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Materials from EHWG/BITF Meeting
February 2-4, 2005

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General Meeting Information

Meeting Agenda (PDF, 4pp, 27KB)
Reunión Agenda (PDF, 4pp, 28KB)

Strategy for Indicator Development (PDF, 24pp, 122KB)
Estrategia para el Desarrollo de los Indicadores (PDF, 25pp, 130KB)

Meeting Minutes (PDF, 6pp, 50KB)
Minutos de Reunión (PDF, 6pp, 51KB)

Meeting Participants (PDF, 10pp, 22KB)

Regional Priorities

Region 6 EH priorities (PDF, 24pp, 225KB)
Norma L. Duran, Ph.D.
USEPA, Region 6 El Paso Border Office

Arizona-Sonora priorities (PDF, 6pp, 104KB)
Ward Jacox - Arizona Department of Enviornmental Quality
Edith Frias Bustos - SEMARNAT - Sonora

USMBHC (PDF, 22pp, 1.9MB)
Eva Moya, LMSW
USMBHC U.S. Section Executive Director

Common issues of EH TF (PDF, 5pp, 14KB)

Future Plans

EHWG Action Plan (PDF, 4pp, 17KB)
Hal Zenick
EPA/Office of Research and Development

BITF Workplan (PDF, 7pp, 109KB)
Plan de Trabajo (PDF, 8pp, 110KB)

Indicator Development for the US-Mexico Border (PDF, 16pp, 176KB)
Desarrollo de Indicadores Para la Frontera Mexico – Estados Unidos (PDF, 16pp, 170KB)

EHWG and BITF Partner Experiences

Lessons Learned (PDF, 12pp, 383KB)
Piedad Huerta, Health Promotion Officer, PAHO/WHO
Alma Galvan, Environmental Health Consultant, PAHO/WHO

The Role of Environmental Public Health Indicators (PDF, 10pp, 36KB)
Michael A. McGeehin, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.
Director, Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects
National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Red Binacional de Monitoreo de Enfermedades Relacionadas con el Medio Ambiente (PDF, 20pp, 1.1MB)

Other EHWG Activities

Past EHWG priorities (PDF, 9pp, 291KB)
Hal Zenick ,
EPA/Office of Research and Development

EHWG with USMBHC (PDF, 16pp, 571KB)

Update on pesticide activities (PDF, 28pp, 218KB)
Kennan Garvey
EPA/Office of Pesticide Programs

Yellow pages to e-group (PDF, 12pp, 417KB)
Kirstin Crowder
Association of Schools of Public Health
Fellow at the USEPA Office of Research & Development

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