Contact EPA Pacific Southwest Water Division
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Watershed Priorities - Lake Tahoe, CA & NV

Copyright Thomas Beaman Photography, all rights reserved.
EPA and Partners
On this page:
EPA Presence in the Tahoe Basin
In 1997 President Clinton committed federal resources to Lake Tahoe. In 1998 EPA Region 9, Water Division permanently placed a staff member on-the-ground in the basin to provide technical support. Since 2007, Jacques Landy has been the EPA staff placed-based in South Lake Tahoe.
EPA also manages funds from the BLM SNPLMA program, oversees the Clean Water Act 319 programs for states and tribes, manages Wetlands grants, and many other funding sources directed to the Lake. Check back in the future for a description of our projects.
Key Partners in the Basin
- Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
- Washoe Tribe
- California Regional Water Resource Board: Lahontan Region
- California Tahoe Conservancy
- Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Lake Tahoe
- Tahoe Science Consortium
- Tahoe Integrated Information Management System (TIIMS)
- Tahoe Transportation District
- Tahoe Resource Conservation District (TRCD)
- Nevada Tahoe Conservation District (NTCD)
- UC Davis, Tahoe Environmental Research Center
- UN Reno, Academy for the Environment
- Desert Research Institute, Center for Watersheds and Environmental Sustainability
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Bureau of Reclamation: Mid-Pacific Region
- US Bureau of Land Management
- US Department of Transportation: Lake Tahoe Basin
- US EPA Region 9: Water Division
- US Forest Service: Lake Tahoe Basin Unit
- US Forest Service: Pacific Southwest Research Station
- US Fish and Wildlife Service: Pacific Southwest Region
- US Fish and Wildlife Service: Nevada
- US Geological Survey: Tahoe
- US Geological Survey: Nevada Water Science Center
Contact Information
Jacques Landy (
(775) 589-5248
Jared Vollmer(
(415) 972-3447