Contact Pacific Southwest Brownfields
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Land Revitalization in Hawai´i
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Underground Storage Tanks
Noemi Emeric-Ford
(213) 244-1821

Former Love's Bakery

Redevelopment construction for new Safeway and retail complex
Love's Bakery
Honolulu, O´ahu, Hawai´i
The Love's Bakery site comprises approximately 3 acres in Honolulu. For the site's 60 year service history it had been used for 59 years as a local bakery and 1 year for various commercial activities. Upon the site's commercial closure in 1991, significant levels of soil and groundwater beneath the site were found to be contaminated partly because of five underground storage tanks (USTs) formerly used to sustain operations on site. These USTs were as follows: one 2,000 gallon UST used to store gasoline; one 8,000 gallon UST and one 500 gallon UST used to store diesel fuel; one 500 gallon UST used to store oil; and one 500 gallon UST used to store bunker fuel. Waste oil, diesel fuel, petroleum hydrocarbons, and petroleum hydrocarbon related constituents were discovered at the project site.
EPA supported the development of the HDOH underground storage tank program and assisted in overseeing the removal and treatment of contaminated soil and groundwater. Approximately 2,500 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil and 1,200 cubic yards of contaminated coral were treated on site using bioremediation techniques.
Reuse Facts
- Site to be used as part of a 79,000 square-foot Safeway Center retail complex hosting:
- a 64,000 square foot Safeway supermarket
- 15,000 square feet of retail space planned to used for various street-front specialty shops