electrical properties, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, electrical-properties, electrokinetic, ELECTROKINETIC PHENOMENA, electrokinetics, flow, fluid flow, FLUID-FLOW, geochemistry, GEOPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, mapping, MEDIA, model, POROUS MATERIALS, porous media, porous-media, PREDICTION, SILICA SURFACES, site, SOLUTION INTERFACE, streaming potential, SURFACE COMPLEXES

Revil,A., Naudet,V., Nouzaret,J., and Pessel,M., "Principles of electrography applied to self-potential electrokinetic sources and hydrogeological applications", Water Resources Research, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 1114, 2003.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, aquifer parameter-identification, assessing reliability, conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, electrokinetic, exploration, field, flow, GEOPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, hydraulic charge, inverse problem, investigation, la-fournaise, POROUS MATERIALS, self potential, self-potential, SIGNALS, state groundwater-flow, statistical approach, STEADY-STATE, streaming potential, tomography, VOLCANO, WATER, water table, water-table

Revil,A., and Leroy,P., "Constitutive equations for ionic transport in porous shales", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 109, 2004.
Keywords: transport

Revil,A., Leroy,P., and Titov,K., "Characterization of transport properties of argillaceous sediments : Application to the Callovo-Oxfordian argillite", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 110, No. B06202, 2005.
Keywords: characterization, sediments, transport, transport properties, TRANSPORT-PROPERTIES

Revil,A., Jardani,J., and Dupont,J.P., "Reply to comment by D. Gibert and P. Sailhac on Self-potential signals associated with preferential groundwater flow pathways in sinkholesâ", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, No. B03205, 2008.
Keywords: flow, groundwater, groundwater-flow, SIGNALS

Revil,A., and Florsch,N., "Determination of permeability from spectral induced polarization in granular media", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 181, pp. 1480-1498, 2010.
Keywords: induced polarization, MEDIA, permeability, polarization, spectral, spectral induced polarization

Revil,Andre, and Glover,P.J.W., "Nature of surface electrical conductivity in natural sands, sandstones, and clays", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 691-694, 1998.
Keywords: clay, clays, conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, sand, SANDSTONES

Rey,Etienne, Jongmans,Denis, Gotteland,Philippe, and Garambois,Stephane, "Characterisation of soils with stony inclusions using geoelectrical measurements", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 188-201, 2006.
Keywords: electrical, electrical measurements, field, geoelectrical, geoelectrical measurements, geotechnical, grain size, inclusions, laboratory, MEDIA, model, modelling, particles, phase, resistivity, rock, rocks, site, soil, TIME, tomography

Reynolds,John M., "An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics", 1997.
Keywords: environmental, geophysics

Rink,M., and Schopper,J.R., "Interface conductivity and its implications to electric logging", SPWLA 15th Annual Logging Symposium, 1974, 1974.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical conductivity, resistivity, permeability, grain size

Ritsema,Coen J., Kuipers,Henk, Kleiboer,Leon, van der Elsen,Erik, Oostindie,Klaas, Wesseling,Jan G., Wolthuis,Jan-Willem, and Havinga,Paul, "A new wireless underground network system for continuous monitoring of soil water contents", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, pp. W00D36, 2009.
Keywords: monitoring, soil, water content, wireless

Roberts,J.J., and Lin,W.N., "Electrical properties of partially saturated Topopah Spring tuff: Water distribution as a function of saturation", Water Resources Research, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 577-587, 1997.
Keywords: conduction, CONSTANT, dielectric, dielectric-constant, electrical, electrical measurements, electrical properties, electrical resistivity, electrical-properties, exchange, impedance, MECHANISMS, permeability, resistivity, rock, SANDSTONES, saturation, systems, topopah spring tuff, WATER

Roberts,J.J., "Electrical properties of microporous rock as a function of saturation and temperature", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 1687-1694, 2002.
Keywords: dependence, dihedral angles, electrical, electrical measurements, electrical properties, electrical resistivity, electrical-properties, flow, model, models, pressure, repository, reservoir, resistivity, rock, SANDSTONES, saturation, topopah spring tuff, WATER, yucca-mountain

Roberts,Jeffery J., and Wildenschild,Dorthe, "Electrical properties of Sand - Clay mixtures containing Trichloroethylene and Ethanol", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 2004.
Keywords: clay, electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, sand, trichloroethylene

Robinson,D.A., Lebron,I, Kocar,B., Phan,K., Sampson,M., Crook,N., and Fendorf,S, "Time-lapse geophysical imaging of soil moisture dynamics in tropical deltaic soils: An aid to interpreting hydrological and geochemical processes", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, pp. W00D32, 2009.
Keywords: imaging, soil, soil moisture, moisture, hydrology, electrical conductivity, conductivity, clay, water content, temporal, field

Robinson,Tony, Slater,Lee, Glaser,Dan, and Sandberg,Stewart, "Electrical-Hydraulic Relationships Observed for Unconsolidated Sand/Clay Sediments", 2000.
Keywords: clay, complex conductivity, environmental, geophysics, hydraulic conductivity, induced polarisation, unconsolidated

Romig,Phillip R., "Seeing into the Earth: Noninvasive Characterization of the Shallow Subsurface for Environmental and Engineering Applications (2000)", 2000.
Keywords: characterization, environmental, shallow

Rozycki,A., Fonticiella,J.M.R., and Cuadra,A., "Detection and evaluation of horizontal fractures in earth dams using the self-potential method", Engineering Geology, Vol. 82, No. 3, pp. 145-153, 2006.
Keywords: dam, dams, fracture, fractures, self potential, self-potential

Rubin,Y., and Hubbard,B., "Hydrogeophysics", Vol. 50, 2005.
Keywords: hydrogeophysics

Rucker,D.F., and Fink,J.B., "Inorganic plume delineation using surface high resolution electrical resistivity at the BC cribs and trenches site, Hanford", Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 946-958, 2007.
Keywords: plume delineation, resolution, electrical, electrical resistivity, resistivity

Rucker,Dale, Glaser,Danney, Osborne,Tom, and Maehl,William, "Electrical Resistivity Characterization of a Reclaimed Gold Mine to Delineate Acid Rock Drainage Pathways", Mine Water and the Environment, Vol. 28, pp. 146-157, 9 AD/5/2.
Keywords: acid mine drainage, acid rock drainage, characterization, electrical resistivity, electrodes, fracture mapping, plume delineation, reclamation, resistivity

Rucker,Dale, "Moisture estimation within a mine heap: An application of cokriging with assay data and electrical resistivity", Geophysics, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. B11-B23, 2010.
Keywords: moisture, electrical resistivity, resistivity, moisture content, characterization

Rucker,Dale F., and Ferre,Ty P.A., "Near-Surface Water Content Estimation with Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar Using Critically Refracted Waves", Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 247-252, 2003.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, water content, resolution, electromagnetic, near surface

Rucker,Dale F., and Ferre,Ty P.A., "Parameter Estimation for Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Zero-Offset Borehole Radar", Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 68, pp. 1560-1567, 2004.
Keywords: soil, ground penetrating radar, monitoring, resolution, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity, parameter estimation, hydraulic properties, borehole radar

Rucker,Dale F., and Ferre,Ty P.A., "Correcting Water Content Measurement Errors Associated with Critically Refracted First Arrivals on Zero Offset Profiling Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar Profiles", Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 278-287, 2004.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, monitoring, water content, field

