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EPA New England Regional Laboratory (Office of Environmental Measurement and Evaluation)

Special Projects

New England Lakes and Ponds (NELP)
The New England Lakes and Ponds project provides assessments of the ecological condition of lakes and ponds across the New England region using random probability-based sampling methods.

EPA New England Volunteer Monitoring Equipment Loan Program
EPA New England initiated a new program in 2006 to provide water monitoring equipment (up to $2500 in value) to volunteer organizations in New England on an annual basis. The equipment is competitively available to organized groups with a clearly defined need, or a project in place or ready to be implemented.

Charles River Water Quality Monitoring
In 1995, EPA established the Clean Charles 2005 Initiative, with a task force and numerous subcommittees, to restore the Charles River to a swimmable and fishable condition by Earth Day in the year 2005.

New England Wadeable Streams (NEWS)
The New England Wadeable Streams project (NEWS) provides assessments of the ecological conditions of streams across the New England region using random probability-based sampling methods.

Lead Safe Yards
Over the past several decades, blood lead levels in children have declined dramatically. However, lead poisoning remains a serious environmental health hazard for children today. The legacy of lead based paint and leaded gasoline will be with us for many years to come. While considerable attention has been given to lead based paint hazards in homes, less attention has been paid to lead -contaminated soil that surrounds these homes.

The Lead Safe Yard Project was initiated in 1998 as a pilot project to demonstrate the application of real time testing technology and interim control measures to reduce exposure of pre-school children to residential lead-contaminated soils. The project has generated considerable interest in the lead community and numerous other lead risk reduction projects have directly benefitted from the work of this demonstration effort.

More information on the Lead Safe Yard project including an electronic copy of a handbook for implementing a lead safe yard project in your community is available here.

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