Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (JACADS)
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
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EPA approves Army's closure plan; JACADS completes cleanup and demolition of the facility
On September 4, 2002, EPA approved the Army's Revised Closure Plan for the Johnston Atoll chemical Agent Disposal System (JACADS) facility. Approval of the revised plan provided the Army a green light to proceed with closing the facility and returning the JACADS area to conditions safe for people, birds and marine life.
In July, 2003, the Army completed the environmental sampling necessary for the closure and demolition of the JACADS incinerators and began demolition of the Munitions Demilitarization Building that housed the incinerators. In September, 2003, the Army completed the remainder of the environmental sampling.
In the spring of 2004, EPA expects to receive the certification showing that the JACADS facility has been clean closed.
Once JACADS has been certified clean closed, the atoll will remain a National Wildlife refuge as established in 1926. The atoll will then be turned over to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Documents & related information
- Revised Closure Plan (1.5 M PDF)
- Press Release: EPA Approves Army's Closure Plan for JACADS (September 6, 2002)
- Press Release: Closure of JACAS to be Celebrated
Honolulu ceremony will be followed by a ceremony at Johnston Island (10/23/2003)
Additional information
As JACADS enters its closure phase, the EPA and the Army will be consulting with the public about closure issues. To add your name to the EPA's JACADS mailing list or receive other information about JACADS, please call Vicky Semones of EPA's Office of Community Involvement, at (415) 972-3238, or call toll-free at (800) 231-3075. To get your name on the U.S. Army's JACADS mailing list, please call Cathy Herlinger of the Army's Public Outreach and Information Office, at (410) 436-1479.