1993 Proceedings of the Midwest Oak Savanna Conferences
Larry G. Brewer
3-D Environmental
781 Neeb Road, #5
Cincinnati, OH 45233
Michelle T. Grigore
Metroparks of Toledo
5100 West Central Ave.
Toledo, OH 43615
A cooperative management and monitoring program was established in 1988
between The Nature Conservancy and Metroparks of the Toledo Area to restore
degraded oak savanna remnants in the Oak Openings geologic area in northwest
Ohio. The project provided detailed community descriptions and baseline data for
monitoring the progress of management in oak savanna units. Historic surveys
were utilized to produce a plant community map for pre-European settlement
conditions in Oak Openings Preserve Metropark. Macroplots, microplots,
vegetation structure, site characteristics, age classes of trees and
photomonitoring provided a complete picture of the present-day community.
Preliminary results of three years of management with prescribed burning has
shown a reduction in Sassafras albidum, Prunus serotina, Quercus alba, and
Quercus velutina in the sapling class and a gradual thinning of the organic soil
horizon. Carex pennsylvanica and Peteridium aquilinum exhibited dramatic
increases in the herbaceous layer. Results will continue to be monitored at
five-year intervals.
The former "Oak Openings" of northwestern Ohio (Moseley, 1928) were located
southwest of Toledo on 130 square miles of glacial lake sand deposits (Forsyth,
1959) (Fig. 1). Prior to Euro-American settlement,
they consisted of 43% oak savanna (4-43 trees/hectare), 27% wet prairie
(<1 tree/hectare), 23% oak woodland (44+ trees/hectare) and 6.7% oak
barrens (1-3 trees per hectare) (Brewer and Vankat, 1995). In the Oak Openings
the oak savannas, barrens and oak woodlands were located on dune ridges,
while wet prairies were found in interdunal areas that were subject to
flooding during the spring (Mayfield, 1969).
Although oak savanna was formerly the dominant plant community in the
“Oak Openings”, cessation of fire, fragmentation, and incompatible land
uses by man has resulted in only a handful of oak savanna remnants. Many
of the remnants exist in a 3,000-acre natural area known as Oak Openings
Preserve Metropark. Despite its decline, the Oak Openings area of northwest
Ohio still supports over 85 state rare, threatened and endangered plant
species; more than any other area in the state (Easterly, 1979, Mc Cane
and Burns, 1984).
In 1988, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Metropolitan Park District
of the Toledo Area (Metroparks) jointly funded a study to obtain baseline
data on oak communities in the Oak Openings Metropark by establishing permanent
macroplots. This information is being used to determine the present condition
of oak savanna remnants in the park, as well as changes following management
with prescribed burns and selective cutting. TNC also plans to use the
data in their efforts to characterize oak barren/savanna communities.
United States General Land Survey notes taken in 1821 were utilized to
produce a pre-European settlement plant community map for Oak Openings
Preserve Metropark and determine the extent of oak savanna within the park
boundaries. Fifteen historic sites were then surveyed for possible extant
savannas by the senior author (Fig. 2).
These sites were evaluated on their canopy structure and abundance of prairie
understory species. Six remnant stands were chosen for macroplot studies
based on their restoration potential.
Permanent multiple releve macroplots, 20 x 25 meters, were placed within
each stand to characterize the plant community. Each macroplot included
six 2x2 meter microplots, to further refine data on the herbaceous layer
and organic horizon. Vegetation composition, structure, and age class (canopy
cover, stratum percent cover, DBH of all stems) was recorded for each macroplot
as well as soil characteristics (organic horizon depth, presence of charcoal
in soil), topography, and evidence of disturbance. Photomonitoring points
were established at the southwest corner of each macroplot to provide a
visual estimate of the progress of savanna restoration. Twelve macroplots
were initially established in 1988. An additional 38 were established between
1989 and 1990. (Funding for the 1989 and 1990 study was provided by Division
of Natural Areas and Preserves of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.)
These macroplots will be resampled at five year intervals. Metroparks
will use a subset of the data to monitor progress towards the compositional
and structural goal of 50% or less oak canopy cover and a herbaceous layer
dominated by prairie grasses, sedges and forbs typical of oak savanna.