Rucker,Dale F., Fink,James B., Levitt,Marc T., Glaser II,Danney R., and Baldyga,Christopher A., "Estimating Dipping Angle with Cross-Borehole Radar: No Tomography Required", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 110-119, 2005/1/1.
Keywords: inversion, cross borehole, tomography, electrical, electrical conductivity, conductivity, borehole radar, clay

Rucker,Dale F., Schindler,Al, Levitt,Marc T., and Glaser,Danney R., "Three-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging of a gold heap", Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 98, No. 3-4, pp. 267-275, 2009/9.
Keywords: characterization, electrical resistivity, geophysics, gold production, heap leach, imaging, moisture

Rucker,Dale F., McNeill,Michael, Schindler,Al, and Noonan,Gillian, "Monitoring of a secondary recovery application of leachate injection into a heap", Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 99, No. 3-4, pp. 238-248, 2009/11.
Keywords: electrical resistivity, geophysics, gold production, heap leach, moisture, monitoring, permeability

Ruffet,C, Gueguen,Y, and Darot,M, "Complex conductivity measurements and the fractal nature of porosity", International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 758-768, 1991/6.
Keywords: complex conductivity, conductivity, porosity

Russell G.Shepherd, "Correlations of Permeability and Grain Size", Ground Water, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 633-638, 1989.
Keywords: permeability, grain size, unconsolidated, sediments
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Sailhac,Pascal, Darnet,Mathieu, and Marquis,Guy, "Electrical Streaming Potential Measured at the Ground Surface: Forward Modeling and Inversion Issues for Monitoring Infiltration and Characterizing the Vadose Zone", Vadose Zone J, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1200-1206, 2004.
Keywords: DOMAIN, electrical, electrical resistance tomography, experiments, field, flow, flux, forward modeling, ground penetrating radar, infiltration, inversion, magnetic, modeling, modeling and inversion, monitoring, nuclear magnetic resonance, numerical modeling, REFLECTOMETRY, resistance tomography, soil, SP, streaming potential, TIME, time domain, time domain reflectometry, tomography, vadose zone, WATER, water content, WATER-CONTENT

Salazar,Jesus M., Wang,Gong Li, Torres-Verdin,Carlos, and Lee,Hee Jae, "Combined simulation and inversion of SP and resistivity logs for the estimation of connate-water resistivity and Archie's cementation exponent", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. E107-E114, 2008.
Keywords: hydrocarbon reservoirs, inversion, permeability, resistivity, SIMULATION, SP, well logging

Samstag,F.J., and Morgan,F.D., "Induced polarization of shaly sands: Salinity domain modeling by double embedding of the effective medium theory", Geophysics, Vol. 56, No. 11, pp. 1749-1756, 1991.
Keywords: DOMAIN, induced polarization, MEDIA, modeling, polarization, sand, shaly sands

Sandberg,S.K., Slater,L.D., and Versteeg,R, "An integrated geophysical investigation of the hydrogeology of an anisotropic unconfined aquifer", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 267, No. 3-4, pp. 227-243, 2002/10/15.
Keywords: anisotropy, conductivity, contamination, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, groundwater contamination, hydrogeology, modelling, organic compounds, resistivity, sediments, self potential, transport, unconsolidated

Sandberg,Stewart K., and Slater,Lee D., "Geophysical Monitoring Through a Tidal Cycle at Crescent Beach State Park, Maine", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 165-174, 2001/12.
Keywords: geophysical techniques, groundwater, seismology

Sato,M., and Mooney,H.M., "The electrochemical mechanism of sulfide self-potential", Geophysics, Vol. XXV, No. 1, pp. 226-249, 1960.
Keywords: self potential, self-potential, sulfide

Sauck,W.A., Atekwana,E.A., and Nash,M.S., "High Conductivities Associated with an LNAPL Plume Imaged by Integrated Geophysical Techniques", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 203-212, 1998.
Keywords: conductivity, geophysical techniques, LNAPL

Sauck,W.A., "A model for the resistivity structure of LNAPL plumes and their environs in sandy sediments", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 44, pp. 151-165, 2000.
Keywords: LNAPL, model, plume, PLUMES, resistivity, sediments

Sauck,William A., "A model for the resistivity structure of LNAPL plumes and their environs in sandy sediments", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 44, No. 2-3, pp. 151-165, 2000/5.
Keywords: characterization, phase, LNAPL, electrical resistivity, resistivity, vadose zone, soil, ground penetrating radar, GPR, electromagnetic

Scheuermann,Alexander, Huebner,Christof, Schlaeger,Stefan, Wagner,Norman, Becker,Rolf, and Bieberstein,Andreas, "Spatial time domain reflectometry and its application for the measurement of water content distributions along flat ribbon cables in a full-scale levee model", Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, pp. W00D24, 2009.
Keywords: time domain, time domain reflectometry, water content, TDR, modeling, electrical conductivity, conductivity, monitoring, sand, resolution

SCHLEIFER,N., Weller,A., SCHNEIDER,S., and JUNGE,A., "Investigation of a Bronze Age Plankway by Spectral Induced Polarization", Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 9, pp. 243-253, 2002.
Keywords: induced polarization, investigation, polarization, spectral, spectral induced polarization

Schmutz,M., Revil,A., Vaudelet,P., Batzle,M., Femenia Vinao,P., and Werkema,D.D., "Influence fo oil saturation upon spectral induced polarization of oil-bearing sands", Geophysical Journal International, 2010.
Keywords: saturation, spectral, spectral induced polarization, induced polarization, induced-polarization, polarization, sand

Schon,J.H., "Physical Properties of Rocks: Fundamentals and Principles of Petrophysics", No. 18, 1996.
Keywords: complex conductivity, complex resistivity, physical properties, rocks

Schwan,H.P., "Alternating current electrode polarization", Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 1966.
Keywords: polarization

Schwan,H.P., "Electrode polarization impedance and measurements in biological materials", Ann.NY Acad of Sci, Vol. 148, 1968.
Keywords: impedance, polarization

Schwarz,G., "A theory of the low frequency dielectric dispersion of colloidal particles in electrolyte solution", Jounral of Chemical Physics, Vol. 66, pp. 2636-2642, 1962.
Keywords: colloidal, colloidal particles, dielectric, dispersion, frequency, LOW-FREQUENCY, particles

Scott,J.B.T., and Barker,R.D., "Determining pore-throat size in Permo-Triassic sandstones from low-frequency electrical spectroscopy", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, No. 9, 2003.
Keywords: AQUIFER, aquifers, conductivity, contaminant, electrical, electrical conductivity, electrical properties, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, electrical-properties, frequency, frequency-range, hydraulic conductivity, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbons, induced polarization, low frequency electrical, LOW-FREQUENCY, modelling, movement, permeability, reservoir, resistivity, rock, rocks, SANDSTONES, spectroscopy

Scott,J.B.T., "The origin of the observed low-frequency electrical polarization in sandstones", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. G235-G238, 2006.
Keywords: double layer, double-layer, electrical, electrical measurements, geophysics, low frequency electrical, LOW-FREQUENCY, model, polarization, relaxation, rocks, SANDSTONES, spectroscopy, TIME

