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Region 1: EPA New England

Vermont - Invertebrates

Stream Name Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Black Creek Ablabesmyia 427
Black Creek Ablabesmyia annulata 427
Black Creek Ancylidae 2135
Black Creek Aulodrilus limnobius 2135
Black Creek Baetidae 3416
Black Creek Caenis 1708
Black Creek Chironomidae (pupae) 2135
Black Creek Chironomus 427
Black Creek Cladotanytarsus 11529
Black Creek Coenagrionidae 854
Black Creek Cricotopus bicinctus 427
Black Creek Cryptochironomus 427
Black Creek Cryptotendipes 427
Black Creek Demicryptochironomus 427
Black Creek Dicrotendipes neomodestus 427
Black Creek Dubiraphia 4697
Black Creek Elmidae 1281
Black Creek Ephemera 854
Black Creek Heptageniidae 854
Black Creek Hydropsyche 427
Black Creek Leptoceridae 427
Black Creek Macronychus 427
Black Creek Microtendipes pedellus grp. 2135
Black Creek Mystacides 427
Black Creek Nematoda 854
Black Creek Nigronia serricornis 427
Black Creek Nilotanypus 427
Black Creek Nilothauma 427
Black Creek Oecetis 427
Black Creek Orthocladiinae 854
Black Creek Parakiefferiella 854
Black Creek Paralauterborniella 1281
Black Creek Paratanytarsus 427
Black Creek Paratendipes 2989
Black Creek Phaenopsectra 4270
Black Creek Pisidium 427
Black Creek Polypedilum 1281
Black Creek Polypedilum scalaenum 6832
Black Creek Polypedilum simulans/digitifer 427
Black Creek Procladius 427
Black Creek Psychomyia flavida 427
Black Creek Rheotanytarsus 427
Black Creek Sphaeriidae 1281
Black Creek Stempellina 1281
Black Creek Stempellinella 1708
Black Creek Stenelmis 2135
Black Creek Stictochironomus 427
Black Creek Sublettea 427
Black Creek Tanypodinae 427
Black Creek Tanytarsini 427
Black Creek Tanytarsus 6832
Black Creek Thienemannimyia grp. 1708
Black Creek Tubificid immature: bifids 5551
Black Creek Unionicola 427
Black Creek Unionidae 427
Mettawee River Ablabesmyia 30
Mettawee River Agnetina 60
Mettawee River Baetidae 1080
Mettawee River Baetis 1080
Mettawee River Bezzia/Palpomyia 60
Mettawee River Blepharicera 60
Mettawee River Brachycentridae 720
Mettawee River Brachycentrus 330
Mettawee River Cheumatopsyche 30
Mettawee River Chironomidae (pupae) 60
Mettawee River Chloroperlidae 90
Mettawee River Dicranota 30
Mettawee River Drunella 150
Mettawee River Ephemerellidae 90
Mettawee River Eukiefferiella 30
Mettawee River Heptageniidae 60
Mettawee River Hexatoma 30
Mettawee River Hydropsyche 30
Mettawee River Lepidostoma 30
Mettawee River Leuctridae 390
Mettawee River Lumbriculidae 30
Mettawee River Megaloptera 30
Mettawee River Nematoda 30
Mettawee River Optioservus 150
Mettawee River Oribatida 90
Mettawee River Perlodidae 120
Mettawee River Polypedilum aviceps 180
Mettawee River Polypedilum flavum 60
Mettawee River Rheotanytarsus 60
Mettawee River Rhithrogena 30
Mettawee River Rhycophila 30
Mettawee River Simulium 420
Mettawee River Sublettea 30
Mettawee River Tanytarsus 690
Mettawee River Thienemanniella 60
Miller Run Antocha 12
Miller Run Apataniidae 12
Miller Run Atractides 12
Miller Run Baetidae 24
Miller Run Baetisca 12
Miller Run Bezzia/Palpomyia 36
Miller Run Brachycentrus 24
Miller Run Cheumatopsyche 72
Miller Run Chironomidae (pupae) 36
Miller Run Cladotanytarsus 48
Miller Run Cricotopus/Orthocladius 12
Miller Run Cryptochironomus 60
Miller Run Ephemera 84
Miller Run Ephemerellidae 12
Miller Run Ferrissia 24
Miller Run Ferrissia rivularis 12
Miller Run Glossosoma 12
Miller Run Goera 12
Miller Run Helicopsyche borealis 180
Miller Run Hemerodromia 12
Miller Run Heptageniidae 108
Miller Run Hydropsyche 60
Miller Run Hydropsyche bronta 48
Miller Run Hydroptila 12
Miller Run Lanthus 12
Miller Run Lebertia 36
Miller Run Leptoceridae 12
Miller Run Leptophlebiidae 96
Miller Run Limnephilidae 12
Miller Run Lumbriculidae 12
Miller Run Micrasema 24
Miller Run Microtendipes pedellus grp. 216
Miller Run Nematoda 24
Miller Run Nilothauma 48
Miller Run Oecetis 72
