Virginian Province Information Management Plan
Data Management System for the Near Coastal
Demonstration Project - Volume I
1990 Demonstration Project
J.S. Rosen, J. Beaulieu, M. Hughes, H. Buffum, J. Copeland, R. Valente, J. Paul, F. Holland, S. Schimmel, C. Strobel, K. Summers, K. Scott and J. Parker
1990. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development. Washington, D.C.

This manual presents the rationale, approach, objectives and plan for establishing an information management system to meet the needs of the Near Coastal task group of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP-NC). The information generated by EMAP may be used by decision makers at all levels of government who set environmental policy; resource managers and regulators who require an objective basis for allocation of resources and prioritization of actions; researchers working on the development and understanding of ecological indicators and processes; and those interested in evaluating the effectiveness of the Nation's environmental policies for protecting and enhancing ecological resources.