Baltimore Development Corporation
March 4, 1996
XL Community Pilot Program
USEPA Water Docket
MC 4101
401 M Street, SW
Washington. D.C. 20460
Baltimore Development Corporation is pleased to submit a used submission of Baltimore's application for an XL for Communities designation. In our discussions with stakeholders about environmental regulation and the Ecological Industrial Park, our participants identified four critical needs that business would have:
faster, simplified environmental permitting;
regulatory flexibility to address high priority environmental issues;
community acceptance of the nature and scope of new industrial development; and
technical and information assistance, including mentoring programs and industrial, consortia.
We consider EPA's XL initiative to be a very important environmental initiative. The offer of regulatory flexibility for communities in exchange for quantified environmental improvements from new approaches is an exciting new direction for business and environmental concerns.
BDC and the City of Baltimore understand that an XL designation may be granted after a review of Baltimore's proposal. We understand that this proposal must have strong community support and concurrence from state and local environmental regulatory agencies. BDCs work during these past 15 months has demonstrated a deep commitment to participation by a diverse group of constituents. In Fairfield, the design and implementation phases of our an ecological industrial park has been supported by stakeholders and a high level of cooperation from our state and local environmental partners.
We look forward to hearing from you and await your response.
Larisa A. Salamacha
Development Director
cc: Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke
M.J. Brodie
The City of Baltimore is in the process of developing an Ecological Industrial Park (EIP). It will be among the first, if not the first operating EIP in the United States. The park is located in the Fairfield area of Baltimore and is being developed as part of an Empowerment Zone initiative, designed for segments of the city's commercial and residential districts.
The overall goal of an EIP is to improve the economic performance of businesses locating in the park, while reducing their adverse environmental impact. As defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an EIP is:
a community of manufacturing and service businesses seeking enhanced environmental and economic performance through collaboration in managing environment and resources issues including energy, water and materials. By working together, the community of businesses seeks a collective benefit that is greater than the sum of the individual benefits each company would realize if it optimized its individual performance only.
At a minimum the creation of an EIP is intended to result in environmental impacts that collectively for the park are less than those that would occur if each industry operated separately. Optimally, the industries in the park enhance each others environmental performance through waste transfers, shared raw materials, pollution prevention, and conjoint administrative services.
The creation of an EIP is intended to result in environmental impacts that collectively for the park are less than those that would occur if each industry operated separately.
Located in the southeastern portion of the city, Fairfield is a heavy industrial area housing petroleum firms, chemical plants, trucking depots, asphalt manufacturing facilities and a number of other industrial and service companies. Within the boundaries of Fairfield are two small communities--Old Fairfield and Wagners Point; and located just outside are two other neighborhoods--Brooklyn and Curtis Bay. For the past several years, the City of Baltimore with the assistance of the Baltimore Development Corporation, Cornell University, and numerous stakeholders has been working to create the framework for a viable ecological industrial park.
Planning With Stakeholder Input
The EIP idea was originally incorporated as a key component of Baltimore's proposal submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Empowerment Zone Funding (EZ). Early conceptual development for the park was carried forward by input from a wide range of stakeholders representing many different interests including: local communities, government agencies, educational institutions, business facilities, unions, environmental groups, and others. In April 1995, over 200 individuals participated in a Search Conference to research, discuss, and explore the many challenges facing Fairfield. The following month over 70 people contributed to a Design Charrette which produced a more refined vision of what an EIP might look like. The result of these meetings was a Strategic Plan for the Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park (1995). Stakeholder input also was solicited through a series of task force meetings focused on transportation/infrastructure, education/training, financial issues, and environmental regulation. Specifically related to the EIP, participants were asked to identify potential customers and stakeholders; describe strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; and identify organizational and programmatic support for each of the task force areas.