Scott,Julian B.T., "ERRATA - The origin of the observed low-frequency electrical polarization in sandstones, GEOPHYSICS, 71, no. 5, G235--G238", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. Y2, 2007.
Keywords: electrical, geophysics, low frequency electrical, LOW-FREQUENCY, polarization, SANDSTONES

Seigel,Harold O., Vanhala,Heikki, and Sheard,S.Nicholas, "Some case histories of source discrimination using time-domain spectral IP", Geophysics, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 1394-1408, 1997.
Keywords: IP, spectral, spectral ip, time domain

Sepp,A., nen, Vauhkonen,M., Vauhkonen,P.J., Somersalo,E., and Kaipio,J.P., "State estimation with fluid dynamical evolution models in process tomography - an application to impedance tomography", Inverse Problems, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 467, 2001.
Keywords: electrical, flow, impedance, impedance tomography, model, models, monitoring, temporal, tomography

Sheriff,R.E., "Encycolpedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics", 1973.
Keywords: dictionary, exploration geophysics, geophysics

Sheriff,R.E., and Geldart,L.P., "Exploration Seismology", Vol. 2nd, pp. 258-260, 1995.
Keywords: marine seismology, seismology

Singha,Kamini, and Moysey,Stephen, "Accounting for spatially variable resolution in electrical resistivity tomography through field-scale rock-physics relations", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. A25-A28, 2006/7.
Keywords: resolution, electrical resistivity, resistivity, tomography, ERT, inversion, transport, modeling, saline tracer

Singha,Kamini, Pidlisecky,Adam, Day-Lewis,Frederick D., and Gooseff,Michael N., "Electrical characterization of non-Fickian transport in groundwater and hyporheic systems", Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, pp. W00D07, 2008.
Keywords: characterization, transport, groundwater, porous media, electrical conductivity, conductivity, porosity, electrical resistivity, resistivity, review, geophysics

Singhal,D.C., Niwas,Sri, Shakeel,M., and Adam,E.M., "Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Alluvial Aquifers from Electrical Resistivity Data", Journal Geological Society of India, pp. 461-470, 1988/4.
Keywords: apparent formation factor, aquifer resistivity, conductivity, electrical resistivity, geophysical techniques, groundwater hydrology, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic properties, resistivity, transverse resistance

Sjdahl,P., Dahlin,T., Johansson,S., and Loke,M.H., "Resistivity monitoring for leakage and internal erosion detection at Hδllby embankment dam", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 65, No. 3-4, pp. 155-164, 2008.
Keywords: dam, embankment dam, erosion, leakage, monitoring, resistivity, time-lapse inversion

Sjodahl,P., Dahlin,T., and Johansson,S., "Embankment dam seepage evaluation from resistivity monitoring data", Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 7, pp. 463-474, 2009.
Keywords: dam, erosion, monitoring, resistivity, seepage

Slater,L, Glaser,D, Utne,J.I., and Binley,A., "Electrical imaging of permeable reactive barrier integrity", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 2002.
Keywords: environmental, ERT, geophysics, imaging, permeable reactive barriers, PRB, resistivity

Slater,L., and Binley,A.M., "Determination of hydraulically conductive pathways in fractured limestone using cross-borehole electrical resistivity tomography", 1996.
Keywords: cross borehole, electrical, electrical resistivity, GE Environmental Sciences,Environmental Sciences, resistivity, tomography

Slater,L., Binley,A.M., Daily,W., and Johnson,R., "Cross-hole electrical imaging of a controlled saline tracer injection", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 44, pp. 85-102, 2000.
Keywords: imaging, solute transport, transport, saline tracer, conductivity, sand, clay, surface conduction, conduction

Slater,L., Binley,A., Versteeg,R, Cassiani,G., Birken,R., and Sandberg,S., "A 3D ERT study of solute transport in a large experimental tank", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 211-229, 2002/4.
Keywords: conduction, conductivity, electrical resistivity, ERT, inversion, modelling, resistivity, resolution, sand, solute transport, tomography, transport

Slater,L., and Lesmes,D.P., "Electrical-hydraulic relationships observed for unconsolidated sediments", Water Resources Research, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 1213, 2002.
Keywords: aquifers, complex conductivity, conductivity, CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, electrical, grain size, hydraulic conductivity, induced polarization, model, permeability, porous-media, resistivity, rocks, sediments, shaly sands, surface area, transport, unconsolidated, unconsolidated sediments, WATER

Slater,L., and Binley,A., "Evaluation of permeable reactive barrier (PRB) integrity using electrical imaging methods", Geophysics, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 911-921, 2003.
Keywords: 2-d, conductivity, cross borehole, discrimination, electrical, electrical imaging, electrical measurements, exploration, frequency, geometry, geophysical methods, geophysics, groundwater, hydrocarbon, imaging, impedance, induced polarization, INDUCED POLARIZATION DATA, injection, inversion, IP, iron, monitoring, organic compounds, polarization, PRB, resistance tomography, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, resolution, spectral ip, storage

Slater,L., and Binley,A., "Synthetic and field-based electrical imaging of a zerovalent iron barrier: Implications for monitoring long-term barrier performance", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. B129-B137, 2006.
Keywords: electrical, electrical imaging, imaging, iron, monitoring

Slater,L., Comas,X., Ntarlagiannis,D., and Moulik,M.R., "Resistivity-based monitoring of biogenic gases in peat soils", Water Resources Research, Vol. 43, No. W10430, 2007.
Keywords: monitoring, peat, soil

Slater,L.D., Binley,A., and Brown,D., "Electrical imaging of fractures using ground-water salinity change", Ground Water, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 436-442, 1997.
Keywords: cross borehole, electrical, electrical imaging, environment, ERT, flow, fracture, fractures, GROUND-WATER, groundwater, imaging, injection, inversion, resistance tomography, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography, WATER

Slater,L.D., Sandberg,S.K., and Jankowski,M., "Survey Design Procedures and Data Processing Techniques Applied to the EM Azimuthal Resistivity Method", Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 167-177, 1998.
Keywords: administrative data processing, azimuthal resistivity, electrical resistivity, EM, fracture, groundwater, hydrological techniques, resistivity

Slater,L.D., and Lesmes,D., "IP interpretation in environmental investigations", Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 77-88, 2002.
Keywords: 2-d, clay, complex resistivity, conduction, conductivity, contaminant, dependence, environmental, experiments, exploration, field, fluid conductivity, frequency, geophysics, induced polarization, induced-polarization, inversion, investigation, IP, ip measurements, laboratory, LOW-FREQUENCY, MECHANISMS, minerals, phase, polarization, porosity, resistivity, rock, rocks, saturation, soil, surface area, till, transport

Slater,L.D., and Glaser,D.R., "Controls on induced polarization in sandy unconsolidated sediments and application to aquifer characterization", Geophysics, Vol. 68, No. 5, pp. 1547-1558, 2003/9.
Keywords: electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic wave polarisation, flow through porous media, grain size, induced polarization, interface phenomena, polarization, rivers, sand, sediments, unconsolidated

Slater,L.D., Day-Lewis,F.D., Ntarlagiannis,D., O'Brien,M., and Yee,N., "Geoelectrical measurement and modeling of biogeochemical breakthrough behavior during microbial activity", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 36, pp. 5, 2009.
Keywords: behavior, conduction, conductivity, dependence, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, geoelectrical, MEDIA, model, modeling, phase, reduction, soil, TIME, transport

