New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Letter from David Gardiner to Norman Nosenchuck
July 29, 1996
Mr. Norman H. Nosenchuck, P.E.
Director, Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
50 Wolf Road
Albany, NY 12233-7250
Dear Mr. Nosenchuck:
Thank you for submitting a proposal for Project XL on behalf of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). XL proposals are reviewed carefully by a team from across all EPA regions and headquarters offices, and by representatives of state and tribal environmental agencies. The Project XL Selection Committee has completed its review of the proposal. I am pleased to inform you that NYSDEC's proposal has been accepted under Project XL with one condition.
As you know, there are several criteria which the Agency considers when evaluating an XL proposal, with the most important criterion being that the project provide superior environmental results. Although implementation of your project would improve public safety and save resources, your proposal does not provide sufficient specificity with regard to the environmental results. We recognize that NYSDEC plans to reinvest some of these savings in efforts that will benefit the environment, however, we are asking that a commitment be made by NYSDEC to also see that the savings accrued by participating public utilities be redirected into mutually agreed upon environmental tasks or projects that will benefit the environment. If NYSDEC agrees to this commitment as a participant in Project XL, our Regional Office will coordinate with you on this effort.
The next step in establishing this partnership is to work toward developing and signing a Final Project Agreement (FPA). The development phase is limited to six months. This ambitious time frame will require a high level of involvement from NYSDEC, therefore please be prepared to begin discussions as soon as possible and to sustain a high level of involvement. If completed to the satisfaction of NYSDEC, EPA, and the other project partners, this agreement will detail the expectations of each partner. Only the signing of an FPA will constitute acceptance as a full-fledged Project XL pilot.
Sherry Bishko from Region 2 of the Environmental Protection Agency will be contacting you in the near future to discuss your commitment and to initiate the FPA development process. In the meantime, if you have questions please feel free to contact Sherry at (212) 637-3571 or EPA's XL Headquarters lead, Eileen McGovern, at 202-260-5352. Thank you for your interest in Project XL. We look forward to working with you in the development of innovative, flexible, and results-oriented approaches to environmental protection.
David Gardiner
Assistant Administrator
cc: Jeanne Fox, Administrator, EPA Region 2
Sherry Bishko, EPA Region 2