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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Isofenphos (109401)

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Undated. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
Addendum to the S.F. Biscardi Review of EPA Nos. 3125-EUP-146, -147, -148 (3/20/79).
Document (PDF) (236 KB PDF).

March 06, 1978. Memorandum. 45 Page(s).
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
Request for 1) a Temporary Tolerance for...(Isofenphos) & its Cholinesterase Inhibiting
Metabolites in or on Corn Grain at 0.1 ppm; 2) an Exemption from a Tolerance for Eggs,
Meat, Fat & Meat By-Products of Cattle,...Inert ingredient info on p. 4 deleted.
Document (PDF) (2507 KB PDF).

November 15, 1979. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
PP #8F2090 and Registrations 3125-322, -323, -324. Petition for Tolerances
of Oftanol...and its Cholinesterase Inhibiting Metabolites and Registration
for Three Formulations Containing Oftanol.
Document (PDF) (542 KB PDF).

November 15, 1979. Memorandum. 20 Page(s).
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
PP#8F2090 & Registrations 3125-322, -323, -324 -Petition for tolerances of oftanol
1-methlethyl 2-[(ethoxy[1-methyl) amino] phosphinothioyl]oxyl] benzoate & its
cholinesterase inhibiting metabolites & registration for three formulations
containing oftanol.
Document (PDF) (998 KB PDF).

October 21, 1980. Review. 7 Page(s).
Henry Appleton. Environmental Fate Branch.
Amaze, Reg. 3125. Turf, Field Crop (Corn).
Document (PDF) (357 KB PDF).

January 09, 1981. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Edward Zager. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA File No. 3125-GGR and 3125-GGN. Oftanol on Turf Grasses.
Document (PDF) (89 KB PDF).

January 10, 1981. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Registration of Two New Products, Oftanol 1.5% Granular and Otanol 5% Granular.
Document (PDF) (60 KB PDF).

January 10, 1981. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review of Pesticide Runoff Monitoring Protocols for Amaze (Oftanol).
Document (PDF) (141 KB PDF).

January 10, 1981. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Runoff Protocol on Bare Soil to Simulate an Agricultural Use Pattern
as to an Application on Grassy Sites.
Document (PDF) (101 KB PDF).

January 21, 1981. Review. 2 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
File Nos. 3125-GGR and 3125-GGN, Oftanol.
Two Registrations for a 1.5% Granular and 5% Granular for Use on Turf.
Document (PDF) (74 KB PDF).

March 24, 1981. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 3125-GGN & 3125-GGR. The Registration of Two New Products,
Oftanol 1.5% Granular and Oftanol 5% Granular, for Use on Turf for Control
of Certain Insects. Inert ingredient information on pages 1 and 7 is not included.
Document (PDF) (524 KB PDF).

April 03, 1981. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
PP #1F2451, 3125-GGE-322, -323, -324. This Petition Requests a Permanent
Tolerance for... (Isofenphos) and its Cholinesterase Inhibiting Metabolites
be Established at 1.0 ppm in or on Dry Bulb Onions. Caswell No. 447AB.
Document (PDF) (176 KB PDF).

August 24, 1981. Review. 3 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate Branch.
Amaze. Use pattern for EEC Calculations: Corn.
Document (PDF) (142 KB PDF).

August 26, 1981. Review. 4 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate Branch.
Amaze. Use pattern for EEC Calculations: Turf.
Document (PDF) (224 KB PDF).

August 27, 1981. Review. 4 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate Branch.
Amaze. Use Pattern for EEC Calculations: Rights of Way.
Document (PDF) (233 KB PDF).

September 18, 1981. Review. 3 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
File Nos. 3125-GGR, -GGN. Oftanol 1.5% Granular, Oftanol 5% Granular.
Registrant Response to Previous EEB/EFB Review.
Document (PDF) (172 KB PDF).

September 21, 1981. Review. 3 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
File Nos. 3125-GGR, 3125-GGN. Amaze. Response to EFB Comments for Proposed
Use on Turf (per Conference 3/6/81).
Document (PDF) (139 KB PDF).

December 10, 1981. Review. 6 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
File No. 3125-GGO. Oftanol 6EC.
Proposed Conditional Registration of Subterranean Termite Use.
Document (PDF) (216 KB PDF).

December 18, 1981. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Conditional Registration of Oftanol 1.5% and 5.0% Granular
for Use on Turf and Other Similar Areas.
Document (PDF) (103 KB PDF).

December 30, 1981. Review. 2 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
File No. 3125-GGO. Oftanol 6EC. Use for Termite Control.
Document (PDF) (47 KB PDF).

