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Projects & Publications

Assessment of Assets and Needs of Federally Funded C/MHCs' Ability to Address Respiratory and Cardiovascular Illness Related to Air Pollution

Start Date: October 14, 2005 | Completion Date: June 30, 2006

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Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to assess the resources currently available in selected C/MHC communities along the border and to determine their level of knowledge and need for additional information in order to provide appropriate promotion of respiratory and cardio vascular health, and prevention of contamination and disease as a result of exposure to airborne contaminants.

Project Description

Activities will primarily focus on the environmental health needs of the 29 PHS 330-funded health centers in California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, specific to airborne contaminants and the ensuing illnesses.

These funds will be used to convene key stakeholders, solicit input regarding the needs and develop a plan to thoroughly assess the environmental health needs, to include mapping assets and HRSA/EPA resources in the area. Key stakeholders will include individuals and agencies involved in the health professions and in environmental protection.

Accomplishments: NCFH proposes to convene a meeting of key stakeholders to familiarize each with the current activities and level of investment of each in this area, and to facilitate a dialog with all representatives designed to accomplish the following:

  1. A comprehensive literature search to identify current bodies of research reporting on air pollution and illness along the border, and document findings
  2. A review and discussion of available literature, including educational interventions, gaps in literature and need for future research and documentation.
  3. Key stakeholder meetings to map the assets currently in place in the area, including access to primary care and health center needs for training related to community environmental risk assessment and history taking.
  4. Identification, prioritization and documentation of training, information and communication needs.
  5. Determination of how collaboration on these needs can help to maximize investment of staff and financial resources already in place.
  6. One workshop on this topic at the Midwestern Stream Forum, for health providers of federally funded C/MHCs with educational information pertinent to the topic of airborne contaminants and respiratory and cardiovascular disease.
  7. Two to three additional educational sessions held for federally funded C/MHCs in other border states, number and location to be determined by receptivity and needs
  8. Representatives from selected communities engaged in participation in the newly formed Border/Bi-National Health E-Group

Expected Outcomes

The desired outcome of these activities is a heightened awareness among clinical and lay health providers along the border regarding air borne pollutants as asthma triggers, and educational interventions that can be used effectively to manage care.

Presentations or Publications

Literature review and bibliography
Assessment of needs and current assets
Educational presentation developed in response to the identified needs (PPT)

Project Contacts

Bobbi Ryder
National Center for Farmworker Health
(512) 312-5453


NCFH, and three selected border communities, to include federally funded Community and Migrant Health Centers and other health service organizations.

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