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Region 2

Serving New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Eight Tribal Nations.

Compliance Assistance Resources

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A-Z Environmental Assistance

By Topic By Audience By Major Law
Chemical Management Building/Facility Manager Clean Air Act (CAA)
Climate Change Educational Institution Clean Water Act (CWA)
Construction/Demolition Government (Federal, State, Local, Tribal) Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA)
Emergency Preparedness Industry Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Hazardous Waste General Public Emergency Planning Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA)
Oil Storage   Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
Storm Water    
Boiler/Engines, Environmental Management Systems, Lead, PCBs, Refrigeration/Air Conditioning


  • Combustion Portal federal and state compliance on industrial boiler, incinerators, wood heating, stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines and other combustion sources.

Environmental Management System (EMS)

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls – PCB)

Refrigeration & air conditioning

  • Stationary Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 608 requirements for technicians to minimize the emission of refrigerants by maximizing the recovery and recycling during the service, repair, or disposal of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment.  
  • Phase out of HCFC Class II controlled substances are compounds that have an ozone depletion potential (ODP) and are all hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).
  • Alternatives to ozone depleting refrigerants a list of acceptable refrigerant substitutes for 16 typical end uses, such as, ice rinks, chillers, industrial process, motor vehicle.
  • Sales and distribution restrictions CAA Section 608 restricts the sales of all CFC and HCFC refrigerants in bulk containers to technicians, their employers and manufacturers of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
  • Safe disposal of household appliances safely dispose of household refrigerated appliance; a refrigerator diagram; what happens to appliances after disposal; energy consumption; regulatory information.
  • Responsible Appliance Disposal (RAD) program, RAD partners include utilities, retailers, local governments, manufacturers, universities, and other interested organizations.  
  • New York City CFC/Freon Recovery   Requirements and instructions for New York City residents for appliance disposal.


  • ChemAlliance ask a chemical expert, information on environmental regulations, a climate change news room, a virtual plant tour of best practices and regulatory issues, international trade, and worker safety. 
  • DfE safer chemical ingredients list chemicals that meet the criteria of the Design for the Environment (DfE) Safer Product Labeling Program.
  • Green Chemistry video on the benefits of green chemistry, funding sources small businesses and academy, and President’s green chemical challenge.
  • Lean and Chemicals Toolkit chemical manufacturers who want to eliminate chemical wastes and improve chemical management using “lean” concepts. 
  • Alternatives Assessment Guide (December 2013) a resource guide for manufacturers, product designers, businesses, governments about the use of toxic chemicals in their products or processes; identify chemicals of concern and responsible parties.



  • EPA Water, information for regulations, permitting, citizens, training, wetlands, oceans, etc.

General, Maps, Greenhouse Gas (GHG), GHG Calculators


  • Climate Change climate change science; EPA and greenhouse gas; what you can do; interactive map on climate impacts in your geographic area.
  • Climate Insights 101 a training series designed to provide users with an in-depth understanding of climate science.
  • New Jersey Climate Adaptation Directory New Jersey documents and data sources addressing climate change adaptation, preparedness, and resiliency.
  • The President’s Climate Action Plan The White House, June 2013. In 2009, President Obama made a pledge that by 2020 America would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in the range of 17 percent below 2005 levels.

Climate Change – Maps

Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

Greenhouse Gas – Calculators

  • Combined Heat & Power Emissions Calculator compares the anticipated carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxide (NOx) from a CHP system to those of a separate heat and power system.
  • Household Carbon Footprint Calculator get a rough “ballpark” estimate of your personal GHG footprint and explore the impact of taking various actions to reduce your emissions.
  • Waste Reduction Model (WARM), calculator and spreadsheet to help solid waste planners track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions.

Regulations, Green Building, Asbestos, Mold


Green Building

  • Low Impact Development an approach to land development that works with nature to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible.
  • US Green Building Council Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices.


  • Asbestos EPA main asbestos hub with training for technicians, information for building owners/managers.
  • Asbestos Notification form This form should be used to notify EPA of any asbestos related demolition projects of 260 linear feet or 160 sq feet or 35 cubic feet of regulated asbestos containing material (RACM) and for all demolition and renovation that disturb RACM in excess 35 cubic feet.  RACM = friable asbestos material or non-friable asbestos containing material that will be or has been subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading or has crumbled, or been pulverized or reduced to powder in the course of demolition or renovation operations.
  • Post Disaster Renovations and Asbestos for Homeowners and Workers (2012) a 2 page information sheet for removal workers and homeowners on how to manage asbestos problems.


  • Mold and Moisture mold resources including on-line training for environmental and public health professionals.

General, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, Lead in Drinking Water, Chemical Management, Construction


Energy Efficiency

  • Good Campus, Networking opportunities and tools on sustainability, energy and resource efficiency for laboratories, information technology, and high performance buildings.
  • Billion Dollar Green Challenge, a self-managed revolving fund for energy efficiency improvements at colleges. Participating institutions will achieve reductions in operating expenses and greenhouse gas emissions while creating regenerating funds for future projects.


