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The NNEMS program is currently being evaluated by EPA.

Thank you for your interest in EPA's National Network for Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS) Fellowship Program. The NNEMS program is currently being evaluated by EPA, and we hope to have information about the 2011 program posted here in the near future.

The NNEMS program is currently being evaluated by EPA.

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NNEMS Project 2010-209

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Program Announcement
Identifier: EPA-EED-10-01

NNEMS Catalog for 2010
(EPA 171-B-09-001)

[PDF, 1.5 MB, 118 pages]

NNEMS Application Materials
[PDF, 631 KB, 17 pages]

For additional information, e-mail the NNEMS Fellowship Program

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To view answers to questions submitted by other applicants or updated information about the projects, click here.

Environmental Management and Administration

Preferred Project Period:
5/10/10 - 12/17/10

Desired Education Level(s):

Project Title:
Assessment of Habitat Restoration Need in Long Island Sound National Estuary Program Area

Sponsoring Office:
Region 2, Long Island Sound Office

Project Overview:
Long Island Sound (LIS) is an estuary of national significance and part of the National Estuary Program (NEP). In 2006, the Long Island Sound Study Policy Committee set targets for restoration of habitat as follows: (1) protect or restore 300 acres of coastal habitat; and (2) open 50 miles of riverine migratory corridors for fish passage between 2006 and 2011. Federal, state, and local partners are working toward reaching these targets; however, the actual magnitude, in acres or miles, of degraded wetlands and river migratory corridors has not been evaluated or documented. Although the LIS NEP has been successful in restoring lengths of river for fish passage and in restoring tidal wetlands and other coastal habitats, it is not yet known how the amounts restored to date compare with the total amounts that can be restored. Also unknown is the extent to which tidal wetlands will be able to migrate inland under conditions of sea level rise attributable to climate change.

Under this project, the fellow will populate a geographic information system (GIS) database with completed river migratory corridors projects and other river features to develop a clear picture of the total river miles that are open to fish passage and the remaining miles that are blocked. The restoration mileage to date will be assessed in light of past and future targets and the total number of river miles that require and are available for restoration will be calculated. The fellow will also review a catalog of potentially degraded tidal wetlands using aerial photography and GIS. The method of this review will include: (1) the identification and calculation of acreage degraded by Phragmites australis, an invasive species, and other degradation agents; (2) assessment of which of these sites may have tidal flow restraints that are contributing to Phragmites infestation; (3) calculation and comparison of the total acreage of tidal wetlands with the acreage degraded; and (4) identification of wetlands where adjoining upland sites could provide areas for wetland migration under sea level rise conditions.

Project Goals:
The fellow will gain experience working with professionals dedicated to habitat protection in New York and Connecticut. The fellow will also gain experience using remote sensing, such as aerial photograph analysis to evaluate landscape conditions; using GIS to organize, display, and evaluate environmental data; working closely with career professionals in natural resource restoration; communicating with diverse project partners; and understanding the challenges in natural resources protection and restoration on a landscape scale. There may be limited opportunities for field work assisting biologists with fish passage projects, tidal wetland monitoring, or other outdoor activities.

Final Product of the Project:
Under supervision, the fellow will complete and develop GIS data layers and related metadata, perform calculations of river miles and acreages, and present the results using mapping tools and a written narrative. The fellow may be requested to present results orally to interested parties.

Project Location:
EPA Region 2, Stamford, CT

Project Officer Information

Mark Tedesco
Region 2, Long Island Sound Office

Office Mission/Responsibility

The mission of the Long Island Sound office is to coordinate implementation of the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan developed under the National Estuary Program.

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