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Major Findings: Abiotic Factors
Major Findings: Vegetation Analysis
List of Tables
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List of Plates


Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands: Abiotic and Floristic Characterization

A Summary of Reports Prepared for Michigan Natural Features Inventory
prepared by:
Leah D. Minc, Data Analyst and
Dennnis A. Albert, Ecologist, MNFI

funded by:
Great Lakes National Program Office
Federal Grant #GL9 958 10-02

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The Nature Conservancy
Great Lakes Program
8 South Michigan Avenue
Suite 2301
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 759-8017

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Methods

III. Major Findings:  Abiotic Factors 

IV. Major Findings: Vegetation Analyses 

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References Cited

List of Tables (in PDF format only)

List of Figures

 List of Plates 


This study represents the combined efforts of many people.  Individuals participating in field work include (in alphabetical order) Larry Brewer, William Brodowich, Michael Broschart, Donald Cameron, Tim Garlock, Chad Hess, Michael Kost, Will MacKinnon, James Meeker, Michael Penskar, Ursula Peterson, Deborah Pomroy-Petry, Gary Reese, Carol Reschke, Greg Schneider, Lisa St. Hilaire, Gill Starks, and Dan Wujek.  Photographic credits for this and previous reports go to Ted Cline, Russell Cole, Eric Epstein, John Griebsch, and D. Klein.  

A number of people provided valuable information, insights, and commentary incorporated in this work.  We'd like to thank Charles Bier, Sandy Bonanno, Sue Crispin, Eric Epstein, Mike Grimm, Tom Hart, Bud Harris, Carol Johnston, Janet Keough, James McCormac, Dave Rutkowski, Cathy Schneider, Steve Sutherland, and Gene Wright for their time and assistance, and the Lansing office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for access to their library.  The assistance of the Roger Gauthier and Lisa Jipping of the Detroit Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in providing maps of shoreline characterizations is gratefully acknowledged.  Funding was provided by the Great Lakes Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


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