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Region 1: EPA New England

New Hampshire - Invertebrates

Stream Name Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Beaver Brook Ablabesmyia mallochi 60
Beaver Brook Argia 60
Beaver Brook Aulodrilus pigueti 60
Beaver Brook Baetidae 240
Beaver Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 120
Beaver Brook Caecidotea communis 360
Beaver Brook Caenis 720
Beaver Brook Calopterygidae 180
Beaver Brook Calopteryx 120
Beaver Brook Calopteryx maculata 300
Beaver Brook Chaetogaster limnaei 60
Beaver Brook Cheumatopsyche 120
Beaver Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 120
Beaver Brook Chironomus 120
Beaver Brook Cladotanytarsus 180
Beaver Brook Clinotanypus 180
Beaver Brook Coenagrionidae 480
Beaver Brook Cryptochironomus 60
Beaver Brook Dubiraphia 600
Beaver Brook Ferrissia 540
Beaver Brook Gomphidae 60
Beaver Brook Hemerodromia 60
Beaver Brook Hyalella azteca 3480
Beaver Brook Hydrachnida 60
Beaver Brook Hydroptilidae 60
Beaver Brook Labrundinia 120
Beaver Brook Lebertia 60
Beaver Brook Leptophlebiidae 1260
Beaver Brook Limnephilidae 60
Beaver Brook Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 60
Beaver Brook Mideopsis 60
Beaver Brook Nais variabilis 120
Beaver Brook Nematoda 60
Beaver Brook Parametriocnemus 60
Beaver Brook Parapoynx 60
Beaver Brook Phaenopsectra 60
Beaver Brook Pisidium 120
Beaver Brook Polycentropus 300
Beaver Brook Polypedilum tritum 60
Beaver Brook Procladius 240
Beaver Brook Psectrocladius 60
Beaver Brook Ramphocorixa 60
Beaver Brook Rheotanytarsus 360
Beaver Brook Sialis 120
Beaver Brook Simulium 120
Beaver Brook Stempellinella 120
Beaver Brook Sublettea 60
Beaver Brook Tanytarsus 780
Beaver Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 420
Beaver Brook Xylotopus par 60
Beech River Ablabesmyia 40
Beech River Acroneuria 240
Beech River Atherix 80
Beech River Baetidae 120
Beech River Baetis 80
Beech River Caenis 40
Beech River Chelifera 40
Beech River Cheumatopsyche 160
Beech River Chimarra 120
Beech River Chironomidae (pupae) 160
Beech River Corynoneura 40
Beech River Cricotopus bicinctus 40
Beech River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 160
Beech River Cyrnellus fraternus 40
Beech River Dicranota 40
Beech River Dolophilodes 200
Beech River Epeorus 40
Beech River Ephemerellidae 40
Beech River Glossosoma 280
Beech River Hemerodromia 40
Beech River Heptageniidae 240
Beech River Heterocloeon 40
Beech River Hydropsyche 200
Beech River Hydropsyche bronta 40
Beech River Hydropsyche sparna 120
Beech River Hydroptila 40
Beech River Isonychia 40
Beech River Lepidostoma 40
Beech River Leptophlebiidae 120
Beech River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 80
Beech River Nais behningi 40
Beech River Nais communis 40
Beech River Nanocladius 40
Beech River Nematoda 40
Beech River Neostempellina 40
Beech River Nigronia serricornis 120
Beech River Nilotanypus 80
Beech River Optioservus 40
Beech River Oulimnius 80
Beech River Paragnetina 40
Beech River Parametriocnemus 40
Beech River Phaenopsectra 40
Beech River Polypedilum aviceps 120
Beech River Polypedilum fallax 40
Beech River Polypedilum flavum 80
Beech River Procloeon 40
Beech River Promoresia 120
Beech River Psephenus herricki 320
Beech River Psilotreta indecisa 40
Beech River Rheotanytarsus 2400
Beech River Rhycophila 80
Beech River Stempellinella 40
Beech River Stenelmis 160
Beech River Stenonema 40
Beech River Sublettea 280
Beech River Tanytarsus 640
Beech River Thienemanniella 40
Beech River Thienemannimyia grp. 240
Beech River Tricorythodes 40
Beech River Tvetenia bavarica grp. 160
Beech River Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 160
Cocheco River Ablabesmyia mallochi 120
Cocheco River Agnetina 240
Cocheco River Amnicola (Lyogyrus) 360
Cocheco River Ancylidae 240
Cocheco River Anopheles 240
Cocheco River Atherix 120
Cocheco River Baetidae 2040
Cocheco River Caenis 360
Cocheco River Calopteryx 240
Cocheco River Chimarra 240
Cocheco River Chironomidae (pupae) 480