Stakeholder input has been critical to the conceptual development of the eco-park. Involving various representatives from many different organizations has not only built community ownership and pride in the idea of an EIP, but also shaped the direction of the project. Stakeholder input will continue to be important to the EIP in a number of ways, including: establishing environmental objectives, indicators, and evaluation criteria; creating membership requirements for businesses and organizations; and developing shared programs for continued economic and environmental improvements.
Fairfield Mission Statement
The Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park is an interdependent, partnering, environmentally conscious business/residential district. This district encourages recycling of products and services, and is committed to empowerment through improved employment, profits, education, health, and quality of life. This district cycles resources with minimum export of waste products and maximum export of value added products.
(Adopted by consensus at the Planning Charrette, Mary 16, 1995)
Organization and Management of the EIP: The Fairpoint Board
Interactions between the current Fairfield businesses and the surrounding communities have demonstrated mixed results. Some industries such as scrap companies, experience a more strained tolerance by local residents. Relationships between the community and other types of firms, especially chemical companies are much better. Industry organizations such as the Chemical Industry Council (CIC) a local off shoot of the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA), and the South Baltimore Mutual Aid Program (SBMAP) were organized to facilitate better communication. These organizations have provided a format for keeping local citizens up to date on company concerns, performance, planning, emergency preparedness, and environmental, health, and safety issues. The relationships formed are taken very seriously. Industry representatives are convinced of the importance of maintaining a positive working relationship with both local citizens and city officials.
For the Fairfield EIP, an innovative management organization is proposed. From the outset stakeholder representatives from many groups and organizations have helped to develop the vision for Baltimore's EIP. This relationship would continue in the coming years through a more formalized structure--the Fairpoint Board (Figure I).
The Fairpoint Board will be the central mechanism for keeping the public, community leaders, government agencies, businesses, and others informed about activities in the park. It is designed as the primary institution for building, supporting, and promoting cooperation among all Fairfield EIP stakeholders including residents of all three Baltimore Empowerment Zone districts. One of the Board's most important responsibilities will be the development of programs to meet the goal of continuous environmental improvement.
Environmental Performance of the EIP
One of the long term goals of the EIP is continuous environmental improvement. Through group efforts, shared resources, and community input it is expected that over time the environmental loading of Fairfield's industrial community will be lowered and will not exceed the area ecosystem's carrying capacity. A number of broad programmatic ideas have been identified in early meetings on the EIP. From this wide spectrum, the EIP's continuous environmental improvement will be supported.
1)Standard Setting. No quantitative benchmarks have been established-for the park; however stakeholders have agreed on the idea of continuous environmental improvement by applying "stretch goals." Community assistance in establishing environmental performance goals, indicators, and evaluation criteria will be integrated with industry objectives.
2)Information Systems. The EIP Will use modem communication technologies for sharing and accessing information, and for communicating with stakeholders and government agencies. Early discussions have focused on the Internet and World Wide Web. Cornell University established a homepage for the EIP.
3)Education. Training and educational programs will form a central element of the park's continuous environmental improvement strategy. Community based education including an environmental literacy program will improve household recycling and energy conservation activities. Shared and individual programs for businesses will focus on pollution prevention, production processes, labor management partnerships, and new technologies.
4)Demonstration Activities. A number of demonstration activities are planned or have been discussed for the EIP. The Fairfield Housing Project which was closed in 1987 will be demolished in preparation for commercial development. Rather than using traditional demolition methods, the housing project will be disassembled and the materials recycled rather than sent to a landfill. Other activities suggested include the creation of green spaces, improvements in water access, wetlands protection, and brownfields redevelopment.
5)Permitting Processes. A "one stop shopping" capability is envisioned for EIP firms where information and instructions on necessary permitting requirements will be handled. This service will allow easier access to permit information, and reduce expenditures in money and time. Moreover, this program will support, the envisioned intra-park transfer of wastes and materials. Implementation of this particular program will require the complete support of state and local regulatory agencies, and the local community.
