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Bioconcentration Factors for Volatile Organic Compounds in Vegetation

Table 1. Analytes and surrogates



relative volatility
  surrogates - -
benzene-d6 9.45 84 82,85 500
fluorobenzene 9.91 96 70 690
1,4-difluorobenzene 10.06 114 63 860
1,2-dichloropropane 10.78 67 69 98
toluene-d8 13.02 98 100,99 2200
1,1,2-trichloroethane-d3 13.90 100 98 3800
1,2-dibromoethane-d4 15.44 111 113 5000
chlorobenzene-d5 16.55 117 119,82 5800
o-xylene-d10 17.81 98 116 8400
4-bromofluorobenzene 19.72 174 176 13000
bromobenzene-d5 20.05 161 163,82 12000
1,2-dichlorobenzene 22.65 152 150 22000
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 24.75 183 185 41000
naphthalene-d8 25.03 136 108 57000
  analytes - -
benzene 9.45 78 77 460
trichloroethene 10.61 130 132 2600
toluene 13.18 91 92 2100
tetrachloroethene 14.6 166 164 6100
ethylbenzene 16.79 106 91 5000
m,p-xylene 16.97 106 91 4500
o-xylene 18.15 106 91 8200
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 21.24 120 105 16000
1,4-dichlorobenzene 22.14 146 148 20000
naphthalene 25.07 128 108 41000
  monoterpenes - -
tricyclene 18.15 93 91,136 7400
a-pinene 18.58 93 91,136 5600
camphene 19.45 93 91,136 11000
b-pinene 20.49 93 91,136 4800
3-carene 21.23 93 91,136 6300
a-terpinene 21.39 93 91,136 8000
limonene 21.67 93 91,136 11000
g-terpinene 22.33 93 91,136 19000

a Retention times were determined using 60-m x 0.53-mm i.d., 3.0-µm film thickness. Temperature program was: 3 min at 10 °C, 50 C/min ramp to 40 °C; 5 C/min ramp to 120 °C; 20 C/min to 220 °C and held at 220 °C to end of run.
Relative volatility values from reference 7. Relative volatilities for monoterpenes were experimentally determined as part of this study.


Table 2. Bioconcentration factors for selected leaves.  
  dry wt (%) avg Totala
monoter- penes 
toluene tetrachloro- 
m,r-xylene 1,2,4-trimethyl- benzene 1,4-dichloro- benzene naphthalene
plant avg dev avg dev avg dev avg dev avg dev avg dev avg dev
juniper 40 1070. 900 400 420 590 100000 54000 76000 47000 NAb NA 280000 100000
rosemary 23 1000. 14000 6000 5400 8100 1100 7000 10000 7000 NA NA 66000 34000
pine 48 190. 2300 1800 440 80 1800 1300 1300 1100 53000 29000 6200 c 13000 10000
mock orange 42 53. 590 230 350 320 1600 900 2200 1500 110000 80000 5200 3100 39000 22000
ivy 37 3.9 190 - NA NA 290 - 9000 - 4000 - 8000 -
holly 43 3.1 220 180 210 210 260 290 230 160 1500 800 2300 1600 2900 1300
grass 20 0.6 200 70 220 190 350 240 420 200 1800 900 2700 300 5800 2600
olive 52 0.1 180 70 350 180 330 100 230 160 800 430 800 - 1400 600

a Concentrations determined as described in this study
b Concentration of analyte in leaves could not be determined.
c Only one determination

Table 3. The ratios of BCF to Koa and P values for VOCs in leaves


  toluene PCE ethyl-
m,r-xylene 1,2,4-trimethyl-
avg dev


juniper .47 .87 19.8 13.1 NAb NA 10.6 9.0 8.3 6.3 8.0
rosemary 7.64 16.8 2.1 1.8 NA NA 2.55 6.2 6.4 4.3 6.0
pine 1.2 .91 .35 .22 NA .41 .50 .60 .38 .43 .39
mock orange .31 .72 .30 .37 NA .35 .85 .48 .24 .35 .28
ivy .10 NA NA .05 .49 .25 .32 .24 .18 .15 .16
holly .12 .45 .05 .04 .08 .15 .11 .14 .14 .06 .13
grass .11 .46 .07 .07 .09 .18 .22 .17 .14 .08 .13
olive .09 .73 .06 .05 .04 .05 .05 .15 .25 .09 .24
Koaa 1900 480 5100 5800 19000 15000 26000        

a Koa values taken from reference 7.
concentration of analyte in leaves could not be determined.

Figure 1

Figure 1.  Concentrations of toluene in morning and afternoon air samples.

Figure 2

Figure 2.  Comparison of VOC concentrations in leaves varying with daily changes in air concentration as a function of analyte vapor pressure during sampling.

Figure 3

Figure 3.  Concentration of naphthalene in mock orange and air with calculated BCEs.



National Exposure Research Laboratory
Author:  Mike Hiatt / Email:  Hiatt.Mike@epa.gov
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