Water: Habitat Protection
Coral Reef Links

- International Initiatives
- U.S. Federal Agencies
- General Coral Reef Information
- For Kids and Teachers
- Labs, Research, and Monitoring
International Initiatives
- International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)
- International Year of the Ocean
- International Year of the Ocean
National Atmospheric and Atmospheric Administration -
- National Ocean Conference
Gathering of U.S. ocean policy makers and representatives of academia, environmental groups, business and industry, and local, state and federal government in celebration of the Year of the Ocean. Monterey, California, June 11 and 12, 1998.
- National Ocean Conference
- International Year of the Ocean
U.S. Federal Agencies
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Photo by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. -
- NOAA's Coral Reef Home Page
Overview of NOAA's coral reef activities - Extent and Condition of U.S. Coral Reefs
Part of NOAA's State of the Coast Report - Year of the Ocean Kids' and Teachers' Resources
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Data and research services to help improve and sustain coral reef health throughout the world - National Marine Sanctuaries
- NOAA's Coral Reef Home Page
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- Protecting the Nation's Coral Reefs
- President Mandates Coral Reef Protection
- Environmental Studies Program Results at Flower Garden Banks
Gulf of Mexico Region Minerals Management Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
General Coral Reef Information
The following links transport you off U.S. government sites. Any of the links below do not constitute an endorsement of any organization's policies or any item they may offer for sale.
An Internet information service designed to increase the understanding of coral reef ecosystems -
Coral Reefs
From the book Essentials of Oceanography, H.V. Thurman, 1993. Posted by Indiana University -
Coral Spawning
Movies and information from the University of Guam Marine Laboratory -
Fish Eye Cam
Coral web cams sponsored by a coral aquaculture company -
Jurassic Reef Park
Information on ancient coral reefs from the Institute for Paleontology and Historical Geology, Munich, Germany -
Marine Life of Hawaii
From the Hawaii Coral Reef Network
For Kids and Teachers
The following links transport you off U.S. government sites. Any of the links below do not constitute an endorsement of any organization's policies or any item they may offer for sale.
Secrets of the Ocean Realm: In the Classroom
Materials to accompany the PBS mini-series Secrets of the Ocean Realm -
Marine Biology Web
An educational resource for marine biology students -
A marine science information and interaction web site -
The Bridge
Ocean sciences teacher resource center
Labs, Research, and Monitoring
The following links transport you off U.S. government sites. Any of the links below do not constitute an endorsement of any organization's policies or any item they may offer for sale.
National Coral Reef Institute
Established by Congress in 1998 for research and education on coral reef ecology, assessment, monitoring, recovery, and restoration. -
Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network
Launched in 1995 by the International Coral Reef Initiative to assess status and trends in reefs and how people use and value them -
International Society for Reef Studies
Promotes the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge and understanding of coral reefs, both living and fossil. Produces the quarterly journal Coral Reefs. -
Planetary Coral Reef Foundation
Coral reef research in a global context, including training programs and expeditions -
Coral Reef Ecology
University of Charleston -
Carribbean Marine Research Center
At Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas -
Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory
University of the West Indies -
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Coral information with an emphasis on the Great Barrier Reef -
Coral Reef Research Institute
The University of Sydney (Australia) -
Florida Keys Coral Reef Monitoring Project
Cooperative effort by EPA, the Florida Marine Research Institute, the University of Charleston (South Carolina), and the University of Georgia. Information posted by the Universtiy of Charleston. -
Reef Check
Largest international coral reef monitoring program involving recreational divers and marine scientists -
Database on coral reefs and their resources developed by governmental and academic institutions -
Information on the database from the World Conservation Monitoring Centre -
Non-Destructive Coral Health Monitoring
Thesis paper on a non-destructive method of assessing coral health, St. Mary's College, Maryland -
VitaReef Program
Standardized method of characterizing the conditions of reef corals -
Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia
1998 report from the World Resources Institute -
Reef Environmental Education Foundation
Marine life conservation through education, research and involvement of divers and non-divers -
ReefGuardian International
Non-profit membership organization dedicated to the worldwide protection of coral reefs and their marine life -
Reef Relief
Non-profit membership organization dedicated to preserve and protect living coral reef ecosystems -
Marine Conservation Biology Institute
Nonprofit organization dedicated to safeguarding life in the sea by advancing the multidisciplinary science of marine conservation biology -
Hawaii Coral Reef Network
Grass-roots organization of individuals from state and non-governmental agencies concerned with the conservation of Hawaii's coral reef resources
For additional information contact:
Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds
Ocean and Coastal Protection Division
Mail Code 4504T
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20460