Slater,Lee, and Binley,Andrew, "Evaluation of permeable reactive barrier (PRB) integrity using electrical imaging methods", Geophysics, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 911-921, 2003/5.
Keywords: contaminated site remediation, electrical conductivity, geophysical techniques, groundwater, imaging, permeability, polarisation

Slater,Lee, and Niemi,Tina M., "Ground-penetrating radar investigation of active faults along the Dead Sea Transform and implications for seismic hazards within the city of Aqaba, Jordan", Tectonophysics, Vol. 368, No. 1-4, pp. 33-50, 2003/6/26.
Keywords: ground penetrating radar, seismic, GPR, structural, faults, seismic hazards, mapping

Slater,Lee, Choi,Jaeyoung, and Wu,Yuxin, "Electrical properties of iron - sand columns: implications for induced polarization investigation and performance monitoring of iron-wall barriers", Geophysics, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. G87-G94, 2005.
Keywords: electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, induced polarization, investigation, iron, monitoring, polarization, sand

Slater,Lee, and Binley,Andrew, "Synthetic and field-based electrical imaging of a zerovalent iron barrier: Implications for monitoring long-term barrier performance", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. B129-B137, 2006/9.
Keywords: electric impedance imaging, electrical resistivity, geophysical equipment, geophysical signal processing, geophysical techniques, imaging, iron

Slater,Lee, Ntarlagiannis,Dimitrios, and Wishart,DeBonne, "On the relationship between induced polarization and surface area in metal-sand and clay-sand mixtures", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. A1-A5, 2006/3.
Keywords: clay, induced polarization, iron, minerals, nitrogen, polarization, porosity, sand, soil

Slater,Lee, "Near Surface Electrical Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity: From Petrophysical Properties to Aquifer Geometries - A Review", Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 28, pp. 169-197, 2007/7/7.
Keywords: characterization, conductivity, electrical resistivity, field, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic properties, hydrogeophysics, induced polarization, inversion, IP, joint inversion, low frequency electrical, near surface, polarization, resistivity, review, SIP, spectral induced polarization, transport

Slater,Lee, Ntarlagiannis,Dimitrios, Personna,Yves R., and Hubbard,Susan, "Pore-scale spectral induced polarization signatures associated with FeS biomineral transformations", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, No. 21404, 2007.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization, spectral, spectral induced polarization

Slater,Lee, Ntarlagiannis,Dimitrios, Yee,Nathan, O'Brien,Michael, Zhang,Chi, and Williams,Kenneth H., "Electrodic voltages in the presence of dissolved sulfide: Implications for monitoring natural microbial activity", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. F65-F70, 2008/3.
Keywords: geochemistry, soil, terrestrial electricity

Slater,Lee D., and Sandberg,Stewart K., "Resistivity and induced polarization monitoring of salt transport under natural hydraulic gradients", Geophysics, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 408-420, 2000/3.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization, saline tracer

Slater,Lee D., and Lesmes,David, "IP interpretation in environmental investigations", Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 77-88, 2002/1.
Keywords: chemical analysis, dielectric polarisation, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, environmental, environmental factors, geophysical techniques, imaging, rocks, soil

Slater,Lee D., and Reeve,Andrew, "Investigating peatland stratigraphy and hydrogeology using integrated electrical geophysics", Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 365-378, 2002/3.
Keywords: electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, geochemistry, geology, hydrology, inhomogeneous media, lakes, sediments, soil, vegetation mapping

Slater,Lee D., Choi,Jaeyoung, and Wu,Yuxin, "Electrical properties of iron-sand columns: Implications for induced polarization investigation and performance monitoring of iron-wall barriers", Geophysics, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. G87-G94, 2005/7.
Keywords: electric properties, geophysical prospecting, induced polarization, iron compounds, minerals, polarisation, polarization, sand

Slater,Lee D., Nathan D.Hamilton, Stewart Sandberg, and Mariusz Jankowski, "Magnetic prospecting at a prehistoric and historic settlement in Maine", Archeaological Prospection, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 688-703, 2009.
Keywords: archaeology, environmental, magnetic

Snieder,R., Hubbard,S., Haney,M., Bawden,G., Hatchell,P., Revil,A., and al.,et, "Advanced Noninvasive Geophysical Monitoring Techniques", Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2007.
Keywords: monitoring

Sogade,John A., Scira-Scappuzzo,Francesca, Vichabian,Yervant, Shi,Weiqun, Rodi,William, Lesmes,David P., and Morgan,Frank Dale, "Induced-polarization detection and mapping of contaminant plumes", Geophysics, Vol. 71, No. 3, pp. B75-B84, 2006.
Keywords: induced polarization, mapping, contaminant, laboratory, polarization, field, IP, time domain, resistivity, monitoring

Sohn,L.L., Saleh,O.A., Facer,G.R., Beavis,A.J., Allan,R.S., and Notterman,D.A., "Capacitance cytometry: Measuring biological cells one by one", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 97, No. 20, pp. 10687-10690, 2000.
Keywords: biological cells, capacitance, ELECTRIC-FIELD, field, flow, populations

Soininen,Heikki, "On: ``Mineral discrimination and removal of inductive coupling with multifrequency IP'' by W. H. Pelton, S. H. Ward, P. G. Hallof, W. R. Sill, and P. H. Nelson GEOPHYSICS], 43, 588--609)", Geophysics, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 1556-1557, 1984/9.
Keywords: spectral ip, IP

Soupios,P.M., Papazachos,C.B., Vargemezis,G., and Fikos,I., "Application of seismic methods for geotechnical site characterization", 2005.
Keywords: characterization, geotechnical, seismic, seismic methods

Soupios,P.M., Papazachos,C.B., Vargemezis,G., and Savvaidis,A., "In Situ Geophysical Investigation to Evaluate Dynamic Soil Properties at the Ilarionas Dam, Northern Greece", 2006.
Keywords: dam, soil

Soupios,P.M., Georgakopoulos,P., Papadopoulos,N., Saltas,V., Andreadakis,A., Vallianatos,F., Sarris,A., and Makris,J.P., "Use of engineering geophysics to investigate a site for a building foundation", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, No. 1, pp. 94, 2007.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, electromagnetic, ERT, geology, GEOPHYSICAL-DATA, geophysics, geotechnical, inversion, model, resistivity, RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, site, TIME, tomography

Soupios,P.M., Loupasakis,C., and Vallianatos,F., "Reconstructing former urban environments by combining geophysical electrical methods and geotechnical investigations—an example from Chania, Greece", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, No. 2, pp. 186, 2008.
Keywords: ANOMALIES, APPLICATIONS, archaeology, electrical, electrical methods, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, environment, environmental, ERT, geophysical methods, geophysical prospecting, geotechnical, GREECE, ISLAND, limitations, RAPID, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography

Soupios,Pantelis, Papadopoulos,Ilias, Kouli,Maria, Georgaki,Irene, Vallianatos,Filippos, and Kokkinou,Eleni, "Investigation of waste disposal areas using electrical methods: a case study from Chania, Crete, Greece", Environmental Geology, Vol. 51, No. 7, pp. 1249-1261, 2007.
Keywords: electrical, electrical methods, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, environmental, ERT, geoelectrical, geotechnical, GREECE, imaging, investigation, landfill, modeling, phase, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, site, tomography

