Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Prometryn (Pc Code 080805)
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Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. Leaching Characteristics of C14- Prometryn Aged in Soil.
Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc.
Accession Number 405737-13. Guideline 163-1.
Document (PDF) (261 KB PDF).
Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 6 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. Determination of the Volatility of Prometryn from CAPAROL 4L.
Colorado Analytical Research and Development Corporation.
Accession Number 405737-14. Guideline 163-2.
Document (PDF) (301 KB PDF).
Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 7 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. The Adsorption and Desorption of C14- Hydroxyprometryn
on Representative Agricultural Soils. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc.
Accession Number 405737-12. Guideline 163-1.
Document (PDF) (410 KB PDF).
Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 7 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. The Adsorption and Desorption of C14-GS- 113554
on Representative Agricultural Soils. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc.
Accession Number 405737-11. Guideline 163-1.
Document (PDF) (448 KB PDF).
Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 100-542. Determination of the Mobility of C14- Hydroxypropazine in
Selected Soils by Soil Thin-Layer Chromatography. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc.
Accession Number 405737-07. Guideline 163-1.
Document (PDF) (291 KB PDF).
Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 100-542. Determination of the Mobility of C14- Prometryne in
Selected Soils by Soil Thin-Layer Chromatography. Hazleton Laboratories.
Accession Number 405737-99. 163-1.
Document (PDF) (267 KB PDF).
Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 100-542. Determination of the Mobility of C14-GS-11354 in
Selected Soils by Soil Thin-Layer Chromatography. Hazleton Laboratories.
Accession Number 405737-08. Guideline 163-1.
Document (PDF) (302 KB PDF).
Undated. Data Eval. Rec. 9 Page(s).
R. C. Doyle. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 100-542. The Adsorption and Desorption of C14- Propetryn on
Representative Agricultural Soils. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc.
Accession Number 405737-10. Guideline 163-1.
Document (PDF) (508 KB PDF).
Undated. DER. 3 Page(s).
John Whalan. Toxicology Branch.
83-1; Chronic Feedeing Study of Prometryn in Dogs. (Excerpt) MRID No 42794.
Tox Reveiw No. 005665.
Document (PDF) (240 KB PDF).
Undated. DER. 3 Page(s).
John Whalan. Toxicology Branch.
83-3; Teratology Study of Prometryn in Rabbits. (Excerpt) MRID No 157995.
Tox Review No. 005665.
Document (PDF) (212 KB PDF).
May 09, 1968. Review. 11 Page(s).
Paul Baron. Registration Section.
Reg. No.: 100-471. Tox review 003500.
Inert ingredient information on pages 2 and 3 not included.
Document (PDF) (718 KB PDF).
November 22, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
J. D. Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Triox Liquid Vegetation Killer. Caswell #63, 184, 97, 740.
Document (PDF) (169 KB PDF).
June 05, 1978. Review. 16 Page(s).
John Tice. Efficacy & Environmental Effects Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. Data Submission. Accession No. 232551. Avian Subacute Dietary
LC50; Bobwhite quail & Mallard duck. Fish Acute 96 hr. LC50; Rainbow trout, Sunfish
& Goldfish. Aqatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity; Daphnia magna. Shell deposition…
Document (PDF) (631 KB PDF).
September 28, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
John Whalan. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. Prometryn. Minutes of a Meeting with Registrants to
Discuss the Selection of Doses to be Used in a Chronic Rat Feeding Study.
Document (PDF) (173 KB PDF).
September 28, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
John Whalan. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. Prometryn:
Recommended Doses to be Used in a Rat Chronic Toxicity Study.
Document (PDF) (134 KB PDF).
November 04, 1987. Review. 2 Page(s).
Therese Dougherty. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EPA Reg No 100-542. Prometryn 80W.
Review request to delete air photolysis requirement for registration standard.
Document (PDF) (64 KB PDF).
December 04, 1987. Memorandum. 12 Page(s).
Gobind Makhijani. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Prometryn - EPA Registration No. 100-542 Ciba-Geigy's Response to the Product
Chemistry Chapter (MRID Nos. 403560-01 and 403560-02) Dated September 25, 1987
- RCB No. 2907 Pages 9-12 are not included-confidential appendices.
Document (PDF) (314 KB PDF).
