Water: Bioassessment

Chapter 7: Benthic Macroinvertebrate Protocols
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Macroinvertebrate samples collected by either intensive method, i.e., single habitat or multihabitat, are best processed in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Aspects of laboratory processing include subsampling, sorting, and identification of organisms.
All samples should be dated and recorded in the "Sample Log" notebook or on sample log form (Appendix A-3, Form 2) upon receipt by laboratory personnel. All information from the sample container label should be included on the sample log sheet. If more than one container was used, the number of containers should be indicated as well. All samples should be sorted in a single laboratory to enhance quality control.
7.3.1 | Subsampling and Sorting |
Subsampling benthic samples is not a requirement, and in fact, is frowned upon by certain scientists. Courtemanch (1996) provides an argument against subsampling, or to use a volume-based procedure if samples are to be subsampled. Vinson and Hawkins (1996) and Barbour and Gerritsen (1996) provide arguments for a fixed-count method, which is the preferred subsampling technique for RBPs.
Subsampling reduces the effort required for the sorting and identification aspects of macroinvertebrate surveys and provides a more accurate estimate of time expenditure (Barbour and Gerritsen 1996). The RBPs use a fixed-count approach to subsampling and sorting the organisms from the sample matrix of detritus, sand, and mud. The following protocol is based on a 200-organism subsample, but it could be used for any subsample size (100, 300, 500, etc.). The subsample is sorted and preserved separately from the remaining sample for quality control checks.
- Prior to processing any samples in a lot (i.e., samples within a collection date, specific watershed, or project), complete the sample log-in sheet to verify that all samples have arrived at the laboratory, and are in proper condition for processing.
- Thoroughly rinse sample in a 500 µm-mesh sieve to remove preservative and fine sediment. Large organic material (whole leaves, twigs, algal or macrophyte mats, etc.) not removed in the field should be rinsed, visually inspected, and discarded. If the samples have been preserved in alcohol, it will be necessary to soak the sample contents in water for about 15 minutes to hydrate the benthic organisms, which will prevent them from floating on the water surface during sorting. If the sample was stored in more than one container, the contents of all containers for a given sample should be combined at this time. Gently mix the sample by hand while rinsing to make homogeneous.
SUBSAMPLE PROCEDURE MODIFICATIONS Subsampling procedures developed by Hilsenhoff (1987) and modified by Plafkin et al. (1989) were used in the original RBP II and RBP III protocols. As an improvement to the mechanics of the technique, Caton (1991) designed a sorting tray consisting of two parts, a rectangular plastic or plexiglass pan (36 cm x 30 cm) with a rectangular sieve insert. The sample is placed on the sieve, in the pan and dispersed evenly. When a random grid(s) is selected, the sieve is lifted to temporarily drain the water. A "cookie-cutter" like metal frame 6 cm x 6 cm is used to clearly define the selected grid; debris overhanging the grid may be cut with scissors. A 6 cm flat scoop is used to remove all debris and organisms from the grid. The contents are then transferred to a separate sorting pan with water for removal of macroinvertebrates. These modifications have allowed for rapid isolation of organisms within the selected grids and easy removal of all organisms and debris within a grid while eliminating investigator bias. |
- After washing, spread the sample evenly across a pan marked with grids approximately 6 cm x 6 cm. On the laboratory bench sheet, note the presence of large or obviously abundant organisms; do not remove them from the pan. However, Vinson and Hawkins (1996) present an argument for including these large organisms in the count, because of the high probability that these organisms will be excluded from the targeted grids.
- Use a random numbers table to select 4 numbers corresponding to squares (grids) within the gridded pan. Remove all material (organisms and debris) from the four grid squares, and place the material into a shallow white pan and add a small amount of water to facilitate sorting. If there appear (through a cursory count or observation) to be 200 organisms ± 20% (cumulative of 4 grids), then subsampling is complete.
Any organism that is lying over a line separating two grids is considered to be on the grid containing its head. In those instances where it may not be possible to determine the location of the head (worms for instance), the organism is considered to be in the grid containing most of its body.
