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Region 1: EPA New England

Connecticut - Invertebrates

Stream Name Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Mill Brook Acroneuria 12
Mill Brook Antocha 24
Mill Brook Capniidae 264
Mill Brook Chironomini 12
Mill Brook Chironomus 12
Mill Brook Chloroperlidae 12
Mill Brook Cladotanytarsus 24
Mill Brook Coleoptera 12
Mill Brook Corynoneura 12
Mill Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 12
Mill Brook Dicranota 60
Mill Brook Dicrotendipes neomodestus 24
Mill Brook Dolophilodes 24
Mill Brook Ectopria 24
Mill Brook Ephemerellidae 36
Mill Brook Eukiefferiella 24
Mill Brook Eurylophella 12
Mill Brook Hemerodromia 12
Mill Brook Heptageniidae 48
Mill Brook Leptophlebiidae 48
Mill Brook Lumbriculidae 48
Mill Brook Micrasema 12
Mill Brook Nais simplex 12
Mill Brook Nemertea 12
Mill Brook Nilotanypus 12
Mill Brook Optioservus 24
Mill Brook Oulimnius 132
Mill Brook Parakiefferiella 12
Mill Brook Parametriocnemus 12
Mill Brook Plecoptera 48
Mill Brook Polycentropus 36
Mill Brook Polypedilum 12
Mill Brook Polypedilum angulum 12
Mill Brook Promoresia 96
Mill Brook Psephenus herricki 72
Mill Brook Psilometriocnemus 12
Mill Brook Rhagovelia 12
Mill Brook Rhycophila 24
Mill Brook Simulium 24
Mill Brook Sperchon 36
Mill Brook Sperchonopsis 12
Mill Brook Sphaeriidae 12
Mill Brook Stenonema modestum 36
Mill Brook Taeniopteryx 540
Mill Brook Talloperla maria 12
Mill Brook Tanytarsus 360
Mill Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 36
Mill Brook Trichoptera 12
Mill Brook Zavrelimyia 24
Pease Brook Ablabesmyia mallochi 24
Pease Brook Atherix 24
Pease Brook Baetidae 24
Pease Brook Boyeria vinosa 24
Pease Brook Cheumatopsyche 24
Pease Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 48
Pease Brook Cladotanytarsus 48
Pease Brook Dicranota 240
Pease Brook Dolophilodes 48
Pease Brook Eurylophella 168
Pease Brook Ferrissia 216
Pease Brook Ferrissia rivularis 360
Pease Brook Glossosoma 72
Pease Brook Heptageniidae 192
Pease Brook Hexatoma 24
Pease Brook Hydropsyche betteni/depravata 24
Pease Brook Hydropsyche bronta 24
Pease Brook Hydropsyche sparna 48
Pease Brook Hydropsychidae 24
Pease Brook Isonychia 120
Pease Brook Leptophlebiidae 96
Pease Brook Lumbriculidae 600
Pease Brook Microtendipes pedellus grp. 72
Pease Brook Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 72
Pease Brook Nematoda 48
Pease Brook Optioservus 384
Pease Brook Oulimnius 456
Pease Brook Polypedilum flavum 24
Pease Brook Psephenus herricki 480
Pease Brook Psychomyia flavida 72
Pease Brook Pycnopsyche 24
Pease Brook Rhagovelia 48
Pease Brook Rheotanytarsus 24
Pease Brook Rhycophila 216
Pease Brook Simulium 24
Pease Brook Stenonema vicarium 144
Pease Brook Sublettea 24
Pease Brook Taeniopteryx 192
Pease Brook Tanytarsini 24
Pease Brook Tanytarsus 168
Pease Brook Tipula 24
Saugatuck River Acroneuria 17
Saugatuck River Apatania 153
Saugatuck River Caenis 17
Saugatuck River Cheumatopsyche 119
Saugatuck River Chimarra 51
Saugatuck River Chironomini 34
Saugatuck River Coenagrionidae 68
Saugatuck River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 85
Saugatuck River Ectopria 34
Saugatuck River Ephemerellidae 51
Saugatuck River Fossaria 17
Saugatuck River Gomphidae 51
Saugatuck River Hagenius brevistylus 34
Saugatuck River Hemerodromia 102
Saugatuck River Heptageniidae 136
Saugatuck River Hyalella azteca 34
Saugatuck River Hydropsyche betteni/depravata 17
Saugatuck River Hydroptila 34
Saugatuck River Isonychia 204
Saugatuck River Lebertia 51
Saugatuck River Limnephilidae 34
Saugatuck River Lumbriculidae 17
Saugatuck River Micrasema 153
Saugatuck River Microtendipes pedellus grp. 51
Saugatuck River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 34
Saugatuck River Mystacides 17
Saugatuck River Nematoda 68
Saugatuck River Nemertea 68