Data from the macroplots was analyzed by the Midwest Regional Office
of The Nature Conservancy (White et al., 1989) using multivariate techniques.
DCA Ordinations and Twinspan analysis were used to classify the vegetation
and relate stands to one another and other Oak Barren/Savanna communities
in the Midwest.
Analysis by Brewer (1989) and Brewer and Vankat (1993) of the 1821 pre-European
settlement surveys of Oak Openings Preserve showed that 1447 hectares of
oak savanna/woodland were present within the park boundaries, with an average
tree density of 15 trees per hectare in oak woodland and 3 trees per hectare
in oak savanna. The oak woodland was found primarily on the east side of
Swan Creek where it was protected from fire. The wet prairies had fewer
than one tree per hectare and comprised 51 hectares of parkland in 1821.
Although these wet prairies were small, many of them were connected to
larger prairies to the northeast and southwest. The oak savanna/woodland
consisted of 50% black oak Quercus velutina (black oak), 44.8% Quercus
alba (white oak), 3.4% Fraxinus pennsylvanica (ash-mostly
green ash), and 1.72% Salix spp. (willow).
By 1900, nearly all savanna trees present during the pre-European settlement
surveys in the “Oak Openings” had been cleared for timber, cropland and
grazing (Mayfield 1969). One exception was a 15 hectare area on the north
side of the preserve. This community has succeeded to forest, but still
has numerous large white oaks-- some nearly 400 years old. By the turn
of the century, most savannas on the poor, sandy soils of the “Oak Openings”
had been abandoned. Many reverted to oak barrens/savanna; however, with
the absence of fire, most of these areas are now woodland and forest. Today
oak savanna scattered throughout the original “Oak Openings” covers less
than 250 hectares.
By 1989, the Oak Openings Preserve Metropark was composed of 178 hectares
of planted conifers, 95 hectares of red maple swamp (former wet prairie),
532 hectares of oak forest and woodlands, and 692 hectares of open fields,
roads, streams and lakes. Two hundred hectares of these open fields are
beginning to succeed to oak savanna (Brewer 1989).
Analysis of macroplot data divided the six remnant stands in Oak Openings
Preserve into two plant communities-- Oak Barrens and well drained, rich
Woodland/Savanna (White et al., 1989). The communities were characterized
as follows: In the Oak Barrens stands, Quercus velutina dominates
the canopy and subcanopy, accounting for 95% of the basal area. Quercus
alba is present in small numbers in the canopy, and Prunus serotina
in the subcanopy. Dominant tall shrubs and saplings include Quercus
velutina, Prunus serotina, and Sassafras albidum. The low shrub
layer is dominated by Vaccinium angustifolium (early low blueberry),
V. pallidum (late low blueberry), Gaylussacia baccata (huckleberry),
and lesser amounts of Rosa carolina (pasture rose), Sassafras
albidum, Quercus velutina, and Prunus serotina. Carex pennsylvanica
(early sedge) and Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern) cover 25 to
50% of the herbaceous layer within the stands. Lower cover classes of prairie
forbs are also present including Lupinus perennis (lupine), Tephrosia
virginiana (goat’s rue), Lithospermum caroliniense (puccoon),
and Baptisia tinctoria (wild indigo).
The Oak Woodland/Savanna sites are dominated by Quercus alba
and Quercus velutina in the canopy. Prunus serotina, Acer rubrum
(red maple) and Sassafras albidum dominate the subcanopy, while
Hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel), Sassafras albidum, and
Acer rubrum form the major components of the tall shrub/sapling
layer. The low shrub layer is composed mainly of Hamamelis virginiana,
Acer rubrum, Sassafras albidum, and Celtis occidentalis, with
lesser amounts Vaccinium angustifolium, V. pallidum, Prunus serotina,
and Rosa carolina. Detailed site descriptions for each of the six
stands are given in Brewer (1989).
In the Oak Barrens there was concern that Quercus velutina saplings
were being eliminated by shaded and competition from high densities of
Sassafras albidum and Prunus serotina. Shade and litter on the
surface also appeared to be contributing to the lower diversity in the
understory. The Quercus velutina and Quercus alba canopy
trees in the Oak Woodland/Savanna showed even less promise of replacing
themselves, with Prunus serotina and Acer rubrum being the
dominant trees in the subcanopy. Prescribed burning was chosen to reduce
canopy cover and stem densities of the smaller size classes to mimic the
natural disturbance that maintained the savanna community at settlement.