If the density of organisms is high enough that many more than 200 organisms are contained in the 4 grids, transfer the contents of the 4 grids to a second gridded pan. Randomly select grids for this second level of sorting as was done for the first, sorting grids one at a time until 200 organisms ± 20% are found. If picking through the entire next grid is likely to result in a subsample of greater than 240 organisms, then that grid may be subsampled in the same manner as before to decrease the likelihood of exceeding 240 organisms. That is, spread the contents of the last grid into another gridded pan. Pick grids one at a time until the desired number is reached. The total number of grids for each subsorting level should be noted on the laboratory bench sheet.
- Save the sorted debris residue in a separate container. Add a label that includes the words "sorted residue" in addition to all prior sample label information and preserve in 95% ethanol. Save the remaining unsorted sample debris residue in a separate container labeled "sample residue"; this container should include the original sample label. Length of storage and archival is determined by the laboratory or benthic section supervisor.
- Place the sorted 200-organism (± 20%) subsample into glass vials, and preserve in 70% ethanol. Label the vials inside with the sample identifier or lot number, date, stream name, sampling location and taxonomic group. If more than one vial is needed, each should be labeled separately and numbered (e.g., 1 of 2, 2 of 2). For convenience in reading the labels inside the vials, insert the labels left-edge first. If identification is to occur immediately after sorting, a petri dish or watch glass can be used instead of vials.
- Midge (Chironomidae) larvae and pupae should be mounted on slides in an appropriate medium (e.g., Euperal, CMC-9); slides should be labeled with the site identifier, date collected, and the first initial and last name of the collector. As with midges, worms (Oligochaeta) must also be mounted on slides and should be appropriately labeled.
- Fill out header information on Laboratory Bench Sheet as in field sheets (see Chapter 5). Also check subsample target number. Complete back of sheet for subsampling/sorting information. Note number of grids picked, time expenditure, and number of organisms. If QC check was performed on a particular sample, person conducting QC should note findings on the back of the Laboratory Bench Sheet. Calculate sorting efficiency to determine whether sorting effort passes or fails.
- Record date of sorting and slide monitoring, if applicable, on Log-In Sheet as documentation of progress and status of completion of sample lot.
7.3.2 | Identification of Macroinvertebrates |
Taxonomy can be at any level, but should be done consistently among samples. In the original RBPs, two levels of identification were suggested -- family (RBP II) and genus/species (RBP III) (Plafkin et al. 1989). Genus/species provides more accurate information on ecological/ environmental relationships and sensitivity to impairment. Family level provides a higher degree of precision among samples and taxonomists, requires less expertise to perform, and accelerates assessment results. In either case, only those taxonomic keys that have been peer-reviewed and are available to other taxonomists should be used. Unnamed species (i.e., species A, B, 1, or 2) may be ecologically informative, but may be inconsistently handled among taxonomists and will, thus, contribute to variability when a statewide database is being developed.
- Most organisms are identified to the lowest practical level (generally genus or species) by a qualified taxonomist using a dissecting microscope. Midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) are mounted on slides in an appropriate medium and identified using a compound microscope. Each taxon found in a sample is recorded and enumerated in a laboratory bench notebook and then transcribed to the laboratory bench sheet for subsequent reports. Any difficulties encountered during identification (e.g., missing gills) are noted on these sheets.
- Labels with specific taxa names (and the taxonomist's initials) are added to the vials of specimens by the taxonomist. (Note that individual specimens may be extracted from the sample to be included in a reference collection or to be verified by a second taxonomist.) Slides are initialed by the identifying taxonomist. A separate label may be added to slides to include the taxon (taxa) name(s) for use in a voucher or reference collection.
- Record the identity and number of organisms on the Laboratory Bench Sheet (Appendix A-3, Form 3). Either a tally counter or "slash" marks on the bench sheet can be used to keep track of the cumulative count. Also, record the life stage of the organisms, the taxonomist's initials and the Taxonomic Certainty Rating (TCR) as a measure of confidence.
- Use the back of the bench sheet to explain certain TCR ratings or condition of organisms. Other comments can be included to provide additional insights for data interpretation. If QC was performed, record on the back of the bench sheet.