Soupios,Pantelis, Papadopoulos,Nikos, Papadopoulos,Ilias, Kouli,Maria, Vallianatos,Filippos, Sarris,Apostolos, and Manios,Thrassyvoulos, "Application of integrated methods in mapping waste disposal areas", Environmental Geology, 2007.
Keywords: anisotropy, ANOMALIES, characterization, chemical analysis, conductivity, contamination, electrical, electrical resistance tomography, electromagnetic, environmental, ERT, fracture, fractures, frequency, geometry, geophysical methods, geophysical surveys, investigation, ISLAND, landfill, LOW-FREQUENCY, mapping, resistance tomography, seismic, site, tomography, VLF

Soupios,Pantelis,M., Kouli,Maria, Vallianatos,Filippos, Vafidis,Antonis, and Stavroulaks,George, "Estimation of aquifer hydraulic parameters from surficial geophysical methods: A case study of Keritis Basin in Chania (Crete - Greece)", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 338, pp. 122-131, 2007.
Keywords: estimating properties, groundwater, surface methods

Spangenberg,E., and Kulenkampff,J., "Influence of methane hydrate content on electrical sediment properties", Geophys.Res.Lett., Vol. 33, No. L24315, 2006.
Keywords: electrical, methane

Stewart,M.Hamilton, and Keiko,H.Hattori, "Spontaneous potential and redox responses over a forest ring", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. B67-B75, 2008.
Keywords: drilling, geochemistry, groundwater, hydrology, soil, terrestrial electricity, vegetation, well logging

Straface,Salvatore, Rizzo,Enzo, and Chidichimo,Francesco, "Estimation of hydraulic conductivity and water table map in a large-scale laboratory model by means of the self-potential method", J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 115, No. B6, pp. B06105, 2010.
Keywords: 1829 Hydrology: Groundwater hydrology, 1835 Hydrology: Hydrogeophysics, 1847 Hydrology: Modeling, 1894 Hydrology: Instruments and techniques: modeling, AQUIFER, conductivity, electrical, electrokinetic, experiments, flow, geostatistics, groundwater, groundwater-flow, hydraulic conductivity, inversion, laboratory, MEDIA, model, phase, porous media, porous-media, sand, self potential, self-potential, SIGNALS, VELOCITIES, VELOCITY, WATER, water table, water-table

Stummer,P., Maurer,H., Horstmeyer,H., and Green,A.G., "Optimization of DC resistivity data acquisition: Real-time experimental design and a new multielectrode system", Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 2727-2735, 2002.
Keywords: data acquisition, DC RESISTIVITY, REAL-TIME, resistivity, RESISTIVITY DATA

Stummer,P., Maurer,H., and Green,A.G., "Experimental design: Electrical resistivity data sets that provide optimum subsurface information", Geophysics, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 120-139, 2004.
Keywords: 2-d, ARRAYS, electrical, electrical resistivity, geophysics, imaging, inversion, limitations, model, resistivity, RESISTIVITY DATA, resistivity imaging, resolution, site, switzerland, systems, TIME, tomography

Sturrock,John T., Lesmes,David P., and Morgan,F.Dale, "Permeability Estimation Using Spectral Induced Polarization Measurements", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), Vol. 12, pp. 409-416, 1999.
Keywords: permeability, rocks, soil, porosity, spectral induced polarization, induced polarization, polarization, SIP, laboratory, experiments, grain size, IP, inversion, geophysics, environmental, estimating properties

Sudha,Kumari, Israil,M., Mittal,S., and Rai,J., "Soil characterization using electrical resistivity tomography and geotechnical investigations", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 74-79, 2009.
Keywords: characterization, dynamic cone penetration test, electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, geotechnical, geotechnical tests, investigation, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, soil, standard penetration test, tomography, transverse resistance

Sumner,John S., "A comparison of electrode arrays in IP surveying", 1972.
Keywords: IP, ARRAYS

Sumner,John S., "Principles of induced polarization for geophysical exploration", pp. xiv, 277, 1976.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization, polarization (electricity), prospecting geophysical methods.

Suski,B., Rizzo,E., and Revil,A., "A Sandbox Experiment of Self-Potential Signals Associated with a Pumping Test", Vadose Zone J, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1193-1199, 2004.
Keywords: electrical, electrodes, field, flow, fluid flow, FLUID-FLOW, groundwater, relaxation, sand, self potential, self-potential, SIGNALS, streaming potential, TIME, transmissivity, WATER

Suski,B., Revil,A., Titov,K., Konosavsky,P., Voltz,M., Dages,C., and Huttel,O., "Monitoring of an infiltration experiment using the self-potential method", Water Resources Research, Vol. 42, 2006.
Keywords: conductivity, electrodes, field, hydraulic conductivity, monitoring, resistivity, soil, SP

Suthan,Suthersan, John,Horst, and David,Ams, "In Situ Metals Precipitation: Meeting the Standards", Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 44-50, 2009.
Keywords: n/a

Sven,Nordsiek, and Andreas,Weller, "A new approach to fitting induced-polarization spectra", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 6, pp. F235-F245, 2008.
Keywords: geophysical prospecting, grain size, induced polarization, induced-polarization, light polarisation, sand, slag, soil

Swanston,A.M., Flemings,P.B., Comisky,J.T., and Best,K.D., "Time-lapse imaging at Bullwinkle Field, Green Canyon 65, offshore Gulf of Mexico", Geophysics, Vol. 68, No. 5, pp. 1470-1484, 2003.
Keywords: exploration, field, geophysics, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbons, imaging, louisiana, MONITOR, reduction, reservoir, rock, seismic, WATER
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Tarasov,Andrey, and Titov,Konstantin, "Relaxation time distribution from time domain induced polarization measurements", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 170, No. 1, pp. 31-43, 2007.
Keywords: DOMAIN, induced polarization, induced-polarization, polarization, relaxation, TIME, time domain

Taylor,R.W., and Fleming,A.H., "Characterizing jointed systems by azimuthal resistivity surveys", Ground Water, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 464-474, 1988.
Keywords: azimuthal resistivity, resistivity

Taylor,Steve, and Barker,Ron, "Resistivity of partially saturated Triassic Sandstone", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 603-613, 2002.
Keywords: conductivity, EARTH resistance, ELECTRIC conductivity, electrodes, monitoring, resistivity, SANDSTONE, saturation, site, unsaturated zone

Taylor,Stewart W., and Jaffe,Peter R., "Biofilm Growth and the Related Changes in the Physical Properties of a Porous Medium 1. Experimental Investigation", Water Resources Research, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 2153-2159, 1990.
Keywords: investigation, MEDIA, physical properties, porous media, porous-media

Telford,W., Geldart,L., and Sheriff,R., "Applied Geophysics", Vol. 2nd, 1990.
Keywords: geophysics

Timm,F., and Moller,P., "The relation between electric and redox potential: evidence from laboratory and field measurements", Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 115-128, 2001.
Keywords: concealed ore, electric potential, electrochemical reaction, electrodes, electromigration, experiments, exploration, field, geobattery, laboratory, MEMBRANE, redox potential, rock, self potential, self-potential