6)Administrative Reporting. As with a more efficient permit process, EIP participants will have access to services for easier reporting of required information. This service will be of significant utility to small and medium sized firms in the park. Further the goal is to prevent duplication of similar regulatory requirements. As with permitting this program will require, state, local, and community cooperation.
7)Transportation. The Fairfield industrial site offers superior transportation advantages for the EIP. Rail, truck, and port facilities exist within the park's boundaries. Further, Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI) and several major interstates are just a few minutes from the park. The objective is to incorporate least environmental impact approaches integrated logistics support, and other transportation related environmental programs within the park.
Regulatory Flexibility
In recent years, government agencies have increasingly put forth new initiatives that allow creativity in meeting regulatory requirements. EPA has been especially active by (1) establishing voluntary programs such as "33/50," Green Lights, and Waste Wise; and (2) exploring alternatives to command and control regulations. The XL program encourages "tailoring environmental management actions to local conditions," and offers an opportunity to demonstrate superior environmental results. Regulatory flexibility in meeting environmental goals will enable participants of the Fairfield EIP to explore innovative recycling, beneficial reuse, pollution prevention, transportation, community involvement, education, permitting, and reporting programs. Several possible examples of near term regulatory flexibility are listed below. Final proposals and rule changes will require stakeholder input and direct consultation with EPA and state agencies.
1)Fairfield Housing Project. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has prepared a preliminary assessment for disassembling the Fairfield Housing Project. The goal of the project is to reduce the amount of waste disposal resulting from the demolition of buildings. Flexibility in handling the disposal of lead contaminated demolition debris and lead painted architectural components would assist the project.
2)Hazardous Waste. A key element of the Fairfield EIP will be maximizing on the highest levels site recycling of hazardous waste materials, while maintaining the highest levels of worker and community safety. Intra-park transfers will necessitate new manifesting requirements and new definitions of waste that recognizes its value as potential raw material.
3)Umbrella Permitting and -Reporting. Private sector organizations have often complained about duplication and confusion in the regulatory process. Another goal of the EIP is to minimize paperwork and duplicatory reportings without sacrificing environmental quality. To meet this goal a "one stop shop" for permits, and consolidation of delegated and undelegated reporting requirements is proposed.
4)Voluntary Inspection and Maintenance of All Commercial and Industrial Vehicles. EIP participants could ensure that all fleet vehicles are operating at higher levels of efficiency.
The trend in environmental regulatory activities is moving away from command and control towards a compliance based system that holistically looks at environmental performance. The Fairfield EIP is an excellent model to test alternative regulatory processes. Short term flexibility will assist in getting the EIP operational; however over the long term the EIP could be the proving ground for a new regulatory paradigm. By integrating and streamlining environmental regulation at the federal, state, and local level the EIP will test the effectiveness of consolidated permitting and reporting. By developing effective indicators for measuring the health of that Fairfield ecosystem agencies could design multimedia approaches to regulation. Figure II further illustrates the shift towards a new regulatory paradigm.
Business Qualifications for EIP and XL Designation
It is likely that not every business currently located in Fairfield will choose to become involved with the EIP; however many companies have participated in planning activities for the EIP and are excited about its many positive possibilities. One strategy for realizing the Fairfield EIP is recruiting new industrial and service businesses to the area. The primary element of Baltimore's redevelopment strategy for Fairfield recruiting companies that have demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental performance. A key factor in the recruitment of new industries likely will be the regulatory framework. If the regulatory environment is as burdensome as that faced by any firm seeking new development sites, then there will be little a priori incentive to locate in the EIP. However, if alternative regulatory schemes can be developed that reduce regulatory hurdles and uncertainty during the startup of new facilities while at the same time maximizing the implementation of EIP aspects that help achieve its goals, then a firm has an economic motivation to improve its environmental performance.