February 25, 1982. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
3125-GGO (339) - Oftanol 6 Emulsifiable Insecticide for Application for Termite Control.
Document (PDF) (80 KB PDF).

October 04, 1982. Review. 9 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Oftanol 1.5G, Oftanol 5G. Submission of Fish Embryo/Larvae Study.
Document (PDF) (475 KB PDF).

October 20, 1982. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 3125-GUE. Oftanol 2 Flowable Insecticide. Caswell No. 447AB.
Document (PDF) (426 KB PDF).

January 18, 1983. Letter. 15 Page(s).
Barry Wilson. University of California, Davis.
Interim Report to CDFA Concerning Isofenphos, Antidotes and Delayed Neurotoxicity.
Document (PDF) (922 KB PDF).

January 24, 1983. Review. 2 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Oftanol 1.5G: 3125-GGR. Oftanol 5G: 3125-GGN.
Proposed Changes - Protocol for Fish Embryo/Larvae Study.
Document (PDF) (108 KB PDF).

May 13, 1983. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
John McCann. National Laboratory Audit Program.
Transmittal of GLP Inspection and/or Data Audit on Pesticide Study.
Document (PDF) (50 KB PDF).

June 16, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 3125-326. Lab Audit Report on Amaze.
Document (PDF) (89 KB PDF).

June 29, 1983. Review. 3 Page(s).
Carolyn Offutt. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg./File No.: 3125-GGR, 3125-GGN, 3125-GUE. Oftanol. EEC Study.
Document (PDF) (195 KB PDF).

July 20, 1983. Review. 5 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Ecological Effects Branch.
Oftanol Products.
Registration Response of Previous Meeting with EEB and Discussion of Data.
Document (PDF) (278 KB PDF).

July 28, 1983. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Charles Frick. Toxicology Branch.
PP #3F2917 - Petition for Tolerance of Oftanol (Amaze)... and its Cholinesterase
Inhibiting Metabolites on Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Broccoli.
Document (PDF) (131 KB PDF).

August 25, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
William Miller. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
Inhalation Studies Conducted by Mobay Stanley Research Farm. Decision Memorandum.
Document (PDF) (89 KB PDF).

October 03, 1983. Letter. 1 Page(s).
William Miller. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
Amaze Inhalation LC50 Study.
Document (PDF) (37 KB PDF).

October 03, 1983. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
William Miller. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
Data Audit Report for Amaze. Request for Examination of Additional Studies.
Document (PDF) (47 KB PDF).

November 14, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Keith Maddy. California Dept. of Food & Agriculture.
Proposed Registration of 1.5% Granules - Oftanol - Mobay Chemical Company.
Document (PDF) (73 KB PDF).

November 29, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
B. T. Backus. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA Reg. Nos. 3125-330; 3125-331 OFTANOL 5% GRANULAR, 1.5% GRANULAR
Caswell # 447AB In 11-16-83; record nos. 106839; 108760.
Document (PDF) (108 KB PDF).

December 07, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Oftanol; A Request for Delayed Neurotoxicity Studies. Caswell No. 447AB.
Document (PDF) (102 KB PDF).

December 07, 1983. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Laurence Chitlik. Toxicology Branch.
New Data on Oftanol.
Document (PDF) (70 KB PDF).

December 28, 1983. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Isofenphos, EPA Reg. No. 3125-326. Acute Delayed Neurotoxicity of Technical
Isofenphos in Hens; Mobay Report No. 80678 by E.J. Hixson, April 19, 1982;
Submitted on 12/5/83. Accession No. 251884.
Document (PDF) (402 KB PDF).

January 03, 1984. Review. 3 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Toxicology Branch/HED Review - Caswell No. 447AB;
Oftanol (Isofenphos, SR 1289, Amaze).
Document (PDF) (143 KB PDF).

January 30, 1984. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Oftanol (Isofenphos). An Interim Report Concerning Isofenphos,
Antidotes and Delayed Neurotoxicity, by Barry W. Wilson.
Document (PDF) (103 KB PDF).

February 01, 1984. Review. 3 Page(s).
Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
3125-330. Amaze 5% Granular.
Document (PDF) (147 KB PDF).

February 08, 1984. Review. 2 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Toxicology Branch/HED Review - Caswell No. 447AB;
Oftanol (Isofenphos, SR 1289, Amaze).
Document (PDF) (104 KB PDF).

March 15, 1984. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Inhalation Study on an Oftanol Product.
Document (PDF) (107 KB PDF).