In one stand the larger Prunus serotina and Sassafras albidum
trees were selectively cut to reduce canopy cover.
Because of the brief period available for burning in northwest Ohio,
not all of the stands had been subjected to fire by 1992. However, one
high quality oak barren/savanna site, known as Mary's savanna, was burned
during the Fall of 1988, and and during the Spring 1989, 1990, and 1992.
Preliminary analysis of data from the first three years of burning in this
stand and the adjacent control plots indicate some progress.
Macroplot data from 1988 and 1991 in the burn unit show a significant
decrease in stem density of all species in the 1 to 5 cm. and 5 to 10 cm
DBH range following management (Fig. 3 and
Fig. 4). Sassafras albidum and Pinus
strobus (white pine) were eliminated from both these size classes and
Quercus alba and Quercus velutinafrom the 1 to 5 cm class.
Prunus serotina stem density in this smallest size class was 975/ha
in 1988 and only 15/ha in 1991. Photomonitoring reflected this as a gross
change in canopy cover and visibility in the tall shrub layer. Many of
Quercus velutina formed grubs which grew vigorously when the area
was burned. Sassafras albidum sprouts also increased, and more annual
burns will be necessary to deplete the stored food in the roots of this
In this short time interval it is much more difficult to assess the
effect on the herbaceous layer. Many of the prairie forbs are present in
low densities and, although they appear to be increasing their dominance,
few have reached the next higher cover class. New species have appeared
within the macroplot but not yet in the herbaceous microplots, where a
slight increase is most likely to be noted.
A one way ANOVA, comparing average percent cover for species in microplots
in the burned and unburned units indicated significant differences in
Carex pennsylvanica and Pteridium aquilinum from pre- to post-burn
in the burn unit (P> .05) (Table 1). There
was no significant difference between years in the cover of these two species
in the unburned unit. An increase in Vaccinium sp. and sassafras
albidum sprouts was also seen in the microplots with fire as compared
with the control unit, but this difference was not significant.
The effect of fire on the organic horizon was also studied by measuring
the depth of the O1 and O2 layers in 1988, 1989, and 1990 in microplots
in the burned and unburned (control unit) portion of St. Mary’s savanna
and the control unit. There was a a gradual decrease in fresh and decomposed
leaf litter in the burn unit, especially in the O1 horizon which decreased
from 5.5 cm. to 1 cm. between 1989 and 1990 (Fig.
The releve macroplots established prior to management in remnant oak savannas
provided baseline data and a means to monitor the success of oak savanna
restoration efforts in reducing canopy cover and increasing the dominance
of prairie species. Sampling at five year intervals was planned to provide
enough time to note differences in the plant communities. However, after
three years of prescribed burning in one stand, some conclusions have been
Stem densities of all woody species decreased in the 1 to 5 and 5 to
10 cm DBH range. The Quercus velutina saplings have formed grubs
which grow vigorously when fire is removed from the site for a year. When
food resources of less desirable species such as Sassafras albidum
and Prunus serotina are depleted and canopy cover decreased, burns
will be made less frequently to allow the oak grubs to grow as canopy replacements.
The herbaceous layer is responding slowly to fire in the oak savanna
management unit. We suspect that reduced canopy cover and the burning of
the O1 soil horizon increased the nutrients available to rhizomatous plants
such as Carex pennsylvanica and Pteridium aquilinum. These
two species doubled their percent cover in the burn unit. The O2 horizon,
which overlays the mineral soil, is also being slowly reduced by fire.
At present, thickness of this layer may prevent the establishment of savanna
herb seedlings, many of which require mineral soils on which to germinate.
We hypothesize that continued reduction in the O2 horizon will produce
an increase in the desired herbaceous savanna species, especially if they
still exist in the seed bank or as root stock, and do not have to be dispersed
in from long distances.
Analysis of macroplot data from Oak Openings Preserve Metropark in northwest
Ohio and savanna remnants in Indiana, Ontario, Wisconsin and Minnesota
indicated a floristic gradient from Minnesota to Ohio (White et al., 1989).