Titov,K., Ilyin,Yu, Konosavski,P., and Levitski,A., "Electrokinetic spontaneous polarization in porous media: petrophysics and numerical modelling", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 267, No. 3-4, pp. 207-216, 2002.
Keywords: conductivity, dam, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, electrokinetic, electrokinetic spontaneous polarization, field, flow, groundwater, groundwater flow, groundwater-flow, hydraulic conductivity, infiltration, MEDIA, model, modelling, models, movement, numerical modelling, physical properties, polarization, porous media, porous-media, reservoir, rock, rocks, site, SP, spontaneous polarization, streaming current coefficient, streaming potential, TRANSIENT, WATER

Titov,K., Kemna,A., Tarasov,A., and Vereecken,H, "Induced Polarization of Unsaturated Sands Determined through Time Domain Measurements", Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 1160-1168, 2004.
Keywords: induced polarization, polarization, sand, time domain, IP, water content, resistivity

Towle,James N., Anderson,Robert G., Pelton,William H., Olhoeft,Gary R., and LaBrecque,Douglas, "Direct detection of hydrocarbon contaminants using the induced-polarization method", SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 145-147, 1985/1.
Keywords: hydrocarbon, induced polarization

Tsourlos,P.I., Szymanski,J.E., and Tsokas,G.N., "The effect of terrain topography on commonly used resistivity arrays", Geophysics, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 1357-1363, 1999.
Keywords: ARRAYS, resistivity, resistivity arrays
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Ulrich,Craig, and Slater,Lee, "Induced polarization measurements on unsaturated, unconsolidated sands", Geophysics, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 762-771, 2004/5.
Keywords: electric properties, environmental testing, geophysical techniques, hysteresis, induced polarization, laboratory techniques, polarisation, polarization, rocks, sand, saturation, unconsolidated
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Vacquier,Victor, Holmes,Charles R., Kintzinger,Paul R., and Lavergne,Michel, "Prospecting For Ground Water By Induced Electrical Polarization", Geophysics, Vol. XXII, No. 3, pp. 660-687, 1957.
Keywords: AQUIFER, aquifers, clay, conductivity, electrical, electrodes, exchange, experiments, field, grain size, GROUND-WATER, induced polarization, induced-polarization, laboratory, MEMBRANE, minerals, model, models, polarization, WATER

Vanhala,H., and Soininen,H., "Laboratory technique for measurement of spectral induced polarization response of soil samples", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 43, pp. 655-676, 1995.
Keywords: clay, electrodes, experiments, field, grain size, induced polarization, IP, laboratory, laboratory techniques, moisture, moisture content, polarization, resistivity, soil, spectral induced polarization

Vanhala,H., "Mapping oil-contaminated sand and till with the spectral inducted polarization (SIP) method", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 45, pp. 303-326, 1997.
Keywords: field, IP, laboratory, LNAPL, polarization, sand, SIP

Vanhala,Heikki, Soininen,Heikki, and Kukkonen,limo, "Detecting organic chemical contaminants by spectral-induced polarization method in glacial till environment", Geophysics, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 1014-1017, 1992.
Keywords: contaminant, environment, glacial till, polarization, spectral induced polarization, till

Vanhala,Heikki, and Soininen,Heikki, "Laboratory technique for measurement of spectral induced polarization response of soil samples", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 43, pp. 655-676, 1995.
Keywords: induced polarization, induced-polarization, laboratory, polarization, soil, spectral, spectral induced polarization

Vereecken,H, Huisman,J.A., Bogena,H., Vanderborght,J., Vrugt,J.A., and Hopmans,J.W., "On the value of soil moisture measurements in vadose zone hydrology: A review", Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, pp. W00D06, 2008.
Keywords: field, hydraulic properties, hydrology, moisture, monitoring, resolution, soil, soil moisture, temporal, vadose zone

Versteeg,Roelof, Birken,Ralf, Sandberg,Stewart, and Slater,Lee, "Controlled imaging of fluid flow and a saline tracer using time lapse GPR and electrical resistivity tomography", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 2000.
Keywords: electrical resistivity, ERT, experiments, GPR, imaging, resistivity, saline tracer, tomography

Versteeg,Roelof J., Richardson,Alexander N., and Rowe,Trevor, "Web-Accessible Scientific Workflow System for Performance Monitoring", Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 2692-2698, 2006.
Keywords: monitoring

Vinegar,H.J., and Waxman,M.H., "Induced polarization of shaly sands", Geophysics, Vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 1267-1287, 1984.
Keywords: clay, conductivity, dependence, induced polarization, induced-polarization, IP, laboratory, MECHANISMS, MEMBRANE, polarization, sand, saturation, shaly sands

Vukenkeng,Che-Alota, Atekwana,Estella A., Atekwana,Eliot A., Sauck,William A., and Werkema,Jr.,D.Dale, "Temporal geophysical signatures from contaminant-mass remediation", Geophysics, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. B113-B123, 2009.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, forward modeling, GPR, ground penetrating radar, groundwater, hydrocarbon, modeling, resistivity, self potential, SP, temporal, vadose zone
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W.Ed.Whightman, Frank Jalinoos, Philip Sirles, and Kanaan Hanna, "Application of Geophysical Methods to Highway Related Problems", Vol. FHWA-IF-04-021, 2004/8/1.
Keywords: decks, drilled shafts, engineering properties, geological evaluations, geophysical surveys, non destructive testing, pavements, vibration evaluation

Walker,A.J., Holah,J.T., Denyer,S.P., and Stewart,G.S., "The antibacterial activity of Virkon measured by colony growth and bioluminescence of lux recombinant Listeria monocytogenes", Lett Appl Microbiol., Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 80-82, 1992.
Keywords: n/a

Ward,S.H., and Pelton,W.H., "Discussion on Negative Induced-Polarization Effects from Layered Mediaâ by Misac N. Nabighian and Charles L. Elliot (GEOPHYSICS, December 1976, p. 1236-1255)".
Keywords: geophysics, induced polarization, induced-polarization

Ward,Stanley H., Sternberg,Ben K., LaBrecque,Douglas J., and Poulton,Mary M., "Recommendations for IP Research", The Leading Edge, Vol. 14, pp. 243-247, 1995.
Keywords: IP

Waters,M.S., Sturm,C.A., El-Naggar,M.Y., Luttge,A., Udwadia,F.E., Cvitkovitch,D.G., Goodman,S.D., and Nealson,K.H., "In search of the microbe/mineral interface: quantitative analysis of bacteria on metal surfaces using vertical scanning interferometry", Geobiology, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 254-262, 2008.
Keywords: n/a

Waxman,M.H., and Smits,L.J.M., "Electrical conductivities in oil-bearing shaly sands", Soc.Pet.Eng, Vol. Trans. AIME 243, pp. 107-122, 1968.
Keywords: conductivity, electrical, electrical conductivity, ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY, sand, shaly sands

Weiss,Eyal, Ginzburg,Boris, Cohen,Tsuriel Ram, Zafrir,Hovav, Alimi,Roger, Salomonski,Nizan, and Sharvit,Jacob, "High Resolution Marine Magnetic Survey of Shallow Water Littoral Area", Sensors, Vol. 7, pp. 1697-1712, 2007/9/3.
Keywords: littoral, magnetic, marine magnetics, resolution, shallow water

Weller,A., Slater,L., Nordsiek,S., and Ntarlagiannis,D., "On the Estimation of Specific Surface per Unit Pore Volume From Induced Polarization: A Robust Empirical Relation Fits Multiple Datasets", Geophysics, Vol. In Press, 2010.
Keywords: induced polarization, induced-polarization, polarization