- For archiving samples, specimen vials, (grouped by station and date), are placed in jars with a small amount of denatured 70% ethanol and tightly capped. The ethanol level in these jars must be examined periodically and replenished as needed, before ethanol loss from the specimen vials takes place. A stick-on label is placed on the outside of the jar indicating sample identifier, date, and preservative (denatured 70% ethanol).
Benthic metrics have undergone evolutionary developments and are documented in the Invertebrate Community Index (ICI) (DeShon 1995), RBPs (Shackleford 1988, Plafkin et al. 1989, Barbour et al. 1992, 1995, 1996b, Hayslip 1993, Smith and Voshell 1997), and the benthic IBI (Kerans and Karr 1994, Fore et al. 1996). Metrics used in these indices evaluate aspects of both elements and processes within the macroinvertebrate assemblage. Although these indices have been regionally developed, they are typically appropriate over wide geographic areas with minor modification (Barbour et al. 1995).
The process for testing the efficacy and calibrating the metrics is described in Chapter 9. While the candidate metrics described here are ecologically sound, they may require testing on a regional basis. Those metrics that are most effective are those that have a response across a range of human influence (Fore et al. 1996, Karr and Chu 1999). Resh and Jackson (1993) tested the ability of 20 benthic metrics used in 30 different assessment protocols to discriminate between impaired and minimally impaired sites in California. The most effective measures, from their study, were the richness measures, 2 community indices (Margalef's and Hilsenhoff's family biotic index), and a functional feeding group metric (percent scrapers). Resh and Jackson emphasized that both the measures (metrics) and protocols need to be calibrated for different regions of the country, and, perhaps, for different impact types (stressors). In a study of 28 invertebrate metrics, Kerans and Karr 1994 demonstrated significant patterns for 18 metrics and used 13 in their final B-IBI (Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity). Richness measures were useful as were selected trophic and dominance metrics. One of the unique features of the fish IBI presently lacking in benthic indices is the ability to incorporate metrics on individual condition, although measures evaluating chironomid larvae deformities have recently been advocated (Lenat 1993).
Four studies that were published from 1995 through 1997 serve as a basis for the most appropriate candidates for metrics, because the metrics were tested in detail in these studies (DeShon 1995, Barbour et al. 1996b, Fore et al. 1996, Smith and Voshell 1997). These metrics have been evaluated for the ability to distinguish impairment and are recommended as the most likely to be useful in other regions of the country (Table 7-1). Other metrics that are currently in use in various states are listed in Table 7-2 and may be applicable for testing as alternatives or additions to the list in Table 7-1.
Taxa richness, or the number of distinct taxa, represents the diversity within a sample. Use of taxa richness as a key metric in a multimetric index include the ICI (DeShon 1995), the fish IBI (Karr et al. 1986), the benthic IBI (Kerans et al. 1992, Kerans and Karr 1994), and RBP's (Plafkin et al. 1989, Barbour et al. 1996b). Taxa richness usually consists of species level identifications but can also be evaluated as designated groupings of taxa, often as higher taxonomic groups (i.e., genera, families, orders, etc.) in assessment of invertebrate assemblages. Richness measures reflect the diversity of the aquatic assemblage (Resh et al. 1995). The expected response to increasing perturbation is summarized, as an example, in Table 7-2. Increasing diversity correlates with increasing health of the assemblage and suggests that niche space, habitat, and food source are adequate to support survival and propagation of many species. Number of taxa measures the overall variety of the macroinvertebrate assemblage. No identities of major taxonomic groups are derived from the total taxa metric, but the elimination of taxa from a naturally diverse system can be readily detected. Subsets of "total" taxa richness are also used to accentuate key indicator groupings of organisms. Diversity or variety of taxa within these groups are good indications of the ability of the ecosystem to support varied taxa. Certain indices that focus on a pair-wise site comparison are also included in this richness category.
Table 7-1. Definitions of best candidate benthic metrics and predicted direction of metric response to increasing perturbation (compiled from DeShon 1995, Barbour et al. 1996b, Fore et al. 1996, Smith and Voshell 1997).