Benefits of XL Designation for Fairfield EIP and Local Communities
EPA's Project XL for Communities (XL) represents an innovative initiative for designing the environmental management and regulatory systems of the next century. As such it is an appropriate framework for achieving continuous environmental improvements in Fairfield and the surrounding communities. XL designation also will assist the development of the EIP in several ways. First, because it would allow alternative regulatory frameworks, XL designation will attract industrial development by companies with more creative approaches to environmental management. Second, regulatory flexibility will improve the operational efficiency of established firms and help them realize a significant expansion in economic activity. Third, it will lead to the establishment and implementation of long term community environmental goals and it will bring together diverse community interests to achieve these goals. Fourth, it will advance the progress achieved in relationships between Marylands Department of the Environment (MDE), Baltimore's Planning and Health Department, businesses, and the local communities.
The city of Baltimore is committed to Fairfield and its interest goes beyond merely finding tenants to fill up the empty spaces. There is a commitment to a long term lowering of environmental loading across all media and a significant improvement in living conditions for local residents. With the EIP, Baltimore intends to demonstrate that group outcomes to stimulate environmental improvement will also lead to better economic performance by participating firms.
It is expected that industries operating in the Fairfield EIP will achieve greater levels of energy efficiency, resource savings, pollution prevention, and emissions reduction than would be achieved through full compliance with applicable environmental, regulations. This expectation will become reality as EIP businesses, local citizens, and relevant government officials work together to a establish a viable, sustainable community in Fairfield.
The Fairpoint Board will be the principal forum for discussing environmental performance objectives, indicators and evaluation criteria. Federal, state, and local agencies will be directly involved throughout the negotiation process. Over time, EIP operation will result in continuous environmental improvement. Some expected environmental results are listed below.
Increased rates of solid waste recycling by EIP businesses.
Increased rates of hazardous waste recycling.
Elimination of illegal dumps.
Decreased air emissions by EIP businesses.
Decreased air emissions from intra-park vehicles.
Improved air quality.
Improved containment of nonpoint source runoff.
Improved health of local wetlands.
Improved harbor access.
Improved communication between EIP businesses and local communities.
Stakeholder participation has increasingly become an important element of many public policy and decision making initiatives. From regulatory rulemakings to siting decisions, it is now widely recognized that those people and organizations which potentially could be affected by a particular activity must meaningfully participate. The development of the Fairfield EIP has moved forward with the participation of a full range of stakeholders from the local community, Fairfield businesses, city, state, and federal government agencies, and many others.
Creating the EIP Framework
Stakeholder participation in planning for the Fairfield EIP began in April 1995. Over 200 individuals participated in a Search Conference to research, discuss, and explore the many challenges facing the Fairfield area. During the following month over 70 people contributed to a Design Charrette which resulted in a refined vision . The result of these meetings was the Strategic Plan for the Fairfield Ecological Industrial Park (1995).
Stakeholder participation has increasingly become an important element of many public policy and decision making initiatives.
Several task force meetings were held focusing on the following broad sets of issues: transportation/infrastructure, education/training, finance, environmental regulation. These meetings were held in order to illustrate stakeholder concerns and potential customer needs with Fairfield, and to uncover programs and organizations that could be beneficial for the development of the EIP. At these sessions stakeholders with relevant experience or concerns with each of the four issues areas were invited and many chose to participate.
Stakeholder Identification
Identifying stakeholders is one of the crucial first steps of any participatory process. The diversity of interests in the various EIP meetings reflects the active involvement of engaged stakeholders committed to Baltimore's vitality. Similarly stakeholder participation will be a critical aspect of formulating ideas, implementing strategies, and ensuring follow through with the Fairfield EIP's ambitious environmental and economic objectives. Table I illustrates the diversity of stakeholders for the Fairfield EIP.
Maintaining Community Participation
Community participation will be maintained through several committee structures built into the Board including residents from all three EZ districts, Curtis Bay, Brooklyn. An EIP office staffed by employees of the Baltimore Development Corporation and Cornell University has been established in Fairfield as a central repository of information and resources. Further by using on line technologies such as the Internet and the World Wide Web, interested parties will have quick access to EIP information. Moreover, by employing communication methods such as community meetings, direct mail, selective advertising, and postings the community will be better informed about relevant EIP activities.
