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Region 1: EPA New England

Greenleaf Brook - Invertebrates

Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Ablabesmyia mallochi 30
Agnetina 30
Amphinemura 30
Baetidae 150
Baetis 30
Bezzia/Palpomyia 60
Chironomidae (pupae) 30
Dolophilodes 30
Elmidae 30
Ephemerellidae 300
Eurylophella 120
Henlea 30
Heptageniidae 90
Hydropsyche 420
Hydropsychidae 30
Hydroptilidae 30
Larsia 30
Lebertia 30
Leptophlebiidae 60
Leuctridae 90
Litobrancha recurvata 30
Micrasema 30
Mideopsis 30
Odontoceridae 30
Optioservus 240
Orthocladiinae 90
Oulimnius 180
Paramerina 30
Parametriocnemus 60
Paratanytarsus 60
Pericoma 30
Pisidium 1380
Plecoptera 60
Polypedilum angulum 30
Polypedilum aviceps 90
Promoresia 990
Psilotreta frontalis 30
Rheocricotopus 30
Simulium 30
Sphaeriidae 720
Stempellinella 90
Tanytarsus 480
Thienemanniella 30
Thienemannimyia grp. 30
Trichoptera 30
Tubificid immature: bifids 30
Tubificid immature: h+p 30
Xylotopus par 30
Zavrelimyia 90

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.
Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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