Contact Pacific Southwest Brownfields
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Land Revitalization in Hawai´i
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Noemi Emeric-Ford
(213) 244-1821

Del Monte plantation

Phytoremediation treatment unit
Del Monte Plantation
Kunia, O´ahu, Hawai´i
Site Background
The Del Monte Corp. pineapple plantation site covers 3,000 acres in Kunia, West Oahu. Following over 20 years of pesticide application on-site, a 1980 HDOH test of the groundwater extracted from the Kunia Well indicated the presence of Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) and 1,2-dibromo-3- chloropropane (DBCP) in excess of safe drinking water standards. The contamination resulted from a 495 gallon EDB spill in 1977 and smaller spills of pesticides in the storage and mixing area near the Kunia Well. Prior to testing, the well had been used to supply drinking water to approximately 700 nearby residents. The well was immediately shut down after the test. Soil and shallow groundwater in the vicinity of the Kunia Well were also found to be contaminated at much higher levels than the deeper drinking water aquifer.
In 2005 EPA negotiated a Remedial Design/Remedial Action Consent Decree requiring Del Monte to conduct both soil and groundwater remediation efforts on-site. As a result, a phytoremediation treatment system was installed by Del Monte to treat contaminated shallow groundwater. Deep groundwater is currently being treated using an air stripping and carbon filtration system. Contaminated soil in the source area will be treated using soil vapor extraction and then capped. The site remediation plan is expected to cost approximately $13 million. In June 2007, the EPA completed negotiations on an Institutional Controls Consent Decree with James Campbell Company, LLC, owner of the Del Monte Site, aimed to reduce human exposure to contaminated soil and groundwater while allowing for site redevelopment.
Reuse Facts
- Contaminant concentrations in shallow groundwater were significantly lowered as a result of phytoremediation extraction and treatment
- While no redevelopment projects have been finalized, several
potential plans are
currently being evaluated for their viability. Future projects under consideration include: - 5-acre ranchettes
- continued use for farming operations
- Schofield Barracks military base expansion