Saugatuck River Neureclipsis 34
Saugatuck River Nigronia serricornis 51
Saugatuck River Oecetis 34
Saugatuck River Orthocladiinae 34
Saugatuck River Paratanytarsus 68
Saugatuck River Plecoptera 34
Saugatuck River Polypedilum illinoense 17
Saugatuck River Pseudochironomus 17
Saugatuck River Rheotanytarsus 255
Saugatuck River Sperchon 34
Saugatuck River Sperchonopsis 17
Saugatuck River Stenelmis 17
Saugatuck River Stenonema 17
Saugatuck River Stenonema modestum 85
Saugatuck River Taeniopteryx 1003
Saugatuck River Tanytarsus 289
Saugatuck River Torrenticola 17
Steele Brook Acentrella 72
Steele Brook Antocha 48
Steele Brook Apatania 48
Steele Brook Attenella 24
Steele Brook Capniidae 120
Steele Brook Cheumatopsyche 24
Steele Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 96
Steele Brook Chloroperlidae 24
Steele Brook Cladotanytarsus 48
Steele Brook Corynoneura 24
Steele Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 72
Steele Brook Dolophilodes 120
Steele Brook Ephemerellidae 168
Steele Brook Eukiefferiella 24
Steele Brook Ferrissia 48
Steele Brook Ferrissia rivularis 24
Steele Brook Gastropoda 24
Steele Brook Glossosoma 480
Steele Brook Hemerodromia 24
Steele Brook Heptageniidae 264
Steele Brook Hexatoma 72
Steele Brook Hydropsyche 264
Steele Brook Hydropsyche alhedra 120
Steele Brook Hydropsyche slossonae 24
Steele Brook Hygrobates 48
Steele Brook Leptophlebiidae 336
Steele Brook Lumbriculidae 216
Steele Brook Microtendipes pedellus grp. 24
Steele Brook Mystacides 24
Steele Brook Nematoda 48
Steele Brook Nigronia serricornis 24
Steele Brook Optioservus 24
Steele Brook Orthocladius 48
Steele Brook Oulimnius 120
Steele Brook Parachaetocladius 48
Steele Brook Parakiefferiella 72
Steele Brook Parametriocnemus 24
Steele Brook Phaenopsectra 24
Steele Brook Plecoptera 312
Steele Brook Polypedilum angulum 24
Steele Brook Polypedilum aviceps 24
Steele Brook Polypedilum flavum 24
Steele Brook Psephenus herricki 528
Steele Brook Psychomyia flavida 48
Steele Brook Rheotanytarsus 360
Steele Brook Rhycophila 48
Steele Brook Sperchonopsis 24
Steele Brook Stenonema modestum 72
Steele Brook Sweltsa 24
Steele Brook Taeniopteryx 72
Steele Brook Tanytarsus 456
Steele Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 96
Willimantic River Acentrella 60
Willimantic River Ancylidae 60
Willimantic River Antocha 120
Willimantic River Baetidae 120
Willimantic River Cheumatopsyche 840
Willimantic River Chimarra 1140
Willimantic River Chironomini 60
Willimantic River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 240
Willimantic River Ephemerellidae 60
Willimantic River Ferrissia 360
Willimantic River Ferrissia rivularis 180
Willimantic River Glossosoma 60
Willimantic River Hemerodromia 120
Willimantic River Heptageniidae 360
Willimantic River Hydropsyche 2340
Willimantic River Hydropsyche betteni/depravata 1200
Willimantic River Hydropsyche bronta 360
Willimantic River Hydropsyche morosa 180
Willimantic River Hydropsyche sparna 540
Willimantic River Hygrobates 60
Willimantic River Isonychia 420
Willimantic River Micrasema 120
Willimantic River Nais behningi 60
Willimantic River Nais communis 60
Willimantic River Nematoda 540
Willimantic River Nemertea 120
Willimantic River Oecetis 120
Willimantic River Oulimnius 120
Willimantic River Pisidium 60
Willimantic River Planorbidae 60
Willimantic River Psychomyia flavida 60
Willimantic River Rheotanytarsus 1080
Willimantic River Simulium 60
Willimantic River Sphaeriidae 120
Willimantic River Stenochironomus 60
Willimantic River Stenonema modestum 300
Willimantic River Taeniopteryx 120
Willimantic River Thienemanniella 60
Willimantic River Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 60

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.
Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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