Category | Metric | Definition | Predicted response to increasing perturbation |
Richness measures | Total No. taxa | Measures the overall variety of the macroinvertebrate assemblage | Decrease |
No. EPT taxa | Number of taxa in the insect orders Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies), and Trichoptera (caddisflies) | Decrease | |
No. Ephemeroptera Taxa | Number of mayfly taxa (usually genus or species level) | Decrease | |
No. Plecoptera Taxa | Number of stonefly taxa (usually genus of species level) | Decrease | |
No. Trichoptera Taxa | Number of caddisfly taxa (usually genus or species level) | Decrease | |
Composition measures | % EPT | Percent of the composite of mayfly, stonefly, and caddisfly larvae | Decrease |
% Ephemeroptera | Percent of mayfly nymphs | Decrease | |
Tolerance/Intolerance measures | No. of Intolerant Taxa | Taxa richness of those organisms considered to be sensitive to perturbation | Decrease |
% Tolerant Organisms | Percent of macrobenthos considered to be tolerant of various types of perturbation | Increase | |
% Dominant Taxon | Measures the dominance of the single most abundant taxon. Can be calculated as dominant 2, 3, 4, or 5 taxa. | Increase | |
Feeding measures | % Filterers | Percent of the macrobenthos that filter FPOM from either the water column or sediment | Variable |
% Grazers and Scrapers | Percent of the macrobenthos that scrape or graze upon periphyton | Decrease | |
Habit measures | Number of Clinger Taxa | Number of taxa of insects | Decrease |
% Clingers | Percent of insects having fixed retreats or adaptations for attachment to surfaces in flowing water. | Decrease |
Composition measures can be characterized by several classes of information, i.e., the identity, key taxa, and relative abundance. Identity is the knowledge of individual taxa and associated ecological patterns and environmental requirements (Barbour et al. 1995). Key taxa (i.e., those that are of special interest or ecologically important) provide information that is important to the condition of the targeted assemblage. The presence of exotic or nuisance species may be an important aspect of biotic interactions that relate to both identity and sensitivity. Measures of composition (or relative abundance) provide information on the make-up of the assemblage and the relative contribution of the populations to the total fauna (Table 7-2). Relative, rather than absolute, abundance is used because the relative contribution of individuals to the total fauna (a reflection of interactive principles) is more informative than abundance data on populations without a knowledge of the interaction among taxa (Plafkin et al. 1989, Barbour et al. 1995). The premise is that a healthy and stable assemblage will be relatively consistent in its proportional representation, though individual abundances may vary in magnitude. Percentage of the dominant taxon is a simple measure of redundancy (Plafkin et al. 1989). A high level of redundancy is equated with the dominance of a pollution tolerant organism and a lowered diversity. Several diversity indices, which are measures of information content and incorporate both richness and evenness in their formulas, may function as viable metrics in some cases, but are usually redundant with taxa richness and % dominance (Barbour et al. 1996b).
Category | Metric | Definition | Predicted response to increasing perturbation | References |
Richness measures | No. Pteronarcys species | The presence or absence of a long-lived stonefly genus (2-3 year life cycle) | Decrease | Fore et al. 1996 |
No. Diptera taxa | Number of "true" fly taxa, which includes midges | Decrease | DeShon 1995 | |
No. Chironomidae taxa | Number of taxa of chironomid (midge) larvae | Decrease | Hayslip 1993, Barbour et al. 1996b | |
Composition measures | % Plecoptera | Percent of stonefly nymphs | Decrease | Barbour et al. 1994 |
% Trichoptera | Percent of caddisfly larvae | Decrease | DeShon 1995 | |
% Diptera | Percent of all "true" fly larvae | Increase | Barbour et al. 1996b | |
% Chironomidae | Percent of midge larvae | Increase | Barbour et al. 1994 | |
% Tribe Tanytarsini | Percent of Tanytarisinid midges to total fauna | Decrease | DeShon 1995 | |
% Other Diptera and noninsects | Composite of those organisms generally considered to be tolerant to a wide range of environmental conditions | Increase | DeShon 1995 | |
% Corbicula | Percent of asiatic clam in the benthic assemblage | Increase | Kerans and Karr 1994 | |
% Oligochaeta | Percent of aquatic worms | Variable | Kerans and Karr 1994 | |
Tolerance/Intolerance measures | No. Intol. Snail and Mussel species | Number of species of molluscs generally thought to be pollution intolerant | Decrease | Kerans and Karr 1994 |
