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Brownfields Newsroom Announcements
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Fiscal Year 2015
Announcing Supplemental Funding for Revolving Loan Fund Grants
EPA has selected 31 high-performing Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) grantees to receive over $13.2 million in supplemental funding. The additional funding will recapitalize grants to help communities carry out cleanup activities that will lead to redevelopment and new jobs for local residents. -
ANNOUNCING $54.3 Million in FY15 Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Grants
We are pleased to announce 147 communities will receive 243 grants totaling $54.3 million in EPA Brownfields funding. These funds will aid communities and businesses to return economic stability to under-served and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods through the assessment and cleanup of abandoned industrial and commercial properties.- EPA News Release May 28, 2015
- List of FY15 Assessment and Cleanup Awardees (PDF) (12pp, 142KB, about PDF)
- Fact Sheet for These Grant Awardees (PDF) (158pp, 718KB, about PDF)
- Search here for Fact Sheets for These Grant Awardees in the Fact Sheet Tool
- List of FY15 Applicants (PDF) (16p, 172KB, about PDF)
Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) Grantees Selected
EPA is awarding approximately $3.6 million in grants to 19 communities across the country to recruit, train, and place unemployed and underemployed individuals with the skills needed to secure employment in the environmental field. EPA will award up to $192,300 per recipient so they can develop training programs that help local residents secure employment within their communities conducting brownfields remediation, Superfund cleanup, wastewater management, solid waste recycling and cleanup, integrated pest management, chemical safety, solar installation, and other environmental work. -
FY 2015 Funds to Supplement Eligible Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants
EPA is announcing the availability of an estimated $5.8 million in FY 2015 funds to supplement eligible Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) grants. Grants eligible to request supplemental funds are Brownfields RLF grants that have been previously awarded competitively under Section 104(k)(3) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) or that have transitioned to Section 104(k)(3) of CERCLA, and subject to other identified criteria (see links below). Requests for funding must be postmarked by April 23, 2015. Specific information on eligibility and criteria for submitting a request can be obtained by contacting your EPA Brownfields Coordinator listed in the Federal Register Notice (see link below). -
New Brownfields Area Wide Planning (BF AWP) Grantees Selected
EPA is awarding approximately $4 million in grants to 20 communities across the country to assist with planning for cleanup and reuse of Brownfields sites as part of the Brownfields Area-Wide Planning (AWP) program. EPA will award up to $200,000 per recipient so they can engage the community and conduct Brownfields planning activities to consider brownfields site reuses in conjunction with community assets. The projects were selected using criteria which, among other things, demonstrates the applicant's ability to advance livability principles, support local and regional planning efforts, and engage community members throughout the project. - ANNOUNCING FY15 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants - Request for Proposals EPA is announcing the availability of funding to nonprofit organizations and eligible entities to deliver environmental workforce development and job training programs focused on hazardous and solid waste management, assessment, and cleanup associated activities, chemical safety, emergency response, integrated pest management, and waste and stormwater management. These grants are provided to organizations to develop environmental programs that recruit, train, and place, unemployed and under-employed, including low-income and minority, residents historically affected by hazardous and solid waste sites and facilities with the skills needed to secure full-time, sustainable employment in the environmental field and in the assessment and cleanup work taking place in their communities. Please note that under this competition, applicants will be required to submit their proposals through Hard copy submissions will not be accepted under the FY15 competition. Proposals are due February 3, 2015.
ANNOUNCING New Request for Proposals - FY 2015 Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Grant Guidelines
These brownfields grants may be used to address sites contaminated by petroleum and hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants (including hazardous substances co-mingled with petroleum). Opportunities for funding are as follows: Brownfields Assessment Grants (each funded up to $200,000 over three years; Assessment Coalitions are funded up to $600,000 over three years) and Brownfields Cleanup Grants (each funded up to $200,000 over three years). Please note that applicants who received an Assessment grant from EPA in Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) are eligible to apply under this competition. If the applicant was a member of a coalition that was awarded a grant in FY14, that applicant is also eligible to apply under this assessment competition. The proposal submission deadline is December 19, 2014.- FY2015 Brownfields Assessment Grant Guidelines (PDF) (60 pp, 870K)
- FY2015 Brownfields Cleanup Grant Guidelines (PDF) (62 pp, 763K)
- Summary of FY15 Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup (AC) Guideline Changes (PDF) (11 pp, 364K)
- FY2015 Assessment Guideline Checklist (PDF) (12 pp, 527K)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF) (48 pp, 673K)
ANNOUNCING New Request for Proposals- FY 2015 Brownfields Area-Wide Planning (BF AWP) Grant Guidelines
EPA is announcing the availability of funding to eligible entities who wish to develop an area-wide plan for brownfields assessment, cleanup, and subsequent reuse. This funding is for research, technical assistance, and/or training activities directed to one or more brownfield site(s) located in a specific area (such as a neighborhood, district, local commercial corridor, community waterfront or city block). Each project funded under this grant must result in an area-wide plan which includes specific plan implementation strategies for assessing, cleaning up, and reusing the brownfields site(s) as well as related brownfields and project area revitalization strategies. EPA anticipates awarding approximately 20 projects in total, funded at up to $200,000 each. Please note that applicants who received a BF AWP grant from EPA in Fiscal Year 2010 or 2013 (FY10 or FY13) are not eligible to apply under this competition. The proposal submission deadline is September 22, 2014.- FY2015 Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Grant Guidelines (PDF) (57 pp, 695KB)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (32 pp, 548KB)
- Guidelines Outreach Webinars: EPA will provide two guidelines outreach webinars. The same information will be presented at each webinar. Webinar times/dates:
- The archived recording of the July 30, 2014 webinar is available at
- The archived recording of the August 14, 2014 webinar is available at
- Webinar slides only
- More information on EPA’s BF AWP Grant program is at
- Link to Climate Communities archived webinar (September 4, 2014):
Fiscal Year 2014
Awarding $4 Million in Grant Funding for Brownfields Research and Technical Assistance to Support Community Revitalization
We are awarding approximately $4 million in grants to four organizations for brownfields research and technical assistance projects with national scope and impact. Each grant recipient will receive approximately $200,000 in annual funding for up to five years. A critical part of the EPA's brownfields program is to further environmental justice by ensuring that residents living in communities historically affected by economic disinvestment, health disparities, and environmental contamination have an opportunity to benefit from revitalization and environmental cleanup in these areas. In an effort to advance these benefits, the brownfields program supports research and technical assistance to communities to facilitate the assessment, cleanup, and reuse of brownfields. The EPA has funded a variety of projects that provide practical information, tools, and technical assistance to support brownfields revitalization and meaningful community engagement nationwide.Click here to learn more about Brownfields Training, Research and Technical Assistance Grants and this year’s recipients.
