1993 Midwest Oak Savanna Conferences
Table of Contents
Proceedings of the Editors
Forest Stearns, Emeritus
Karen Holland, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
June 1995
- Native Asteraceae of Northeastern
Illinois: Selected Species of Savannas and Woodlands
Antonio, Thomas M. and Susanne Masi - Restoring Oak Savannas in Northwest Ohio -
Monitoring the Progress
Brewer, Larry G. and Michelle T. Grigore - Ecology and Stewardship Guidelines for Oak Barrens Landscapes
in the Upper Midwest
Chapman, Kim A. and Mark A. White, Mary R. Huffman, Don Faber-Langendoen - Characterization of Midwestern
Oak Savannas
Haney, Alan and Steven I. Apfelbaum - Classification and GIS Mapping of Oak Savanna Natural
Communities in Minnesota
Dunevitz, Hannah - Use of Soil Color to Assess the Absence of Water Table Changes
within Native Wooded Ecosystems Since Settlement
Hootman, Richard and Patrick Kelsey - Lowland Oak Savannas: Groundlayer Composition and Distribution in
Relation to Light and Soil Moisture
Hujik, Peter - Implications of Management
Monitoring Results for Woodland Remnant Management
Lampa, Wayne and Gerould Wilhelm - Karner Blue Habitat Suitability:
Considerations for Oak Savanna Management in Minnesota
Lane, Cynthia - A Crown Cover Chart for Oak Savannas
Law, Jay R. and Paul S. Johnson, Garry Houf - Karner Blue Butterfly:
Distribution and Abndance at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
Leach, Mark K. - Floristic Quality Assessment Computer Programs for the Chicago
Masters, Linda (Wetstein) - Restoration in Missouri Savannas
McCarty, Ken - Terrestrial Vertebrates of Oak Savannas and Woodlands in the
Chicago Region
Mierzwa, Kenneth S. - Enhancing Habitat for the Karner
Blue Butterfly: Restoration of the Oak-Pine Barrens in Southwest Michigan
Rabe, Mary L., Patrick J. Comer, and Dennis A. Albert - Dancing with Fire: Ecosystem
Dynamics, Management and the Karner Blue
(Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov)
Shuey, John A. - Woodlands in Early Illinois
White, John
- Vegetational Changes in a Southern Illinois Barrens
Anderson, Roger C. - The ABC's of Map Making
Carter, Richard E. - Savanna Restoration in Missouri State
Currier, Michael P. - Restoration of an Oak Savanna within an Urban Area
Donahue, Kathy and Jean Guarino, Victor Guarino - Herbaceous Weed Control in Ecological Restorations: an
Analytical Approach to the Use of Herbicides
Flexman, Steven and Jill Carlson Flexman - A Pre- and Post-burn Vegetation Data and Management Plan for
Reconstructing a Savanna
Hruska, Mary C. and Dr. John E. Ebinger - Mechanisms Responsible for the
Revegetation of a Former Oak Barrens After Removal of the Canopy
Glass, Steve and Evelyn Howell - The Ground Layer of an Oak Forest in
Transition Under Prescribed Burning
Kline, Virginia M. and Tom McClintock - Using Public Land Surveys Quantitatively: Palos Township in 1821
Nyberg, Dennis, Ph.D. - An Introduction to the Use
of Computer Generated Fire Behavior Models in Determining Appropriate Prescribed Burning
Stanton, Robert - An Examination of the Heat of Combustion of Deciduous Tree Leaf
Litter and How It Relates to Fire Ecology
Steffen, James F. - Removal of European Buckthorn at the Grove National Historic
Swanson, Stephan
- What is the State's Role in Identification, Protection, and
Management of Savannas?
Byers, Steven and Don McFall - Case Study: Middle Fork Savanna
Christy, Stephen - Making Conservation Partnerships Work
Dye, Paul - Introducing Stewardship and Biodiversity into the Public School
Curriculum -- Winnetka Public Schools and Park District
Gehrie, Cynthia and Linda Gordon, Becky Cohen, Sandy Karaganis, Bonita Cervantes, Mary Ann Manley - Legal Liability Exposures
Created By Prescribed Burning
Stanton, Robert
- Forming a Good Neighbor Group: A Proactive Response to
Besore, Tom and Karen Holland - Guidelines for Eco-rituals
Briggs, Beatrice - Interpreting Restoration Activities
Carter, Bob - Perceptions of the Oak Savanna and Urban Ecological
Gobster, Paul H. - Multiple Benefits of an Urban Oak Savanna
Howenstine, William L. - "Prairie in a Bottle": A Hands-on Approach to
Teaching Prairie Concepts
Parfitt, Phil and Douglas G. Raney - Birds Do It, Bees Do It, But Why Do Volunteers Do It? A Look
at Motivations
Westphal, Lynne M.