% Sediment Tolerant organisms | Percent of infaunal macrobenthos tolerant of perturbation | Increase | Fore et al. 1996 | |
Hilsenhoff Biotic Index | Uses tolerance values to weight abundance in an estimate of overall pollution. Originally designed to evaluate organic pollution | Increase | Barbour et al. 1992, Hayslip 1993, Kerans and Karr 1994 | |
Florida Index | Weighted sum of intolerant taxa, which are classed as 1 (least tolerant) or 2 (intolerant). Florida Index = 2 X Class 1 taxa + Class 2 taxa | Decrease | Barbour et al. 1996b | |
% Hydropsychidae to Trichoptera | Relative abundance of pollution tolerant caddisflies (metric could also be regarded as a composition measure) | Increase | Barbour et al. 1992, Hayslip 1993 | |
Feeding measures | % Omnivores and Scavengers | Percent of generalists in feeding strategies | Increase | Kerans and Karr 1994 |
% Ind. Gatherers and Filterers | Percent of collector feeders of CPOM and FPOM | Variable | Kerans and Karr 1994 | |
% Gatherers | Percent of the macrobenthos that "gather" | Variable | Barbour et al. 1996b | |
% Predators | Percent of the predator functional feeding group. Can be made restrictive to exclude omnivores | Variable | Kerans and Karr 1994 | |
% Shredders | Percent of the macrobenthos that "shreds" leaf litter | Decrease | Barbour et al. 1992, Hayslip 1993 | |
Life cycle measures | % Multivoltine | Percent of organisms having short (several per year) life cycle | Increase | Barbour et al. 1994 |
% Univoltine | Percent of organisms relatively long-lived (life cycles of 1 or more years) | Decrease | Barbour et al. 1994 |
Tolerance/Intolerance measures are intended to be representative of relative sensitivity to perturbation and may include numbers of pollution tolerant and intolerant taxa or percent composition (Barbour et al. 1995). Tolerance is generally non-specific to the type of stressor. However, some metrics such as the Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI) (Hilsenhoff 1987, 1988) are oriented toward detection of organic pollution; the Biotic Condition Index (Winget and Mangum 1979) is useful for evaluating sedimentation. The Florida Index (Ross and Jones 1979) is a weighted sum of intolerant taxa (insects and crustaceans) found at a site (Beck 1965) and functions similarly to the HBI (Hilsenhoff 1987) used in other parts of the country. The tolerance/intolerance measures can be independent of taxonomy or can be specifically tailored to taxa that are associated with pollution tolerances. For example, both the percent of Hydropsychidae to total Trichoptera and percent Baetidae to total Ephemeroptera are estimates of evenness within these insect orders that generally are considered to be sensitive to pollution. As these families (i.e., Hydropsychidae and Baetidae) increase in relative abundance, effects of pollution (usually organic) also increase. Density (number of individuals per some unit of area) is a universal measure used in all kinds of biological studies. Density can be classified with the trophic measures because it is an element of production; however, it is difficult to interpret because it requires careful quantification and is not monotonic in its response (i.e., density can either decrease or increase in response to pollution) and is usually linked to tolerance measures.
Feeding measures or trophic dynamics encompass functional feeding groups and provide information on the balance of feeding strategies (food acquisition and morphology) in the benthic assemblage. Examples involve the feeding orientation of scrapers, shredders, gatherers, filterers, and predators. Trophic dynamics (food types) are also included here and include the relative abundance of herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and detritivores. Without relatively stable food dynamics, an imbalance in functional feeding groups will result, reflecting stressed conditions. Trophic metrics are surrogates of complex processes such as trophic interaction, production, and food source availability (Karr et al. 1986, Cummins et al. 1989, Plafkin et al. 1989). Specialized feeders, such as scrapers, piercers, and shredders, are the more sensitive organisms and are thought to be well represented in healthy streams. Generalists, such as collectors and filterers, have a broader range of acceptable food materials than specialists (Cummins and Klug 1979), and thus are more tolerant to pollution that might alter availability of certain food. However, filter feeders are also thought to be sensitive in low-gradient streams (Wallace et al. 1977). The usefulness of functional feeding measures for benthic macroinvertebrates has not been well demonstrated. Difficulties with the proper assignment to functional feeding groups has contributed to the inability to consider these reliable metrics (Karr and Chu 1997).