Wempe,Wendy, and Mavko,Gary, "A new method for constraining total porosity: The new total porosity-electrical resistivity upper bound", The Leading Edge, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 714-719, 2006.
Keywords: clay, electrical resistivity, groundwater, porosity, remote sensing, resistivity, soil, well logging

Werkema Jr.,D.D., Atekwana,Estella, Sauck,William, Rossbach,Silvia, and Duris,Joe, "Vertical Distribution of Microbial Abundances and Apparent Resistivity at an LNAPL Spill Site", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, pp. 669-678, 2000.
Keywords: biogeophysics, conductivity, contamination, LNAPL, monitoring, natural attenuation, resistivity

Werkema,D.D., Atekwana,E., Sauck,W., and Asumadu,J.A., "A generic automated/semiautomated digital multi-electrode instrument for field resistivity measurements", Ieee Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 1249-1253, 2000.
Keywords: ARRAYS, automated instrumentation, data acquisition, dielectric measurement, electrical, electrodes, field, instrument/computer interface, investigation, multi-electrode, RAPID, REAL-TIME, resistivity, RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, signal processing, software, system

Werkema,D.D., Atekwana,E.A, Endres,A.L., Sauck,W.A., and Cassidy,D.P., "Investigating the Geoelectrical Response of Hydrocarbon Contamination Undergoing Biodegradation", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 1647, 2003.
Keywords: biodegredation, contamination, electrical, geoelectrical

Werkema,D.D., "Report on the geoelectrical detection of surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation of PCE: property changes in aqueous solutions due to surfactant treatment of perchloroethylene: implications to geophysical measurements", 2008/4.
Keywords: conductivity, contamination, experiments, geoelectrical, monitoring, PCE

Werkema,Jr.,D.Dale, Atekwana,Estella A., Endres,Anthony, and Sauck,William A., "Temporal and spatial variability of high resolution in situ vertical apparent resistivity measurements at a LNAPL impacted site", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 2002.
Keywords: conductivity, contaminant, electrodes, LNAPL, monitoring, resistivity, resolution, temporal, vadose zone

Werkema,Jr.,D.Dale, Atekwana,Estella A., Atekwana,Eliot A., Duris,Joseph, Rossbach,Silvia, Allen,Jon, Smart,Laura, and Sauck,William A., "Laboratory and field results linking high bulk conductivities to the microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons", Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 2004.
Keywords: biodegredation, biogeophysics, bulk conductivity, hydrocarbons, natural attenuation, unconsolidated

Wildenschild,Dorthe, Roberts,Jeffery J., and Carlberg,Eric D., "On the Relationship Between Microstructure and Electrical and Hydraulic Properties of Sand-Clay Mixtures", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 27, No. 19, pp. 3085-3088, 2000.
Keywords: clay, conduction, conductivity, electrical, electrical conduction, electrical properties, electrical-properties, experiments, fluid conductivity, geometry, hydraulic properties, laboratory, permeability, porosity, quartz, sand, surface conduction, system, WATER

Wilkinson,Paul B., Meldrum,Philip I., Chambers,Jonathan E., Kuras,Oliver, and Ogilvy,Richard D., "Improved strategies for the automatic selection of optimized sets of electrical resistivity tomography measurement configurations", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 167, No. 3, pp. 1119-1126, 2006.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography

Wilkinson,Paul B., Chambers,Jonathan E., Lelliott,Mike, Wealthall,Gary P., and Ogilvy,Richard D., "Extreme sensitivity of crosshole electrical resistivity tomography measurements to geometric errors", Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 173, No. 1, pp. 49-62, 2008.
Keywords: electrical, electrical resistivity, electrical resistivity tomography, resistivity, RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHY, tomography

Williams,K.H., Ntarlagiannis,D., Slater,L.D., Dohnalkova,A., Hubbard,S.S., and Banfield,J.F., "Geophysical Imaging of Stimulated Microbial Biomineralization", Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 39, No. 19, pp. 7592-7600, 2005.
Keywords: imaging

Williams,K.H., Kemna,A., Wilkins,M., Druhan,J., Arntzen,E., N'Guessan,L., Long,P., Hubbard,S., and Banfield,J.F., "Geophysical monitoring of microbial activity during stimulated subsurface bioremediation", 2007.
Keywords: monitoring

Williams,K.H., Hubbard,S.S., and Banfield,J.F., "Galvanic interpretation of self potential signals associated with microbial sulfate-reduction", Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, Vol. 112, No. G03019, 2007.
Keywords: self potential, self-potential, SIGNALS

Williams,Kenneth H., N'Guessan,A.Lucie, Druhan,Jennifer, Long,Philip E., Hubbard,Susan S., Lovley,Derek R., and Banfield,Jillian F., "Electrodic voltages accompanying stimulated bioremediation of a uranium-contaminated aquifer", J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 115, pp. G00G05.
Keywords: 0416 Biogeosciences: Biogeophysics, 0418 Biogeosciences: Bioremediation, 5194 Physical Properties of Rocks: Instruments and techniques, ANOMALIES, AQUIFER, biogeophysics, bioremediation, contaminant, copper, electrode potential, electrodes, galvanic cell, groundwater, injection, iron, monitoring, oxidation, reduction, sediments, self potential, sulfate, sulfide, TIME

Williams,Kenneth H., Kemna,Andreas, Wilkins,Michael J., Druhan,Jennifer, Arntzen,Evan, NGuessan,A.Lucie, Long,Philip E., Hubbard,Susan S., and Banfield,Jillian F., "Geophysical Monitoring of Coupled Microbial and Geochemical Processes During Stimulated Subsurface Bioremediation", Environmental Science & Technology, 2009.
Keywords: monitoring

Williams,Kenneth H., Nevin,Kelly P., Franks,Ashley, Englert,Andreas, Long,Philip E., and Lovley,Derek R., "Electrode-Based Approach for Monitoring In Situ Microbial Activity During Subsurface Bioremediation", Environmental Science & Technology, 2009.
Keywords: monitoring

Wilt,M., Schenkel,C., Daley,T., Peterson,J., Majer,E., Murer,A.S., Johnston,R.M., and Klonsky,L., "Mapping steam and water flow in petroleum reservoirs", Spe Reservoir Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 284-287, 1997.
Keywords: APPLICATIONS, characterization, electromagnetic, electromagnetics, EM, field, flow, fracture, geophysical methods, mapping, MONITOR, monitoring, reservoir, RESERVOIRS, resistivity, sand, saturation, seismic, shallow, WATER

Wishart,D.N., Slater,L.D., and Gates,A.E., "Self potential improves characterization of hydraulically-active fractures from azimuthal geoelectrical measurements", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, No. 17, pp. 5, 2006.
Keywords: anisotropy, azimuthal resistivity, characterization, conductivity, environment, field, flow, fracture, fractures, geoelectrical, geoelectrical measurements, hydraulic conductivity, laboratory, model, resistivity, rock, self potential, self-potential, streaming potential

Wishart,DeBonne N., Slater,Lee D., and Gates,Alexander E., "Fracture anisotropy characterization in crystalline bedrock using field-scale azimuthal self potential gradient", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 358, No. 1-2, pp. 35-45, 2008.
Keywords: anisotropy, azimuthal, characterization, fracture, heterogeneity, resistivity, self potential, self-potential