  • Campus Ecology, National Wildlife Federation Campus Ecology program reaches about 1,000 campuses each year to promote green educational programming and onsite sustainability.
  • AASHE, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) has many non-member tools such as sustainability curriculum, campus operation resources, and publications.
  • College Sustainability Report Card,the green report card makes available more than 20,000 pages of in-depth data collected on topics such as transportation, food/recycling, green building, energy, shareholder engagement.

Lead in Drinking Water at Schools

Chemical Management


  • Campus Green Builder,   an online portal to green building information for academic institutions.

Chemical reporting requirements


Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

  • Toxic Release Inventory help determine if TRI reporting is needed, an interactive map, pollution prevention data, examples of how TRI can benefit industry, academia, and the community.


General, Flood Interactive Maps, Wetlands as Flood Protection, Energy Star Hurricane Help, Asbestos post-disaster


Flood Interactive Maps

  • FEMA Map Service Center FEMA has a live chat 9:00 to 5:00 EST.
  • FEMA Base Flood Elevation (BFE) mapping type in your address and compare the current effective and the revised FEMA flood hazard data available for your property.    
  • NJ Flood Mapper explore visualizations of sea level rise and flooding impacts along NJ coastal shorelines; Social Vulnerability Index; 100 and 500 year flood events; schools, hospitals, fire and police stations; marsh impacts/mitigation; and level of confidence for flood scenarios.
  • Estuary Data Mapper quickly and easily pan and zoom watersheds, streams and estuaries, land coverage.    
  • How’s My Waterway type in your location and learn the condition of local streams and waterways.

Wetlands as Flood Protection

Energy Star Hurricane Help

  • Energy Star Hurricane Help energy resources for rebuilding your damaged home, funding sources (Energy Bill, Energy Star rebates, and federal loan programs).

Asbestos post disaster


Fish Advisory, Mold, Mercury, Pesticides, Recycling, Solid Waste , Water Conservation, Watershed Protection, Watershed Maps

Fish Advisory

  • EPA Fish Advisory general information and technical advisory information.
  • Seafood Selector The Environmental Defense Fund on-line search engine to find fish and shellfish you are most likely to see in your local supermarket or restaurant.


  • Mold and Moisture mold resources including on-line training for environmental and public health professionals.


  • Mercury mercury laws/regulations, science/technology, health effects, fish consumption, and more.



  • Reuse Marketplace a free regional network to find, sell, trade, or give away reusable and surplus items.
  • RecycleNet a variety of services related to secondary commodities and the recycling industry; buy/sell/trade matching service, etc. 
  • Recycled Materials Resource Center  environmental and material properties of recycled materials.
  • Electronics eCycling resources on where and how to recycle electronics including state eCycle programs.  

Solid Waste

Water conservation

Watershed protection

  • Urban Waters   foster increased connection, understanding, and stewardship of local waterways; Watershed Central; Adopt Your Watershed (urban projects); case studies, funding, outreach.
  • Wetlands  types of wetlands; wetland regulations, mitigation and other planning approaches.

Watershed – Maps 

  • Estuary Data Mapper  pan and zoom a map of the US coastal states displaying watersheds, streams and estuaries, land coverage, satellite images; retrieve data.    
  • Land Change   USGS Land Change Science Program on natural landscapes converted to human-dominated areas; Natural Land Cover Database. 
  • EnviroAtlas interactive tools to explore the benefits people receive from nature, often referred to as ecosystem services.

General, Federal, State, Tribal, Flood Emergency, Climate Strategies, Stormwater, Water Infrastructure, Drinking Water, Landfill, Solid Waste, Greenhouse Gas

General tools for local government

  • Local Government Environmental Assistance Network provides environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers and staff.

 Federal Facilities

  • FedCenter  an all-services technical and compliance assistance center to help federal environmental officials better address their environmental needs.

State Resource Locator

Tribal Facilities

  • Tribal Compliance Assistance Center environmental stewardship and regulations that may apply to tribal government operations (e.g. waste management, water resources, healthcare).   

Flood emergency tools for local government

 Climate strategies for local government

Stormwater for local government

  • MS4 NPDES permits,   Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) and permit process for municipalities and others who require a MS4 NPDES permit.
  • Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Plans municipality Clean Water Act (CWA) obligations and optimizing benefits of infrastructure improvement investments through the appropriate sequencing of work.

Water Infrastructure

Drinking water


  • EPA Landfill Homepage information on municipal solid waste landfills, industrial waste landfills and construction/demolition debris landfills, and the Landfill Methane Outreach Program.