Miller Run Optioservus 300
Miller Run Orthocladiinae 12
Miller Run Parametriocnemus 12
Miller Run Phaenopsectra 12
Miller Run Plecoptera 12
Miller Run Polycentropus 24
Miller Run Polypedilum 24
Miller Run Polypedilum flavum 12
Miller Run Polypedilum illinoense 12
Miller Run Polypedilum scalaenum 36
Miller Run Polypedilum simulans/digitifer 12
Miller Run Promoresia 12
Miller Run Psectrocladius 24
Miller Run Psephenus herricki 48
Miller Run Rheotanytarsus 12
Miller Run Rhycophila 12
Miller Run Setodes 12
Miller Run Sperchonopsis 12
Miller Run Stempellinella 12
Miller Run Stenelmis 36
Miller Run Stenonema modestum 36
Miller Run Sublettea 12
Miller Run Tanytarsus 192
Miller Run Thienemannimyia grp. 60
Miller Run Torrenticola 12
Miller Run Trichoptera 12
Miller Run Tricorythodes 24
Third Branch White River Ablabesmyia mallochi 120
Third Branch White River Ablabesmyia peleensis 60
Third Branch White River Apatania 60
Third Branch White River Atherix 60
Third Branch White River Atractides 300
Third Branch White River Baetidae 480
Third Branch White River Brachycentrus 120
Third Branch White River Chelifera 60
Third Branch White River Chironomidae (pupae) 360
Third Branch White River Chloroperlidae 120
Third Branch White River Cladotanytarsus 60
Third Branch White River Cricotopus bicinctus 60
Third Branch White River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 240
Third Branch White River Dolophilodes 60
Third Branch White River Ephemerellidae 360
Third Branch White River Eukiefferiella 60
Third Branch White River Heptageniidae 60
Third Branch White River Hydropsyche 1500
Third Branch White River Hydroptila 240
Third Branch White River Lebertia 60
Third Branch White River Microtendipes pedellus grp. 120
Third Branch White River Orthocladius 180
Third Branch White River Oulimnius 60
Third Branch White River Parametriocnemus 60
Third Branch White River Perlodidae 120
Third Branch White River Phaenopsectra 60
Third Branch White River Polypedilum aviceps 900
Third Branch White River Polypedilum illinoense 840
Third Branch White River Promoresia 540
Third Branch White River Psectrocladius 60
Third Branch White River Rheotanytarsus 1080
Third Branch White River Simulium 660
Third Branch White River Sperchon 60
Third Branch White River Stempellinella 60
Third Branch White River Tanypodinae 60
Third Branch White River Tanytarsus 1680
Third Branch White River Thienemanniella 120
Third Branch White River Thienemannimyia grp. 120
Third Branch White River Tipulidae 60
Third Branch White River Tricorythodes 300
Third Branch White River Tubificid immature: bifids 60
Third Branch White River Tvetenia bavarica grp. 240
Third Branch White River Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 120
Willoughby River Acentrella 966
Willoughby River Antocha 345
Willoughby River Apatania 69
Willoughby River Atherix 207
Willoughby River Attenella 207
Willoughby River Baetis 138
Willoughby River Bezzia/Palpomyia 69
Willoughby River Brachycentrus 138
Willoughby River Cheumatopsyche 414
Willoughby River Chironomidae (pupae) 69
Willoughby River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 138
Willoughby River Dicranota 138
Willoughby River Dolophilodes 414
Willoughby River Ectopria 138
Willoughby River Ferrissia rivularis 552
Willoughby River Glossosoma 828
Willoughby River Helicopsyche borealis 552
Willoughby River Hemerodromia 69
Willoughby River Heptageniidae 1104
Willoughby River Hexatoma 69
Willoughby River Hydropsyche 621
Willoughby River Hydropsyche bronta 621
Willoughby River Isogenoides 69
Willoughby River Lepidostoma 690
Willoughby River Leptophlebiidae 207
Willoughby River Lopescladius 69
Willoughby River Micrasema 690
Willoughby River Microtendipes pedellus grp. 828
Willoughby River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 69
Willoughby River Nais behningi 69
Willoughby River Nais simplex 69
Willoughby River Nigronia serricornis 138
Willoughby River Oecetis 207
Willoughby River Ophiogomphus 138