Table I: The Stakeholder Universe for Baltimore's Ecological Industrial Park
Stakeholder Groupings | Representative Organizations (examples) |
Community Organizations |
Fairpoint Community Association Chesapeake Foundation for Human Development Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition Brooklyn and Curtis Bay Neighborhood Representatives |
Environmental Associations |
Institute for Local Self Reliance Clean Water Action Baltimore Recycling Coalition League of Women Voters Maryland Waste Coalition |
Empowerment Zone |
Empower Baltimore Management Corporation Zone 1 and Zone 2 representatives |
Business: Local |
Chemical Industry Council (CIC) South Baltimore Mutual Aid Program (SBMAP) Baltimore Chamber of Commerce Representatives from individual businesses |
Business: Regional |
Environmental Bankers Association Relevant trade associations |
Labor |
Baltimore AFL-CIO Maryland Labor-Management Alliance International Longshoreman Association AFSCME United Steelworkers |
Educators |
Morgan State University University of Maryland at Baltimore Local community colleges Baltimore public school system representatives |
Government: Baltimore |
Office of the Major Baltimore Development Corporation Planning Department Baltimore City Health Department |
Government: Maryland |
Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) Department of the Environment Department of Transportation Maryland Port Administration Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority Maryland Energy Financing Administration |
Government: Federal |
President's Council for Sustainable Development Department of Transportation Department of Energy Coast Guard |
Others |
Greater Baltimore Committee, Technology Council |
Economic analyses have shown that over the last decade, the major standard industrial codes in Fairfield have been growth industries. The current economy of Fairfield is based on carbon-based industries. The major facilities in the area include: oil company marketing sites, asphalt manufacturing and distribution facilities, chemical plants, and homologation companies which customize automobiles for export and import. Other companies have developed to fill the links between the primary facilities to Fairfield. Trucking companies, rail and port services represent the transportation interests. Environmental companies maintain tank trucks, storage tanks and are capable of specialized clean up operations. A smaller manufacturing and distributing base also exists in Fairfield including box making, tire treading, and materials handling machinery.
Current Economy of Fairfield -- Industrial Classification and the Percentage of Net Sales | |
Carbon Industries Metal Manufacturers Inorganic Products Services |
77% 10% 4% 9% |
Recruiting New Companies
With the EIP project, Baltimore is hoping to see significant economic development in Fairfield and an expansion of job opportunities for residents of the three Empowerment Zones. Cornell University's Work and Environment Initiative (WEI) was tasked to develop an innovative recruitment strategy to facilitate environmentally sound growth in Fairfield. Many manufacturers have demonstrated willingness to go beyond regulatory compliance. WEI has compiled information on over 800 manufacturers from which a more refined pool of possible recruits has been developed. Key elements of the strategy include:
1)Recruiting Nationally Based on Existing Companies. A number of companies in Fairfield are divisions of nationally or internationally based companies. Some of these companies have begun to market themselves as environmentally conscious producers.
2)Attempting Corporate Environmental Leaders. Market leaders in a number of industrial sectors are increasingly adopting a proactive environmental stance. This is done for several reasons: increase in profits; market opportunities; and improvements in corporate image. Many corporate environmental leaders could easily assimilate into the carbon economy of Fairfield.
3)Discovering Innovative Environmental Technologies. WEI also is gathering information on firms producing environmental technologies. More specifically, the search is focused on firms that can convert EIP waste streams into usable products; and remanufacturers that can use glass, plastics, fires, and-other recyclable materials from the region.
4)Recruiting International Environmental Leaders. The international marketplace houses many firms with excellent environmental portfolios. Companies in Germany and Japan are using new technologies and processes to enhance their environmental performance. For, this reason, a significant amount of effort is going into finding potential international recruits for Fairfield.