Solid Waste

  • Beneficial use portal the definition of “beneficial use” varies from state to state and most states require that a beneficial use determination (BUD) be performed.
  • Sustainable Materials Management the use/reuse of materials in the most productive and sustainable way across their entire life cycle; free on-line training.
  • Waste Reduction Model (WARM),   a web-based calculator and spreadsheet for solid waste planners to track and report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) for local governments


Training, Definition, Guidance Manuals, Universal Wastes, Laboratories



Guidance Manuals

Universal Wastes

  • Universal wastes   Universal wastes include batteries, pesticides, mercury, and bulbs.


  • Hazardous waste generated at academic laboratories (Subpart K) EPA finalized the Academic Laboratory Rule (Subpart K) to help improve the environmental performance of teaching and research laboratories.
  • Laboratories operating as satellite accumulation areas (not under Subpart K) Provides links to guidance memos regarding satellite accumulation areas for those laboratories not operating under the Academic Laboratories Rule (Subpart K).


Transportation, Automotive, Paints/Coatings, Ports, Dry Cleaners, Food Processing, Healthcare, Metal Finishing, Industrial Material Recycling


Common Violations, Best Management Practices, Waste Disposal Wells, Contaminated Wipes, Recyclers, Repair, Air Conditioning Systems

Common Violations

Best Management Practices

Waste Disposal Wells

Contaminated Wipes



Air Conditioning Systems

Paints & Coatings

  • Paints & Coating Resource Center tools and references on regulatory issues including VOC/HAP calculators, a Treatment Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facility Locator, Ask the Expert, a searchable consultant directory, hot topics, and news features.
  • Printers National Environmental Assistance Center http://www.pneac.org/  a direct conduit to experts and reliable information on environmental issues related to the printing, publishing and packaging industry.


  • Port Compliance regulatory issues facing port operators, includes resource links to trade associations and case studies.
  • Region 2 sustainable ports, contains NY, NJ, and Caribbean port related regulatory information, case studies, grant opportunities, and direct links to all 10 Region 2 ports.

Dry Cleaners
PERC Guidance, New York Rule, Wet Cleaning

PERC Guidance

New York Rule

  • New York City new dry cleaning rule Effective February 11, 2014, the new rule requires NYC dry cleaning establishments to post a sign which lists the primary chemicals used in their dry cleaning facility.

Wet Cleaning
Wet cleaning is a process that uses computer-controlled washers and dryers, specifically formulated detergents, and specialized finishing equipment to create a cost effective alternative to dry cleaning.  

Food Processing

General, Energy, Sustainability, Emergency Water Supply, Pharmaceuticals


  • Healthcare Environmental Resource Center healthcare facility types including dental offices for hazardous wastes, regulated medical wastes, waste reduction, and facility management. 
  • Healthcare Without Harm international healthcare resources for environmental regulations, sustainability, climate change, healthy food systems, green purchasing, including a global overview of pharmaceuticals.
  • Practice Greenhealth contains many useful tools including an energy calculator, managing your waste tracker, information topics on waste, sustainable food, environmental preferred purchasing, green design. 



Emergency Water Supply

  • Emergency Water Supply Planning Guide for Hospitals  2012, 95 page guidance will help a hospital understand develop the Emergency Water Supply Plan (EWSP) to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a total or partial interruption of the facilities’ normal water supply.


Metal Finishing

Industrial Material Recycling

Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST), Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

Oil Spills how to prevent and what to do in the event of an oil spill.  

Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST)

Underground Storage Tanks (UST)


  • RCRA On-Line, a document search tool for all RCRA documents.
  • Waste, what you can do about waste; resource conservation; hazardous wastes; and non-hazardous wastes.


Underground Injection Control Program (UIC)
The UIC program is responsible for regulating the construction, operation, permitting, and closure of injection wells that place fluids underground for storage or disposal.

Regulations, Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Design, Calculators


  • Stormwater Program Overview with links to industrial, municipal, construction, and training resources.
  • Industrial and Commercial Facilities depending on the type of industrial or commercial facility you operate, more than one NPDES program may apply (i.e. industrial or construction stormwater, pretreatment, individual permit).

Green Infrastructure

Low Impact Design

  • Low Impact Design, an approach to land development that works with nature to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible.
  • Urban Design Tool, l a toolbox for watershed managers to meet regulatory program goals for urban retrofits, re-development projects, and new development sites.
  • LID Alternative to Site Technology, the National Institute of Building Science toolkit for Low Impact Development design strategies; compares conventional designs to green designs.
  • US Green Building Council, become LEED certified, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices.


Asbestos, Lead, PCB


  • Lead lead and lead based paint environmental issues and regulations; how to protect your family from lead; and training for workers on proper lead renovations.
  • Best Management Practices for Lead outdoor shooting ranges (2005, 103 pgs) outdoor rifle, pistol, trap, skeet and sporting clay ranges for on lead management at their ranges. Chapter 1.2 outlines legal requirements under RCRA, CWA, CERCLA.

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls – PCB)

  • PCB EPA main hub for PCB as they are managed under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the PCB regulations found at 40 CFR 761.


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