GIS Data Used in the Risk Asessment
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Memorandum and report describing the GIS data used for site characterization in the risk analysis for this rulemaking (F-1999-RC2F-S0021) (70 pp, 168K)Site maps used in the risk analysis:
- Index of all maps
- Water maps zipped file (15MB)
- Soil maps zipped file (10MB)
- Land use maps zipped file (13MB)
- Consensus maps zipped file (12MB)
Excel spreadsheet files containing the site-specific data used in the risk analysis (model input and raw GIS data), includes emissions, air modeling, water body, and population data:
- Index for data tables spreadsheet (PDF) (1 pg, 6K)
- Data table 1 spreadsheet (Excel) (14MB)
- Data table 2 spreadsheet (Excel) (493K)
Site Maps for HWC GIS Data Docket: HWC Sites Ordered by Site ID