Waste Exchanges
In all industries, waste represents an expense that companies incur. To minimize waste is to minimize an expense. Furthermore, if waste could be sold as a product then net expense would be reduced by the selling price of the wastes. On the buyer's side, quality waste as a feedstock is attractive if it reduces the costs of raw materials. The Northeast Waste Exchange is active in Baltimore; however, waste exchange networks currently are used only marginally by companies in the Fairfield. In some cases, waste amounts appear too small. In other cases, the waste must be concentrated, cleaned, or refined to become marketable.
Regulatory flexibility that allows the formation and operation of materials flows among existing and proposed facilities in the EIP will result in a significant economic advantage since the operating expenses of EIP participants will drop. This increases the likelihood of retention and expansion since most of the major industries located in Fairfield are growth industries.
Planning and conceptualization EIP for the Fairfield EIP has been carried out by an innovative stakeholder involvement process. Community leaders, government officials, businesses from Fairfield, labor organizations, and many others have been energized by the prospect of Baltimore housing the first operating EIP in the United States. This support is evident by the willing participation of many groups in the early, stages of EIP development.
A number of supporting institutions are assisting the City of Baltimore with specific EIP tasks, including: the Baltimore Development Corporation, Cornell University, Morgan State University, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. These organizations bring a tremendous amount of expertise to bear on the multifaceted issues of EIP development. More importantly, many of the companies currently located within Fairfield support the development of an EIP. Similarly, Baltimore's targeted recruitment strategy focuses on those companies that are demonstrating innovation and creativity in dealing with environmental issues. Such companies increase the likelihood of a successful EIP.
Institutional Support for the Fairfield EIP:
Baltimore Development Corporation
Cornell University
Morgan State University
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The initial stages of EIP development have been possible because of $100 million in Empowerment Zone funding provided by HUD. Tasks such as business recruitment and development, environmental assessments, and coordinating the early stages of a stakeholder based decision making process in Fairfield could take several years of funding; however no difficulties are anticipated in meeting financial commitments.
The idea of ecological industrial parks has spawned increased interest in recent years. In the United States several projects have been selected by the President's Council For Sustainable Development (PCSD) as demonstration sites to test the principles of industrial symbiosis. The Fairfield site will test many ideas that potentially could be used in other efforts. These include:
1)Sustainable economic revitalization of an urban manufacturing area;
2)Community involvement in establishing environmental performance objectives and evaluation criteria;
3)Sustainable job development for inner city residents;
4)Intra-park waste transfers;
5)Sophisticated information technology programs including use of the Internet and World Wide Web for keeping the community informed;
6)"One stop shopping" for regulatory permits;
7)Applicability of brownfields policies in inner city redevelopment.
Many urban areas are looking to revitalize their inner cities. Lessons learned from the Baltimore EIP will be applicable to other cities, especially those hoping to sustainably redevelop run down or under-utilized manufacturing areas.
Specific performance objectives, indicators, and evaluation criteria will be established through direct consultation with the relevant government agencies, taking into account community and business concerns. The Fairpoint Board will be the primary forum for discussing concrete environmental goals; however, initial discourse between stakeholders have revealed some general ideas.
1)Solid Waste
Higher rates of recycling and resource recovery by EIP businesses
Increased community involvement in household recycling
2)Regulatory Reporting
Minimization of duplicated compliance activities
Reduction in paperwork
3)Stakeholder Communication
Improved relations between the local communities of Wagner's Point, Brooklyn, and Curtis Bay and the EIP businesses
4)Energy Conservation
Increased use energy efficiency technologies and processes by EIP businesses
Household energy efficiency improvements in local communities
5)Hazardous Waste
Intra-park transfers and conversion
Reduction in off site transfers
6)Pollution Prevention
Improved air quality
Improved water quality
Improved toxic release information as reflected in TRI data reports
The goal is to create a regulatory umbrella for the EIP thereby streamlining regulatory reporting requirements without sacrificing accountability. At this time it is undetermined which entity will be responsible for project results.
