Interim Standards Rule and Final Amendments Rule
Interim Standards Rule (ISR) - February 13, 2002 | Final Amendments Rule (FAR) - February 14, 2002
Interim Standards Rule (ISR) - February 13, 2002
SummaryThe EPA is publishing interim air emission standards and revised compliance provisions for hazardous waste combustion sources as a result of a consensus settlement of issues among the environmental and regulated communities and EPA. The Agency believes that these interim standards will better protect human health and the environment than if the standards were vacated by the Court.
These interim standards:
- Leave critical parts of the 1999 rule intact;
- Make compliance easier for the regulated community and the implementing states; and
- Achieve most of its emission reductions.
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- Federal Register Notice: Interim Standards Rule (ISR) (PDF) (27 pp, 153 K)
- ISR Docket Index (PDF) (6 pp, 36K)
- Fact Sheet: Interim Emission Standards for 1999 Hazardous Waste Combustor Rule (PDF) (2 pp, 24K)
Final Amendments Rule (FAR) - February 14, 2002
SummaryEPA established standards for hazardous waste-burning cement kilns, lightweight aggregate kilns, and incinerators on September 30, 1999 pursuant to section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). This rule included not only the standards themselves, but a battery of provisions setting out the means by which the standards would be implemented.
Following promulgation of this final rule, the regulated community, through informal comments, raised numerous issues on specific requirements of the rule relating to provisions implementing the emission standards. In response to these concerns, we proposed and requested comment on changes to discrete provisions in the final rule (66 FR 35126 (PDF) (3 pp, 46 K), July 3, 2001).
Today's action finalizes some of the amendments proposed in that notice. These amendments do not change the numerical emission standards, but rather focus on improvements to the implementation of the emission standards, primarily in the areas of compliance, testing and monitoring. EPA also published a related final rule (66 FR 35088 (PDF) (21 pp, 124 K), July 3, 2001) establishing interim emission standards.
- Federal Register Notice: Final Amendments Rule (FAR) (PDF) (29 pp, 156 K) - February 14, 2002
- FAR Docket Index (PDF) (1 pg, 30K)