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RCRA Showcase Pilots

On January 11, 2001, the EPA announced the second round of RCRA Cleanup Reforms. Part of the reforms initiative is the innovative cleanup pilots component, the RCRA Showcase Pilots. The pilots are intended to illustrate innovative efforts in RCRA Corrective Action cleanups at facilities nationwide and stimulate others to explore similar efforts to speed up progress toward EPA's cleanup goals under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

The scope of innovations in the RCRA Showcase Pilots is broad and includes multi-regional and sector-based approaches, new technologies or new applications of existing technologies, electronic information transfer and documentation, streamlined administrative process, brownfields redevelopment tools, risk-based performance standards, and enhanced stakeholder involvement.

The RCRA Showcase Pilots provide an excellent opportunity for program implementers, industry and other stakeholders to field test innovative approaches to expediting cleanup, to focus resources and expertise at one or multiple sites, and to showcase sites that can transfer lessons learned to other similar situations across the country. The pilots also provide an opportunity for the establishment of unique and beneficial partnerships for maximum public awareness of the innovations.

EPA's goal is to have 50 RCRA Showcase Pilots underway by the end of 2002. EPA invites pilot proposals on a continuous basis. Please contact your EPA Regional Office with your pilot ideas today.

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