EPA in California

Public Notice: City of San Diego E.W. Blom Point Loma Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant and Ocean Outfall; NPDES Permit #CA0107409

Publish Date: 02/10/2017


U.S. EPA, Region IX and California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region

Notice of Opportunity to Comment and Notice of Adoption Meeting

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Region IX, WTR 2-3
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-3901
Telephone: (415) 972-3448

California Regional Water Quality Control Board

San Diego Region
2375 Northside Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108-2700
Telephone: (619) 516-1990

Notice is hereby given that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Region IX and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (San Diego Water Board) are jointly seeking public comments on proposed revisions to the Compliance Schedule for Pure Water San Diego Potable Reuse Tasks in section VI.C.7 of the Revised Tentative Order No. R9-2017-0007, Waste Discharge Requirements and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for the City Of San Diego, E.W. Blom Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge To The Pacific Ocean Through The Point Loma Ocean Outfall (Revised Tentative Order/Permit). The San Diego Water Board will consider adoption of the Revised Tentative Order/Permit at its April 12, 2017 Board meeting.


The City of San Diego is the owner and operator of the E.W. Blom Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant (Facility). This Facility is located at 1902 Gatchell Road, San Diego, California, and discharges chlorinated advanced (chemically assisted) primary treated municipal wastewater to the Pacific Ocean through the Point Loma Ocean Outfall, approximately 4.5 miles offshore, at a depth of about 300 feet. Sewage solids are treated and either land applied, used as alternative daily cover at a landfill, or disposed of at a municipal solid waste landfill.

The current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and Waste Discharge Requirements (NPDES Permit No. CA0107409, Order No. R9-2009-0001) are based on a variance from federal secondary treatment standards at title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) part 133, as provided for improved discharges under the Clean Water Act section 301(h) and 40 CFR part 125, subpart G. If adopted by the San Diego Water Board, the Revised Tentative Order/Permit will supersede Order No. R9-2009-0001 upon its effective date.

On October 28, 2016, Tentative Order No. R9-2017-0007 and the Tentative 301(h) Decision Document (TDD) were noticed and released for formal public review and comment. The October 28, 2016 notice established a December 21, 2016 deadline for submitting written comments. On December 14, 2016, USEPA, Region IX and the San Diego Water Board conducted a joint public hearing to receive oral and written comments on Tentative Order No. R9-2017-0007 and the TDD.

USEPA, Region IX and the San Diego Water Board revised the Tentative Order/Permit based upon written and oral comments received during the public comment period and the December 2016 joint public hearing. USEPA, Region IX and the San Diego Water Board are now seeking public comments on the proposed revisions to the Compliance Schedule for Pure Water San Diego Potable Reuse Tasks in section VI.C.7 of the Revised Tentative Order/Permit.

Document Availability

Information related to this matter, including the Revised Tentative Order/Permit and the TDD, may be reviewed at the offices of USEPA, Region IX or the San Diego Water Board (addresses above), during normal business hours, or at the following webpages: www.epa.gov/region9/water/npdes/pubnotices.html and www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego/board_decisions/tentative_orders/.Exit

Procedural Matters for the Adoption Meeting

The San Diego Water Board will consider adoption of the Revised Tentative Order/Permit at its April 12, 2017 Board meeting. Interested persons may speak at the Board meeting regarding any proposed revision in the Revised Tentative Order/Permit. Oral statements may be limited in time by the Board Chair. The April 12, 2017 Board meeting will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m., at the following location:

San Diego Water Board
Regional Board Meeting Room
2375 Northside Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108-2700

The meeting agenda, which will indicate any changes in the meeting location and may provide other specific information concerning this hearing, will be posted at least two weeks prior to the meeting date at www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego/board_info/agendas/.ExitThe hearing facilities will be accessible to persons with disabilities. The meeting notice and agenda for this meeting will provide contact information for persons requesting special accommodations.

The procedures governing San Diego Water Board meetings may be found in the California Code of Regulations (CCRs) title 23, section 647, et seq. and are available upon request.

Contact for Further Information

Please contact Peter Kozelka (kozelka.peter@epa.gov), (415) 972-3448,  or Joann Lim (joann.lim@waterboards.ca.gov), (619) 521-3362 for information regarding the Revised Tentative Order/Permit and TDD. Please bring the foregoing to the attention of any person known to you who would be interested in these matters.


Applicant or Respondent

City of San Diego
E.W. Blom Point Loma Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant and Ocean Outfall
1902 Gatchell Road
San Diego, CA 92106

Permit #: NPDES Permit No. CA0107409 - Revised Tentative Order No. R9-2017-0007

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