Brownfields Newsroom Archive — 2013
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- All Appropriate Inquiries Rulemaking Update
On December 30, 2013, EPA published a final rule amending the All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) Rule to reference ASTM International's E1527-13 "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process" and allow for its use to comply with the AAI Rule (78 FR 79319).
ASTM International regularly reviews and revises their standards and the ASTM E1527 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Standard was recently revised, and is now ASTM E1527-13.
Other than recognizing the new ASTM E1527-13 standard as compliant with the all appropriate inquiries rule, the final rule makes no changes to the final rule setting standards and practices for conducting all appropriate inquiries at 40 C.F.R. Part 312.
The ASTM E1527-13 standard is available from ASTM International at, phone number 1-610-832-9585.
- Getting Started Preparing Your ARC Proposal Early
Every year we receive numerous inquiries regarding preparation of proposals for the Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) grant competitions. Many potential applicants find that it is difficult to prepare their proposals in only 60 days, the typical amount of time the Request for Proposals (RFP) allows from publication until the proposals are due. While the RFP is on schedule to be available in early fall, there are still many activities that applicants can perform in advance of the RFP (commonly referred to as the ARC Guidelines) being made publically available in order to prepare in advance for the competition. We have listed many of these activities in the attached document. We hope that using this list to get started preparing your ARC proposal early will facilitate your efforts in the preparation of a thorough, thoughtful, timely, and most importantly, successful proposal.- Getting Started Preparing Your ARC Proposal Early (PDF) (3 pp., 107K)
- Roadmap for Auto Community Revitalization
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR), the Department of Labor's (DOL) Office of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers, and the Manufacturing Alliance of Communities (formerly the Mayors Automotive Coalition (MAC) are jointly releasing "Roadmap for Auto Community Revitalization." The document provides resources and information for communities affected by the recent restructuring of the U.S. auto industry. As these cities and towns move forward with efforts to rebuild sustainable and economically vibrant communities, this roadmap can provide useful information about the sources of funding and technical assistance currently available to communities with historical ties to the automotive industry, or "auto communities." The Roadmap also provides many stories describing the experiences of auto towns, large and small, throughout the United States. These efforts were led by the mayors, city managers, economic development directors, and other elected and appointed officials who are driving auto community revitalization on the local level. These communities are learning many lessons as they travel the long road to community revitalization.- EPA Press Release
- Roadmap for Auto Community Revitalization (PDF) (72 pp., 10.0M)
- Announcing Supplemental Funding for Revolving Loan Fund Grants
EPA has selected 41 high-performing Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) grantees to receive $15 million in supplemental funding. The additional funding will recapitalize grants to help communities carry out cleanup activities that will lead to redevelopment and new jobs for local residents.- EPA Press Release
- List of Awardees (PDF) (3 pp., 91.6K)
- FY13 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) Grants Announced
A total of approximately $3.2 million in funds is being awarded to local governmental and nonprofit organizations to recruit, train, and place unemployed individuals living in solid and hazardous waste-impacted communities with the skills and certifications needed to secure full-time employment in the environmental field. A total of 16 grants awards were selectd at amounts up to $200,000 each for three year project periods. While each grantee will develop their own training curriculum, graduates of the program will be able to participate in activities such as: land remediation, recycling, wastewater treatment, underground storage tank removal, and emergency response related work in their respective communities.
- Announcing the Selection of New Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) Grants
A total of $62.5 million in funds is being awarded by EPA through the Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) Grants to assess and clean up abandoned industrial and commercial properties. Selection of the 140 communities, which represents 240 grants to be awarded later this summer, ranges from $200,000 for Assessment and Cleanup grants to $1 million for Revolving Loan Fund grants. These communities will benefit from the assessment and cleanup activities that will be completed using these funds.
- New Brownfields Area Wide Planning (BF AWP) Grantees Selected
EPA has selected 20 communities across the nation to be awarded approximately $4 million in total -grant funding. These communities will use the funds to develop area-wide plans and specific implementation strategies for integrating the cleanup and reuse of brownfield sites into neighborhood revitalization efforts. Communities were selected in part using language developed under the HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities which helps the three agencies to align their investments. The projects were selected using criteria which, among other things, demonstrates the applicant's ability to advance livability principles, support local and regional planning efforts, and engage community members throughout the project.