Cocheco River Cladotanytarsus 240
Cocheco River Cricotopus 360
Cocheco River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 120
Cocheco River Drunella 360
Cocheco River Eukiefferiella 120
Cocheco River Gastropoda 120
Cocheco River Glossosoma 360
Cocheco River Hemerodromia 120
Cocheco River Heptageniidae 1800
Cocheco River Hyalella azteca 600
Cocheco River Hydropsyche 120
Cocheco River Hydropsyche alhedra 120
Cocheco River Hydropsyche morosa 240
Cocheco River Hydropsychidae 240
Cocheco River Hydroptila 240
Cocheco River Labrundinia 120
Cocheco River Leptophlebiidae 240
Cocheco River Leuctra 120
Cocheco River Micrasema 360
Cocheco River Micropsectra 4800
Cocheco River Microtendipes pedellus grp. 480
Cocheco River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 840
Cocheco River Mystacides 240
Cocheco River N. (N.) crassicornis/cf. rectinervis 120
Cocheco River Nematoda 120
Cocheco River Nigronia 120
Cocheco River Nilothauma 240
Cocheco River Oecetis 120
Cocheco River Oreodytes 120
Cocheco River Oribatida 120
Cocheco River Orthocladius 480
Cocheco River Parakiefferiella 240
Cocheco River Phaenopsectra 240
Cocheco River Plecoptera 120
Cocheco River Polycentropodidae 120
Cocheco River Polycentropus 120
Cocheco River Polypedilum 240
Cocheco River Polypedilum flavum 960
Cocheco River Polypedilum illinoense 840
Cocheco River Polypedilum scalaenum 240
Cocheco River Rheotanytarsus 1080
Cocheco River Rhyacophila 120
Cocheco River Sphaeriidae 240
Cocheco River Stempellinella 480
Cocheco River Stenacron 120
Cocheco River Stenelmis 120
Cocheco River Stenonema 600
Cocheco River Tanypodinae 120
Cocheco River Tanytarsus 1920
Cocheco River Thienemannimyia grp. 720
Cocheco River Tricorythodes 240
Cocheco River Tvetenia paucunca 120
Cocheco River Zavrelimyia 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Ablabesmyia 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Ablabesmyia mallochi 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Argia 180
Dinsmore Pond Stream Atractides 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Baetidae 300
Dinsmore Pond Stream Baetis 360
Dinsmore Pond Stream Ceraclea 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Chimarra 420
Dinsmore Pond Stream Chironomidae (pupae) 240
Dinsmore Pond Stream Corynoneura 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Elmidae 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Ephemerellidae 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Eukiefferiella 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Eurylophella 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Gomphidae 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Hagenius brevistylus 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Helicopsyche borealis 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Hemerodromia 180
Dinsmore Pond Stream Heptageniidae 600
Dinsmore Pond Stream Hydrodroma 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Hydropsyche 1080
Dinsmore Pond Stream Hydropsyche cf. dicantha 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Hydropsyche slossonae 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Hydroptila 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Isonychia 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Leptoceridae 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Macronychus 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Macrostemum 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Mayatrichia 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Micrasema 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 1260
Dinsmore Pond Stream Nematoda 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Oecetis 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Parakiefferiella 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Parametriocnemus 240
Dinsmore Pond Stream Pisidium 300
Dinsmore Pond Stream Planariidae 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Polypedilum aviceps 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Polypedilum flavum 420
