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Proposed Hazardous Waste Exports to Non-OECD Countries

The table below provides summary information regarding export notices submitted to EPA that propose exports of hazardous waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCRA) to a country outside of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The import and export of hazardous waste between the United States and other OECD countries is subject to a separate OECD agreement Exit EPA on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations. The information presented in the table is derived from the exporter’s notice of intent to export hazardous wastes to a non-OECD country under EPA’s Hazardous Waste Exports rule in 40 CFR Part 262, Subpart E. Such notices are required to include:

The Table also provides the general status of each notice (e.g., received by EPA, sent to intended receiving country, confirmed received by intended receiving country, consent or objection by intended receiving country).

Currently, the United States is not a Party to the Basel Convention Exit EPA on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. Article 4, Paragraph 5 of the Basel Convention generally prohibits Parties Exit EPA from importing hazardous wastes from non-Parties, although an exception exists where at least equivalent environmental control is provided under a different agreement (such as the OECD agreement). Pursuant to RCRA, the Secretary of State, acting on behalf of the EPA Administrator, is required to forward a notice of intended export to a non-OECD destination country. The US government communication transmitting the notice will present the US understanding as to whether the waste is controlled under Basel, and will note that the import may be subject to the domestic and international obligations of the importing country. It will also request a written reply from the prospective importing country indicating consent or objection to the proposed hazardous waste shipment.

An empty table indicates that there are no notices for export to a non-OECD country with any action during the 12 months preceding the date below.

Proposed Hazardous Waste Exports to non-OECD Countries as of April 26, 2011
Exporter Name Exporter Site Address Hazardous Waste Description Intended Receiving Country Intended Transit Countries General Status
Ramcar Batteries, Inc. 2700 Carrier Avenue
Commerce, CA 90040
Spent Lead Acid Batteries
(RCRA D008, Basel A1160)
Philippines None Consent per terms in notice by Philippines (expires 08/03/2012)
Renewable Planet, LLC 1178 Northeast 98 Street
Miami Shores, FL 33138
Used Lead Acid Batteries
(RCRA D002 & D008,
Basel A1160)
Peru Ecuador
Consent per terms in notice by: Peru (expires 03/07/2012), Ecuador (expires 10/01/2011), Panama (expires 03/07/2012)
Oasis Supply &
Trade, Inc.
5350 S. Western Ave,
Suite 404
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Spent Lead Acid Batteries
(RCRA D002 & D008,
Basel A1160)
Peru Ecuador
Notice forwarded to Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, and Panama
Acorn Exports LLC 320 Decker Drive,
Suite 100
Irving, TX 75062
Spent Lead Acid Batteries
(RCRA D002 & D008, Basel A1160)
Peru Ecuador
Two notices forwarded to Peru, Ecuador, and Panama

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