Mid-Atlantic Landscape Atlas CD-ROM
The contents of the Mid-Atlantic Landscape Atlas CD-ROM are available as individual files offered from the directory listing outlined below. To obtain all Mid-Atlantic Landscape data sets on CD-ROM, please send an e-mail with your request to the Landscape Atlas technical information contact, Melissa Hughes, at hughes.melissa@epa.gov.
MAIA Digital Elevation Model

MAIA Landcover
National Data Sets
Digital Elevation Model
Hydrologic Accounting Units
Air Pollution
Roads & Streams
Cropland on slopes > 3%
Soil erosion potential
Forest interior habitat sum of fdh27, 81, 9-90
Forest interior habitat (65.61 Ha. Scale)
Forest interior habitat (590.49 Ha. Scale)
Forest interior habitat (7.29 Ha. Scale)
Forest area density (65.61 Ha. Scale)
Forest area density (590.49 Ha. Scale)
Forest area density (7.29 Ha. Scale)
Forest edge habitat (65.61 Ha. Scale)
Forest edge habitat (590.49 Ha. Scale)
Forest edge habitat (7.29 Ha. Scale)
Forest fragmentation (65.61 Ha. Scale)
Forest fragmentation (590.49 Ha. Scale)
Forest fragmentation (7.29 Ha. Scale)
Hay & pastures on slopes > 3%
Landuse pattern type (30m resolution)
Landuse pattern type (270m resolution)
Slope angles as percentages
Soil loss (tons/acre/year)
Human use index