Water: Bioassessment

Appendix C: (Part I)
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Appendix C has been split into 3 parts (I-III) due to its size. |
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Continue to Appendix C (Part II). |
Appendix C |
Appendix C is a list of selected fishes of the United States in phylogenetic order. Included are the Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN) and the Parent Taxonomic Serial Number for each of the species listed according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). The ITIS generates a national taxonomic list that is constantly updated and currently posted on the World Wide Web at <www.itis.usda.gov> [BROKEN]
. If you are viewing this document electronically, this page is linked to the ITIS web site.
Additionally, this Appendix details trophic and tolerance designations for selected fishes of the United States. To generate this list, we compiled a consensus rating for each taxon from the literature sources listed below. Exceptions are listed for each source that does not agree with the consensus of other cited literature. Exceptions are noted by first listing the designation then the literature source code in parentheses. The following is a list of the designations and literature sources used in this Appendix.
P=Piscivore H=Herbivore O=Omnivore I=Insectivore (including specialized insectivores) |
F=Filter feeder G=Generalist feeder V=Invertivore |
Notes on Trophic Designations
Piscivore--although some investigators separate certain species into subcategories such as parasitic (e.g., sea lamprey) or top carnivore (e.g., walleye), we have grouped these together as piscivores for this list.
TOLERANCE DESIGNATIONS (relevant to non-specific stressors) | |
I = Intolerant M = Intermediate T = Tolerant |
Notes on Tolerance Designations
Intolerant--although some investigators separate certain species into subcategories such as rare intolerant, special intolerant or common intolerant, we have grouped these together as intolerant for this list.
Literature Sources For Trophic/Tolerance Designations (A) = Midwestern United States (Karr et al. 1986) (B) = Ohio (Ohio EPA 1987) (C) = Midwestern United States (Plafkin et al. 1989) (D) = Central Corn Belt Plain (Simon 1991) (E) = Wisconsin Warmwater (Lyons 1992) (F) = Maryland Coastal Plain (Hall et al. 1996) (G) = Northeastern United States (Halliwell et al. 1999) |
Continue to Appendix C (Part II). |
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