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International Initiatives

EPA's Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery participates in a number of projects to promote the safe handling of waste imports and exports. The projects include voluntary and regulatory initiatives:

OECD Waste Program - The Working Group on Waste Prevention and Recycling (WPR) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Exit EPA is tackling some of the most challenging issues regarding waste today, including: the prevention and minimization of waste generation; removing barriers to recycling; the management of unavoidable waste in an environmentally sound and economically efficient way; and the control and streamlining of exports and imports of hazardous waste recyclables among OECD Member countries.

US- Mexico Border 2012 Program - The US EPA and the Mexican government are implementing the 3rd US-Mexico Border agreement, entitled Border 2012 Program. The Border 2012 Program includes the development of policy on solid and hazardous waste issues through the Waste Policy Forum. The Waste Policy Forum is a border-wide advisory group charged with carrying out Goal # 3 the US-Mexico Border 2012 Program: The Reduction of Land Contamination.

Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Waste Program - The CEC Exit EPA was established through the North American Free Trade Agreement. The Hazardous Waste Task Force (HWTF) of the CEC is developing a North American approach to the application of principles on environmentally sound management, taking into account the special relationship among NAFTA countries. The HWTF is also working to improve the tracking of transboundary hazardous waste shipments among North American countries, based on an integrated and timely exchange of information in order to improve compliance, enhance border security, and minimize the administrative burden and costs to both the private sector and government agencies.

US-Canada Municipal Waste Import/Export Issues

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