Habit measures are those that denote the mode of existence among the benthic macroinvertebrates. Morphological adaptation among the macroinvertebrate distinguishes the various mechanisms for maintaining position and moving about in the aquatic environment (Merritt et al. 1996). Habit categories include movement and positioning mechanisms such as skaters, planktonic, divers, swimmers, clingers, sprawlers, climbers, burrowers. Merritt et al. 1996 provide an overview of the habit of aquatic insects, which are the primary organisms used in these measures. Habit measures have been found to be more robust than functional feeding groups in some instances (Fore et al. 1996).
* It is helpful to copy fieldsheets onto water-resistant paper for use in wet weather conditions |
The use of biological survey techniques can serve as a screening tool for problem identification and/or prioritizing sites for further assessment, monitoring, or protection. The application of biological surveys in site reconnaissance is intended to be expedient, and, as such, requires an experienced and well-trained biologist. Expediency in this technique is to minimize time spent in the laboratory and with analysis. The "turn-around" time from the biosurvey to an interpretation of findings is intended to be relatively short. The BioRecon is useful in discriminating obviously impaired and non-impaired areas from potentially affected areas requiring further investigation. Use of the BioRecon allows rapid screening of a large number of sites. Areas identified for further study can then either be evaluated using more rigorous bioassessment methods for benthic macroinvertebrates and/or other assemblages, or ambient toxicity methods.
Because the BioRecon involves limited data generation, its effectiveness depends largely on the experience of the professional biologist performing the assessment. The professional biologist should have assessment experience, a knowledge of aquatic ecology, and basic expertise in benthic macroinvertebrate taxonomy.
The BioRecon presented here is refined and standardized from the original RBP I (Plafkin et al. 1989), and is based on the technique developed by Florida DEP (1996), from which the approach derives its name. This biosurvey approach is based on a multihabitat approach similar to the more rigorous technique discussed in Section 7.2. The most productive habitats, i.e., those that contain the greatest diversity and abundance of macroinvertebrates, are sampled in the BioRecon. As a general rule, impairment is judged by richness measures, thereby emphasizing the presence or absence of indicator taxa. Biological attributes such as the relative abundance of certain taxa may be less useful than richness measures in the BioRecon approach, because samples are processed more quickly and in a less standardized manner.
7.5.1 | Sampling, Processing, and Analysis Procedures |
- A 100 m reach representative of the characteristics of the stream should be selected. For the BioRecon, it is unlikely that the alternative reach designation approach (i.e., x times the stream width), will improve the resolution beyond a standard 100 m reach. Whenever possible, the area should be at least 100 meters upstream from any road or bridge crossing to minimize its effect on stream velocity, depth and overall habitat quality. There should be no major tributaries discharging to the stream in the study area.
- Before sampling, complete the "Physical Characterization/Water Quality Field Data Sheet" (Appendix A-1, Form 1) to document site description, weather conditions, and land use. After sampling, review this information for accuracy and completeness.
- The major habitat types (see 7.2.1 for habitat descriptions) represented in the reach are to be sampled for macroinvertebrates. A total of 4 jabs or kicks will be taken over the length of the reach. A minimum of 1 jab (or kick) is to be taken in each habitat. More than 1 jab may be desired in those habitats that are predominant. Habitat types contributing less than five percent of the stable habitat in the stream reach should not be sampled. Thus, allocate the remaining jabs proportionately among the predominant substrates. The number of jabs taken in each habitat type should be recorded on the field data sheet.
- Sampling begins at the downstream end of the reach and proceeds upstream. A total of four jabs or kicks will be taken over the length of the reach; a single jab consists of forcefully thrusting the net into a productive habitat for a linear distance of 0.5 m. A kick is a stationary sampling accomplished by positioning the net and disturbing the substrate for a distance of 0.5 m upstream of the net.
- The jabs or kicks collected from the multiple habitats will be composited into a sieve bucket to obtain a single homogeneous sample. If clogging occurs, discard the material in the net and redo that portion of the sample in the same habitat type but in a different location. Remove large debris after rinsing and inspecting it for organisms; place any organisms found into the sieve bucket.