Wishart,DeBonne N., Slater,Lee D., Schnell,Deborah L., and Herman,Gregory C., "Hydraulic anisotropy characterization of pneumatic-fractured sediments using azimuthal self potential gradient", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 103, No. 3-4, pp. 134-144, 2009.
Keywords: anisotropy, azimuthal, azimuthal resistivity, azimuthal self-potential, characterization, contaminant migration, fluid flow, pneumatic fracturing, sediments, self potential, self-potential

Wong,J., "An electrochemical model of the induced-polarization phenomenon in disseminated sulfide ores", Geophysics, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 1245-1265, 1979.
Keywords: induced polarization, induced-polarization, model, sulfide

Wong,J., and Strangway,D.W., "Induced polarization in disseminated sulfide ores containing elongated mineralization", Geophysics, Vol. 46, No. 9, pp. 1258-1268, 1981.
Keywords: induced polarization, induced-polarization, polarization, sulfide

Wu,Dagang, Chen,Ji, and Liu,Ce, "Numerical evaluation of effective dielectric properties of three-dimensional composite materials with arbitrary inclusions using a finite-difference time-domain method", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 102, No. 2, pp. 024107-024108, 2007.
Keywords: composite materials, dielectric, dielectric properties, DIELECTRIC-PROPERTIES, electrical conductivity, finite difference time-domain analysis, inclusions, time domain

Wu,Dagang, Ji,Chen, and Liu,C.R., "An Efficient FDTD Method for Axially Symmetric LWD Environments", Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 1652-1656, 2008.
Keywords: algebraic multigrid method, crank-nicholson scheme, cylindrical coordinates, electromagnetic, electromagnetic responses, environment, finite difference time-domain analysis, finite-difference time-domain method, geophysics computing, grid computing, logging-while-drilling, measure-while-drilling, oil drilling, SIMULATION, TIME, time domain, well logging

Wu,Y., Slater,L.D., and Korte,N., "Effect of Precipitation on Low Frequency Electrical Properties of Zerovalent Iron Columns", Environ.Sci.Technol., Vol. 39, No. 23, pp. 9197-9204, 2005.
Keywords: electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, frequency, iron, low frequency electrical, LOW-FREQUENCY, precipitation

Wu,Y., Slater,L.D., and Korte,N., "Low Frequency Electrical Properties of Corroded Iron Barrier Cores", Environ.Sci.Technol., 2006.
Keywords: electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, frequency, iron, low frequency electrical, LOW-FREQUENCY

Wu,Yuxin, Slater,Lee, Versteeg,Roelof, and LaBrecque,Douglas, "A comparison of the low frequency electrical signatures of iron oxide versus calcite precipitation in granular zero valent iron columns", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 95, No. 3-4, pp. 154-167, 2008.
Keywords: calcite, complex conductivity, conduction, conductivity, electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, experiments, frequency, geophysical methods, iron, iron oxides, low frequency electrical, LOW-FREQUENCY, MONITOR, monitoring, permeable reactive barriers, phase, polarization, PRB, precipitation, sulfate, zero valent iron

Wu,Yuxin, Versteeg,Roelof, Slater,Lee, and LaBrecque,Douglas, "Calcite precipitation dominates the electrical signatures of zero valent iron columns under simulated field conditions", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 106, No. 3-4, pp. 131-143, 2009/5/12.
Keywords: calcite, complex conductivity, conduction, electrical, iron oxides, polarization, zero valent iron, ZVI

Wu,Yuxin, Hubbard,Susan, Williams,Kenneth Hurst, and jo-Franklin,Jonathan, "On the complex conductivity signatures of calcite precipitation", J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 115, pp. G00G04, 2010.
Keywords: 0416 Biogeosciences: Biogeophysics, 0418 Biogeosciences: Bioremediation, 3914 Mineral Physics: Electrical properties, behavior, biogeophysics, calcite, carbon, complex conductivity, conductivity, CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, CONSTANT, double layer, double-layer, electrical, electrical double layer, electrical methods, environmental, flow, geotechnical, imaging, induced polarization, laboratory, laboratory column, minerals, MONITOR, monitoring, phase, polarization, precipitation, relaxation, remediation, scanning electron microscopy, SIGNALS, soil, system, systems, TIME
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Yadav,G.S., and Abolfazli,H., "Geoelectrical soundings and their relationship to hydraulic parameters in semiarid regions of Jalore, northwestern India", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 39, pp. 35-51, 1998.
Keywords: inversion, resistivity, groundwater, grain size, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity

Yang,Chieh-Hou, and Lee,Wei-Feng, "Using Direct Current Resistivity Sounding and Geostatistics to Aid in Hydrogeological Studies in the Choshuichi Alluvial Fan, Taiwan", Ground Water, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 165-173, 2002.
Keywords: resistivity, transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity

Yardley,John E., Todd,Robert, Nicholson,David J., Barrett,John, Kell,Douglas B., and Davey,Christopher L., "Correction of the influence of baseline artefacts and electrode polarisation on dielectric spectra", Bioelectrochemistry, Vol. 51, pp. 53-65, 2000.
Keywords: dielectric, polarisation

Yutaka,Sasaki, Jeong-Sul,Son, Changryol,Kim, and Jung-Ho,Kim, "Resistivity and offset error estimations for the small-loop electromagnetic method", Geophysics, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. F91-F95, 2008.
Keywords: data acquisition, electromagnetic, finite difference methods, finite element analysis, geophysical techniques, resistivity, signal detection, terrestrial electricity
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Zhang,Chi, Ntarlagiannis,Dimitrios, Slater,Lee, and Doherty,Rory, "Monitoring microbial sulfate reduction in porous media using multipurpose electrodes", J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 115, pp. G00G09.
Keywords: 0416 Biogeosciences: Biogeophysics, 0463 Biogeosciences: Microbe/mineral interactions, 0471 Biogeosciences: Oxidation/reduction reactions, 5109 Physical Properties of Rocks: Magnetic and electrical properties, complex conductivity, conductivity, CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS, electrical, electrochemical reaction, electrodes, MEDIA, microbial sulfate reduction, MONITOR, monitoring, multipurpose electrodes, porous media, porous-media, reduction, self potential, self-potential, SIGNALS, SP, sulfate, sulfide, WATER

Zhe,Jingping, Greenhalgh,Stewart, and Marescot,Laurent, "Multichannel, full waveform and flexible electrode combination resistivity-imaging system", Geophysics, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. F57-F64, 2007.
Keywords: data acquisition, geophysical techniques, resistivity imaging, seismic waves, seismology, system, terrestrial electricity

Zisser,Norbert, Kemna,Andreas, and Nover,Georg, "Relationship between low-frequency electrical properties and hydraulic permeability of low-permeability sandstones", Geophysics, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. E131-E141, 2010.
Keywords: electrical, electrical properties, electrical-properties, low frequency electrical, LOW-FREQUENCY, permeability, rocks, SANDSTONE, SANDSTONES

Zonge,K.L., Sauck,W.A., and Sumner,J.S., "Comparison of time, frequency, and phase measurements in induced polarization", Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 626-648, 1971/1/20.
Keywords: field, frequency domain, geophysical prospecting, induced polarization, laboratory, phase, polarization, time domain
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