The Metropark stands were most closely related to stands in northern Indiana
and Ontario. They hypothesized that management for disturbance in the Metropark
oak barrens would increase understory diversity and similarity to northern
Indiana oak barrens stands located in the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Continued monitoring of the permanent macroplots established in Oka Opening
Metropark remnants will be undertaken at five year intervals and analyzed
for shifts towards a species composition toward greater similarity to that
of the Indiana remnants. Since there are differences in the two sites,
it is unclear how close in composition to the Indiana Dunes oak barrens
the Metropark oak barrens will become. The Indiana Dunes oak barrens are
pristine in that they have continued to be burned at an average interval
of 11 years (Henderson and Long 1984). while the oak barrens at the Oak
Openings Metropark have not been burned for over half a century. In addition,
the top soil (A horizon) in the Indiana Dunes have not been disturbed,
while it has been eliminated in many parts of the Metropark as a result
of unsuccessfull farming attempst. Furthermore, the hydrology has changed
significantly in the Oak Openings Metropark since the turn of the century
due to draining (Mayfield 1969).
The macroplot data will also help to evaluate the success of management
in restoring a canopy cover to lessthan 50% as well as greater dominance
of prairie forbs and graminoids. As we move towards this goal, continued
monitoring of this recovering oak savanna may also give us insight into
community dynamics; understanding that could benefit other midwestern oak
savanna restoration efforts.
Brewer, L. G. 1989. Vegetation Changes in the Oak Savannas and Woodlands
of Northwestern Ohio. Final Report, submitted to Ohio Dept. of Natura Resources
Division of Natural Areas and Preserves. 65pp.
Brewer, L. G. and J. L. Vankat. 1993. The natural vegetation
of the Oak Openings of Northwest Ohio. Map.
Easterly, N. W. 1979. Rare and infrequent plant species in the
Oak Openings of northwest Ohio. Ohio J. Sci. 79:51-58.
Forsyth, J. L. 1959. The beach ridges of northern Ohio. Ohio
Geol. Surv. Infor. Circular 25. 10 pp.
Mayfield, H. 1976. Changes in the natural history of the Toledo
region since the coming of the white man. Metropolitan Park District of
the Toledo Area. 17 pp.
Mc Cance, R. M., Jr. and J. R. Burns (Ed.) 1984. Ohio endangered
and threatened vascular plants: abstracts of state-listed taxa. Division
of Natural Areas and Preserves, Dept. of Natural Resources, Columbus, Ohio.
635 pp.
Moseley, E. L. 1928. Flora of the Oak Openings. Ohio Acad. Sci.
Special Paper 2: 79-134.
White, M., K. Chapman and M. Huffman. 1989. Vegetation Analysis
of the Toledo Metroparks Oak Openings for Plant Community Characterization
and Monitoring. The Nature Conservancy, Midwest Field Office. Minnesota.
42 pp.
Carex pennsylvanica
Pteridium aquilinum
Gaylussacia baccata
Vaccinium vacillans
Vaccinium myrtloides
Vaccinium angustifolium
Quercus velutina
Quercus alba
Rosa carolina
Prunus serotina
Acer rubrum
Sassafras albidum
Panicum lanuginosum
Tephrosia virginia
Polygonatum biflorum
Potentilla simplex
Lithospermum croceum
Commandra umbellata
Euphorbia corollata
Lysimachia quadrifolia
Smilax glauca
Liatris aspera
Solidago nemoralis
Baptisia tinctoria
Arenaria stricta
Helianthus divaricatus
Lupinus perennis
Pyrus coronaria
Hamamelis virginiana
Elymus canadensis
Rumex acetosella
Rubus flagellaris
Carex depauperatum
Poa pratense
Polygonatum conaliculatum
Andropogon scoparius |

Figure 1. The Oak Openings of Northwest Ohio

Figure 2. Fifteen Remnant Sites Surveyed in 1989

Figure 3. Baseline Stem Density and Age Class in Mary's
Savanna for Quercus alba (QUAL), Quercus velutina (QUVE), Sassafras albidum (SAAL),
and Prunus serotina (PRSE)
Figure 4. Stem Density and Age Class in Mary's Savanna
after Three Prescribed Burns

Figure 5. Average Depths of O1 and O2 Horizons in Mary's
Savanna Pre- and Post-burn.