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Region 1: EPA New England

Aegan Brook - Invertebrates

Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Agnetina 34
Amphinemura 34
Antocha 34
Apatania 204
Baetidae 136
Baetis 170
Bezzia/Palpomyia 34
Ceratopogonidae 34
Chironomidae (pupae) 136
Cordulegaster 34
Corynoneura 34
Cricotopus/Orthocladius 170
Dolophilodes 34
Enchytraeidae 34
Ephemerella 34
Ephemerellidae 204
Eukiefferiella 34
Eurylophella 102
Ferrissia 34
Glossosoma 238
Gomphidae 34
Heptageniidae 34
Hexatoma 34
Hydropsychidae 68
Hydroptila 102
Lanthus 238
Lepidostoma 68
Leptophlebiidae 170
Leuctra 136
Leuctridae 34
Limnephilidae 34
Lumbricidae 34
Mallochohelea 34
Nematoda 68
Neophylax 68
Optioservus 34
Oulimnius 136
Parametriocnemus 34
Pisidium 306
Plecoptera 68
Polypedilum angulum 34
Potthastia gaedii grp. 34
Promoresia 1190
Rheotanytarsus 68
Rhycophila 34
Simulium 102
Stempellinella 136
Tanypodinae 34
Tanytarsus 1598
Thienemanniella 34
Thienemannimyia grp. 68
Zygoptera 34

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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