Water: Bioassessment

Chapter 9 (Part A): Biological Data Analysis
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This Chapter is divided into two parts: Part A (this file), and Part B
States are faced with the challenge of not only developing tools that are both appropriate and cost-effective (Barbour 1997), but also the ability to translate scientific data for making sound management decisions regarding the water resource. The approach to analysis of biological (and other ecological) data should be straightforward to facilitate a translation for management application. This is not meant to reduce the rigor of data analysis but to ensure its place in making crucial decisions regarding the protection, mitigation, and management of the nation's aquatic resources. In fact, biological monitoring should combine biological insight with statistical power (Karr 1987). Karr and Chu (1999) state that a knowledge of regional biology and natural history (not a search for statistical relationships and significance) should drive both sampling design and analytical protocol.
A framework for bioassessment can be either an a priori or a posteriori approach to classifying sites and establishing reference condition. To provide a broad comparison of the 2 approaches, it is assumed that candidate reference sites are available from a wide distribution of streams. In the first stage, data collection is conducted at a range of reference sites (and non-reference or test sites) regardless of the approach. The differentiation of site classes into more homogeneous groups or classes may be based initially on a priori physicochemical or biogeographical attributes, or solely on a posteriori analysis of biology (Stage 2 as illustrated in Figure 9-1). Analysts who use multimetric indices tend to use a priori classification; and analysts who use one of the multivariate approaches tend to use a posteriori, multivariate classification. However, there is no reason a priori classification could not be used with multivariate assessments, and vice-versa.
Two data analysis strategies have been debated in scientific circles (Norris 1995, Gerritsen 1995) over the past few years -- the multimetric approach as implemented by most water resource agencies in the United States (Davis et al. 1996), and a multivariate approach advocated by several water resource agencies in Europe and Australia (Wright et al. 1993, Norris and Georges 1993). The contrast and similarity of these 2 approaches are illustrated by Figure 9-1 in a 5-stage generic process of bioassessment development. While there are many forms of multivariate analyses, the 2 most common multivariate approaches are the Benthic Assessment of Sediment (BEAST) used in parts of Canada, the River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS) used in parts of England and its derivation, the Australian River Assessment System (AusRivAS) used in Australia.
The development of the reference condition from the range of reference sites (Figure 9-1, Stage 4), is formulated by a suite of biological metrics in the multimetric approach whereas the species composition data are the basis for models used in the multivariate approach. However, both multivariate techniques differ in their probability models. Once the reference condition is established, which serves as a benchmark for assessment, the final stage becomes the basis for the assessment and monitoring program. In this fifth and final stage (Figure 9-1), the multimetric approach uses established percentiles of the population distribution of the reference sites for the metrics to discriminate between impaired and minimally impaired conditions. Where a dose/response relationship can be established from sites having a gradient of conditions (reference sites unknown), an upper percentile of the metric is used to partition metric values into condition ranges. The BEAST multivariate technique uses a probability model based on taxa ordination space and the "best fit" of the test site(s) to the probability ellipses constructed around the reference site classes (Reynoldson et al. 1995). The AusRivAS/RIVPACS model calculates the probability of expected taxa occurrence from the weighted reference site groups.
Figure 9-1. Comparison of the developmental process for the multimetric and multivariate approaches to biological data analysis (patterned after ideas based on Reynoldson, Rosenberg, and Resh, unpublished data). |
The bioassessment program in Maine is an example of a state that uses a multivariate analysis in the form of discriminant function models and applies these models to a variety of metrics. Decisions are made with regard to attainment (or non-attainment) of designated aquatic life uses. The approach used by Maine is based on characteristics of both the multivariate and multimetric approach. In this chapter, only the multimetric approach to biological data analysis is discussed in detail. Discussion of multivariate approaches is restricted to the overview of the discriminant function model used by Maine and the AusRivAS/RIVPACS technique.
Performing data analysis for the Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (RBPs) or any other multimetric approach typically involves 2 phases: (1) Selection and calibration of the metrics and subsequent aggregation into an index according to homogenous site classes; and (2) assessment of biological condition at sites and judgment of impairment. The first phase is a developmental process and is only necessary as biological programs are being implemented. This process is essentially the characterizing of reference conditions that will form the basis for assessment. It is well-documented (Davis and Simon 1995, Gibson et al. 1996, Barbour et al. 1996b) and is summarized here. Developing the framework for reference conditions (i.e., background or natural conditions) is a process that is applicable to non-biological (i.e., physical and chemical) monitoring as well (Karr 1993, Barbour et al. 1996a).
The actual assessment of biological condition is ongoing and becomes cost-effective once Phase 1 has been completed, and the thresholds for determining attainment or non-attainment (impairment) have been established. The establishment of reference conditions (through actual sites or other means) is crucial to the determination of metric and index thresholds. These thresholds are essential elements in performing the assessment. It is possible that reference conditions (and resultant thresholds) will need to be established on a seasonal basis to accommodate year-round sampling and assessment. If data are available, a dose/response relationship between specific or cumulative stressors and biological condition will provide information on a gradient response, which can be a powerful means of determining impairment thresholds.
The 2 phases in data analysis for the multimetric approach are discussed separately in the following section. The reader is referred to supporting documentation cited throughout for more in-depth discussion of the concepts of multimetric assessment.
9.1.1 | Metric Selection, Calibration, And Aggregation Into an Index |
The development of biological indicators as part of a bioassessment program and as a framework for biocriteria is an iterative process where the site classification and metric selections are revisited at various stages of the analysis. However, once this process has been completed and the various technical issues have been addressed, continued monitoring becomes cost-effective. The conceptual process for proceeding from measurements to indicators to assessment of condition is illustrated in Figure 9-2 (Paulsen et al. 1991; Barbour et al. 1995; Gibson et al. 1996).
Index development outlined in this section requires a stream classification framework to partition natural variability and in which metrics are evaluated for scientific validity. The core metrics representing various attributes of the targeted aquatic assemblage can be either aggregated into an index or retained as individual measures.
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