June 07, 1984. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Isofenphos (Amaze), EPA Reg. No. 3125-326. Review of a New Acute
Delayed Neurotoxicity Study in Hens... and Additional Information
Concerning the Previously Submitted Neurotoxicity Studies.
Accession No. 252522 (and 252630).
Document (PDF) (418 KB PDF).

November 08, 1984. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Amal Mahfouz. Toxicology Branch.
Oftanol, EPA Reg. No. 3125-326. A Protocol for a 90-Day Subchronic
Delayed Neurotoxicity Study in Hens.
Document (PDF) (56 KB PDF).

August 28, 1986. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
James Rowe. Toxicology Branch.
Isofenphos Delayed Neurotoxicty Study (Open Literature); Mobay Report No. 89024;
Caswell No. 447AB; Project #57. Tox review 005428.
Document (PDF) (155 KB PDF).

September 02, 1986. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
James Rowe. Toxicology Branch.
Isofenphos Subchronic Delayed Neurotoxicity Study: Mobay Report No. 90231.
MRID Nos. 00146887, 40459701 & 41074101. Pages 6-11 removed, registration data.
Tox Review 005435.
Document (PDF) (286 KB PDF).

September 02, 1986. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
James Rowe. Toxicology Branch.
Isofenphos Subchronic Delayed Neurotoxicity Study; Mobay Report # 90231;
Caswell No. 447AB; Project #128 Accession 258563 073466 Tox review 005435.
Document (PDF) (307 KB PDF).

October 08, 1987. Report. 58 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation..
Isofenphos (Groundwater Call-In Data). Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual
Studies. Task 2: Environmental Fate Groundwater Assessment.
Document (PDF) (544 KB PDF).

October 29, 1987. Review. 5 Page(s).
Dona Williams. Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch.
Reg. No. 3125-339. Pryfon 6 Insecticide. Revision of Precautionary Labeling from
Tox Category I to Tox Category II. Removal of Restricted Use Class.
Document (PDF) (203 KB PDF).

February 23, 1988. Memorandum. 29 Page(s).
James Rowe. Toxicology Branch.
Oftanol 5% Granular. EPA Reg. No. 3125-330 & 1.5% Granular, 3125-331.
MRID Nos. 416099-11, 416099-04, 402174-01. Pages 9-18, 24-29 removed,
registration data. Tox Review No. 006607.
Document (PDF) (707 KB PDF).

February 23, 1988. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
James Rowe. Toxicology Branch.
Oftanol 5% Granular, EPA Reg. #3125-330, and 1.5% Granular, 3125-331;
Caswell #447AB; Project #8-0376; Record Nos. 208706, 208707. Tox review 006607.
Document (PDF) (436 KB PDF).

April 14, 1988. Letter. 14 Page(s).
Janet Auerbach. Special Review Branch.
Re: Transmittal of the Agency's Review of the Interim Report of a One-Year
Air Monitoring Study of Homes Treated with Pryfon 6 (EPA Reg. No. 3125-339).
Document (PDF) (501 KB PDF).

July 26, 1988. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
James Rowe. Toxicology Branch.
Supplemental Submission for subchronic neurotoxicity study (90 day chickens):
Record no. 223900; EPA ID No. 3125-126. MRID No. 404597-01.
Pages 4-5 removed, registration data. Tox review 006808.
Document (PDF) (235 KB PDF).

April 07, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Van Seabaugh. Registration Support Branch.
EPA Registration Number 3125-339; Pryfon 6 Emulsifiable Insecticide.
Action Code 305. Record No.: 224366.
Document (PDF) (131 KB PDF).

May 22, 1989. Memorandum. 32 Page(s).
Yiannakis Ioannou. Toxicology Branch II.
Isofenphos (oftanol) - Review of Two Mutagenicity Studies
(EPA Registration No. 3125-326). MRID Nos. 410088-01 & -02.
Pages 15-17 & 28-32 removed, registration data. Tox Review 007192.
Document (PDF) (798 KB PDF).

June 14, 1989. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Yiannakis Ioannou. Toxicology Branch II.
Ofternol 2 (Isofenphos) Insecticide - Review of 1-Day Dermal Toxicity
Study in Rabbits. MRID No. 409171-01. Tox Review No. 007246.
Document (PDF) (580 KB PDF).

August 16, 1989. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
William Woodrow. Registration Support Branch.
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 3125-330, 3125-331. Oftanol 1.5% and Oftanol 5.0% (Granular).
Document (PDF) (676 KB PDF).