August 02, 1988. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Mary Waller. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 100-542 Technical Prometryn Acute oral, acute dermal,
primary skin irritation, acute inhalation and dermal sensitization studies.
Primary eye irritation study. MRID nos. 404575-08 thru -14.
Document (PDF) (296 KB PDF).
January 30, 1989. Review. 2 Page(s).
Henry Jacoby. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 100-542 Prometryn Review mobility studies.
Determine if ground water monitoring stidy is needed.
Document (PDF) (80 KB PDF).
January 30, 1989. Review. 5 Page(s).
Henry Jacoby. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 100-542 Prometryn Review mobility studies.
Determine if ground water monitoring study is needed.
Acc. 405737-99, -88, -14, -07, -11, -12, -13, -14, -03.
Document (PDF) (265 KB PDF).
June 28, 1990. DER. 39 Pages.
Henry T. Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Vegetative Vigor Nontarget Phytotoxicity Test - Tier 2. Species Tested: Soybean,
Lettuce, Carrot, Tomato, Cucumber, Cabbage, Oat, Perennial Ryegrass, Corn, and
Onion. MRID No. 410359-03.
Document (PDF) (1479 KB PDF).
June 28, 1990. DER. 54 Pages.
Henry T. Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Non-Target Plants: Seed germination/Seedling Emergence Phytotoxicity tests -
Tier 2. Species Tested: Soybean, Lettuce, Carrot, Tomato, Cucumber, Cabbage,
Oat, Perennial Ryegrass, Corn, and Onion. MRID No. 410359-04.
Document (PDF) (1604 KB PDF).
May 24, 1991. Memorandum. 80 Page(s).
E. Zager. Chemistry Branch.
Prometryn Product and Residue Chemistry Reregistration Standard Updates.
CBRS No. 7170 and 7549; DB Barcode(s) D156978 and D160100, Respectively.
Pages 69-80 are not included - confidential statement of formula, quality
control and manufacturing info.
Document (PDF) (3208 KB PDF).
April 23, 1992. DER. 18 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
102-Week Carcinogenicity Study in Mice: Prometryn Technical Final Report.
MRID No. 404662-01. Tox Review No. 010759.
Pages 15-18 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (767 KB PDF).
May 08, 1992. DER. 4 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Mouse Lymphoma Mutagenicity Test. MRID No. 404662-02.
Tox Review No. 009511. Page 4 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (210 KB PDF).
May 08, 1992. DER. 6 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Autoradiographic DNA Repair Test on Rat Hepatocytes.
MRID No. 404575-22. Tox Review No. 009511.
Pages 4-6 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (166 KB PDF).
May 21, 1992. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
PROMETRYN - Toxicology Data Submitted under MRID Nos. 404662-02/03;
404575-18/-19/-20/-21/-22: ID No. 080805. Tox Review No. 009511.
Page 7 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (290 KB PDF).
October 16, 1992. DER. 31 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
14C-Prometryn Distribution, Elimination & Disposition in Rats Following
Oral Administration. MRID No. 412559-01. Tox Review No. 010759.
Document (PDF) (1284 KB PDF).
October 19, 1992. DER. 13 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
Prometryn Technical: A Teratology (Segment II) Study in Rats.
MRID No. 404575-17. Tox Review No. 010759.
Document (PDF) (563 KB PDF).
November 13, 1992. DER. 16 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
Prometryn Technical: Two-Generation Reproductive Toxicology Study in Rats.
MRID No. 414451-01. Tox Review No. 010759.
Document (PDF) (296 KB PDF).
November 17, 1992. DER. 26 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
102-Week Oral Toxicology/Carcinogenicity Study in Rats. MRID No. 419012-01.
Tox Review No. 010759. Pages 16-26 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (820 KB PDF).
April 23, 1993. DER. 10 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
28-Day Pilot feeding study in Mice: Prometryn technical: Final Report.
MRID No. 404575-15. Tox Review No. 010759.
Document (PDF) (438 KB PDF).
February 02, 1994. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
Prometryn. Evaluation of Toxicity Data Submitted & Identification of Outstanding Toxicology
Data Requirements. DP Barcode Nos. D168675, D164420, D168672, D164686, D165344.
Tox Review No. 010759.
Document (PDF) (477 KB PDF).