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About the SMM Data Management System

Image of SMM Data Mgmt database

In today's marketplace, many consumers look for products and services that use fewer natural resources, reduce greenhouse gases (GHG), and create less of an environmental impact. As a WasteWise partner or endorser, your organization can greatly reduce its climate footprint through waste prevention, recycling, and buying or manufacturing recycled products or by promoting these activities to others. The SMM Data Management System allows you to track and communicate the benefits of these waste diversion efforts while improving your operations.

What is the SMM Data Management System?

The SMM Data Management System is a reporting tool to track and report your organization's waste generation and reduction activities. It is free to WasteWise partners and endorsers Regardless of the number of facilities you have, the SMM Data Management System enables you to track and standardize waste management data for your entire operation. Here's how it works:

What you do:

What the SMM data management system does:

What are the Benefits?

The SMM Data Management System is currently used by a large number of companies, municipalities, and state agencies to track their waste management activities. Its ease of use and accessibility has numerous benefits, including:

image of wastewise page



In addition, EPA provides specific benefits to its WasteWise partners and endorsers, including:

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Where Can I Get More Information?

Information about WasteWise and all SMM challenges is available online at www.epa.gov/smm and through the Helpline at 1-800-EPA-WISE (372-9473) or wastewisehelp@epa.gov.

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