- Announcing $67 Million in FY14 Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) Grants
We are pleased to announce that 171 communities will receive 264 Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) grants totaling $67 million in EPA brownfields funding. These funds will give communities and businesses a chance to return economic stability to under-served and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods through the assessment and clean-up of abandoned industrial and commercial properties.- EPA News Release
- Fact Sheets for These Grant Awardees
- List of Awardees (14pp , 105K)
- List of All FY14 Applicants (15pp , 88K)
- Announcing $3.6 Million in FY14 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) Grants to Provide Unemployed Residents with Training for Job Opportunities
EPA has selected 18 grantees for the award of approximately $3.6 million through the EWDJT program. The grants fund training programs in local nonprofit organizations, community colleges, cities, states, tribes, and counties that provide unemployed and under-employed individuals with the comprehensive skills and certifications needed to enter full-time careers in the environmental field. The funding also supports job placement and recruitment activities. While each grantee will develop their own training curriculum, graduates of the program will be able to participate in activities such as: land remediation, recycling, wastewater treatment, underground storage tank removal, and emergency response related work in their respective communities. - ANNOUNCING FY14 Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant Application Guidelines - New Request for Proposals
EPA is announcing the availability of funding to eligible entities, including nonprofit organizations, to conduct research, or provide technical assistance to communities facing brownfields cleanup and revitalization challenges. Proposals are due April 18, 2014. Focus areas of this announcement include:- technical assistance to environmental workforce development and job training grantees
- technical assistance on the integration of environmental justice and equitable development for brownfields-impacted communities
- research on the benefits of brownfields redevelopment
- technical assistance on brownfields financing and economic development strategies to brownfields-impacted communities
- FY14 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant Application Guidelines - Request for Proposals
EPA is announcing the availability of funding to nonprofit organizations and eligible entities to deliver environmental workforce development and job training programs focused on hazardous and solid waste management, assessment, and cleanup associated activities, chemical safety, and wastewater management. These Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) grants are provided to recruit, train, and place, unemployed and under-employed, including low-income and minority, residents historically affected by hazardous and solid waste sites and facilities with the skills needed to secure full-time, sustainable employment in the environmental field and in the assessment and cleanup work taking place in their communities. Proposals are due February 13, 2014.
- Grant Funding Guidance for State and Tribal Response Programs
Section 128(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended, authorizes a noncompetitive $50 million grant program to establish and enhance state and tribal response programs. Generally, these response programs address the assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of brownfields sites and other sites with actual or perceived contamination. This document provides guidance that will enable states and tribes to apply for and use Fiscal Year 2014 section 128(a) funds. The application deadline is January 31, 2014.
- ANNOUNCING New Request for Proposals- FY 2014 Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund and Cleanup Grant Guidelines
These brownfields grants may be used to address sites contaminated by petroleum and hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants (including hazardous substances co-mingled with petroleum). Opportunities for funding are as follows: Brownfields Assessment Grants (each funded up to $200,000 over three years; coalitions are funded up to $600,000 over three years), Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants (each funded up to $1,000,000 over five years) and Brownfields Cleanup Grants (each funded up to $200,000 over three years). Please note that applicants who received an Assessment grant from EPA in Fiscal Year 2013 (FY13) are not eligible to apply under this competition. If the applicant was a member of a coalition that was awarded a grant in FY13, that applicant is not eligible to apply under this assessment competition. The proposal submission deadline is January 22, 2014.- FY2014 Brownfields Assessment Grant Guidelines (PDF) (62 pp, 437K)
- FY2014 Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant Guidelines (PDF) (56 pp, 411K)
- FY2014 Brownfields Cleanup Grant Guidelines (PDF) (65 pp, 453K)
- FY2014 Assessment Guideline Checklist (PDF) (11 pp, 552K)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF) (52 pp, 908K)