The communities surrounding Fairfield have voiced concerns about the cumulative impact of pollution on the local environment and the health of residents. Information on the environmental conditions of Fairfield is inconclusive; however some data is available.
1)The Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) for Baltimore lists 36 substances released from six companies.
2)Illegal dumping is a constant nuisance in Fairfield.
3)Baltimore is a non attainment area for air quality.
4)Several sites in Fairfield are under review for possible remediation.
5)Infrastructure problems are evident in many parts of Fairfield including disintegrated roadways, poor water pressure, and abandoned or condemned properties.
6)Wetlands and water issues are significant concerns.
The ecological goal of the EIP is continuous environmental improvement. Thus, the development of an EIP will result in overall environmental benefits for the area including the reduction of public health risks for the community.
Participatory community planning is one of the hallmarks of the Fairfield EIP. Stakeholders from local communities both within and surrounding Fairfield have been integrally involved in the conceptual development of the EIP. As part of the Fairpoint Board representatives from Wagner's Point, Fairfield, Brooklyn, Curtis Bay and the two primarily residential empowerment zones as well as Board members from EIP businesses will create a subcommittee for the purpose of informing community residents about EIP progress. Other tasks of this committee include soliciting broad input from the community and gathering relevant feedback on EIP matters.
Other ties to the local community are envisioned through linkages to the local education institutions. Ideas include integration of ecosystem themes into training programs, initiation of ecosystem projects into public school systems, and internships for local secondary and post secondary students.
The eco-park concept is in itself an innovative attempt to harness the creativity of businesses, employees, local communities, government agencies, and others. The Fairfield EIP has been developed with the objective of continuous improvement in environmental matters. In order to achieve maximum benefits, a hierarchy of pollution prevention and energy conservation strategies are proposed based on the following principles of least environmental impact.
1)Design for waste and energy minimization.
2)Highest standards and technology in pollution prevention and waste minimization.
3)Internal network waste exchange.
4)Regional waste recycling/exchange.
5)Recovery of secondary materials.
6)Recovery of energy
7)Networked clean water plan.
8)Product take-back and disassembly capability
Many ideas for realizing this goal have been alluded to in earlier sections. Table II below lists in more detailed fashion possible approaches and expected results.
Table II: Approaches for Achieving Environmental Excellence
Approaches | Results |
Intra-park transfers of hazardous waste without standard manifesting requirements | Relief of paperwork burden Reduction in transportation and storage risks Minimization of disposal costs |
Employee participation in pollution prevention | Continuous improvement in pollution prevention measures Reduced risk of facility noncompliance Improved health and safety |
Sophisticated information management programs | Better communication between firms and community More efficient business practices Easier access to relevant information |
Shared environmental education and training programs | Empowerment of community enabling better understanding of environmental issues Improved worker understanding of environmental issues |
Develop an Eco-Manufacturing Center | Repository of technological and process knowledge Research and development capability |
Eco-compatible Landscaping | Minimization of emissions from blowers, mowers, and trimmers |
Community involvement in decision making | Reduction in time to market Minimization of NIMBYism Improved relations with local residents Development of more acceptable environmental standards |
Significant strides have been made in operationalizing the Fairfield EIP. With the assistance of businesses, employees, community leaders, environmental groups, government agencies, educators, and others, a vision of 21st century manufacturing and community participation is coming together in Baltimore. As has been mentioned throughout this proposal, a primary goal for the EIP is continuous environmental improvement. The flexibility of an XL designation will stimulate new ideas, new creativity of processes, and new technologies to meet this challenge. By using the creativity of businesses, the desires of local residents, the experience of employees, the knowledge of educators, and the regulatory flexibility provided by XL, the EIP will become a model of economic and environmental performance.