- FY 2013 Funds to Supplement Eligible Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants
EPA is announcing the availability of an estimated $6 million in FY 2013 funds to supplement eligible Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) grants. Grants eligible to request supplemental funds are Brownfields RLF grants that have been previously awarded competitively under Section 104(k)(3) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) or that have transitioned to Section 104(k)(3) of CERCLA, and subject to other identified criteria (see links below). Requests for funding must be postmarked by May 20, 2013. Specific information on eligibility and criteria for submitting a request can be obtained by contacting your EPA Brownfields Coordinator listed in the Federal Register Notice (see link below).- Federal Register Notice (PDF) (2 pp, 192K)
- FY13 RLF Supplemental Funding Process Memo (PDF) (4 pp, 36K)
- Evaluation of the National Brownfields Program
EPA recently conducted the first national program evaluation of the outcomes, efficiencies, and economic benefits produced by Brownfields grants. Over 8,000 Brownfield sites were evaluated to determine property milestones achieved and how funding was used at those properties. As a result of this evaluation, EPA's Brownfields Program has been able to make important programmatic changes to their grant and Revolving Loan Fund activities to improve future outcomes.
Evaluation of the Brownfields Program, Part I and Part II (73 pp, 2.3M)
The final section of the evaluation was a rigorous analysis, using fixed-effect and quasi-experimental methods, estimating the causal effect of Brownfields cleanups on personal property values. Through this analysis it was determined that personal property values increased 5.1% - 12.8% near Brownfield sites when cleanup is completed. Part III of this evaluation can be found here:
Estimating the Impacts of Brownfield Remediation on Housing Property Values (67 pp, 1.51M)
- FY 2013 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant Application Guidelines - Request for Proposals
EPA provides funds to nonprofit organizations and eligible entities to deliver environmental workforce development and job training programs focused on hazardous and solid waste management, assessment, and cleanup associated activities, chemical safety, and wastewater management. Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) grants are provided to recruit, train, and place, unemployed and under-employed, including low-income and minority, residents historically affected by hazardous and solid waste sites and facilities with the skills needed to secure full-time, sustainable employment in the environmental field and in the assessment and cleanup work taking place in their communities. Proposals are due April 9,2013.- Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant Guidelines (PDF) (40 pp, 457K)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (16 pp, 109K)
- Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities - New TAB Grants Announced
The EPA recently selected a new round of TAB grantees. Building on their previous experience working with communities, and their extensive team of subgrantees, contractors, partners and other network contacts, three new TAB grantees, the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Kansas State University (KSU), and the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), will help communities tackle the challenge of assessing, cleaning up and preparing brownfields sites for redevelopment, especially underserved, rural, small, and otherwise distressed communities. Technical assistance being provided through these grants will help communities across the country move brownfields sites forward in the process toward cleanup and reuse. More information about the TAB grantee providing technical assistance in your area can be found at the following link - - FY2013 Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Grant Guidelines – Request for Proposals
These grants may be used by communities to facilitate community involvement in developing an area-wide plan for brownfields assessment, cleanup and subsequent reuse on a catalyst site and other high-priority brownfield sites. Each grant is funded up to $200,000 for two years. The proposal submission deadline is November 30, 2012.- FY2013 Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Grant Guidelines (PDF) (55 pp, 448K)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (24 pp, 255K)
- Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities Grant Guidelines – Request for Proposals
The EPA is announcing $5 million in grants to provide technical assistance to communities. The EPA anticipates award of up to nine (9) cooperative agreement(s). Grants awarded under the Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities (TAB) announcement will help communities tackle the challenge of assessing, cleaning up and preparing brownfields sites for redevelopment, especially underserved/rural/small and otherwise distressed communities. Technical assistance being provided through this grant should also be geared toward results and help to move brownfields sites forward in the process toward cleanup and reuse. The maximum value of each grants will be based on the technical assistance being provided; however, grants in geographical area 5 shall not exceed $1,000,000 and grants in geographical areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 shall not exceed $500,000 each under this competitive opportunity. The proposal deadline is November 14, 2012.- Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities (TAB) grant guidelines (PDF) (33 pp, 670K)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (3 pp, 26K)
- FY2013 Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund and Cleanup Grant Guidelines – Announcing New Request for Proposals
These grants may be used to address sites contaminated by petroleum and hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants (including hazardous substances co-mingled with petroleum). Opportunities for funding are as follows: Brownfields Assessment Grants (each funded up to $200,000 over three years; coalitions are funded up to $600,000 over three years), Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants (each funded up to $1,000,000 over five years) and Brownfields Cleanup Grants (each funded up to $200,000 over three years). The proposal submission deadline is November 19, 2012.- FY2013 Brownfields Assessment Grant Guidelines (PDF) (58 pp, 581K)
- FY2013 Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant Guidelines (PDF) (52 pp, 489K)
- FY2013 Brownfields Cleanup Grant Guidelines (PDF) (62 pp, 541K)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (50 pp, 233K)
- FY2013 Assessment Guideline Checklist (PDF) (8 pp, 429K)
- FY2013 Brownfields Guideline: A Detailed Review of Assessment, RLF, and Cleanup Application Process (PDF) (69 pp, 1.9M)