Contact Pacific Southwest Brownfields
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Land Revitalization in Hawai´i
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Noemi Emeric-Ford
(213) 244-1821

Residual debris from Chem-Wood activity

Chem-Wood facility pre-redevelopment
Campbell Industrial Park
O´ahu, Hawai´i
Chem-Wood operated as a wood treatment facility from 1975 through 1988. Wood processing operations involved pressure treatment of wood using chemical formulations such as copper chromated arsenic (CCA) and pentachlorophenol (PCP). After site inspections revealed contamination on-site due to improper chemical handling and spills, EPA issued a corrective action order in September 1988. As a requirement of the order, Chem-Wood installed an asphalt cap over contaminated soil at the adjacent Precision Wood property. In 1997, however, Chem-Wood ceased investigatory and remedial work at their facility due to financial constraints. The soil at Chem-Wood remains contaminated with arsenic, chromium, PCP, and dioxin above EPA's preliminary remediation goals. Groundwater at the Chem- Wood facility, Precision Wood, and former PC French properties nearby, is also contaminated with chromium, arsenic, and PCP at levels above HDOH's Environmental Action Levels.
In 2006, Kanani, LLC entered into a Prospective Purchaser Agreement (PPA) with the EPA and U.S. Department of Justice to purchase the Chem-Wood site. The agreement limits buyer liability, provides a benefit to the state and local community by facilitating the cleanup, and returns the site to productive use by the new purchaser's use of the property. The Final Remedy includes: removal and proper disposal of site debris; construction and long-term maintenance of an asphalt-concrete cap at Chem-Wood and Precision Wood; institutional controls to ensure long-term protection of the caps and limit the use of groundwater; and monitoring and removal of free floating chemicals from the groundwater.
Reuse Facts
- Kanani, LLC has entered into a PPA with the EPA that allows for future light industrial reuse of the Chem-Wood property after it is remediated.