- Return to the bank with the sampled material for sorting and organism identifications. Alternatively, the material can be preserved in alcohol and returned to the laboratory for processing (see Step 7 in Section 7.1.1 for instructions).
- Transfer the sample from the sieve bucket (or sample jar, if in laboratory) to a white enamel or plastic pan. A second, smaller, white pan may be used for the actual sorting. Place small aliquots of the detritus plus organisms in the smaller pan diluted with a minimal amount of site water (or tap water). Scan the detritus and water for organisms. When an organism is found, examine it with a hard lens, determine its identity to the lowest possible level (usually family or genus), and record it on the Preliminary Assessment Score Sheet (PASS) (Appendix A-3, Form 4) in the column labeled "tally." Place representatives of each taxon in a vial, properly labeled and containing alcohol.
- If field identifications are conducted, verify in the lab and make appropriate changes for misidentifications.
- Analysis is done by determining the value of each metric and comparing to a predetermined value for the associated stream class. These value thresholds should be sufficiently conservative so that "good" conditions or non-impairment is verified. Sites with metric values below the threshold(s) are considered "suspect" of impairment and may warrant further investigation. These simple calculations can be done directly on the PASS sheet.
The following references are provided as a list of taxonomic references currently being used around the United States for identification of benthic macroinvertebrates. Any of these references cited in the text of this document will also be found in Chapter 11 (Literature Cited).
Allen, R.K. 1978. The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes. Entomological Society of America 71(4):537-558.
Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1965. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). VIII. The subgenus Ephemerella in North America. Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America 4:243-282.
Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1963. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). VI. The subgenus Seratella in North America. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 56:583-600.
Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1963. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). VII. The subgenus Eurylophella. Canadian Entomologist 95:597-623.
Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1962. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). V. The subgenus Drunella in North America. Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America 3:583-600.
Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1961. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). III. The subgenus Attenuatella. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 34:161-173.
Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1961. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). II. The subgenus Caudatella. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 54:603-612.
Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1959. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). I. The subgenus Timpanoga. The Canadian Entomologist 91:51-58.
Anderson, N.H. 1976. The distribution and biology of the Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Agricultural Experimental Station Technical Bulletin 134:1-152.
Barr, C.B. and J.B. Chapin. 1988. The Aquatic Dryopoidea of Louisiana (Coleoptera:Psepheniae, Dryopidae, Elmidae). Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 26:89-164.
Baumann, R.W. 1975. Revision of the Stonefly Family Nemouridae (Plecoptera): A Study of the World Fauna at the Generic Level. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 211. 74 pp.
Baumann, R.W., A.R. Gaufin, and R.F. Surdick. 1977. The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 31:1-208.
Beck, E.C. 1962. Five new Chironomidae (Diptera) from Florida. Florida Entomologist 45:89-92.
Beck, W.M., Jr. and E.C. Beck. 1970. The immature stages of some Chironomini (Chironomidae). Quarterly Journal of the Academy of Biological Science 33:29-42.
Beck, E.C. and W.M. Beck, Jr. 1969. Chironomidae (Diptera) of Florida. III. The Harnischia complex (Chironomidae). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum of Biological Sciences 13:277-313.
Beck, W.M. and E.C. Beck. 1964. New Chironomidae from Florida. Florida Entomologist. 47:201-207.
Beck, W.M., Jr. and E.C. Beck. 1966. Chironomidae (Diptera) of Florida. I. Pentaneurini (Tanypodinae). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum 10: 305-379.
Bednarik, A.F. and W.P. McCafferty. 1979. Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema (Ephemeroptera:Heptageniidae). Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 201:1-73.
Bergman, E.A. and W.L. Hilsenhoff. 1978. Baetis (Ephemeroptera:Baetidae) of Wisconsin. The Great Lakes Entomologist 11:125-35.
Berner, L. 1977. Distributional patterns of southeastern mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum of Biological Sciences 22:1-55.
Berner, L. 1975. The Mayfly Family Leptophlebiidae in the Southeastern United States. The Florida Entomologist 58:137-156.
Berner, L. 1956. The genus neoephemera in North America (Ephemeroptera:Neoephemeridae). Entomological Society of America 49:33-42.
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