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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Methoxychlor (Pc Code 034001)

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Undated. Review. 5 Page(s).
Ecological Effects Branch.
Methoxychlor 2. Weanling rats fed at 200 ppm in one laboratory at 1600 ppm
in another laboratory did not show liver alter- ations usually seen with other
chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides when fed at much lower dosages.
Document (PDF) (221 KB PDF).

January 19, 1968. Review. 2 Page(s).
Residue Chemistry Branch.
Evaluation of Pesticide Petition No. 8F0680 for methoxychlor
Submittted by Du Pont. Inert ingredient information on page 1 not included.
Document (PDF) (542 KB PDF).

December 30, 1968. Review. 3 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Evaluation of Pesticide Petition No. 8F0680 (9F0768) for methoxychlor...
and other isomers and reaction products. Submitted by DuPont.
Document (PDF) (663 KB PDF).

August 05, 1970. Review. 3 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Reevaluation of Pesticide Petition No. 9F0768 for methoxychlor...
and other isomers and reaction products. Submitted by DuPont.
Document (PDF) (1070 KB PDF).

August 12, 1974. Review. 1 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Ecological Effects Branch.
Environmental Chemistry Review for Metolachlor PP # 4F 1467 Chemical Formulators Inc.
Document (PDF) (17 KB PDF).

August 14, 1975. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Diana Reisa. Toxicology Branch.
Dog Guard Flea and Tick Insecticide and Mosquito Repellant.
Document (PDF) (132 KB PDF).

December 07, 1975. Review. 4 Page(s).
Jack Edmundson.
RTF Review - Environmental Safety.
Document (PDF) (172 KB PDF).

February 19, 1976. Review. 4 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 38338-EUP. Methoxychlor 2E Streams and irrigation canal treatment.
Document (PDF) (228 KB PDF).

October 19, 1976. Worksheet. 15 Page(s).
William Rabert.
Methoxychlor data requirements for reregistration.
Document (PDF) (782 KB PDF).

June 15, 1977. Review. 8 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 38338-EUP-1. Methoxychlor 2E Idaho Woolgrowers Association Rsch.
Committee Streams and irrigation canal treatment.
Document (PDF) (931 KB PDF).

September 26, 1977. Review. 2 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 4708-EI. U-SAN-O MP Mothproofing Powder American Riverside, Inc.
Use in drycleaning.
Document (PDF) (65 KB PDF).

September 26, 1977. Review. 4 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 7478-UA. Methoxychlor 10% Dust Chem-Pak Company.
Use on fruit, vegetables, flowers and ornamentals, livestock and dairy cattle.
Document (PDF) (146 KB PDF).

September 26, 1977. Review. 4 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 7478UL. Methoxychlor 50W Chem-Pak Company Use on fruit, vegetables,
flowers and ornamentals, cattle farm buildings and premises, grain storage bins.
Document (PDF) (267 KB PDF).

April 17, 1978. Review. 21 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. No. 38338-EUP-1. Idaho Woolgrowers Assoc. Resch.
Committee EUP aquatic use (irrigation canals).
Document (PDF) (930 KB PDF).

April 17, 1978. Review. 5 Page(s).
Larry Turner. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Env. Safety response 38336-EUP-N 107.5 Data Requests Prior to consideration
of registration, the following fish and wildlife studies... must be submitted.
Document (PDF) (256 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

Undated. Memorandum.
Harry Hays. Pesticides Regulation Division.
Pesticide Petition Number 8F0680 requesting tolerances for methoxychlor.
submitted by E.I. DuPont '... in milk... in milk fat'.

*End of Attachments*

May 18, 1987. Memorandum. 40 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Review of Teratology Study in Rabbits with Methoxychlor.
EPA ID #41014-5; EPA Record #179906; EPA Accession Nos. 263041 & 263040;
Caswell #550; Tox Branch Project 2348.
Pages 8-14 and 28-40 are not included - detailed test methods.
Tox review No. 005881.
Document (PDF) (921 KB PDF).

January 28, 1988. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Harry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Fish and Wildlife Risk Assessment for the Disposal of Treated Seeds
by Exaggerated Planting Rates.
Document (PDF) (519 KB PDF).

August 16, 1988. DER. 11 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Guideline Series 84: MUTAGENICITY Mammalian cells in culture
unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay in human fibroblast (WI-38) cells.
MRID 28625, 132952 and 133008.
Document (PDF) (931 KB PDF).

August 16, 1988. DER. 11 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Guideline Series 84: MUTAGENICITY Saccharomyces cerevisiae D3 assay.
mitotic recombination assay. MRID 28625, 132952 and 133008.
Document (PDF) (792 KB PDF).

August 16, 1988. DER. 12 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Guideline Series 84: MUTAGENICITY Escherichia coli WP2 assay.
MRID 28625, 132952 and 133008.
Document (PDF) (753 KB PDF).

August 16, 1988. DER. 13 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Guideline Series 84:
MUTAGENICITY Salmonella/mammalian activation gene mutation assay.
MRID 28625, 132952 and 133008.
Document (PDF) (811 KB PDF).

August 16, 1988. DER. 8 Page(s).
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Guideline Series 84: MUTAGENICITY Rec-Assay.
MRID 28625, 132952 and 133008.
Document (PDF) (559 KB PDF).

August 23, 1988. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Registration Standard for Methoxychlor - Nontarget Insect Studies.
MRID 36935.
Document (PDF) (533 KB PDF).

August 24, 1988. DER. 8 Page(s).
Kimberly Rhodes. Hunter Environmental Services for EEB.
Guideline 72-1 Acute freshwater fish, Static Rainbow trout.
MRID 98800.
Document (PDF) (401 KB PDF).

August 30, 1988. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Dana Spatz. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Registration Standard for Methoxychlor
(Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch Chapter).
Document (PDF) (233 KB PDF).

September 01, 1988. Memorandum. 23 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Methoxychlor Registration Standard.
Document (PDF) (201 KB PDF).

September 22, 1988. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Kyle Barbehenn. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Methoxychlor Registration Standard Cover Memo.
Document (PDF) (144 KB PDF).

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