November 17, 1989. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Sidney Stolzenberg. Toxicology Branch II.
Review of Data on Histopathology of the Nervous System Following Treatment with
Isofenphos, Submitted as a Supplement to a 90-Day Hen Study. MRID No. 410741-01.
Tox review 007612.
Document (PDF) (489 KB PDF).

September 23, 1992. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Steven Malish. Toxicology Branch II.
Review of Developmental Toxicology Study with Oftanol, Technical.
MRID No. 42381201. Tox review 009740.
Document (PDF) (417 KB PDF).

September 23, 1992. Memorandum. 54 Page(s).
Patricia McLaughlin. Toxicology Branch II.
Isofenphos--Evaluations of Toxicity Studies.
Pages 34-41, 43-54 removed, registration data.
MRID Nos. 0083067, 92085010 & 43198001. Tox review 009748.
Document (PDF) (881 KB PDF).

December 16, 1992. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Robert Fricke. Toxicology Branch II.
Oftanol - Review developmental toxicity study to support reregistration.
MRID No. 424996-01. Tox Review No. 009896.
Document (PDF) (397 KB PDF).

September 01, 1994. Memorandum. 21 Page(s).
Sanyvette Williams-Foy. Toxicology Branch II.
SRA 12869 Technical (Isofenphos): Toxicology Review of a 90-Day Subchronic
Dermal Toxicity Study (Action: 627 Core Data Submission). MRID No. 428917-02.
Registration Data removed from pages 18-21. Tox Review 011204.
Document (PDF) (670 KB PDF).

August 26, 1997. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Robert Fricke. Reregistration Branch II.
Isofenphos: Review of Subchronic Neurotoxicity Toxicity Study.
MRID No. 442366-01. Tox Review No. 012306.
Document (PDF) (951 KB PDF).

September 04, 1997. Memorandum. 47 Page(s).
Robert Fricke. Reregistration Branch II.
Isofenphos: Review of Acute Toxicity Studies & Reproductive Toxicity Study.
MRID Nos. 42030001(81-2), 41609901(81-3), 41609911(81-4), 41609904(81-5)
& 41609902(83-4). Tox review 012311.
Document (PDF) (1477 KB PDF).

January 13, 1998. Memorandum. 18 Page(s).
George Ghali. Health Effects Division.
Isofenphos... Hazard Identification Committee Report. Tox review 012450.
Document (PDF) (268 KB PDF).

March 09, 1998. Memorandum. 45 Page(s).
Richard Lee. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
EFED RED Chapter for Isophenfos. DP Barcode: D237285.
Document (PDF) (724 KB PDF).

June 01, 1998. Letter. 153 Page(s).
Jack Housenger. SRRD.
To: Julie Spagnoli, Bayer Corporation. HED RED Chapter for Isofenphos.
Document (PDF) (2635 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

May 05, 1998. Memorandum.
Paula Deschamp. Health Effects Division.
ISOPHENPHOS: HED Chapter of the Reregistration Eligibility Decision
(RED) Document. (HED RED Chapter 5/5/98, HAZID 1/13/98, Tox Chapter 5/5/98,
Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment 2/18/98,
Review of Incident Reports 3/4/98, Drink Water 2/13/98.

January 13, 1998. Memorandum.
George Ghali. Health Effects Division.
Isofenfos... Hazard Identification Committee Report.

May 05, 1998. Memorandum.
Robert Fricke. Health Effects Division.
ISOFENFOS - Toxicology Chapter.

February 18, 1998. Memorandum.
Jonathan Becker. Health Effects Division.
Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment and Recommendations
for the Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document for Isofenphos.

March 04, 1998. Memorandum.
Jerome Blondell. Chemistry and Exposure Branch 2.
Review of Isophenfos Incident Reports...

February 13, 1998. Memorandum.
Nelson Thurman. Environmental Fate and Effects Division.
Drinking Water Assessment for Isophenphos.

*End of Attachments*

April 17, 2006. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Linda Vlier Moos. OPP/EPA.
Initial Ethics Review of a Human Study to Support the Pesticide Handlers
Exposure Database. REF: Dean, V. (1987) Pryfon 6 Termiticide Applicator
Exposure Study. 173p. MRID 41990402.
Document (PDF) (48 KB PDF).

April 17, 2006. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Linda Vlier Moos. OPP/EPA.
Initial Ethics Review of a Human Study to Support the Pesticide Handlers
Exposure Database. REF: Dean, V. (1989) Pryfon 6 Termiticide Applicator
Exposure Study. 175p. MRID 41990401.
Document (PDF) (27 KB PDF).

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