Willoughby River Optioservus 138
Willoughby River Orthocladius 69
Willoughby River Paragnetina 69
Willoughby River Perlodidae 69
Willoughby River Planariidae 69
Willoughby River Polycentropodidae 69
Willoughby River Polypedilum aviceps 207
Willoughby River Polypedilum flavum 138
Willoughby River Polypedilum scalaenum 69
Willoughby River Potthastia gaedii grp. 69
Willoughby River Rheotanytarsus 276
Willoughby River Rhithrogena 69
Willoughby River Rhycophila 69
Willoughby River Serratella 276
Willoughby River Setodes 828
Willoughby River Stenelmis 69
Willoughby River Stenonema 483
Willoughby River Sublettea 828
Willoughby River Taeniopteryx 138
Willoughby River Tanytarsus 138
Willoughby River Thienemannimyia grp. 138
Willoughby River Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 138
Winooski River (west) Baetidae 720
Winooski River (west) Baetis 800
Winooski River (west) Ceraclea 80
Winooski River (west) Cheumatopsyche 240
Winooski River (west) Chimarra 1760
Winooski River (west) Chironomidae (pupae) 400
Winooski River (west) Cladotanytarsus 80
Winooski River (west) Glossosomatidae 560
Winooski River (west) Heptageniidae 720
Winooski River (west) Heterocloeon 320
Winooski River (west) Hydropsyche 3840
Winooski River (west) Hydropsyche bronta 560
Winooski River (west) Hydropsyche morosa 1760
Winooski River (west) Hydroptilidae 160
Winooski River (west) Isonychia 80
Winooski River (west) Leucotrichia 80
Winooski River (west) Macrostemum carolina 2000
Winooski River (west) Microtendipes pedellus grp. 80
Winooski River (west) Nais behningi 80
Winooski River (west) Nematoda 160
Winooski River (west) Neophylax 80
Winooski River (west) Optioservus 720
Winooski River (west) Orthocladiinae 80
Winooski River (west) Orthocladius 160
Winooski River (west) Polypedilum flavum 800
Winooski River (west) Psephenus herricki 160
Winooski River (west) Psychomyia flavida 80
Winooski River (west) Rheotanytarsus 560
Winooski River (west) Simulium 80
Winooski River (west) Sphaeriidae 80
Winooski River (west) Stenelmis 640
Winooski River (west) Stenonema 1360
Winooski River (west) Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 80
Winooski River (east) Ablabesmyia mallochi 30
Winooski River (east) Aulodrilus limnobius 90
Winooski River (east) Aulodrilus pigueti 30
Winooski River (east) Baetisca 30
Winooski River (east) Bezzia/Palpomyia 90
Winooski River (east) Chaetogaster diastrophus 30
Winooski River (east) Chironomidae (pupae) 120
Winooski River (east) Chironomus 150
Winooski River (east) Cladotanytarsus 1590
Winooski River (east) Corixidae 150
Winooski River (east) Cricotopus 30
Winooski River (east) Cryptochironomus 120
Winooski River (east) Cryptotendipes 30
Winooski River (east) Dasyhelea 120
Winooski River (east) Dicrotendipes neomodestus 270
Winooski River (east) Dubiraphia 210
Winooski River (east) Ectopria 30
Winooski River (east) Ephemera 90
Winooski River (east) Ephemerellidae 30
Winooski River (east) Heptageniidae 90
Winooski River (east) Hexatoma 30
Winooski River (east) Laccobius 30
Winooski River (east) Limnodrilus 60
Winooski River (east) Microtendipes pedellus grp. 180
Winooski River (east) Nais bretscheri 120
Winooski River (east) Nematoda 30
Winooski River (east) Optioservus 180
Winooski River (east) Paralauterborniella 120
Winooski River (east) Paratanytarsus 150
Winooski River (east) Paratendipes 90
Winooski River (east) Polypedilum scalaenum 60
Winooski River (east) Polypedilum simulans/digitifer 120
Winooski River (east) Pristina osborni 30
Winooski River (east) Procloeon 330
Winooski River (east) Psectrocladius 30
Winooski River (east) Psephenus herricki 60
Winooski River (east) Stempellinella 90
Winooski River (east) Stenelmis 60
Winooski River (east) Stictochironomus 150
Winooski River (east) Tanytarsus 780
Winooski River (east) Thienemannimyia grp. 30

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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