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Region 1: EPA New England

Mettawee River - Invertebrates

Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Ablabesmyia 30
Agnetina 60
Baetidae 1080
Baetis 1080
Bezzia/Palpomyia 60
Blepharicera 60
Brachycentridae 720
Brachycentrus 330
Cheumatopsyche 30
Chironomidae (pupae) 60
Chloroperlidae 90
Dicranota 30
Drunella 150
Ephemerellidae 90
Eukiefferiella 30
Heptageniidae 60
Hexatoma 30
Hydropsyche 30
Lepidostoma 30
Leuctridae 390
Lumbriculidae 30
Megaloptera 30
Nematoda 30
Optioservus 150
Oribatida 90
Perlodidae 120
Polypedilum aviceps 180
Polypedilum flavum 60
Rheotanytarsus 60
Rhithrogena 30
Rhycophila 30
Simulium 420
Sublettea 30
Tanytarsus 690
Thienemanniella 60

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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