Contact EPA Pacific Southwest Mercury
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Mercury in California
Where to Report a Spill in California
California - Emergency Services Warning Center: (800) 852-7550
(916) 845-8911
California State Agency

California Environmental Protection Agency
On this page:
Activities in California
Fact Sheets and Other Information on Mercury Waste Classification and Management
- Waste Prevention Information Exchange: Mercury
- California Mercury Waste Classification and Management
- San Francisco Dental Mercury Reduction Program
- Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine
State Agencies & Contacts for California
- California Department of Toxic Substance, Mercury Waste
- California Environmental Protection Agency
- State Water Resources Control Board
- California Air Resources Board (various California cities)
- California Integrated Waste Management Board
- California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA): Mercury in Fish
OEHHA has a number of resources about mercury in fish. The state health agency provides specific advice about consumption of fish caught in areas where high levels of chemicals have been found in fish. However, because contamination levels are unknown for many locations, OEHHA also provides general advice on how to reduce exposure to chemicals in noncommercial fish, referred to as sport fish.
- California Department of Health Services Environmental Health Investigations Branch (EHIB)
This site contains fact sheets about mercury in fish, a description of the San Francisco Bay fish consumption study, and local contact information. - Abandoned Mine Lands Report
In January 2001, US EPA developed a new recommended water quality criterion for methylmercury, under section 304(a) of the Clean Water Act. This criterion is a fish tissue residue criterion. As a result of an Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultation concerning US EPA's promulgation of water quality criteria for toxic pollutants for California in the California Toxics Rule (40 CFR 131.38), US EPA entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to conduct an analysis to determine whether the new fish tissue residue criterion may affect any federally listed species in California. For this analysis, and for more information, go to: Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office's Bio-Monitoring.
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