Dinsmore Pond Stream Promoresia 660
Dinsmore Pond Stream Psectrocladius 180
Dinsmore Pond Stream Pseudochironomus 240
Dinsmore Pond Stream Rhagovelia 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Rheocricotopus 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Rheotanytarsus 420
Dinsmore Pond Stream Rhycophila 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Simulium 720
Dinsmore Pond Stream Sphaeriidae 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Sphaerium 120
Dinsmore Pond Stream Stenelmis 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Tanytarsus 960
Dinsmore Pond Stream Thienemannimyia grp. 420
Dinsmore Pond Stream Tribelos 60
Dinsmore Pond Stream Tvetenia bavarica grp. 180
Dinsmore Pond Stream Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 360
Dinsmore Pond Stream Xenochironomus xenolabis 120
Indian River Baetidae 240
Indian River Baetisca 120
Indian River Caenis 120
Indian River Chelifera 240
Indian River Cheumatopsyche 120
Indian River Chironomidae (pupae) 240
Indian River Chironomini 120
Indian River Cladotanytarsus 360
Indian River Cricotopus bicinctus 480
Indian River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 360
Indian River Dicranota 240
Indian River Dolophilodes 120
Indian River Ephemerellidae 240
Indian River Eukiefferiella 120
Indian River Eurylophella 120
Indian River Hemerodromia 480
Indian River Heterotrissocladius 120
Indian River Hydroptila 240
Indian River Lanthus 120
Indian River Leptophlebiidae 120
Indian River Lumbriculidae 120
Indian River Microtendipes pedellus grp. 360
Indian River Nais simplex 240
Indian River Nanocladius 120
Indian River Nematoda 120
Indian River Ophiogomphus 120
Indian River Orthocladius 240
Indian River Pagastia 720
Indian River Paratanytarsus 240
Indian River Perlodidae 120
Indian River Phaenopsectra 3840
Indian River Polypedilum 240
Indian River Polypedilum aviceps 240
Indian River Polypedilum scalaenum 240
Indian River Promoresia 600
Indian River Psectrocladius 240
Indian River Rheotanytarsus 600
Indian River Rhycophila 240
Indian River Stylaria lacustris 120
Indian River Sublettea 960
Indian River Tanytarsus 10800
Indian River Thienemannimyia grp. 120
Warren Brook Ablabesmyia mallochi 10
Warren Brook Acentrella 30
Warren Brook Acroneuria 10
Warren Brook Baetidae 60
Warren Brook Baetis 10
Warren Brook Chelifera 50
Warren Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 70
Warren Brook Corynoneura 10
Warren Brook Cricotopus bicinctus 10
Warren Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 20
Warren Brook Dicranota 40
Warren Brook Dolophilodes 20
Warren Brook Ephemerellidae 20
Warren Brook Eukiefferiella 30
Warren Brook Ferrissia rivularis 10
Warren Brook Glossosoma 10
Warren Brook Gomphidae 20
Warren Brook Helicopsyche borealis 40
Warren Brook Heptageniidae 10
Warren Brook Heterotrissocladius 10
Warren Brook Hexatoma 30
Warren Brook Hydropsyche 30
Warren Brook Lepidostoma 40
Warren Brook Leptophlebiidae 10
Warren Brook Microtendipes pedellus grp. 20
Warren Brook Orthocladiinae 10
Warren Brook Oulimnius 30
Warren Brook Parachaetocladius 10
Warren Brook Paragnetina 20
Warren Brook Parametriocnemus 30
Warren Brook Perlidae 20
Warren Brook Perlodidae 10
Warren Brook Phaenopsectra 90
Warren Brook Plecoptera 20
Warren Brook Polypedilum 20
Warren Brook Polypedilum angulum 30
Warren Brook Polypedilum aviceps 190
Warren Brook Polypedilum flavum 40
Warren Brook Polypedilum illinoense 10
Warren Brook Procloeon 90
Warren Brook Promoresia 10
Warren Brook Psephenus herricki 10
Warren Brook Psilotreta 10
Warren Brook Rheotanytarsus 180
Warren Brook Rhycophila 30
Warren Brook Saetheria 20
Warren Brook Setodes 10
Warren Brook Simulium 10
Warren Brook Stempellinella 100
Warren Brook Stenelmis 10
Warren Brook Sublettea 140
Warren Brook Tanytarsus 200
Warren Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 30
Warren Brook Tricorythodes 10
Warren Brook Tvetenia bavarica grp. 20

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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